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早期教父时期所面临的文化处境和思想处境是其得以建构起来的历史起点。当然,这并不意味着基督宗教哲学是早期教父运用和借鉴希腊哲学思想与观念的一个必然的或基本的结果。其基本的或必然的理论形态是神学思想或体系。哲学只是这场运动的一个副产品或可能的产物。但是,某种体系只要运用或借鉴哲学思想及其观念,那么哲学的思考方式及其问题意识必然会以某种方式进入到这一体系中,从而会催生一种特有的哲学的或准哲学的东西。这种哲学的或准哲学的东西只要以某种方式进入到历史中,随着时间的推移,它必将会形成一种相对连贯的思想体系或运动。  相似文献   

It has long been argued that financial literacy education should begin in childhood or adolescence, but little is currently known about the ages at which individuals come to understand basic retirement and financial planning concepts. The primary goal of the present investigation is to provide data that reflect the reported ages at which key general and technical retirement planning concepts are acquired. A secondary goal is to identify individual difference dimensions—including one’s financial literacy level and early parental learning experiences—that are associated with the age at which key concepts are reportedly acquired. Retrospective reports obtained from a sample of 646 college students revealed that an understanding of general concepts was widespread and took place during the pre-teen and early teenage years. Understanding of the technical concepts was suboptimal, however. Nearly half of the sample were unfamiliar with most of the technical terms. Among those who were familiar with the technical concepts, learning reportedly occurred later in adolescence. Understanding of both sets of concepts was linked to higher financial literacy scores and saving lessons learned during childhood from one’s parents. Results have implications for financial literacy intervention programs designed to target children, adolescents, and young adults.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):325-333
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

鬼 1974年8月,我响应"知识青年到农村去"的号召,满怀激情地到黑龙江省的一个小山村插队,成为"知识青年".开始由于知青点房子没有盖好,知青们都分散住在各个农户家.我和四位同学住在大队的拖拉机房里.只住一天,便被机油味熏得头昏脑胀,苦不堪言.于是,农机站长跟我说:"三队王圣家的房子盖好后住了两天,就因闹鬼而不敢住了,社员们称其为‘鬼屋',你们知青火力旺,能压住鬼,不知道敢不敢住."我和四位同学一商量,决定搬到"鬼屋"去住.  相似文献   

In a health service with limited resources we must make decisions about who to treat first. In this paper I develop a version of the restoration argument according to which those whose need for resources is a consequence of their voluntary choices should receive lower priority when it comes to health care. I then consider three possible problems for this argument based on those that have been raised against other theories of this type: that we don't know in a particular case that the illness is self‐inflicted, that it seems that all illness is self‐inflicted in the sense used in my argument, and finally that this type of approach incorporates an unacceptable moralising element if it is to avoid giving those like fire‐fighters a lower priority for treatment. I argue that the position outlined here has the resources to respond to each of these objections.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):217-227
This is a story of love and courage. As the author describes some of her most memorable experiences while traveling on the first all women's raft trip down the Grand Canyon in 1978, we learn how her love for the outdoors inspires and informs her sense of courage. She learns that courage can be gentle and "quiet" or boisterous and "noisy." She describes how the exigencies of river life require that women learn to cooperate and work together despite discord and differences, and how working together results in an increased sense of competency, self-esteem, and power.  相似文献   

In this text I discuss two events in which I learned something important about life and about education in order to formulate in a precise manner two propositions for my pedagogical creed. In focus for both are the interrelatedness of theory and life. The stories are told through the lenses of Emmanuel Levinas’s and Jacques Rancière’s thinking, but the stories also are shown to be essential in my understanding of their thinking. The first story is about learning ethics as a consequence of meeting an old man on a remote island and the second story is about teaching, when a young girl in a situation of war taught me something important about political life. In a final section I discuss briefly what those theoretical/practical experiences and memories bring to my understanding of education.  相似文献   

