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Book reviewed in this article:
Adolescence et désenchantement [Adolescence and disenchantment]. By Jean Guillaumin
La dépression àl'adolescence [Depression in adolescence]. By Dominique Arnoux
La passion adolescente [Adolescent passion]. By Elsa Schmid-Kitsikis
Analisis terminable: Estudio de la terminación del proceso analítico. By Antonio Pérez- Sánchez
Releasing the Self: The Healing Legacy of Heinz Kohut. By Phil Mollon
Melting the Darkness: The Dyad in Clinical Practice. ByWarren Poland
Art, Creativity, Living. By Lesley Caldwell
Psykoanalyyttisia tutkielmia [Psychoanalytic essays]. By Pentti Ikonen
The Patient - Therapist Relationship: The Field of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy. [La relación paciente terapeuta: El campo del psicoanálisis y la psicoterapia psicoanalítica.] By Joan Coderch
The Importance of Fathers: A Psychoanalytic Re-Evaluation. Edited by Judith Trowell and Alicia Etchegoyen  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Descubrimientos y refutaciones: La lógica de la indagación psicoanalítica [Discoveries and refutations: the logic of psychoanalytic enquiry]. By Jorge L. Ahumada
Kohut's Freudian Vision. By Philip F. D. Rubovits-Seitz in collaboration with Heinz Kohut.
Psychoanalysis on the Move: The Work of Joseph Sandler. Edited by Peter Fonagy, Arnold M.
La polarité de l'amour et de la mort [The polarity of love and death]. By Catherine Couvreur.
Being of Two Minds: The Vertical Split in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. By Arnold Goldberg.
The Power of Feelings. By Nancy J. Chodorow
Nascita e costruzione della mente. La teoria del protomentale. [The birth and construction of the mind. The theory of the protomental]. By Antonio Imbasciati.  相似文献   

