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Mark Schroeder has, rather famously, defended a powerful Humean Theory of Reasons. In doing so, he abandons what many take to be the default Humean view of weighting reasons—namely, proportionalism . On Schroeder’s view, the pressure that Humeans feel to adopt proportionalism is illusory, and proportionalism is unable to make sense of the fact that the weight of reasons is a normative matter. He thus offers his own ‘Recursive View’, which directly explains how it is that the weight of reasons is a normative matter. In this paper, I argue against Schroeder that a Humean ought to be a proportionalist. On my view, proportionalism is clearly an intuitive theory of weighting for a Humean, so we should resist it only if Schroeder can demonstrate either that there is a serious problem with the view, or that there is a better alternative. I then further argue that Schroeder fails to deliver on either condition. As a result, I conclude that there are good intuitive reasons for a Humean to be a proportionalist, and no good reason not to be.  相似文献   

The shape of alliance in psychotherapy and supervision using growth curve modeling was examined for clinically inexperienced trainee therapists, who were engaged in long-term cognitive behavioral - or psychodynamic individual psychotherapy at a Psychology Clinic in Sweden. Trainee therapists rated their view of the alliance with their clients and their supervisors on the Working Alliance Inventory at five time points. The alliance to the client show a consistent, positive development throughout the therapy. The alliance to the supervisors show initially a decrease, followed by an increase, and then again, the rate of increase in the supervisory alliance ratings slowed down indicating a more complex view of the supervisory alliance compared to the view of the alliance in psychotherapy.  相似文献   

According to role theory each participant in a peer interaction performs a specific role in order to maintain his/her face. The aim of the present study was to examine whether the roles performed during collaborative problem solving affect the establishment of shared mathematical knowledge. The participants of our study were 40 student teachers who worked in dyads to solve three mathematical problems. The categorization of the roles performed and the analysis of their effect in the establishment of shared knowledge led us to the conclusion that certain role combinations enhance while others hinder the establishment of shared mathematical knowledge. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 28), held in Bergen, Norway in 2004.  相似文献   

Receiving an apology is a key component to the management of conflict and the likelihood that forgiveness will occur. However, not all apologies are effective at alleviating interpersonal conflict. The current research focused on the content of an apology (e.g. ‘I’ll make it up to you; I was wrong; I feel bad that I did this …’) and the differential impact this content may have on self-reported and behavioral forgiveness among young adults. Seven different apologies were designed and tested for effectiveness within an experimentally created transgression. Undergraduate students (N = 199) completed a distribution of resources task in which the researchers simulated a transgression experience without the students’ knowledge. Following the transgression, students received one of the seven apologies. Results indicate that receiving an apology that expressed a desire to compensate for wrongdoing appeared to be the most effective apology in terms of promoting both self-reported and behavioral forgiveness.  相似文献   

Objective: Factors influencing engagement with self-managed rehabilitation are not well understood, but evidence suggests they may change over time. Despite increasing digitalisation of self-managed interventions, little is known about the role of internet-based interventions in patients’ experiences of self-directed rehabilitation. This longitudinal qualitative study investigated individuals’ ongoing experiences of internet-guided, self-managed rehabilitation within the context of rehabilitation for dizziness.

Methods: Eighteen adults aged fifty and over who experienced dizziness used the ‘Balance Retraining’ internet intervention for six weeks. Participants took part in semi-structured telephone interviews at two-week intervals to explore their experiences. Data were inductively thematically analysed.

Results: The internet intervention was reported to facilitate engagement with rehabilitation exercises, providing motivation to continue through symptom reduction and simple but helpful strategies. It was perceived as informative, reassuring, visually pleasing and easy to use. Barriers to engagement included practicalities, symptoms and doubts about exercise efficacy. Participants’ perceptions did not always remain consistent over time.

