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医学专业学位研究生教育是为了向社会提供高层次应用型医学专门人才,以提高临床医疗队伍整体素质为教育目标.这项工作有其自身特点,同时也面临着各种问题的挑战.实行"双导师制"培养模式.有利于实现临床教学和科学研究的双向互补,有利于将研究生所学知识更好地应用到临床实践中,实施创新实践能力教育,更好地按照社会实际需要培养职业性人才.  相似文献   

随着我国医学研究生教育规模的扩大,研究生的培养质量问题备受关注.在研究生培养体系中,导师制度及导师队伍建设发挥着举足轻重的作用.比利时的医学研究生教育使用"导师小组负责制",导师队伍结构科学合理,学术水平高,并具有管理自主性强、国际化和企业化的特点.这些特色可为我国医学研究生教育改革提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

This paper applies the concept of diaspora to the analysis of the creation and maintenance of an ethnically diverse community of internationally educated medical graduates residing in Canada. Traditionally, the research on diaspora concerns ethnic communities that preserve their homeland ties while residing in foreign countries. We suggest, however, that ethnic roots are not imperative for the analysis of diasporic communities when other forms of shared values and meanings can become a basis for creation of collective identity. Reconfiguring both the homeland and host country as places of geographical and professional belonging provides opportunity to conceptualize an ethnically diverse group of immigrant physicians residing in Canada as professional diaspora. Probing the interviews with 67 international medical graduates living in Canada, we demonstrate (1) how they create medical diaspora, (2) what myths and sensitivities they share in constructing their professional and/or geographic homelands, and (3) the relationship they develop with their hosting society. We suggest that in spite of the increasing mobility of internationally educated health care providers, the analysis of professional diasporas could become a useful tool for analyzing complex relationships between home countries, hosting countries, and international travelers.  相似文献   

A primary goal of scientists, be they psychologists or physicists, is the detection of cause‐and‐effect relationships. In whatever field of study, the impact of the independent variable upon the dependent variable is assessed either indirectly through presumed change (comparing groups cross‐sectionally) or directly through observed change (comparing a single entity or groups of entities longitudinally). Researchers' conceptualization of change varies quite dramatically, even within the field of psychology, with attendant variation in research designs and statistics commonly employed. We discuss the array of options available to conceptualize, capture, and model change, including their strengths and weaknesses, using examples from our own research in personality lifespan development, along with others' related research.  相似文献   

Recent medical evidence indicates that marijuana is more harmful than had previously been suspected. A review of recent research in the following areas is presented: tolerance and persistence, reproductive system, respiratory system, immune system, central nervous system, genetic and chromosomal effects, and behavioral effects. Implications for mental health professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

This article addresses selected effects of postmodernism on spirituality and contains a discussion of implications for promoting change in counseling. Because aspects of postmodern spirituality can prevent change, spiritual transformation may need to occur in the life of the client. Spiritual transformation is conceptualized as a process of helping the client develop resilient spirituality, which can enable the client to overcome his or her difficulties. Resilient spirituality involves finding meaning in adherence to a set of larger beliefs, the exercise of faith as a way of knowing, and an experience of connection with God and others.  相似文献   

Older adults are a rapidly growing segment of the population, who have high rates of chronic illness and who utilize health care resources heavily. Psychologists must become better prepared to work with older patients in geriatric settings, including geriatric assessment units, memory disorders clinics, and nursing homes. In addition, all psychologists will increasingly encounter older patients in environments such as primary care clinics, rehabilitation settings, and disease management programs focusing on problems that are prevalent in older patients (e.g., cancer, diabetes). Suggestions are offered for adaptation of usual clinical practice to address the special needs of older patients and their families, and recommendations made for advancing and expanding the practice of clinical geropsychology.  相似文献   

Psychological science has made significant progress exploring the role of motivation in recovery from substance abuse and dependence over the past 20 years. Although recovery is complicated by physiological and psychological dependence, the intentions and motivation of the abuser are a critical part of this process. Motivation for change plays an important part in the process of recognizing the need for change, seeking treatment, and achieving successful sustained change. This article reviews how motivational readiness to change, as conceptualized within the transtheoretical model, contributes to the process of recovery. Important distinctions between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, imposed and intentional change, and readiness for change versus readiness for treatment are highlighted.  相似文献   

