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As publics of organizations become larger, better organized and more powerful, communication from these publics into organizations becomes essential if the organization is to adapt to this portion of its environment. This article uses Grunig's multisystems theory of organizational communication and McLeod and Chaffee's coorientation paradigm to conceptualize which employees of an organization will achieve the highest level of accuracy with an external public and then uses data from a study of a large business firm to test the conceptualization. Results show that accuracy occurs only when special combinations of conditions are present. The article concludes that organizations cannot leave external communication to the initiative of individual employees but must form a unit to do “systemic” research on the organization's relationship with its environment.  相似文献   

This study attempted to determine the effects of several structural characteristics of organizations (i.e., organizational size, organizational level, and span of control) on subordinates' perceptions of openness in superior-subordinate communication. Data were collected from 15 different organizations and over 800 subordinates. While not accounting for a large amount of variance, results indicate that subordinates in the lowest levels of their organizational hierarchies perceive significantly less openness in superior-subordinate communication than subordinates at the highest levels of their hierarchies. In addition, although not statistically significant, the findings of the investigation suggest that subordinates in very large organizations perceive less openness than subordinates in small organizations. Implications of findings are discussed and recommendations for future research provided.  相似文献   

A causal model relating aspects of interpersonal communication to anomia was tested with a sample of 58 students. While the overall model failed to fit the data, several specific hypotheses were supported. Both perceived similarity among members of close friendship networks and the level of interpersonal communication skills were negatively related to anomia. Residential mobility and anomia were positively associated. The level of communication network integration (connectedness) was not related to anomia, but the level of perceived communication effort was negatively associated with the level of network integration.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between involvement in a job-related communication network and organizational commitment. The findings indicate a complex relationship that is moderated by the degree of job involvement. For employees who are not involved in their jobs, involvement in the job-related communication network functions to foster commitment to the organization. Two major conclusions are drawn: (1) the impact of involvement in communication networks on employee attitudes and behaviors may occur only for individuals with certain characteristics; and (2) previous studies that have reported main effects for individual variables on organizational commitment may need reinterpretation in light of the disordinal interaction obtained here. The possibility that different commitment processes operate for different kinds of employees is explored, with special emphasis on those employees for whom communication is a potent factor in determining attitudes. Implications for future research on the relationship between communication network involvement and other employee responses are discussed.  相似文献   

The study of communication apprehension (CA) impact in the instructional environment is extended through examination of all three CA levels relative to various performance situations in a basic communication course. Results indicate significant differences in achievement indices between all three CA groups on final course grade and the first two of four performance assignments. Moderate and high CA groups were not significantly different from each other on the third and fourth performance tasks. Low and high CA groups were significantly different in all performance areas. No differences were indicated between CA groups on the final examination. Results are discussed relative to the naturalistic nature of the study.  相似文献   

Stage theories and empirical studies have concentrated on a few periods of childhood (e.g., age 5 to 7 years) as important times of transition. On the basis of ethnographic suggestions that the age period 8 to 10 years also involves interesting changes, the authors carried out a search of published empirical studies for findings of transitions in capabilities at 8 to 10 years. An annotated bibliography is provided summarizing the studies found in a 5-year period in three journals. The authors discuss possibilities for characterizing the transition at age 8 to 10, as well as how such a transition meshes with the concept of stage.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of organizational differences and rater differences on performance appraisals. Self, peer, and supervisory ratings of performance for nurses in four hospitals and self, student, peer, and supervisory ratings for resident advisors in seven university dormitory complexes were used in this study. The analyses indicate that both organization and rater differences have significant, independent effects on performance ratings. The findings suggest that organizational differences may restrict the generality of the findings of performance appraisal studies across organizational settings. They also may have a negative impact on the usefulness of any particular performance appraisal form in different settings, and on the ability of managers to accurately interpret and compare performance ratings for individuals in different organizational subunits.  相似文献   

Affection for and reciprocated disclosure by the other are generally thought to increase a person's willingness to engage in self-disclosing communication. The relationship between affection and disclosure is not consistently supported by the data, however, and the relationship between reciprocity and disclosure may well be an artifact of a confounded conceptualization of dyadic relations. Wright's model of same-sex friendships is proposed as more adequate than simple affection as a conceptualization of interpersonal relationships, and an adapted form of Chaffee and McLeod's coorientational paradigm is employed as a model of reciprocated disclosure. The hypotheses that affection accounts for less variance in disclosure than other criteria of friendship and that disclosure varies as a function of perceived rather than actual similarity were strongly supported. Although male and female subjects disclosed differently, hypotheses about sex differences in disclosure were not supported, failing to replicate previous findings. The implications of these data for further studies of self-disclosing communication are discussed.  相似文献   

The work of George Herbert Mead and Jean Piaget is stimulating interest among the social sciences in role-taking behavior as an intervening variable affecting human communication. This paper clarifies the concept of role-taking and distinguishes role-taking from related constructs with which it has been confused. It is shown, however, that clarification of role-taking requires serious consideration of the related concept of role-playing. The product of these considerations is a discussion of some implications for communication theory and research suggested by the conceptualizations and distinctions developed in this paper.  相似文献   

