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This article examines the work of Arnold Lucius Gesell and argues that he not only paved the way for contemporary research in motor development, but that he and colleagues anticipated fundamental issues about growth that must be addressed by psychologists and neuroscientists who are committed to the advancement of developmental science. Arnold Lucius Gesell was a pioneer in developmental psychology when the field was in its infancy. He worked diligently for the rights of physically and mentally handicapped children to receive special education that would enable them to find gainful employment. Gesell’s writings in books and popular magazines increased public awareness of and support for preschool education and better foster care for orphans. Despite these achievements, many of his successors have questioned his views about infant development. Developmental psychologists have criticized Gesell for proposing a stage theory of infant growth that has fallen into disfavor among contemporary researchers. His conception of development as a maturational process has been challenged for allegedly reducing complex behavioral, perceptual, and learning processes to genetic factors. The author rejects this overly simplistic interpretation and contends that Gesell’s work continues to stand the test of time. Reprinted from Jaan Valsiner (ed.).Thinking in Psychological Science: Ideas and Their Makers. Transaction Publishers. Previously published inFrom Past to Future, Vol. 3(2), Beyond Observing Human Nature: Theoretical Contributions of Arnold Gesell to Developmental Science, pp. 7–31. @ 2001 Frances L. Hiatt School of Psychology, Clark University. Author: Thomas C. Dalton, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA.  相似文献   

In October 1913, The American Magazine published an article by Arnold Gesell that portrayed Alma, Wisconsin (his hometown) as overflowing with the mentally and morally unfit. In "The Village of a Thousand Souls", Gesell called for the observation and segregation of the unfit as a eugenic measure. This article explores the reasons behind this infamous article by someone who became a famous developmental psychologist and pediatrician. Gesell's papers at the Library of Congress reveal his socialist views of poverty, injustice, and human development. The archives of his father's photography studio at the Wisconsin Historical Society reveal his manipulation of the photographic record to fit his negative view of Alma. Typical of the era, Gesell's Progressive vision combined social control and negative eugenics with egalitarianism and the benevolent engineering of the environment.  相似文献   

Perhaps best known for providing age‐related norms in early development, norms that are still used as a basis for measures of developmental maturity, Arnold Gesell was a key figure in developmental psychology from the 1920s through the 1950s. After examining Gesell's reputation and status in the field, we explore Gesell's changing relationship to eugenics, both in terms of Gesell's often contradictory attitudes about the role of hereditary and environmental influences in development, and in terms of the broader relationship between the eugenics movement and science. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Invited by the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center in New York to lecture on my book Michael Balint: Le renouveau de l'Ecole de Budapest, Toulouse, Erès 2000, I first gave my personal and analytic motivations for writing this book. Then I stressed Balint's original contributions to analytical theory and practice: the object relation combined with the theory of instinct, the development of the infant, adolescent and even of old age, the basic fault, archaic defenses (such as ocnophilia and philobatism), as well as his idea about analytic treatment with its phases of regression and "new beginning". His style and his discretion in treatment and mainly the responsibility he recommended to the analysts seem to me very important not to forget. I have shown him as Ferenczi's heir and how he continued his work. His clinical approach and his style are evoked to alert contemporary analysts--who sometimes just know his method to train general practitioners through the Balint group--that they have been influenced unbeknown to them.  相似文献   

本文透过微观历史的视角,以黄翼与周先庚、吴有训等人的10余封通信为素材,还原了黄翼两篇形重错觉研究报告的评审与发表过程,揭示出黄翼与审稿人汪敬熙、主编吴有训、好友周先庚以及导师格塞尔之间的冲突、协商和合作的复杂学术互动。这些信札作为私人交流的媒介,记录了当时心理学知识生产中局部的、互动的、存在于特定关系之中的思想、计划和动机。信札中的对话涉及到当时心理学学术成果评审的几方面核心问题:评审标准和流程、写作语言规范、学术权威、同行举荐、创新性认可、文献引用等诸多问题。本文进一步以科学知识社会学的视角对这些问题进行分析,解构学术"象牙塔"的传统形象,以此揭示和反思心理学知识生产的内在过程。  相似文献   

