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Women aged from 18 to 25 years old are a group particularly at risk to experience elevated psychological distress. However, only a few studies have documented developmental factors associated with this variable for this population, especially in regard to emotional independence to mother's and father's individuation. The aim of the study is to explore the association between emotional independence to each parent, referring to the underlying emotional aspect related to the distance toward each parent, and psychological distress. The sample includes 1716 French-Canadian college women aged from 18 to 25 who completed an online survey. Results confirm the high prevalence of psychological distress among this population. Emotional independence to mothers and fathers are found to be moderately correlated. However, the mean emotional independence to mothers is significantly lower than the emotional independence to fathers. The results also suggest that low emotional independence, even to only one of parents is associated with higher levels of distress among young women. In contrast, levels of middle and high emotional independence from both parents are associated with lower levels of distress. The findings support the association between emotional independence to each parent and psychological distress. Empirically, further studies should distinguish between mother's and father's emotional independence. Clinically, these results emphasize the need to works patient's emotional independence to both parents.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2021,2021(170):98-101
Medico-legal autopsy sometimes requires the use of the Parasitology-Mycology specialty. Two recent medico-legal clinical cases, involving this specialty, have questioned us. First of all, may a non-conformity biological analytical (compared to accepted and accredited standards by COFRAC) fail the whole biological expertise, and thereafter, the medico-legal expertise of the file? The answer must consider that the raw result obtained as a result of a medical biology technique must be interpreted and discussed by the expert in the discipline (in this case by the parasitologist) before being included in the medical discussion and discussed by the medical examiner. The judgment is secondarily delivered by the judge according to his intimate conviction and without determining the probative value of the examination. Should a post-mortem biological examination be part of an expertise in medical biology or is it a technical and scientific examination? This answer is based on the previous one, considering the significant contribution of the expert who will bring his knowledge, interpreting and discussing the raw result. A simple technical and scientific examination would only provide the raw result without any assessment of the context and circumstances of the biological sample.  相似文献   

This research aims at a better understanding of one aspect of emotional labor in child welfare: coping with intense negative emotions. It is based on 15 interviews conducted with social workers from Child Protective Services. Results indicate that the drivers of this aspect of emotional labor are characterized by unpredictability and interpersonal conflict. They give rise to surprise, anxiety and especially anger, particularly against institutions. Emotional regulation is carried out implicitly with a professional instrumental purpose. Different strategies are mobilized sequentially: social sharing of emotions and cognitive strategies allow recovery. The team social support during informal times appears central. These results underline the role of the team and plead for the recognition and professionalization of emotional work in this sector.  相似文献   

Organizational space is a meaningful environment that can contribute to the well-being of the individual or lead to dissatisfaction and stress. The objective of this research is to develop a scale of satisfaction of employees toward their work place and test its factorial structure and internal validity. Two principal satisfaction factors have been isolated in an exploratory study carried out among 214 participants. A second-order factorial structure has been established in a cross-validation of the scale during a confirmatory study applied to a second sample of 261 participants. The internal consistency of the satisfaction dimensions, the adequacy of the measurement model to the data, and the stability of the factorial structure are proof of the good psychometric qualities of this scale.  相似文献   

