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We examined young adults’ essentialist reasoning about gender categories. Previous developmental results suggest that until age 9 or 10, children show marked essentialist reasoning about gender, but this disappears by early adulthood. In contrast, results from social cognition suggest that essentialist thinking about social categories persists into adulthood. To address this discrepancy, 69 undergraduates engaged in a switched-at-birth task under speeded or delayed conditions. Delayed participants made essentialist decisions about physical but not behavioral properties and replicated past findings. Speeded participants showed markedly higher essentialist responding for behavioral properties compared with delayed participants. These findings suggest that gender essentialism does not necessarily diminish in adulthood but instead may be suppressed by more explicit reasoning processes.  相似文献   

A memory scanning (Sternberg, 1966, 1975) task was administered to healthy young adults, older adults, and two groups of individuals with dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT) to determine age- and disease-related changes in the retrieval of information from short-term memory. Healthy older adults, in comparison to healthy young adults, displayed increases in both slopes and intercepts in memory scanning. Individuals at various stages of DAT (very mild, mild, moderate) displayed increases in both slopes and intercepts compared to nondemented age-matched control individuals. There was also some evidence that DAT individuals are more likely to engage in a self-terminating search instead of an exhaustive search of short-term memory.  相似文献   

超常与普通儿童元记忆知识发展的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桑标  缪小春  邓赐平  E.van Lieshout  F.J.M 《心理科学》2002,25(4):406-409,424
本研究主要探讨超常儿童与普通儿童早期元记忆知识的发展。运用对偶图片对被试的个体变量、项目变量、过程变量、策略变量、遗忘与回忆变量知识分别进行了考察。结果表明,5—7岁儿童是元记忆知识快速发展的时期,每一年龄组儿童的元记忆知识总体水平都显著地高于低一年龄组的儿童;超常儿童的元记忆知识水平均与高一年龄组的普通儿童基本相同,与超常儿童发展的单一优势模式相吻合。  相似文献   

Attentional requirements of walking at various speeds in older adults were examined. Twenty healthy older adults (69.9?±?2.77?years; 8 males) were asked to walk a distance of 10?m at a self-selected speed as well as 30% quicker and 30% slower. Concurrently, reaction time (RT) was evaluated by having participants respond as fast as possible to randomly presented auditory stimuli. Results reveal that an accelerated walking speed generated faster RT than slow and self-selected speeds, while no difference was found between the latter. Faster RTs during an accelerated walking speed may have been precipitated by the reduced equilibrium demands of the task.  相似文献   

Postural strategies of healthy young adults to control tandem stance were investigated through the calculation of the relative contribution of the two loading-unloading (LU) and pressure-distribution (PD) mechanisms and the two legs for controlling the resultant center-of-pressure (CPRes) displacements. Weight-bearing asymmetry and limb dominance were also studied. For antero-posterior and medio-lateral CPRes displacements, LU and PD mechanisms mainly contribute, respectively. A significant LU contribution is nonetheless observed for medio-lateral control, due to a lateral gap between the CP positions under each foot despite a strict sagittal alignment for the two feet. Moreover, for medio-lateral control, the respective involvement of the two legs is related to the level of weight-bearing asymmetry, whereas the front leg mainly controls the antero-posterior sway. By specifying potential effects of body-weight asymmetry and limb dominance, to a better testing of patients with deficiencies in lateral sway control.  相似文献   

Turning, while walking, is an important component of adaptive locomotion. Current hypotheses regarding the motor control of body segment coordination during turning suggest heavy influence of visual information. The authors aimed to examine whether visual field impairment (central loss or peripheral loss) affects body segment coordination during walking turns in healthy young adults. No significant differences in the onset time of segments or intersegment coordination were observed because of visual field occlusion. These results suggest that healthy young adults can use visual information obtained from central and peripheral visual fields interchangeably, pointing to flexibility of visuomotor control in healthy young adults. Further study in populations with chronic visual impairment and those with turning difficulties are warranted.  相似文献   

