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An experiment was performed to assess the role of expectations in psychosocial contrast effects. Subjects were initially presented with a series of word definitions that were either high or low pathology; their task was to indicate those definitions that had been produced by schizophrenic (vs nonschizophrenic) patients. After this “induction” series, subjects were presented with a common “test” series that included both definitions and handwriting samples; they evaluated the degree of psychopathology that was implied by each item. Some subjects were required to state their expectations in connection with the test items. First they attempted to guess the percentage of schizophrenics in the overall test series; second, before being presented with each test item, they guessed whether the patient in question was (or was not) schizophrenic. Subjects' expectations were consistent with the induction series to which they were assigned; those assigned to the high-pathology induction expected the test series to include more schizophrenic patients than those in the low-pathology group. Nonetheless, despite these expectations, subjects showed a contrast effect in their evaluations of the test definitions (but not in evaluating the handwriting samples). That is, subjects from the low-pathology induction group rated the test definitions as being more pathological than did those in the high-pathology condition. Within-group correlations indicated that the subjects' expectations were directly related to subsequent judgments. A two-path model is discussed, relating (a) the respondents' induction group assignment, (b) his/her expectations, and (c) subsequent test judgments.  相似文献   

R. J. Berry 《Zygon》2002,37(3):717-728
Miracles are signs of God's power. Confusion about them comes from misunderstanding or doubting the relationship between God and creation rather than from science properly understood.  相似文献   

唐文杰  侯玉波 《心理科学》2017,40(6):1435-1441
本研究以味觉和痛觉两种感觉通道的体验为对象,探讨预期效价和预期信心如何影响知觉体验的结果及其作用机制。通过基于味觉和痛觉的两个实验,发现预期会影响即时知觉体验,并且预期信心在其中起到调节作用——对预期充满信心时,即时体验和对结果的预期保持一致,预期越积极即时体验越好,预期越消极即时体验越差;而对预期缺乏信心时,即时体验和预期之间呈现背离趋势,预期越积极即时体验越差,预期越消极即时体验则越好。研究结果阐明了预期影响即时体验的机制,对我们理解身心关系也具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

The reported direction of autokinesis for naive observers is not biased by gaze deviations of 22.5 deg of arc. However, instructions to expect either “inward” or “outward” movement produce reports of autokinetic movement that are progressively biased in the expected direction. Instructions to expect “more” or “less” movement resulted in a decrease in the reported duration of apparent movement for the “less” group but no change for the “more” group. Response bias is not considered to play a role in these results. The results are discussed in terms of fixational bias and selective attention mechanisms of autokinesis.  相似文献   

政治伦理研究:现状与期待   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余涌 《哲学动态》2005,(1):15-17
虽说政治伦理可以被视为20世纪后半叶以来蓬勃兴起的应用伦理学的一个重要领域,但严格而论,如果说存在一门政治伦理学的话,那么,它的历史与伦理学的历史差不多一样久远.人类对政治伦理学的关注源远流长,而作为当代应用伦理学的一个分支的政治伦理学的兴起,则以1971年罗尔斯出版的<正义论>为显著标志.  相似文献   

This address examines the complex processes whereby cultural understandings of the sacred and, consequently, religious identity are negotiated in the contemporary social world. Two key processes of negotiation are delineated, namely, religious evanescence and religious evocation. Religious evanescence reflects efforts to deemphasize or sever connections to the sacred. By contrast, religious evocation consists of activities that emphasize or enhance linkages to sacred things. Groups actively manage their relationship to the sacred, and thus their religious identities, by engaging in evanescent or evocative practices. Moreover, the rejection of sacred things (evanescence) and the affirmation of them (evocation) are not mutually exclusive processes. They can be enlisted strategically, selectively, and even in combination with one another to suit a wide variety of social contexts and normative expectations. Boundaries in relation to the sacred are, therefore, sites for contradictory and innovative social processes. The contested and fluid boundaries that define the genre of “Christian rock” serve to illustrate these processes.  相似文献   

The study examined the expectation-action chain of events in the context of the decision about whether to retire within the subsequent two years. One hundred and twenty-five staff employees at a large university participated. They evaluated their expectations about what would happen if they retired and stated their intention. Two years later they were contacted to see whether they had or had not retired. Expectations were used to predict intentions (78% correct predictions), and intentions were used to predict actions (76% correct predictions). The results were interpreted as evidence supporting the use of the expectation-intention-action chain to characterize retirement decision making. The possible causes of mispredictions were discussed.  相似文献   