John Lind, Professor of Pediatrics at the Karolinska Institute, emphasized that “the family is born in the maternity hospital.” He had a warm concern for all parents and infants and was extremely influential in both pediatric and child-rearing practices in Sweden and in the promotion of infant and caregiver-infant interaction research. Lind initiated and/or stimulated the scientific study of the infant's cry, parent-infant interactions, the role of the father in the perinatal environment, fetal and neonatal perception, and perinatal hospital practices. In many respects, his work predated contemporary emphases on perinatal coaching programs, social support (doula) during labor and delivery, parent education on childrearing, the use of ethnographic data for contemporary perinatal practices, interdisciplinary team approaches to study of infant care and development, changes in newborn nursery practices, and, above all, care and sensitivity to the initial synchronization of the parent-infant interaction system. This paper honors John Lind's contributions to our knowledge of infant development and parent-infant interaction, his influences on the field of pediatrics and the interdisciplinary study of infancy, and his commitment to enhancement of the quality of life for infants and their families. Although his life has ended, his ideas will continue to inspire and challenge the study of early human development for many years to come.  相似文献   

A proponent of the scientist-practitioner model, Arnold Goldstein has devoted his career to the study and practice of helping people change. In this interview, he discussed the origins of his interest in aggression and violence, described the development of models for enhancing prosocial skills and reflects on the current and future status of counselor education.  相似文献   

C G Harding  K Snyder 《Adolescence》1991,26(102):319-329
Kohlberg's studies of moral reasoning provide a good theoretical framework for describing the developmental process that may serve as the basis for programs of moral education for adolescents. Kohlberg viewed moral education, particularly during adolescence, as the stimulation of the natural developmental process which leads to mature moral reasoning. Building on Kohlberg's work, specifically his concept of the just community approach where the teacher and more advanced peers serve as advocates of mature moral reasoning, this article presents the educator with a theoretical rationale for implementing procedures that can foster moral development. A case is made for using contemporary films and literature as mechanisms for stimulating moral development among adolescents.  相似文献   

Early in his career, G. Stanley Hall was an innovator, even a rebel in his thinking--for example, about religion and evolution. He maintained these ideas throughout his career, even into his 70s. Consequently, he became ever more distanced from the thinking of his scientific colleagues. This perspective may help psychologists understand better Hall's monumental Adolescence: Its psychology and Its Relations to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion and Education, which to contemporary readers may appear full of errors, pedantry, and eccentricities.  相似文献   

Developmental psychologists have avoided using brain maturation as a primary construct in theories of child development for a variety of reasons during the past 40 years. However, during the last decade we have seen a return to considering brain growth as a useful element in theory construction. During the past few years, the frontal lobe has received increasing attention with respect to major developmental issues. In this Introduction, we review some of these historical and contemporary trends.  相似文献   

Chen Li is one of a small group of psychologists in China who trained abroad early in their careers, returned to teach and do research, and continued doing so into later life beyond normal retirement age. His contacts with a number of prominent psychologists in England and Germany in the 1930s, and his inadvertent position at the center of a political row in China in the 1960s, leading to the shutting down of psychology for 10 years, made him historically important. Known for his work in organizational psychology and education, he is a distinguished psychologist and educational leader. Although trained as an experimentalist, he now embraces a broader view of psychology but remains emphatic it should be applied to real-life problems.  相似文献   

Presents an obituary for Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005). Before Urie Bronfenbrenner, child psychologists studied the child, sociologists the family, anthropologists the society, economists the economic framework, and political scientists the structure. As the result of Urie's extension of the concept of the ecology of human development, these environments--from the family to economic and political structures--are viewed as part of the life course, embracing both childhood and adulthood. Bronfenbrenner, widely regarded as one of the world's leading scholars in developmental psychology, child rearing, and human ecology--the interdisciplinary domain he helped popularize--died at his home in Ithaca, New York, on September 25, 2005, at the age of 88. He was the Jacob Gould Sherman Professor Emeritus of Human Development and of Psychology at Cornell University, where he spent most of his professional career. A brief biography of Bronfenbrenner is followed by an overview of his published work, his theories and other influential accomplishments.  相似文献   