[In order to counter the dominance of subjectivity in modern German philosophy since Kant, the young Hans Urs von Balthasar appealed to the theocentric epistemology of Gregory of Nyssa. By means of a study of Balthasar's Présence et Pensée: Essai sur la philosophie religieuse de Grégoire de Nysse , the purpose of this essay will be to elucidate Balthasar's interpretation of the meaning and orientation of thought according to Gregory of Nyssa's epistemology. After an initial presentation of Balthasar's contention that for Gregory of Nyssa God qua Being (to einai) serves as the constitutive source of thought and, therefore, the necessary orientation for any philosophical reckoning of the meaning of thought, the following issues are addressed: 1.) The meaning of thought as erotic and egressive, 2.) the interpretation of imago dei in relation to thought, 3.) the Incarnation and the ultimate horizon of thought.]  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article: On Aggression. By Konrad Lorenz God and Golem, Inc.: A Comment on Certain Points Where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion. By Norbert Wiener  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: So Human an Animal: How We Are Shaped by Surroundings and Events. By René Dubos God and Golem, Znc.: A Comment on Certain Points Where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion. By Norbert Wiener  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Psycho-Analytic Epitomes. Numbers 1–4. Under the General Editorship of Dr. John Rickman.
D er R hythmus in D er V erbrecher -H andschrift , [R hythm in the H andwriting of C riminals ], By Roda Wieser
E ine T iefenpsychologische G rund -L age Z ur K lages'schen G rapho -L ogie . [A P sycho -A nalytic F oundation of the G raphological M ethod of K lages .] By S. V. Margadant.
H andschrift U nd E igenart D er K rebsgefaehrdeten . [H andwriting and P eculiarity of P ersons T hreatened by C ancer .] By Etel Vértesi.
V incent V an G ogh im S piegel S einer H andschrift . [V incent V an G ogh's P ersonality R eflected in H is H andwriting .] By Marguerite Rose and Dr. M. J. Mannheim.
L a G raphologie P ar L e T rait . By Walter Hegar.
G raphologia . Volume IV, No. 1/2. Prague
C ollective B ehavior . By Richard T. LaPiere
R eligion and the G rowing M ind . By Basil A. Yeaxlee
W unsch U nd P flicht im A ufbau D es M enschlichen L ebens , By Dr, Else Frenkel and Dr. Edith Weisskopf.
Y oga —A S cientific E valuation . By Kovoor T. Behanan.
T he Q uest of the O verself . By Paul Brunton.
D iscover Y ourself . By Paul Brunton.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Le famiglie di Edipo [The families of Oedipus] By Gilda De Simone
Visiones de Espana. Re. exiones de un psicoanalista [Visions of Spain. Reflections of a psychoanalyst] By Cecilio Paniagua
Tra il sapere e la cura. Un itinerario freudiano [Between knowledge and treatment.A Freudian journey] by Francesco Conrotto
Secrets of the soul: A social and cultural history of psychoanalysis By Eli Zaretsky
Lire Freud.Découverte chronologique de l oeuvre de Freud [Reading Freud.A chronological exploration of Freud s writings] by Jean-Michel Quinodoz
The blind man sees: Freud s awakening and other essays By Neville Symington
Curare con la psicoanalisi. Percorsi e strategie [Curing with psychoanalysis. Routes and strategies] by Giuseppe Di Chiara
Ferenczi oggi [Ferenczi today] Edited by Franco Borgogno  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Préhistoires de famille [Family prehistories] by Alain de Mijolla
Forme dell interpretare. Nuove prospettive nella teoria e nella clinica psicoanalitica [Forms of interpretation. New perspectives on psychoanalytic theory and clinical practice] Edited by Paolo Fabozzi
From the eclipse of the body to the dawn of thought By Armando B. Ferrari, translated by Isabella Chigi
Il counselling psicodinamico [Psychodynamic counselling] By Andreas Giannakoulas and Santa Fizzarotti Selvaggi
My life in theory By Leo Rangell
The couch and the silver screen Psychoanalytic re. ections on European cinema Edited by Andrea Sabbadini
Un ano para toda la vida: El secreto mundo emocional de la madre y su bebé [A year for the rest of life: The secret emotional world of mother and baby] By Mariela Michelena
Samuel Beckett and the primacy of love By John Robert KellerSamuel Beckett and the primacy of love By John Robert Keller  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Freud's Dora: A Psychoanalytic, Historical, and Textual Study. By Patrick J. Mahony. Psychoanalysis, Literature and War. Papers 1972‐1995. By Hanna Segal. La perversione sadomasochistica: l'oggetto e le teorie [Sadomasochistic perversion: object and theories]. By Franco De Masi. Psychoanalytic Therapy as Health Care: Effectiveness and Economics in the 21st Century. Edited by Harriette Kaley, Morris N. Eagle and David L. Wolitzky Depth Psychological Understanding: The Methodological Grounding of Clinical Interpretations. By Philip F. D. Rubovitz‐Seitz. Niveles de la organizacion mental [Levels of mental organisation]. By Jorge Thomas. Comentarios sobre ‘Elementos de Psicoana’ lisis [Commentary on Elements of Psycho‐Analy‐sis]. By Jorge Thomas. Narcisismo [Narcissism]. By Giorgio Sassanelli. Learning Disabilities and Psychic Conict: A Psychoanalytic Casebook. By Arden Abel Rothstein, PhD and Jules Glenn, MD. Perché l'isteria? Attualita' di una malattia ontologica [Why hysteria? The present‐day relevance of an ontological illness]. Edited by F. Scalzone and G. Zontini, Foreword by A. Green. Les cinq axes de la psychanalyse [The five main trends of psychoanalysis]. By Guy Rosolato. La partecipazione affettiva dell'analista. Il contributo di Sandor Ferenczi al pensiero psicoa‐nalitico contemporaneo [The Analyst's Emotional Involvement. Sandor Ferenczi's Contribution to Contemporary Psychoanalysis]. By Franco Borgogno (Editor).  相似文献   

En s'appuyant sur les articles présentés, cette discussion insiste sur le fait qu'un programme de recherche sur la personnalité doit inclure, mais aussi dépasser, la sélection du personnel et le modèle en cinq facteurs. Les sujets suivants sont briévement abordés: (a) le rôle central que joue le comportement dans la compréhension de l'impact de la personnalité et des relations situation-personnalité; (b) le rôle de l'adaptation personne-environnement dans la compréhension du comportement au sein de l'organisation et de la liaison validité-critères; et (c) l'intérêt de faire appel à des concepts individuels, tel que l'identité, pour enrichir les études portant sur le thème "personnalité et travail". La conclusion de ces commentaires est qu'un bilan approfondi des recherches sur la personnalité, comme celui de ce numéro spécial, débouchera sur un champ d'investigation vivant à l'avenir assuré.
Using the contributed papers as a base, this discussion proposes that an agenda for research on personality should include, but go beyond, personnel selection and the five-factor model. The following topics are briefly discussed: (a) the central role that behaviour plays in understanding personality-outcome and situation-personality relationships; (b) the role of person-environment fit in understanding criterion-related validity and organisational behaviour; and (c) the usefulness of adding individual constructs, like identity, to the issues studied at work under the personality rubric. The commentary concludes with the thought that a broad research agenda on personality, like the one represented in this special issue, will produce a vibrant and long-lived field of inquiry.  相似文献   