心理咨询中的期望被视为今后心理咨询过程研究和结果研究的核心变量。文献研究发现,过去的研究缺乏理论指导,对心理咨询中的期望还没有形成系统的认识。本文从社会影响力模型、目标动机理论、人际期望效应模型、人际人格理论和社会认知论定义了五种不同的期望,给出了不同定义下期望的相关实证研究,区别了对心理咨询的期望和当事人的期望。为说明不同理论视角下期望的区别和联系,用“现实-幻想”、“情境-稳定”两组概念辨析了心理咨询中的期望的相关理论并提出了今后该领域的研究方向  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine whether people's expectations differ regarding how music lyrics affect individual behavior as a function of music genre. Because legislative attention and media publicity have been biased against certain types of popular music (i.e., heavy metal and rap), the authors expected that those genres of music would be viewed more negatively than other genres of popular music, for which there has been little or no negative publicity (i.e., pop and country). Participants (N = 160 college students) rated their perceptions of how the lyrical content of a song would affect listeners' behavior. The authors presented prosocial or antisocial lyrical passages to students (N = 160) under the guise of four musical genres (heavy metal, rap, pop, and country). Participants rated the potential impact of the lyrics on listeners' behavior. Findings indicated that lyrics labeled as heavy metal or rap were perceived as less likely to inspire prosocial behavior but not more likely to inspire antisocial behavior than the same lyrics labeled as country or pop.  相似文献   

<正>由浙江大学哲学系、浙江大学现象学与心性思想研究中心(筹)主办的第三届"两岸三地现象学论坛"于2019年3月30—31日在浙江大学紫金港校区举行,本次会议的主题为"现象学的汉语经验"。来自中山大学、同济大学、香港中文大学、高雄中山大学、浙江大学、南京大学等两岸三地著名高校的20余位学者从文本翻译、概念审查、中西比较等不同视角围绕"汉语现象学"进行了活跃而深刻的发言与探讨。同济大学哲学系的孙周兴教授做了题为《汉语哲学的时与势——再论汉语关联性思维及其效应》的报告,孙教授认为汉语哲学的劣势在于没有形成"强推论"的思维方法、"纯形式"的观念世界和"高抽象"的形式科学体系,主要表现为心性上的无超越性和法理上的弱规则性;但同时,汉语哲学的弱势从另一角度来看又是一种优势,汉语的"弱规则性"使得汉语具有极强的对外来文化的吸收能力和包容能  相似文献   

信息误导( misinformation)是来源记忆错觉研究的一种常用范式.本文简要总结了该范式的研究成果并对今后研究进行了展望.已有的信息误导研究主要集中在三方面:儿童受信息误导影响的特点具有明显的年龄差异,老人较年轻人更易受信息误导的影响;社会因素对信息误导具有明显调节作用;成像和病人研究为信息误导的神经机制提供了可靠证据.今后需在理论高度、实践应用、研究对象、实验范式和神经机制等角度予以深入.  相似文献   

Expectation and burnout in the developmental disabilities field   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Psychological burnout was assessed in staff members at workshops and community residences for the developmentally disabled. Participants also rated expectations for client progress and for their own contribution to clients. They reported on change in expectation since they entered the field. High expectations were related to low burnout; workers who reported experiencing large negative expectation change were most burned out. Burnout seemed to be prevented when staff members made an expectation shift from reliance on client progress to a sense of personal efficacy. This finding is discussed in terms of personal causation, internal control of reinforcement, and adaptation-level theory. There was little evidence of client depersonalization, a usual component of burnout. Such a burnout pattern may be a function of the ethic of community care for the developmentally disabled.  相似文献   

本文提出了期望差异效应的概念并细致阐述了期望差异效应可能是导致风险沟通障碍的原因。期望差异效应是指处于同一情境中的一方对另一方的期望与另一方自我期望之间的差异。围绕上述问题,研究者在阐述了期望差异效应的含义以及期望差异效应可能的心理表征和认知根源之后,细致分析了期望差异效应的强化因素及其可能导致的风险沟通障碍。有关期望差异效应的研究尚处于起步阶段,界定期望差异效应的心理表征,确定期望差异效应的测量工具,探索期望差异效应的影响因素以及分析期望差异效应与风险沟通障碍的关系等都可以作为未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Chance plays an important role in everyone's career, but career counseling is still perceived as a process designed to eliminate chance from career decision making. Traditional career counseling interventions are no longer sufficient to prepare clients to respond to career uncertainties. Work world shifts challenge career counselors to adopt a counseling intervention that views unplanned events as both inevitable and desirable. Counselors need to teach clients to engage in exploratory activities to increase the probability that the clients will discover unexpected career opportunities. Unplanned events can become opportunities for learning.  相似文献   

吴波  黄希庭 《心理科学进展》2012,20(7):1098-1109
婚姻期待指在婚姻关系中, 个体对配偶和关系本身所期望达到、并认为可以达到的标准。婚姻期待的满足程度影响婚姻质量评价和婚姻满意度, 但受到期待弹性、夫妻沟通及归因风格等因素的调节。个体应对婚姻期待受挫的方式包括改变对方以及对现实进行理想化歪曲等。未来可从开发适用于中国文化的测量工具、深化影响婚姻期待的家庭因素研究、探索婚姻期待受挫的其它应对方式及开展婚姻期待的夫妻匹配研究等方向进行考察。  相似文献   

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