Conclusion: The internet intervention may be a feasible method of supporting self-managed vestibular rehabilitation. More generally, longitudinal findings suggest that appearance-related perceptions of online interventions may be especially important for initial engagement. Furthermore, intervention features targeting self-efficacy seem important in overcoming barriers to engagement.  相似文献   

The marriage role expectations of female university students enrolled in an introductory marriage and family course at the University of Kentucky in 1961 (N=72), 1972 (N=58), 1978 (N=115), and 1984 (N=81) were compared. The 1972 group was found to be significantly more egalitarian than the 1961 group in overall marriage role expectations and on all subscales except authority. The 1978 and 1984 groups were significantly more egalitarian than the 1961 group on overall marriage role expectations and on all seven of the subscales: authority, homemaking, child care, personal characteristics, social participation, education, and employment and support. The 1978 group was significantly more egalitarian than the 1972 group only on authority and homemaking, with no significant differences on the other five subscales or on overall role expectation score. The 1984 group was significantly more egalitarian than the 1972 group only on authority, homemaking, and child care, and was slightly (not satistically significant) more traditional on personal characteristics and social participation. There were no significant differences between the 1978 and 1984 groups on overall expectation or on any of the subscales. In fact, the 1984 group was slightly more traditional on homemaking, personal characteristics, social participation, employment and support, and overall expectations. The data from this study showed the greatest gain in egalitarian trends to be between 1961 and 1972, with a continuation of the trends at a somewhat slower rate of change between 1972 and 1978, and a discontinuation of the trend toward more egalitarian expectations between 1978 and 1984.The data were collected in February 1961, January 1972, September 1978, and September 1984. Special acknowledgement and appreciation are expressed to Jessie Ringo (retired), University of Kentucky, for making the 1961 data available for this study.  相似文献   

Delinquency may partly develop as a consequence of psychopathic personality. But, what is the mechanism behind this connection? 150 Cypriot students were asked to complete four questionnaires (Inventory of Parents and Peers Attachment, Bullying and Victimization Questionnaire-Revised, Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory and Delinquency Scale) in three time periods; (November 2015, February 2016, May 2016). We hypothesized that; (a) psychopathic traits will predict the increase in delinquent behaviour, (b) psychopathic traits at Time 1 will predict a poorer attachment with parents and peers, and an increase in bullying and victimization at Time 2, and this inter alias will predict an increase in delinquency at Time 3. A mediation effect is also hypothesized in this study. Results showed a direct relation between psychopathic traits and delinquency. Full mediation was found with bullying and victimization as mediators. Additionally, the quality of attachment and delinquency is not statistically significant related. The present findings suggest that bullying and victimization are part of the mechanism in the connection between psychopathy and delinquency. In conclusion, results provide important clues for understanding that psychopathic traits are not considered as a determining factor of delinquent behaviour since bullying could be controlled and modified with proper interventions.  相似文献   

Teammates have been found to have an impact on athletes’ eating and exercise psychopathology via multiple influence mechanisms (e.g., modelling, making critical comments). However, far less is known about the role of the team social network (i.e. the pattern and strength of relationships between teammates). This novel longitudinal study aimed to explore how athletes’ eating and exercise psychopathology becomes more (convergence) or less (divergence) similar to their teammates’ over time and to explore how this varies for male and female athletes. A second aim was to identify the role of team social network variables (e.g., popularity) in determining individuals’ levels of eating and exercise psychopathology. Athletes (N = 199, mean age 18 years, n = 123 female) from 20 teams/training groups completed a survey regarding their teammate relationships and eating/exercise psychopathology (Eating Disorder Inventory-2; Athlete Compulsive Exercise Test) at three time points over a 7-month period. Significant interaction effects between time and gender were noted for athlete team variability in eating and exercise psychopathology, where both convergence and divergence of eating and exercise psychopathology was evident. In addition, being well connected to teammates, acting as the bridge between groups of teammates or being part of a cohesive team were longitudinally associated with reduced exercise psychopathology. Disordered eating and exercise prevention strategies should look to harness the behavioural convergence effect demonstrated here, by encouraging healthy eating/exercise practices among teammates. Furthermore, coaches should foster cohesive teammate relationships and be aware of how an athlete’s social positioning within their team may affect their susceptibility to exercise psychopathology.  相似文献   

