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Data from 115,052 active United States military personnel were analyzed to explore links between contact with gay people and attitudes about repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Results showed that prejudice against homosexuals significantly mediated the association between contact and supporting repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”; quality of contact in the military was a stronger predictor than other measures of contact. Quality and quantity of contact interacted: more contact quantity had opposing statistical effects on policy attitudes for people experiencing high versus low quality contact. Findings are discussed in terms of contact theory, the association between intergroup attitudes and policy preferences, and practical implications for situations in which groups’ access to new positions or roles is limited, and hence contact opportunities are rare.  相似文献   

Aggressive drivers can make driving dangerous. Over 50% of traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving. This research tests whether narcissists are more aggressive drivers than other individuals. Narcissists think they are special people who deserve special treatment. When they don’t get the special treatment they think they deserve, narcissists often lash out at others in an aggressive manner. Narcissists might think they “own the road” and can drive anyway they want, and that other drivers should get out of their way. In the article, we conduct three studies to test the link between narcissism and aggressive driving. In Studies 1 (N = 139) and 2 (N = 100), Luxembourgish motorists completed a measure of narcissism and a self-report measure of aggressive driving. In Study 3 (N = 60), American university students completed a measure of narcissism and then completed a driving simulation scenario that contained a number of frustrating elements. Several measures of aggressive driving and road rage were obtained. In all three studies, narcissism was positively related to aggressive driving. A meta-analysis found an average correlation of r = 0.35 across the three studies. This research replicates previous research linking narcissism to aggression, and extends it to a driving context.  相似文献   

Emerging adulthood is a time of exploration when people try to understand themselves as well as their place within the world. According to Social Comparison Theory (Festinger in Hum Relat 7:117–140, 1954), one of the ways we gather such information is by comparing ourselves to others. The current research investigated the frequency and nature of these comparisons, specifically those that are appearance-focused, in emerging adult women. Furthermore, we examined how one type of exploration, sexual activity, impacts these comparisons. Seventy-five emerging adult women, aged 18–23 years old (M Age ?=?19.53, SD?=?1.28), participated in the present study. They were asked to complete a questionnaire assessing current and past sexual activity. The questionnaire also assessed their body dissatisfaction as well as the frequency with which they make appearance-focused comparisons. The results demonstrate that females’ sexual exploration during emerging adulthood predicts a tendency to make more appearance-focused comparisons and that these comparisons are more detrimental to their body image.  相似文献   

The benefits of car share, in terms of reduced car ownership and sustainable transport use have been widely recognised. Knowledge of motivators and barriers of car share adoption is crucial to inform policy, and yet this aspect has received little attention so far. This paper aims to comprehensively explore the range of psycho-social factors which determine the adoption of car share.In this study, two theoretical approaches were used to explore psycho-social determinants of car share adoption. First, the Theory of Planned Behaviour is used as a theoretical lens to identify the role of attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control in car share adoption. Second, the Theory of Innovation Diffusion is used to examine the process of adoption of car share and the barriers at different stages. While the former considers the determinants of the binary decision of becoming a car share, the latter unpacks the process of car share adoption. This qualitative study draws on data from five focus groups and 18 semi-structured interviews, conducted in Melbourne, Australia, with station-based car share member, ex-members and non-members.Insights confirmed that while cost, convenience and environmental concerns are important motivators, others factors also encourage car share use including sharing with the community, reducing/avoiding hassles related to car ownership (e.g. maintenance, parking) and, a desire to own fewer material possessions. Normative beliefs about car ownership, perceived difficulties in using car share (e.g. with children) and the planning and effort required to book and use car share were identified as some of the barriers. Barriers related to car share use varied depending on the stage of car share adoption. Initial barriers related to a lack of knowledge and normative beliefs about car ownership. The study also highlighted how motivators and barriers might vary for peer-to-peer and fleet-based car share. Insights from this study will be useful for car share operators and policymakers to address the practical and social barriers to car share adoption.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of trust beliefs (i.e., trustworthiness, trustfulness) on aggression trajectories in a four-wave longitudinal study using an ethnically diverse sample of 8- to 11-year-old children (N?=?1,028), as well as the risk profiles of low trust beliefs and low socioeconomic status on aggression trajectories. At Time 1 to Time 4, teachers provided ratings of overt aggressive behavior. At Time 1, children’s trust beliefs were assessed by a sociometric peer nomination instrument and derived using social relations analysis. Latent growth curve analysis revealed five trajectories of aggressive behavior: high-stable, medium-stable, low-stable, increasing, and decreasing. As hypothesized, children in the high-stable trajectory were perceived as less trustworthy than children in the low-stable, medium-stable, and increasing trajectories. Children in the high-stable trajectory were less trustful than children in the low-stable trajectory and had a significantly higher risk profile (i.e., low trust beliefs and low SES) compared to children in the low-stable trajectory. Our findings indicate that the developmental course of aggression during middle childhood is predicted by children’s trustworthiness and trustfulness. A risk profile of low trust and low socioeconomic status contributes to high-stable aggression trajectories.  相似文献   