采用选择性任务范式,用2个实验考察价值-项目间隔和项目呈现时长对价值导向元记忆的影响。实验1考察不同价值-项目间隔(无, 1s, 2s)时被试的选择性记忆指标SI和记忆成绩。结果发现,随价值-项目间隔增加,被试的记忆选择性逐渐下降,间隔1s时对高价值项目的选择性仍存在,但间隔2s时消失;实验2选取实验1的两种价值-项目间隔(无, 1s)条件,延长其项目呈现时间至4.5s,考察项目呈现时间对价值导向元记忆的影响。结果发现,两种价值-项目间隔条件下记忆选择性水平(SI)均显著降低,但对高价值项目的选择性加工优势并没消失。结论:价值导向元记忆受价值-项目间隔和项目呈现时间的影响。  相似文献   


This qualitative study was concerned with describing the lived experience of conversion in the lives of third- and greater-generation Seventh-day Adventist (Adventist) young adults. Fourteen participants were asked to describe both their formational faith experiences as well as their conversion experiences. A hermeneutical analysis found that a pattern of overlapping themes emerged across the 14 interviews. Themes for experience of conversion were: (i) Process, (ii) Integrates Intellectual Knowledge, (iii) Integrates Affective Experience, and (iv) Transformational. The findings are discussed from the perspective of Adventist theologies of nurture and conversion, models of faith formation, and literature on research of conversion.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - Subjective well-being (SWB) is a desirable goal for the society as a whole and in particular for young adults (i.e., those aged 18–34) who are a crucial...  相似文献   

Overparenting, or “helicopter parenting,” can be generally characterized as parenting that is well-intentioned, but over-involved and intrusive. This style of parenting has been especially highlighted in the lives of young adults, who may be inhibited by this form of parenting in the appropriate development of autonomy and independence. Overparenting shares conceptual similarities with parents’ psychological control practices, which involve emotional and psychological manipulation of children (e.g., inducing guilt, withholding love as a form of control). Although these constructs contain key differences, both have been linked to narcissism in young adults, by way of parental over-involvement in children’s lives. Thus, we sought to explore parental psychological control as a mediator between overparenting and narcissism, including in regard to both grandiose and vulnerable narcissistic phenotypes. Participants included 380 young adult college students (age range: 18–26 years) who completed the Pathological Narcissism Inventory, as well as reports of their parents’ behaviors related to overparenting and psychological control. Mediation analyses through Process in SPSS supported the hypothesized role of parental psychological control as a mediator between overparenting and narcissistic traits, including traits related to both grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Effect sizes for each analysis were modest. This study further clarifies the nature of overparenting, and speaks to the need for further research in establishing the mechanisms by which overparenting may lead to narcissistic traits among young adults.  相似文献   

Multisensory reweighting (MSR) is an adaptive process that prioritizes the visual, vestibular, and somatosensory inputs to provide the most reliable information for postural stability when environmental conditions change. This process is thought to degrade with increasing age and to be particularly deficient in fall-prone versus healthy older adults. In the present study, the authors investigate the dynamics of sensory reweighting, which is not well-understood at any age. Postural sway of young, healthy, and fall-prone older adults was measured in response to large changes in the visual motion stimulus amplitude within a trial. Absolute levels of gain, and the rate of adaptive gain change were examined when visual stimulus amplitude changed from high to low and from low to high. Compared with young adults, gains in both older adult groups were higher when the stimulus amplitude was high. Gains in the fall-prone elderly were higher than both other groups when the stimulus amplitude was low. Both older groups demonstrated slowed sensory reweighting over prolonged time periods when the stimulus amplitude was high. The combination of higher vision gains and slower down weighting in older adults suggest deficits that may contribute to postural instability.  相似文献   

This paper presents a family-oriented therapy approach for the prevention of rehospitalization of adolescents and young adults with diverse diagnoses. The dilemma of the family is presented in terms of the incongruities evident in the organizational hierarchy of these families. The main premise is that if the hierarchy is corrected so that the parents are jointly in charge of the youth and the extended kin cooperate, rehospitalization can be prevented. A therapeutic strategy is presented with the emphasis on overcoming the family's attempt to avoid a hierarchy in which the parents are in charge of the family.  相似文献   