We-talk, the use of first-person plural pronouns over the use of singular pronouns when describing relationship events, is regarded as a linguistic indicator of marital relationship functioning. A meta-analysis revealed that we-talk is positively associated with relationship satisfaction. However, this literature is based mostly on cross-sectional studies. This study tested the hypothesis that we-talk would be associated with greater marital satisfaction over time. The sample comprised 77 couples enrolled in a longitudinal study of parents of preschool-aged children. We-talk was assessed at baseline during a marital discussion task about parenting challenges. Couples completed a measure of marital satisfaction at baseline, 6- and 12-month follow-ups. An actor–partner interdependence model examined the effects of spouses' we-talk on their own marital satisfaction (actor effects), and their partners' marital satisfaction (partner effects). Results indicated a positive partner effect of we-talk at baseline, but not over time. Moreover, there was an actor effect of we-talk on changes in marital satisfaction over time, whereby low actor we-talk was associated with a reduction in marital satisfaction, but high actor we-talk was not associated with such a decrease. These findings suggest that greater cognitive interdependence, as indicated by we-talk, may protect from declines in marital satisfaction over time.  相似文献   

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice - Accounts of non-domination have tended to emphasise the role resources and other capacity and voice building mechanisms can play in giving people the power and...  相似文献   

Social Psychology of Education - Little is known about the effects of Ratemyprofessors.com teaching evaluations relative to university-administered teaching evaluations in students. Therefore, this...  相似文献   

Two event-related potential (ERP) experiments were used to examine the representation of object feature information and background knowledge in semantic memory. Participants were trained on novel object categories with three features and were tested with new exemplars that were complete or were missing one to two features that were essential or nonessential to object function. In both a category membership judgment task (Experiment 1) and a parts detection task (Experiment 2), the N400, a functionally specific measure of semantic access, was graded with feature number but was insensitive to knowledge-based feature importance. A separable ERP effect related to knowledge was seen in Experiment 1 as an enhanced frontocentral negativity (beginning ∼300 msec) to exemplars missing a nonessential versus an essential feature, but this effect did not manifest when background knowledge was less task relevant (Experiment 2). Thus, similarity- and knowledge-based effects are separable, and the locus of knowledge effects varies with task demands but does not seem to arise from facilitated semantic access.  相似文献   

Drawing on dialogical self theory, this study aimed to develop understanding of the processes of self-continuity in migrants with complex trajectories. Twelve participants of various nationalities and ages took part in qualitative interviews in the United Kingdom and the United States. An iterative, three-step analysis for multivoicedness suggested participants initially adopted stabilizing I-positions that acted as foundations for subsequent development and evolution of new selves. A clear and dynamic progression of positioning, repositioning, and innovation in the dialogical self emerged. Findings suggest that change and rupture may act as catalysts for positive development and innovation, resulting in a robust, enhanced sense of self-continuity.  相似文献   

In contrast to previous research on apologies, which has examined their role in enhancing impressions of those issuing them (e.g., Darby and Schlenker, 1989), the research reported here draws upon Goffman’s (1955) analysis of the “corrective cycle” and is concerned with constraints associated with the receipt of apologies. Study 1 examines the implications for the actor of accepting, not accepting, or rejecting apologies. It is demonstrated that across a variety of judgments, most positive views of the actor result when apologies are accepted; least positive views are associated with their rejection. A follow-up study sought to establish whether this effect would occur under circumstances in which unconvincing apologies are rejected. Results indicate that the apology’s status (convincing versus unconvincing) has no bearing on perceptions of actors. Based on a hypothetical role-play format, Study 2 addresses the matter of whether actors experience a subjective sense of constraint upon receipt of unsatisfactory apologies. The data suggest that there exists a pronounced tendency to accept such apologies, though typically with conditions that would be specified to the offender. More general implications of the data are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: To advance understanding of the individual and environmental factors underpinning weight loss maintenance. Design: Semi-structured, data-prompted interviews were conducted with twelve overweight adult participants (three men, nine women) who had lost over 5% of their body weight in the year before baseline. Participants gathered daily data through wireless scales, activity monitors (Fitbit?), ecological momentary assessment and experience sampling (taking photographs, writing notes). They were interviewed at 3- and 6-months post baseline. Interview stimuli included personal data of weight and activity graphs, correlations of psychological factors, and self-generated notes and photographs. Interview data were analysed using the Framework Method, applying pre-specified maintenance-relevant theoretical themes. Results: The theoretical Framework provided a good fit for the narratives, with five main themes underpinning successful weight loss maintenance: sustained motivation, effective self-regulation, plentiful resources, habit formation and a supportive environment. Additionally, participants reported an identity shift from being a dieter to accepting a new healthy lifestyle. Goal prioritising and allowing for occasional controlled lapses enhanced weight loss maintenance. Conclusions: This study successfully used the novel method of data-prompted interviews to explore weight loss maintenance experiences with new explanations emerging from the data. Future research should further develop behaviour change maintenance theory and data-prompted interview method.  相似文献   