Self-Regulation: Reminders and Suggestions from Personality Science   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
La littérature sur l’autorégulation est couramment accusée de faiblesse théorique. Il est possible que les avancées dans les recherches sur la personnalité puissent ouvrir des horizons dans ce secteur. Notre objectif est double. Nous rappelons d’abord des distinctions conceptuelles qui, bien que parfois négligées, sont essentielles dans les études contemporaines sur la personnalité et incontournables pour accéder au niveau théorique dans la littérature sur l’autorégulation. Nous disons ensuite que ceux qui font des études fondamentales et appliquées sur l’autorégulation auraient intérêt à assimiler les progrès récents concernant la dynamique et la structure de la personnalité intra‐individuelle. Nous passons en revue la théorie de base et les recherches sur l’architecture des systèmes de la personnalité intra‐individuelle, ainsi que les retombées de ce travail dans trois domaines d’application: la psychologie du travail/industrielle/organisationnelle, la psychologie clinique et la santé. The self‐regulation literature commonly is said to lack theoretical order. This paper explores the possibility that advances in personality science may foster clarity in this literature. Our goals are two‐fold. We remind readers of conceptual distinctions that are central to contemporary personality science, that are necessary to the attainment of theoretical order in the self‐regulation literature, yet that sometimes are overlooked. Secondly, we suggest that basic and applied students of self‐regulation would profit by capitalising on recent advances in personality science that explore intra‐individual personality structure and dynamics. We review theory and research on the architecture of intra‐individual personality systems and applications of this work to three domains: health, clinical, and work/industrial/organisation psychology.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1966,7(2):195-238
The Moral Philosophy of Josiah Royce. By Peter Fuss . French Moralists. The Theory of the Passions 1585 to 1649. By Anthony Levi , S. J. Responsibility and Practical Freedom. By Moira Roberts . Lettre sur la Tolérance. By John Locke . Latin text with French translation by Raymond Polin. Force et Faiblesse de la Religion. By B. Häring c.ss.r. The Just War in St Thomas and G‘otius. By Joan Tooke . Morale Internationale, I'Humanitéà la Recherche de son Âme. By René Coste . The Making of a Mind. Letters from a Soldier-Priest, 1914–1919. By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Translated by René Hague . Hymn of the Univers. By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Translted by Simon Bartholomew . The Future of Man. By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Translated by Norman Denny . The Faith of Teilhard de Chardin. By Henri de Lubac. Translated by René Hague . Philosophische Probleme der Physik. By Wolfgang Büchel . Bernard de Fontaines, Abbé de Clairvaux. By I. Vallery-Radot. Aquinas's Search for Wisdom. By Vernon J. Bourke . L'Évangélisation des Slaves, Cyrille et Méthode. By P. Duthilleul . Personalities of the Council of Florence. By Joseph Gill , S.J. A Stand on Ecumenism: The Council's Decree. By Lorenz , Cardinal Jaeger . Translated by Hilda Graef . Marcantonio Flaminio. By Carol Maddison. St Thomas More: Utopia. Edited by Edward Surtz and J. H. Hexter. Education in Renaissance England. By Kenneth Charlton. Offenbarung und Überlieferung. By Karl Rahner and Joseph Ratzinger. The Theology of the Resurrection. By Walter Künneth . The Son of Man in the Synoptic Tradition. By H. E. Tödt . Maria. Nouvelles Études sur la Sainte Vierge. Vol. VII. Sous la direction d'Hubert du Manoir, S.J.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The life and behavior of living organisms: A general theory By Elliot Jaques
Analysis of the under-five child Edited by Robert L. Tyson
Affect regulation, mentalisation, and the development of the self By Peter Fonagy, György Gergely, Elliot L. Jurist, Mary Target
Vapaan assosiaation paluu [The return of free association] By Marita Torsti
En el camino de la simbolización: Producción del sujeto psíquico [On the path to symbolization: Production of the psychic subject] By Myrta Casas De Pereda
Un tempo per il dolore: Eros, dolore e colpa [A time for pain: Eros, pain and guilt] By Tonia Cancrini. Preface by Antonino Ferro
Psychoanalysis international: A guide to psychoanalysis throughout the world Vol. 1: Europe; Vol 2: America, Asia, Australia, further European countries Edited by Peter Kutter
L'empatia psicoanalitica [Psychoanalytic empathy] By Stefano Bolognini  相似文献   