Freud’s view of the infant as passive and undifferentiated, motivated primarily by the goal of tension reduction, who needs his objects only for the satisfaction of his oral needs, is not shared by many psychologists any more. In this essay I try with the help of other approaches of developmental psychology such as Bühler and Lichtenstein to create a connection to Gestalt theory. Gestalt psychology was before the Second World War the leading psychological theory even outside the borders of Germany and experiences today a silent comeback in psychoanalytical infant research and the theories of intersubjectivity. Central characteristics of development are the changes in the individual in the context of his environment: expansion, transformation and reorganization. Integration plays an important role, because development is not only a differentiation of parts, but at the same time an increasing connection of all these parts to each other. This is another axiom of Gestalt theory confirmed meanwhile by modern brain research.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Despite their interest in why people do what they do, psychologists typically overlook interest itself as a facet of human motivation and emotion. In recent years, however, researchers from diverse areas of psychology have turned their attention to the role of interest in learning, motivation, and development. This article reviews the emerging body of work on the psychology of interest, with an emphasis on what contemporary emotion research has learned about the subject. After considering four central questions—Is interest like other emotions? What functions does interest serve? What makes something interesting? Is interest merely another label for happiness?—the article considers unanswered questions and fruitful applications. Given interest's central role in cultivating knowledge and expertise, psychologists should apply research on interest to practical problems of learning, education, and motivation.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, significant advances have been made in our understanding of the basic stages and mechanisms of mammalian brain development. Studies elucidating the neurobiology of brain development span the levels of neural organization from the macroanatomic, to the cellular, to the molecular. Together this large body of work provides a picture of brain development as the product of a complex series of dynamic and adaptive processes operating within a highly constrained, genetically organized but constantly changing context. The view of brain development that has emerged from the developmental neurobiology literature presents both challenges and opportunities to psychologists seeking to understand the fundamental processes that underlie social and cognitive development, and the neural systems that mediate them. This chapter is intended to provide an overview of some very basic principles of brain development, drawn from contemporary developmental neurobiology, that may be of use to investigators from a wide range of disciplines.  相似文献   

王申连  郭本禹 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1383-1389
威廉·斯特恩是被历史遮蔽的现代儿童发展心理学的重要创建者,对儿童人格发展理论作出了原创性卓越贡献。他以批判人格主义为哲学基础提出了人文科学取向的儿童人格发展观,主要表现在整体论、过程论和情境论三个维面。他认为儿童人格发展是多元统一的整合性发展,是主动、动力、辩证、独特和开放的过程性发展,是内在于生活世界的情境性发展。他的观点为奥尔波特和勒温、维果茨基、皮亚杰、彪勒及里格尔等人的儿童发展理论提供了直接或间接思想来源。  相似文献   

Psychoanalysts have invoked infant development diversely to understand nonverbal and unspoken aspects of lived experience. Two uses of developmental notions and their implications for understanding language and the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis are juxtaposed here: Hans Loewald's conception of developmental metaphors to illuminate ineffable aspects of the clinical situation and Daniel Stern's currently popular developmental model, which draws on findings from quantitative research to explain therapeutic action in the nonverbal realm. Loewald's metaphorical use of early development identifies and thus potentiates a central role for language in psychoanalytic treatment. By contrast, Stern and his colleagues exaggerate the abstract, orderly, and disembodied qualities of language, and consequently underestimate the degree to which lived interpersonal experience can be meaningfully verbalized, as demonstrated here with illustrations from published clinical material. As contemporary psychoanalysis moves toward embracing developmental models such as Stern's, it is concluded, psychoanalysts accept a shrinking role for language in the talking cure.  相似文献   

Current models of personality and career development are criticized for their failure to recognize the developmental processes that occur throughout adulthood. Recent research in adult personality and social development suggests that adults experience a number of predictable transitional and stable periods, each of which is characterized by specific developmental tasks. The implications of this research for counseling psychologists' work with adult clients are discussed. Counseling psychologists are encouraged to adopt a more positive view of the roles that crises play in adult personality and career growth.  相似文献   

American psychologists are informed on Pavlov’s work on conditional reflexes but not on the full development of his theory of higher nervous activity. This article shows that Pavlov’s theory of higher nervous activity dealt with concepts that concerned contemporary psychologists. Pavlov used the conditioning of the salivary reflex for methodological purposes. Pavlov’s theory of higher nervous activity encompassed overt behavior, neural processes, and the conscious experience. The strong Darwinian element of Pavlov’s theory, with its stress on the higher organisms’ adaptation, is described. With regard to learning, Pavlov, at the end of his scholarly career, proposed that although all learning involves the formation of associations, the organism’s adaptation to the environment is established through conditioning, but the accumulation of knowledge is established by trial and error.  相似文献   

A cental thesis of Paul Gray's work is that a "developmental lag" pervades modern psychoanalysis in its failure to assimilate and apply knowledge gained about the role of the unconscious ego in intrapsychic life. But Gray himself, it is proposed, has become a victim of a new "developmental lag," of his own construction. As he somewhat single-mindedly pursued the ramifications of his "developmental lag" concept, Gray may have foreclosed on some noteworthy ideas developing around him. The most important example is his claim--herein refuted--that proper interpretive technique can avoid being infused with transference. He also seems to have rejected the theoretical importance of the internalization of the analyst and the clinical usefulness of countertransference. While emphasizing defense analysis, he ignores defenses such as splitting, denial, and disavowal as substantive problems for his technique of close-process attention. Gray's "undoing" of the rapprochement between "ego analysis" and "id analysis" by viewing the matter as an either-or proposition undermines the very real value of his contribution to the field.  相似文献   

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