Epistemicism is the view that seemingly vague predicates are not in fact vague. Consequently, there must be a sharp boundary between a man who is bald and one who is not bald. Although such a view is often met with incredulity, my aim is to provide a defense of epistemicism in this essay. My defense, however, is backhanded: I argue that the formal commitments of epistemicism are the result of good practical reasoning, not metaphysical necessity. To get to that conclusion, I spend most of the essay arguing that using a formal system like classical logic to manage seemingly vague situations requires practical principles to mediate between the formalism and what it aims to represent.  相似文献   

"When I use a word …"   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

A 32-item multiple choice test, When I Was Born, was designed to measure adolescents' perceptions of parental reactions at the time of their births. A total of 372 subjects, ages 11 through 20 years, were administered the test. The population included 140 physically normal subjects, 97 adolescents with acquired physical problems, and 135 subjects with congenital physical anomalies. Factor analyses of test data using 100 normal subjects as the criterion population identified four factors: Parental Emotion, Parental Apprehension, Parental Pride, and Parental Nurturance. On all four factors, normal subjects had the highest scores, and subjects with congenital anomalies had the lowest scores. The findings suggest that the test measures both adolescents' projected feelings about parental reactions at their birth and the current impact of a physical problem on the child.  相似文献   

A 32-item multiple choice test, When I Was Born, was designed to measure adolescents' perceptions of parental reactions at the time of their births. A total of 372 subjects, ages 11 through 20 years, were administered the test. The population included 140 physically normal subjects, 97 adolescents with acquired physical problems, and 135 subjects with congenital physical anomalies. Factor analyses of test data using 100 normal subjects as the criterion population identified four factors: Parental Emotion, Parental Apprehension, Parental Pride, and Parental Nurturance. On all four factors, normal subjects had the highest scores, and subjects with congenital anomalies had the lowest scores. The findings suggest that the test measures both adolescents' projected feelings about parental reactions at their birth and the current impact of a physical problem on the child.  相似文献   

Though Americans are a religious people, there are times when religion or religious views may confound the ethical process. This article claims that religious values may be expressed as either principles or narratives, then seeks to establish a case for dealing with religious claims as principled narratives. Methods of evaluation are explored and then seven guidelines are offered for dealing with religion in ethics consultations.  相似文献   

Three experimental studies (N = 286) tested how priming the concepts of sex or romance influence the way people perceive other social media users. Participants first completed a word-search task containing sexual (intercourse, lust), romantic (love, heart), or control words. Participants then evaluated a target’s sexual qualities and romantic qualities based on social media profiles, as well as rated their acceptance of the priming stimuli. Results suggested that sex primes led participants to judge targets as being more alluring, racy, and provocative, whereas romance primes led participants to judge targets as being more tender, sentimental, and kind. Both men and women found all primes to be equally acceptable content; women were not averse to these mainstream, non-explicit sexual stimuli. Findings are discussed in terms of viewing sex and romance as distinct, yet related networks of concepts and the need to disentangle sex, romance, and sexualized views of romance.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 showed that the control mechanism based on a perception–movement coupling observed in certain goal-directed movement tasks (De Rugy, Montagne, Buekers, & Laurent, 2000 De Rugy, A., Montagne, G., Buekers, M. J. and Laurent, M. 2000. The study of locomotor pointing in virtual reality: The validation of a test set-up. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 32: 515520.  [Google Scholar]; Montagne, Cornus, Glize, Quaine, & Laurent, 2000 Montagne, G., Cornus, S., Glize, D., Quaine, F. and Laurent, M. 2000. A perception-action coupling type of control in long-jumping. Journal of Motor Behavior, 32: 3744. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) can be extended to a stepping across an obstacle task. Regardless of the specificity of tasks, the initiation of regulations is a function of the amount of adjustment. Our participants organized their regulation later than long jumpers. Two additional experiments were conceived to investigate whether this control mechanism could be generalized to goal-directed locomotor displacements, with different constraints. The aim of Experiments 2 and 3 was to address the adaptation of this control mechanism by manipulating the obstacle width and the walking speed in a stepping across task. The results showed that the functioning of this control mechanism could be influenced by the spatiotemporal constraints. Participants' behavior depended on a perception–movement coupling. This study suggests the existence of a generic control mechanism based on a perception–movement coupling, and it emphasizes the adaptation of this type of control mechanism involved in goal-directed displacements.  相似文献   

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