Initiation and Maintenance of Health Behaviors   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) has made important contributions to understanding health behavior change through emphasising the distinction between motivational and volitional influences on behavior and focusing attention on maintenance as well as initiation of health behaviors. The present commentary draws out a number of issues in relation to the contribution of the HAPA to our understanding of health behaviors. Five issues are highlighted: What are the key motivational influences on behavior? What are the key volitional influences on behavior? How does recent research on intention–behavior moderators provide further insights into volitional influences on health behaviors? What are the problems of blurring a distinction between continuum and stage models as is done in the HAPA? What is the value of a distinction between initiation and maintenance of a health behavior? L’Approche des Processus d’Action en faveur de la Santé (HAPA) a apporté une contribution importante à la compréhension des modifications du comportement liéà la santé en soulignant la différence entre les influences motivationnelles et volitionnelles sur la conduite et en s’intéressant aussi bien à la continuité qu’à l’amorce des comportements de santé. Ce commentaire aborde quelques questions en rapport avec la contribution de l’HAPA à notre compréhension des comportements relatifs à la santé. Cinq questions sont posées: quelles sont les influences motivationnelles majeures sur la conduite? Quelles sont les influences volitionnelles majeures sur la conduite? En quoi des recherches récentes sur les modérateurs intention–comportement permettent‐elles de mieux appréhender les influences volitionnelles sur les comportements favorisant la santé; le problème de l’atténuation de la différenciation apparue dans l’HAPA entre les modèles en stades et en continuum; la valeur de la distinction entre adoption et maintien d’un comportement favorable à la santé.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The power of the inner judge: Psychodynamic treatment of the severe neuroses. By Leon Wurmser.
The cradle of thought: Exploring the origins of thinking By Peter Hobson.
Comment la féminitévient aux femmes [How femininity comes to women] By Jacqueline Godfrind
Die Logik der Psychoanalyse: Eine erkenntnistheoretische Studie [The logic of psychoanalysis: An epistemological study] By Johann August Schülein.
Adolescencia: Del goce orgànico al hallazgo de objeto [Adolescence: From organic pleasure to the finding of the object] By Susana Estela Quiroga
Weathering the storms: Psychotherapy for psychosis By Murray Jackson
Freud and the seduction theory: A brief love affair. By Kurt R. Eissler
Agonie, clivage et symbolisation [Agony, splitting and symbolisation] By René Roussillon.  相似文献   

A self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP) occurs when the expectation of an event induces the behavior that increases the likelihood of the event's occurrence. Work organizations can be more or less effective as a result of SFP effects, whether naturally-occurring or deliberately induced by managers or consultants. Evidence for SFP at the individual level and at the collective level in work organizations is reviewed, including the Pygmalion, Galatea, Golem, and Messiah effects. Next, the SFP concept is extended beyond the single organization to the industrialization process at the national level. This leads to the novel hypothesis that, to the extent that persons in a developing nation expect industrialization to progress rapidly and successfully, the development process is facilitated. Several examples of SFP on Israel's path to industrialization are described, and emulation of these examples by other newly industrialized countries is proposed.  相似文献   