This study investigated race and gender differences among 73 Hmong American and 80 Caucasian American college students. Racial differences were found only among the women, with Hmong women holding more positive attitudes toward weight concern body items and expressing less interest in changing these body items than Caucasian women. There were no gender differences among the Hmong, and the gender differences among Caucasians involved weight concern. Increased body mass was correlated with negative body attitudes among Caucasian and Hmong women and among Hmong men, whereas increased body mass was correlated with positive upper-body attitudes among Caucasian men.  相似文献   

While the nature of memory complaints during older adulthood has been studied extensively, the meaning of subjective memory concerns in younger adults has not been fully addressed. Using a sample of 95 younger adults, this study examined the role of personality, health, and depression in predicting objective and subjective memory. For objective memory, openness and self-rated health were unique predictors. For subjective memory ability, only self-rated health was predictive. Finally, similar to studies with older adults, neuroticism and conscientiousness were predictive of both perceived frequency of forgetting and global memory. Using subjective memory concerns as an indicator of actual memory functioning may be inappropriate given the extent to which personality traits and health predict memory concerns.  相似文献   

刘希平  唐卫海  方格 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1243-1246
元记忆包括陈述性元记忆和程序性元记忆。程序性元记忆是对记忆过程的监测和控制。本文从发展的角度对程序性元记忆新近的研究进展进行了回顾。(1)几种记忆监测的发展速度和趋势不尽相同。(2)记忆控制发展较晚。(3)对今后的研究趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

An important question often asked when counselors-in-training read textbook discussion of gender role stereotypes, especially of older work such as the classic study by the Brovermans and their colleagues, is “Haven’t these biases been eliminated or at least reduced?” The current study was designed to replicate the work of the Brovermans and their colleagues to answer that specific question and to determine how current counselors-in-training perceive healthy adult women, healthy adult men, and healthy adults. As in the prior research, initial ratings of the social desirability of traditional gender role stereotypes were conducted, and the findings showed many similarities to past research. That investigation was followed by a modified Stereotype Questionnaire, based on the original work of Rosenkrantz, Vogel, Bee, I. Broverman, and D. M. Broverman (1968). Healthy adult women were found to be significantly different from healthy adult men as well as from healthy adults. In addition, the results suggest that there have been changes in counselors’ perceptions of healthy adults. Counselors-in-training were found to hold two standards for mental health—one for women and another for men.  相似文献   

The authors investigated gender differences in psychological problems in the career decision making (CDM) process of young adults. Specifically, problems with decision anxiety, life-goal awareness, luck-fate orientation, authority orientation, and secondary gain motivation were investigated. Methodology involved administering the Career Decision Diagnostic Assessment (CDDA) instrument to 1,006 college students from four universities. Results indicated no gender differences in global levels of problems in CDM. Women reported more problems with life-goal awareness and authority orientation than did men. Men reported more problems with secondary gain motivations than did women. The results are discussed in terms of implications for gender-differentiated career counseling.  相似文献   

Although romantic involvement in adulthood has generally been associated with enhanced well-being, some aspects of adults’ romantic relationships (e.g., maladaptive conflict behaviors) have been linked with depressive symptoms. In order to better understand the role of romantic involvement in well-being, the present study examined links among attachment orientations, conflict behaviors with romantic partners, and depressive symptoms in an undergraduate sample of young adults (= 110). Correlational analyses generally supported the hypothesized links. When a regression series was applied to the data in order to determine whether young adults’ conflict behaviors serve as a mediator in the link between their attachment orientations and depressive symptoms, mediation was not supported. Instead, results supported a model wherein attachment orientations and conflict behaviors (attacking) were independent predictors, explaining unique variance in young adults’ depressive symptoms. Findings underscore the importance of considering specific aspects of young adults’ romantic relationships in the prediction of their depressive symptoms and illuminate the role attachment orientations and conflict behaviors in their depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

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