This article presents an intervention process aiming at the prevention of PSRs: diagnosis followed by the development of an action plan produced during three collective meetings. Each meeting is based on a particular type of animation (with reminders focused on causes, with reminders on the solutions and enriched with the psychologist's expertise animations). The stake is to characterise each of these animation methods and to study their impact on the collective activity. The study proceeds in analysis of linguistic production produced. The intervention proceeded in a hospital setting. The development of the action plan implied a collective of 8 to 10 agents who met three times. The results show in particular that (1) style of speech is argumentative whatever either in the form of animation, (2) nature reminders and the issue of the meeting have an impact on the functional structure of the meetings and (3) reminders on the solutions lead the evocation of factual causes so that reminders focused on causes lead to identify more general causes.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2022,67(4):445-469
IntroductionStudents are at risk for mental health issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The implementation of lockdowns as a means to curb the spread of the disease have had an impact on this population, as observed in many international studies. However, few studies have investigated the longitudinal impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on students’ mental health.ObjectiveWe explored the relation between individual characteristics of students, context of life, difficulties in emotion regulation and psychological distress over the first two lockdowns in France during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methodology160 university students (90% female, mean of 24 years old) responded to an online questionnaire at three times points: once during the first lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic in march 2020, a second time after this lockdown and a third time during the second lockdown. Difficulties in emotion regulation, psychological distress, acute stress, academic concerns, financial resources, and exchanges with professors were measured.ResultsAn exploratory structural equations model was developed to investigate the factors related to psychological distress (χ2 = 1459.18, df = 1064, CFI = 0.910, RMSEA = 0.049, SRMR = 0.068). During both lockdowns, psychological distress was explained by academic concerns and lack of emotional clarity and acceptance. An indirect and negative significant relation was identified between financial difficulties, lack of exchanges with professors during the first lockdown, emotion clarity and experienced psychological distress during the second lockdown. Repeated measures ANOVAs identified high levels of acute stress during both lockdowns and a diminution during the deconfinement indicating an impact of sanitary measures on student's mental health.ConclusionCoherently with the Bruchon-Sweiser translational model of stress, emotion regulation capacities seem to have a central and moderating role in the experience of the pandemic for students. They would benefit greatly from appropriate therapeutic interventions in this pandemic situation and in general.  相似文献   

In the literature on the professional integration of teachers burnout is often invoked to at least partially explain the high percentage of those quitting the profession after a five-year practice or less. Teachers’ burnout implies emotional distress, viewing pupils as « things » (instead of as human beings), and being unsure of one’s teaching abilities. While this not always leads to quit teaching, victims of burnout can hardly escape pessimism and cynicism about their profession. This paper is made up of two parts: 1) a discussion of teachers’ burnout; 2) some suggestions for keeping teachers on the job.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2021,27(4):241-259
Bullying affects a significant number of students and can have serious negative consequences in terms of physical and mental health. It is, therefore, necessary for education staff to know how to respond effectively to stop it. However, this does not always seem to be the case at present. The purpose of this article is to describe six commonly used reactive approach (direct sanctions, restorative practices, reinforcement of the victim, mediation, the support group method, and the shared concerns method), as well as to synthesize the scientific knowledge regarding the effectiveness of each of these approaches. It emerges that no approach appears to be particularly effective in all cases and that it is therefore necessary for professionals to be trained to be able to choose the appropriate approach according to the situation.  相似文献   

To facilitate the analysis and the management of claims related to the last Covid-19 pandemic, the DAJ of the AP–HP constituted a medical group assisted by lawyers intending to review the scientific knowledge and organizational measures during the first wave of this pandemic. This group brought together medical doctors with both scientific expertise in the main specialties requested during this viral infection and knowledge of repairing bodily damage. Based on the data provided by the hospital dashboards and the collection of hospital procedures for Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 patients, the goal of this group was to assess the level of scientific knowledge and organizational measures respectively at the start of the epidemic, its peak and at the end. During the three periods of this pandemic the main changes observed included a greater selectivity on admissions with increasing consideration on the patient's comorbidity; a continual evolution in drug management and more rigorous isolation measures with interruption of visiting rights. The target was to prevent contamination of the non-infected persons with an obsession to protect healthcare workers. The absence of selection for patients requiring intensive care for compensation of their respiratory failure forced AP–HP to double the number of intensive care beds and to refer some patients in other regions. In a context of unstable scientific knowledge and evolving organizational measures, the collection of these data should facilitate the management of claims related to Covid19 during the first wave of this pandemic and open a prospective study for the next pandemic.  相似文献   

Self-disclosure, which consists in revealing personal information about oneself to one's client, could be a beneficial therapeutic technique. There are yet many definitions of this concept. However, empirical research shows that self-disclosure may be favourably perceived by clients and that it could influence how they perceive their therapist. Moreover, it could positively influence treatment outcome. Self-disclosure about immediate feelings in the therapy and about the therapist–client relationship would be particularly effective in resolving problematic events by enabling feelings to be expressed and accepted and by providing clients with interpersonnal learning. Several authors finally advise using this technique infrequently, about moderately intimate but relevant themes in relation to the therapy, examining each client's specific needs, and always with the intention of helping them or improving the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