About 20 million men and women, a quarter of the population of Turkey, are Alevites, affiliated to the Bektashi Order, holding very liberal views related to those of the Mevlana Order. They have no mosques in their villages but community houses, where men and women together take part in cult ceremonies. They do not pray five times a day, neither do they fast. Alcohol is consumed in connection with initiation, men and women are equal and women do not wear veils, etc. As a consequence they are persecuted by Sunni neighbours as heretics and have been victims of arson attacks. The author received four years of weekly instruction by a Bektashi elder on questions related to faith, but not on the origin and context of the beliefs, which were virtually inaccessible locally. Further study has shown that their origin is in liberal Sufi thought, going back to Neoplatonism, Plotinus and the hermetic tradition. This tradition survives in Anatolia.  相似文献   

Accident statistics show that transitions from rural to urban areas are accident prone locations. Inappropriate speed and mental underload have been identified as important causal factors nearby such transitions. A variety of traffic calming measures (TCM) near rural–urban transitions has been tested in field experiments and driving simulator studies. Simulator experiments repeatedly exposing participants to the same treatment are scarce, hence it is unclear to what extent the effects of a TCM endure over time.This is precisely the objective of the current study: to examine what happens with the behavior of drivers when they are exposed multiple times to the same treatment (in this case a gate construction located at a rural–urban transition). Over a period of five successive days, seventeen participants completed a 17 km test-drive on a driving simulator with two thoroughfare configurations (gates present or absent) in a within-subject design. Results indicate that gates induced a local speed reduction that sustained over this five-day period. Even though participants were inclined to accelerate again once passed by this gate configuration, they always kept driving at an appropriate speed. We did not find any negative side effects on SD of acceleration/deceleration or SDLP.Overall we conclude that gate constructions have the potential to improve traffic safety in the direct vicinity of rural–urban transitions, even if drivers are repeatedly exposed. Notwithstanding, we advise policy makers to appropriately use this measure. Best is to always carefully consider the broader situational context (such as whether the road serves a traffic- rather than a residential function) of each particular location where the implementation of a gate construction is one of the options.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated whether the feedback effect on the accuracy of children’s metacognitive judgments results from an improvement in monitoring processes or the use of the Anchoring-and-Adjustment heuristic. Experiment 1 revealed that adding feedback increased the accuracy of young children’s (aged 4, 6, and 8 years) memory prediction. In Experiment 2, the influence of an external anchor on children’s metacognitive judgment was established. Finally, in Experiment 3, two memory tasks that differed in terms of difficulty were administered. Participants were randomly assigned to an anchoring (high/low/no anchor) and a feedback (feedback/no feedback) condition. Results demonstrated that children in the feedback condition adjusted their predictions toward the feedback, regardless of the task’s difficulty. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that external information provided by feedback is used as an anchor for judgment. This interpretation is strengthened by the correlation found between the two scores computed to assess participants’ susceptibility to anchoring and feedback effects, which indicates that children who are more sensitive to the anchoring effect are also more sensitive to the feedback effect.  相似文献   

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