This study compared identity and utilitarian motives as predictors of time investment in work and family roles, using structural equation modeling with a sample of 623 working men and women. We tested within-role and cross-role relationships as well as the reciprocal effects of time invested in one role on time invested in the other role. As predicted, identification with a role was positively related to time invested in that role. However, findings for role utility were more complex. Time investment was positively related to both the pleasure and displeasure associated with a role. These findings suggest that people not only seek pleasure from roles but also invest time coping with role displeasure. The cross-role findings supported resource drain and accommodation but not compensation as explanations of work-family linking mechanisms. Gender analyses suggested that, for men, increased work time investment reduced time devoted to family, but increased family time investment did not affect time devoted to work. However, for women, increased time investment in either work or family reduced time devoted to the other role. These findings suggest that men may have greater reserves of time from roles other than work and family that make it unnecessary for them to draw from work time to meet increased family demands.  相似文献   

This study investigated characteristics which distinguish women who choose traditional as opposed to non-traditional careers and who function at differing occupational levels. 156 nurses represented the traditional sample, and 147 women in business and industrial positions in which 20% or fewer of the job incumbents were female comprised the non-traditional career group. The women were matched according to age and education across three occupational levels. It was determined that women as a group in non-traditional business roles as compared to the traditionals were more achieving, emphasized production more, saw themsleves as having characteristics more like managers and men, and saw no self-characteristics which conflicted with those ascribed to male managers. The business women considered the domestic role as less important, had fewer children, and fewer children living at home, than did the nurses. The two groups did not differ in their attitude toward the importance of their careers, their perceptions of their husband's attitudes, nor in the education level of their spouse and parents. These findings lead to the conclusion that leadership attributes and behavior of women do vary between organizational settings and across occupational levels in predictable ways.  相似文献   

This study sought to expand uncertainty reduction theory (Berger & Calabrese, 1975) by exploring network and dyadic correlates of uncertainty and stability in premarital romantic relationships. Respondents completed questionnaires and participated in telephone interviews three months later. Results generally showed that respondents experienced less uncertainty about their romantic partners and were less likely to break up when they communicated more often with their partners' family and friends, received greater support for their romantic relationship from family and friends, communicated more often with their partners, and perceived greater similarity to their partners. Uncertainty combined with the other variables to predict break ups over the three-month period with almost 90% accuracy. However, the presence of collinear lies, the global focus of the study, and the inadequate data base for longitudinal analysis placed several limitations on the findings. These limitations are discussed in terms of the need for more specific research and further theoretical development.  相似文献   

Prior laboratory research on group uniformity suggests the general hypothesis that as correspondence increases between the content on which communication networks and attitude-beliefs are defined, increasing group network connectivity is associated with increasing member uniformity. To test derived hypotheses, natural groups from a large organization are identified through communication network analysis on production (n= 17), innovation (n= 16), and maintenance (n= 16) content. As expected, production and innovation groups show relationships between connectivity and attitude-belief uniformity, with production the stronger of the two; maintenance groups show little association, perhaps due to a content definition restricted to interpersonal problems. The predicted positive relationship between connectivity and uniformity occurs for social-emotional variables in the production network. However, unexpectedly in both production and innovation networks personality variables become less uniform as connectivity increases. As suggested, task variables operate differently in association with connectivity in production and innovation networks, although the differences are more pronounced than expected; in production, uniformity on these variables is negatively associated with connectivity, while in innovation they are positively associated.  相似文献   

Un individu dont le savoir linguistique est très pauvre peut-il atteindre le stade des opérations formelles? Comment les opérations formelles sont-elles liées au langage? Pour répondre à ces questions, on compare la performance d'un échantillon d'adolescents sourds à celle d'adolescents normaux de milieux socio-économiques différents. Dans une tâche de symbolisation logique, on constate de grandes différences: 28% des sujets sourds et 53% des sujets de milieu défavorisé atteignent le stade formel après 5 semaines d'entraînement, alors que 75% des sujets de la classe moyenne atteignent ce résultat après une semaine d'entraînement. Mais pour deux autres types de tâche, les performances sont comparables: dans une tâche de prédiction probabiliste, 45% des adolescents sourds réussissent les opérations formelles et dans une tâche de combinatoire, 76 % réussissent. d'après les données d'ensemble aussi bien que d'après L'étude des cas individuels, on constate que les opérations formelles fonctionnent chez des sujets dont la performance linguistique n'est pas suffisante pour manier les propositions du discours. Les AA. se basent sur ces résultats, ainsi que sur la théorie de Piaget, pour dire qu'un langage social n'est ni une condition nécessaire, ni une condition suffisante du développement opératoire. Des résultats antérieurs, qui sont ici brièvement résumés, montrent que le langage, au mieux, a un effet indirect de facilitation sur les opérations concrètes. Pour certaines opérations formelles, le langage, associé à certains autres facteurs sociaux, peut avoir un effet direct de facilitation; il peut fournir à la fois L'occasion et le support figuratif pour que fonctionnent les opérations formelles.  相似文献   

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