Cette recherche traite de la mesure et des conséquences du travail comme conduite addictive aux Pays‐Bas. La première étude décrit le développement et la validation d’une version hollandaise de la Work Addiction Risk Scale (WART) de Robinson (1999 ). Une analyse factorielle portant sur les réponses de 356 sujets a montré que la structure factorielle de la WART hollandaise était analogue à celle de la version américaine. La deuxième étude (N= 232) avait pour objectif de décider si la sous‐échelle ?tendances compulsives? (CT) de la WART pouvait être utilisée comme mesure abrégrée du travail addictif. Le recouvrement entre l’échelle complète de 25 items et la sous‐échelle CT était large et la répartition des corrélations avec les autres concepts très proche. La troisième étude (N= 199) mit à l’épreuve un modèle des effets du travail addictif (CT) sur l’épusiement et le conflit travail—hors‐travail, montrant que le travail addictif affectait ces deux variables dépendantes à la fois directement et indirectement (par l’intermédiaire des exigences perçues du travail). On conclut 1) que la version hollandaise de la WART est très proche de la version américaine d’origin; 2) que la WART et la sous‐échelle CT sont toutes deux des mesures valides du travail addictif; 3) que le travail addictif est un concept virtuellement majeur pour l’étude du travail et du stress. This research deals with the measurement and consequences of workaholism in the Netherlands. Study 1 describes the development and validation of a Dutch version of Robinson's (1999 ) Work Addiction Risk Scale (WART). Confirmatory factor analysis (total N= 356) revealed that the factorial structure of the Dutch WART was similar to that of the US original. Study 2 (N= 232) examined whether the Compulsive Tendencies (CT) subscale of the WART could be used as a short measure of workaholism. The overlap between the full 25‐item WART and the CT subscale was high, whereas the patterns of correlations with other concepts were very similar. Study 3 (N= 199) tested a process model for the effects of workaholism (i.e., CT) on exhaustion and work–nonwork conflict, showing that workaholism affected these two outcome variables both directly and indirectly (via perceived job demands). It is concluded that: (i) the Dutch version of the WART is very similar to the US original; (ii) the WART and the CT subscale are both valid measures of workaholism; and (iii) workaholism is a potentially important concept in the study of work and stress.  相似文献   

La "production limitée" ("lean production") est une nouvelle approche de la production susceptible de modifier la gestion des ressources humaines, les relations industrielles et les processus de travail dans les entreprises américaines. Apparaissant après une longue période de stabilité reposant sur des règles relationelles et opérationnelles basées sur la production de masse, la transition vers la production limitée est controversée et traumatisante. Le modèle émergent suggère que la transition s'amorce avec des innovations qui mettent l'accent sur l'amélioration de la productivité et s'affirme avec le comanagement et la participation. En s'appuyant sur une revue de la littérature et sur une évaluation raisonnée des résultats disponibles, cet article propose un point de vue structuré sur la nature des changements dans le processus productif et sur leurs conséquences institutionelles.
"Lean production" as a new production concept is believed to be transforming human resource management, industrial relations, and work processes in American firms. Coming after a long period of stability under operational and relational rules supported by mass production, the transition to lean production is controversial and traumatic. The emerging pattern suggests that transition begins with workplace innovations that emphasise productivity enhancement and develops to co-management or joint governance of the enterprise. On an extensive review of the literature and by selective weighting of findings and evidence, this paper develops an integrative perspective on the nature of changes in the mode of production and its institutional correlates.  相似文献   

Positive Health     
I propose a new field: positive health. Positive health describes a state beyond the mere absence of disease and is definable and measurable. Positive health can be operationalised by a combination of excellent status on biological, subjective, and functional measures. By mining existing longitudinal studies, we can test the hypothesis that positive health predicts increased longevity (correcting for quality of life), decreased health costs, better mental health in aging, and better prognosis when illness strikes. Those aspects of positive health which specifically predict these outcomes then become targets for new interventions and refinements of protocol. I propose that the field of positive health has direct parallels to the field of positive psychology, parallels that suggest that a focus on health rather than illness will be cost saving and life saving. Finally, I suggest a different mode of science, the Copenhagen‐Medici model, used to found positive psychology, as an appropriate way of beginning the flagship explorations for positive health. Je propose de créer un nouveau domaine d’investigations: la santé positive. La santé positive désigne une condition définissable et mesurable qui se situe au‐delà de la simple absence de maladie. Elle peut être opérationnalisée par une combinaison de scores excellents sur les dimensions biologiques, subjectives et fonctionnelles. On peut, sur la base des études longitudinales existantes, mettre à l’épreuve l’hypothèse que la santé positive annonce une longévité accrue (ce qui renvoie à la qualité de vie), une réduction des coûts liés à la santé, une meilleure santé mentale lors du vieillissement et un pronostic plus favorable en cas de maladie. Ces facettes de la santé positive qui prédisent spécifiquement de telles conséquences deviennent des objectifs pour de nouvelles interventions et une amélioration du protocole. Je pense que le domaine de la santé positive est en liaison directe avec celui de la psychologie positive, liens qui suggèrent que le fait de se focaliser sur la santé plutôt que sur la maladie réduira les coûts tout en allongeant la vie. J’introduis en dernière analyse un nouveau type de connaissance, le modèle Copenhague‐Médicis, utilisé pour fonder la psychologie positive, comme outil pertinent pour initier des travaux majeurs pour la promotion de la santé positive.  相似文献   

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