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Based on case illustrations of psychiatric inpatients the association between the existence of a conflicting relationship to the social environment and the existence of an obsessive-compulsive disorder is depicted. In a second step, the effects of obsessions and compulsions on the individual and its relationship to the social environment are described followed by considerations concerning psychotherapy of obsessive-compulsive disorders.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are among the more common psychological disorders and show a high level of comorbity with other psychiatric disorders. The lifetime prevalence is 15%; women are twice as likely to be effected twice as men. There is a tight correlation between patient age and the type of anxiety disorder. Social phobias arise as early as puberty. Panic disorders are viewed as disorders of late adolescence and early adulthood. It is not uncommon for generalized anxiety disorders to first arise beyond the age of 40. Many patients don’t just have one, but often also an additional phobia. Withdrawal and avoidant behavior play important roles in the chronification of anxiety disorders and reduction in the level of psychosocial functioning. These dysfunctional coping strategies only help patients to reduce their anxiety in the short term; avoidant behavior and the consequent psychological problems serve to increase the level of anxiety in the long term. Outpatient therapy is often inadequate in the case of severe anxiety disorders. However, a hospital stay can be avoided in the therapeutic setting of a day care clinic. The special aspect of a day care clinic is the combination of treatment and everyday life situations. The patient is able to perceive himself in the most divergent therapeutic situations, while simultaneously maintaining contact with family, his social environment, his problems and the demands of life.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vier unterschiedliche Geruchsstoffe in je 4 Konzentrationen wurden von 23 Versuchspersonen nach Intensität beurteilt und paarweise auf ihre relative Ähnlichkeit hin verglichen. Eine Systematik der Versuchspersonenvarianz konnte weder in den Intensitäts- noch in den Ähnlichkeitsurteilen mit dem Tucker-Messick-Verfahren nachgewiesen werden. Mit den Medianwerten der Ähnlichkeitsurteile wurde das Skalierungsverfahren von Kruskal durchgeführt. Unter 25 Lösungen wurde diejenige mit einem Exponenten (Minkowski-Metrik) von r=2,5 und 5 Dimensionen als optimal ausgewählt und zur Grundlage der Interpretation genommen. Als wichtigstes Ergebnis erhielten wir eine unabhängige Intensitätsdimension mit Ursprung außerhalb der Reizkonfiguration, die eine hohe Übereinstimmung zur Intensitätsskalierung aufwies. Weiter konnte ein Qualitätswechsel jeweils innerhalb eines Stoffes zwischen den Konzentrationen festgestellt werden. Dieser Qualitätswechsel ist bei den einzelnen Stoffen unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägt.
Quality and intensity in olfactory perception
Summary In an experiment on olfaction 23 subjects judged 16 odors (four chemicals each in four concentrations) with respect to intensity and with respect to similarity for each pair of stimuli. Systematic interindividual variation can he found neither in the intensity nor in the similarity data. Multidimensional scaling according to Kruskal's procedure reveals a configuration in 5 dimensions, the exponent of the optimal Minkowski-metric (out of 25 alternative solutions) is r=2.5. This scaling is based on the medians of similarity judgments. One of the dimensions corresponds to a subjective scale of intensity, with a zero-point lying outside of the configuration. The quality of the stimuli depends on their concentrations. The perceived quality-changes differ in amount and directions for each of the chemicals.

Von der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität des Saarlandes auf Antrag von Prof. Dr. K. Eyferth angenommene Dissertation.  相似文献   

For many years religious and spiritual issues have been avoided in psychotherapy. In the face of social changes a more culturally sensitive psychotherapy is needed to professionally deal with religious backgrounds, spiritual needs and spiritual resources. A remarkable spiritual turn has recently been observed particularly in psychoanalysis, which was originally very antireligious. Health research studies are exploring the healing craft of religious virtues and values. It is important to discern between an empirically proven healing method and an ideologically founded promise of salvation. It is the task of the therapist to find out whether the patient's religiosity or spirituality is part of the problem or part of the solution.  相似文献   

The term adaptation is often used in forensic interventions in a negative sense to describe courses of treatment without a real modification of thinking and behavior. In many cases adaptation means only a superficial problem adaptation with a risky process. This article describes and explains that in many cases adaptation can be a fundamental performance of development in a positive sense.Finally, key questions for the assessment of different adaptations and a typology of adaptations are presented. Additionally, the difference between a positive or rather desirable adaptation and deception will be defined.  相似文献   

The author describes the practical problems which have arisen from the implementation of the new legal regulations on preventive detention from the perspective of the director of a large prison full of tradition and using graphic examples. This process initiates a much more intensive conversion from imprisonment with a priority for security aspects to a permissive preventive custody with a prioritized orientation to treatment which must be implemented into a continuously ongoing prison system. In this situation it is unknown which effects the necessary relaxation of security aspects will have. It is also open as to what extent the inmates under preventive detention will show interest in therapy and whether they can be forced to become motivated. Additionally, in the coming years the judiciary will determine to which rights and amenities the inmates are entitled. On the side of the penal system there will always be an interest to use the critical situation as well as the situation as a whole to improve the methods of dealing with offenders.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine Gruppe von Wörtern mit höherer Ich-Bezogenheit und eine von Wörtern mit niedrigerer Ich-Bezogenheit war einmal absichtlich, einmal beiläufig einzuprägen. Als abhängige Variablen dienten die Zahl der behaltenen Glieder und — zur Bestimmung des Aktiviertheitsgrades während des Einprägens — die Höhe des elektrischen Hautwiderstands. Sowohl einzeln als auch in Wechselwirkung verursachten die genannten unabhängigen Variablen bedeutsame Unterschiede hinsichtlich des Behaltens und der Aktivisierung. Der Deutung der Ergebnisse wurde die Annahme zugrunde gelegt, daß Aktivierungsvorgänge zu den Geschehnissen gehören, die für das Behalten von Bedeutung sind.
Summary Two series of nouns with high and low emotional tone had to be memorized both intentionally and incidentally. During learning the amount of electrodermal skin resistance was registered as a measure of organismic activation, thereafter the Ss had to recall the words presented previously. The independent variables mentioned led to significant main and interaction effects in regard to both retention and activation data. The interpretation of the results is based on the assumption that retention is affected by activational processes.

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