This study assesses the identity management strategies employed by gays, lesbians, and bisexuals in the U.S. military prior to and after the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” In-depth interviews were conducted with gay, lesbian, and bisexual service members and veterans. Data were analyzed using constant comparative analysis. Findings revealed that these service members made thoughtful and deliberate decisions about whether or not, and to whom, they would reveal their sexual identities. Identity concealment was practiced most often, even after the repeal, which was found to incite feelings of self-reproach, isolation, and stress. However, several new identity management strategies emerged after the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (i.e., strategies of openness) that stimulated positive self-feelings. By engaging in some level of openness, participants in this study were able to overcome some of the adverse effects of their minority stress.  相似文献   


The relationship between race and just about any social issue has been and continues to be controversial. Within the context of literature on public opinion regarding sports and social movements, this study considers the intersections between race, business, and athlete activism by examining attitudes related to Nike’s controversial advertisement campaign with former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Results obtained from a sample of young adults reveals a deep racial divide between black and non-black respondents. At almost a ratio of 2:1, blacks were more likely to agree with Nike’s decision to use the former player in their advertisement, that Nike should address social issues in their ads, and that Nike should contribute to his charity. These race differences remain in models that control for a variety of other correlates, including political orientation, income, discrimination, player protests, and whether they watch the NFL.  相似文献   

Imitation is a common way of acquiring novel behaviors in toddlers. However, little is known about toddlers’ imitation of undesired actions. Here we investigated 18- and 24-month-olds’ (N = 110) imitation of undesired and allowed actions from televised peer and adult models. Permissiveness of the demonstrated actions was indicated by the experimenter’s response to their execution (angry or neutral). Analyses revealed that toddlers’ imitation scores were higher after demonstrations of allowed versus undesired actions, regardless of the age of the model. In agreement with prior research, these results suggest that third-party reactions to a model’s actions can be a powerful cue for toddlers to engage in or refrain from imitation. In the context of the present study, third-party reactions were more influential on imitation than the model’s age. Considering the relative influence of different social cues for imitation can help to gain a fuller understanding of early observational learning.  相似文献   

Using thematic analysis of interview data, the present study assessed teen girls’ and young adult women’s attitudes toward posting sexualized profile photos on Facebook. In addition, sexualization behaviors depicted in participants’ profile photos were examined. Participants overwhelmingly disapproved (either in a reluctant or a clear manner) of posting a profile photo of oneself in underwear on social media. A somewhat different pattern emerged in attitudes about posting a swimsuit photo in which specific conditions were laid out determining whether swimsuit photos were acceptable or not. Sexualization cues in profile photos were generally low. Findings suggest that posting a sexualized photo on social media comes with relational costs for girls and women. Strategies for educating young people about new media use and sexualization are discussed.  相似文献   

The historically significant but superficial divide between public and private spaces and identities has shaped women’s lives, subjectivities, and sexualities. In this article, I analyze women’s self-sponsored and self-published porn sites. Specifically, I focus on sites that demonstrate complex articulations of identity and subjectivity—sites that can be read as identity projects that appropriate cultural expectations of sexuality. To foreground this analysis, I first explore past work analyzing the public/private dichotomy and suggest that computers and virtual spaces are used to reinforce the flimsy separation between public and private. Using these discussions as scaffolding, I then read a selection of women’s porn sites, arguing that these women Web authors are inserting their embodied subjectivities into public space, and forcing a remapping of the lines of the public and private in ways that rupture public representations of sexuality. ‘Scarlet collar’ workers are the feminists of the modern age, say psychologists, free from coercion and the dangers of the traditional, male dominated business. In the past two years they have moved away from traditional activities such as prostitution and lap dancing to become the majority of cyberporn owners. —Cherry Norton, 2000, online The woman’s duty, as a member of the commonwealth, is to assist in the ordering, in the comforting, and in the beautiful adornment of the state. —J. Ruskin,Free and Ennobled, 1983, p. 291  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the moral and conventional rules in 40 same-sex and same-age 4- and 5-year-old preschoolers’ dyads during their play interaction. Significant gender differences were found both in the dominant social domain and in the prevailing types of rules within each domain. Boys referred to moral rules more often than girls did. In the category of moral rules, boys were significantly more likely to bring up justice and rights issues than girls were. In the category of conventional rules, girls focused on miscellaneous and general conventions and boys on the destruction of property. Moral rules were applied more frequently in conflict situations. Regardless of gender, the rules of justice were the most likely moral rules to engender conflicts.  相似文献   

Our research examines whether intersecting racial and gender identities affect person perception. Predominantly White undergraduates (292) from a large northeastern U.S. university categorized and rated pictures (Study 1) and videos (Study 2) of Black and White men and women. We supported three hypotheses: 1) intersectionality affects person perception processes, leading to gender categorization errors for Black women; 2) “Blackness” and “maleness” are highly associated for Black male and female targets; and, 3) women are perceived as unattractive proportionally to their perceived masculinity, leading Black women to be rated as less attractive than other women. We suggest that intersectional approaches are required in order to fully understand person perception. Further, the Black/male association may lead to unique harms for Black women.  相似文献   

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