通过将质的研究与定量研究、定性研究进行各维度对比,充分显示了质的研究范式的独特个性.并使用文献分析法,分析了我国医学教育领域中,医学教育研究方法应用的现状.进而探讨了质的研究范式在医学教育研究领域应用的意义及其优势,以及该研究范式在医学教育研究中如何引入的问题.  相似文献   

Nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI) may be characterized as a process addiction for some individuals who self‐injure. The authors review findings on the addictive features of NSSI, including compulsivity, loss of control, continued use despite negative consequences, and tolerance.  相似文献   

Five new or returning midlife university students were asked to provide metaphors describing their experience of midlife change, change indicated by their attending university at this point in their lives. Five resulting portraits (S. Lawrence-Lightfoot & J. H. Davis, 1997) were created, based on participant-invoked metaphors: personal rebellion against colonization, stage productions, collection and accumulation, journey home, and alchemy and metamorphosis. The portraits indicate that even from within widely divergent metaphoric conceptualizations, the respondents all find midlife to be an active, positive, and hopeful period of life. For them midlife is decidedly neither crisis nor dull plateau. Further, given the richness of the metaphor use, the study demonstrates the desirability of listening carefully to and moreover expressly soliciting metaphoric usage, in order to more fully understand people's inner realities. Finally, the portraits reveal that the participants' metaphoric conceptions are deeply imbedded in their lives, past and current, and as such identify life themes.  相似文献   

Advances in the life sciences are occurring with extreme rapidity and accumulating a great deal of knowledge about life’s vital processes. While this knowledge is essential for fighting disease in a more effective way, it can also be misused either intentionally or inadvertently to develop novel and more effective biological weapons. For nearly a decade civil-academic society as well as States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention have recognised the importance of dual-use biosecurity education for life scientists as a means to foster a culture of responsibility and prevent the potential misuse of advances in the life sciences for non-peaceful purposes. Nevertheless, the implementation of dual-use biosecurity education for life scientists has made little progress in institutions of higher learning. Professional societies and academic organizations have worked from the bottom-up in developing online dual-use biosecurity education modules that can be used for instruction. However, top-down help is needed from goverments if further progress is to be made in implementing biosecurity education for life scientists.  相似文献   

This article addresses the problems and prospects that follow from the conceptualization of religious phenomena and practices for scientific investigation in the psychology of religion. Two Western research traditions—instrumentalism and operationalism—are described and their potential contribution to a mismatch between what researchers intend to study and what they actually study is illustrated through two exemplar studies. The exemplar studies show how researchers’ concern with methodological rigor can compromise the rich and thick meanings of religious practices, resulting in the misrepresentation of the practices and misleading both the psychological and religious research consumer. Several suggestions for dealing with these problems are discussed.  相似文献   

This article looks at the current usage of the term multicultural counseling and analyzes the emerging concept by identifying the premises on which it is based. It explores the potential contribution of multiculturalism to the theory and practice of counseling. The current status of training in cross-cultural and multicultural counseling is briefly reviewed, and curricular content is suggested for upgrading the preparation of multicultural counselors in light of the new standards set by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). Some concrete proposals toward implementing CACREP standards are presented.  相似文献   

There are many reasons why people experience marital dissatisfaction. This paper is concerned with those who experience dissatisfaction not as a result of individual personality problems but as a result of the impact of social change on contemporary marriage. On the whole, these people are emotionally mature even if they present, initially, with 'clinical' symptoms. The paper identifies the effect of social change on such couples and suggests an approach to marriage counselling designed specifically to meet their needs. Background material is provided by a study of 40 couples seen for marriage counselling in a psychiatric clinic.  相似文献   

内科专业型研究生主要来源是应届本科毕业生和住院医师,他们思维敏捷、思考活跃、独立思考能力强,但存在对专业知识储备相对较弱、临床基本技能差、科研能力薄弱等问题.按照专业研究生培养目标,我们要求研究生不但具有内科的基本技能和本专业的技能,而且具有团队合作、协同创新、医患沟通能力,同时还能结合临床实际,掌握临床科学研究的基本方法.因此,本文从专业研究生培养模式,探讨研究生培养的新途径,进一步提高研究生培养质量.  相似文献   




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