There is a great deal of evidence to support the role of morphological awareness in reading development. However, towards second language acquisition, transfer of morphological awareness from first to second language (L1 to L2) is still discussed. The underlying question concerns the extent to which morphological awareness is a specific or universal process, and its dependence of linguistic features. The aim of this study is to examine cross-linguistic transfer of morphological awareness from Arabic L1 to French L2 (morphological awareness and word reading) at different level of learning French L2 (FL2). 106 Tunisian children, whose first language is Arabic, in 1st (n = 29; mean age; 8; 10 years), 2nd (n = 33; mean age; 9; 9 years) or 3rd year (n = 44; mean age; 10; 10 years) of learning FL2 participated to this study. Their morphological awareness (inflectional or derivational oddity detection tasks) and their performance in word reading (one minute test) were assessed in standard Arabic and French, as well as their vocabulary knowledge in French. A series of fixed-order hierarchical regression analysis was performed on derivational awareness performances, inflectional awareness performances and word reading performances in FL2, controlling for effects of other important variables (e.g. French vocabulary, French morphological awareness with word reading scores as outcome variable and French inflectional or derivational awareness with French inflectional or derivational awareness scores as outcome variable respectively, Arabic word reading, etc.). Results show significant contributions of L1 morpho-derivational awareness on FL2 morpho-derivational awareness in 2nd year (12%), and of L1 morphological awareness on reading words FL2 in 3rd year (5%). These results confirm the cross-linguistic transfer of morphological awareness, particularly derivational, from L1 to L2 among alphabetic — but orthographically and morphologically distances — languages. They also suggest that such a transfer could be relatively limited. It could appear during learning process after achieving a threshold in FL2 and before specific L2 skills take place. Thus, beyond the morphological opacity of Arabic (nonlinear morphology) and linguistic distance between Arabic and French, the morphological transfer could appear on rich and important morphological dimension in L1 and suggest dealing with the nature of cross-linguistic abilities in depth.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to achieve a transcultural adaptation of a measure scale of professional values, particularly Schein’s (1985) career anchors from a north American context where it has been conceived to an arab-islamic culture, Tunisian’s environment. For this, this research follows a rigorous methodological process, that enable it to establish a new measure scale, offering good psychometric qualities and building up professional values adapted to Tunisian employees.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(2):157-175
The “Baby Steps” network includes a multi-disciplinary team and aims to accompany parents-to-be and young parents as they meet their newborns. The exchange and development relationships that professionals develop among themselves help to support the notion of parenthood and circumscribe any potential risk. The professionals in the network hail from a variety of backgrounds but they are all involved in perinatal care and by grouping their skills can adapt and optimise the assistance and care they offer to parents. The “Parent Island” reception area and the mother-baby therapy group with a separate father oriented structure are the truly original aspects of the network. Prevention is vital, as is providing therapeutic care for disturbances related to early parent-child relationships. With a strong “group psychology focus” the network creates a sufficiently solid structure to receive any unconscious negative projections from momentarily or deeply distressed parents.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(3):219-234
Recidivism prevention remains a crucial issue in France. While meta-analyses clearly indicated the effectiveness of the Risk-Need-Responsivity (R-N-R) model for assessment and rehabilitation, this model is not used in French probation services. The aim of this article is to introduce the R-N-R model, through an emphasis on its three main principles. A necessary continuity from assessment to intervention is highlighted. The article concludes by stressing the need to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of intervention to prevent recidivism.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2015,21(2):199-212
We present a study whose aim is to analyse the predictability of behaviors associated with breaches of hygiene rules based on the constructs of the theory of planned behavior and implementation of intention. One hundred and fifty nursing students replied to a questionnaire following their theoretical training and then after returning from practical placement during which some were observed in a professional situation. The results highlighted the fact that self-reported behavior was associated with behavior observed in context with regard to the observance of rules governing hand hygiene and the decontamination of surfaces. Self-reported behavior is explained successively by behavioral control, intention and implementation of intention when the latter relates to behavioral reflexivity. These results are discussed from the point of view of nurse training practices.  相似文献   

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