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What comprises ‘data’ varies from one institution to another based on the information which is deemed important by individual institutions. To effectively and efficiently produce, collect, and retain data, an organization develops specific defining characteristics of data to meet its informational needs. Procedures to maintain and retain knowledge among laboratory members and principal investigators will allow for improved efficiency of data collection. Optimization of communication, maintenance of inventories, record keeping, and updating relevant training programs are all critical to supporting the quality and integrity of a particular organization’s data. Concurrent revisions to such procedures will ensure that the definition of data as well as the means by which it is collected and maintained remain appropriate to the needs of the individual organization.  相似文献   

Much research has been directed at the validity of fit indices in Path Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (e.g., Browne, MacCallum, Kim, Andersen, &; Glaser, 2002 Browne, M.W., MacCallum, R.C., Kim, C.T., Andersen, B.L., &; Glaser, R. (2002). When fit indices and residuals are incompatible. Psychological Methods, 7, 403421.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Heene, Hilbert, Draxler, Ziegler, &; Bühner, 2011 Heene, M., Hilbert, S., Draxler, C., Ziegler, M., &; Bühner, M. (2011). Masking misfit in confirmatory factor analysis by increasing unique variances: A cautionary note on the usefulness of cutoff values of fit indices. Psychological Methods, 16(3), 319336.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Hu &; Bentler, 1999 Hu, L., &; Bentler, P. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, J., 6(1), 155.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Marsh, Hau, &; Wen, 2004 Marsh, H.W., Hau, K.T., &; Wen, Z. (2004). In search of golden rules: Comment on hypothesis-testing approaches to setting cutoff values for fit indexes and dangers in overgeneralizing Hu and Bentler’s (1999) findings. Structural Equation Modeling, 11(3), 320341.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Recent developments (e.g., Preacher, 2006 Preacher, K.J. (2006). Quantifying parsimony in structural equation modeling. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 41(3), 227259.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Roberts &; Pashler, 2000 Roberts, S., &; Pashler, H. (2000). How persuasive is a good fit? A comment on theory testing. Psychological Review, 107(2), 358367.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2002 Roberts, S., &; Pashler, H. (2002). Reply to Rodgers and Rowe (2002). Psychological Review, 109(3), 605607.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) have encouraged researchers to investigate other criteria for comparing models, including model complexity. What has not been investigated is the inherent ability of a particular data set to be fitted with a constrained set of randomly generated linear models, which we call Model Conditioned Data Elasticity (DE). In this article we show how DE can be compared with the problem of equivalent models and a more general problem of the “confoundability” of data/model combinations (see MacCallum, Wegener, Uchino, &; Fabrigar, 1993 MacCallum, R.C., Wegener, D.T., Uchino, B.N., &; Fabrigar, L.R. (1993). The problem of equivalent models in applications of covariance structure analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 114(1), 185199.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Using the DE package in R, we show how DE can be assessed through automated computer searches. Finally, we discuss how DE fits within the controversy surrounding the use of fit statistics.  相似文献   

This paper studies three models for cognitive diagnosis, each illustrated with an application to fraction subtraction data. The objective of each of these models is to classify examinees according to their mastery of skills assumed to be required for fraction subtraction. We consider the DINA model, the NIDA model, and a new model that extends the DINA model to allow for multiple strategies of problem solving. For each of these models the joint distribution of the indicators of skill mastery is modeled using a single continuous higher-order latent trait, to explain the dependence in the mastery of distinct skills. This approach stems from viewing the skills as the specific states of knowledge required for exam performance, and viewing these skills as arising from a broadly defined latent trait resembling the θ of item response models. We discuss several techniques for comparing models and assessing goodness of fit. We then implement these methods using the fraction subtraction data with the aim of selecting the best of the three models for this application. We employ Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms to fit the models, and we present simulation results to examine the performance of these algorithms. The work reported here was performed under the auspices of the External Diagnostic Research Team funded by Educational Testing Service. Views expressed in this paper does not necessarily represent the views of Educational Testing Service.  相似文献   

Multivariate stimulus-response designs can be described by a three-way array of stimuli by responses by individuals. Its underlying structure can be represented by a network based on the Tucker2 component model in which stimulus components are connected with response components by means of the links that differ between individuals. For each individual such links are represented in a slice of the extended core array. For a proper understanding of these links, it is desirable that [1] the individual core slices as well as the component matrices have simple structures and [2] the differences of core slices between individuals are as few as possible. For attaining [1] and [2] we propose a method in which both the component matrices and the core slices of a Tucker2 solution are transformed simultaneously in order that the component matrices match simple target matrices and the core slices are summarized by a simple target slice. The proposed method is evaluated in a simulation study and illustrated with a three-way data array of semantic differential ratings.  相似文献   


Miscarriage is a pervasive health care concern for couples. The impacts of miscarriage on men have not received adequate attention in the literature. The aim of this research was to understand the lived experience of 31 male participants whose partners had miscarried a child. This study analyzed online data using a passive phenomenological methodology. Researchers found four overarching themes including isolation, overwhelmed, protector, and coping. Results found that health professionals might overlook men when a woman experiences a miscarriage. Results suggest that professionals working with these couples could provide greater care by addressing the experiences of both men and women following a miscarriage.  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of three statistics, R 1, R 2 (Glas in Psychometrika 53:525–546, 1988), and M 2 (Maydeu-Olivares & Joe in J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 100:1009–1020, 2005, Psychometrika 71:713–732, 2006) to assess the overall fit of a one-parameter logistic model (1PL) estimated by (marginal) maximum likelihood (ML). R 1 and R 2 were specifically designed to target specific assumptions of Rasch models, whereas M 2 is a general purpose test statistic. We report asymptotic power rates under some interesting violations of model assumptions (different item discrimination, presence of guessing, and multidimensionality) as well as empirical rejection rates for correctly specified models and some misspecified models. All three statistics were found to be more powerful than Pearson’s X 2 against two- and three-parameter logistic alternatives (2PL and 3PL), and against multidimensional 1PL models. The results suggest that there is no clear advantage in using goodness-of-fit statistics specifically designed for Rasch-type models to test these models when marginal ML estimation is used.  相似文献   

Russell E. Ward Jr. 《Sex roles》2004,51(11-12):697-708
The purpose of this study was to examine sports symbols of colleges and universities for evidence of sexism and to identify factors that differentiated schools with andwithout sexist nicknames for their athletic teams. Data on team names and eight measures of women’s athleticism were collected from 112 colleges and universities for the 2000–2001 academic year. MANCOVA results revealed that women’s athleticism was stronger at schools with nonsexist nicknames for seven of the eight measures, although only one statistically significant difference was observed. Schools with nonsexist nicknames had a significantly higher percentage of assistant coaches who were women. Discussion focuses on why there may be more athletic opportunities and athletic resources for women at schools with nonsexist nicknames.  相似文献   

Keith Topper 《Human Studies》1998,21(2):157-186
In recent years a number of writers have defended and attacked various features of structural, or neo-realist theories of international politics. Few, however, have quarrelled with one of the most foundational features of neorealist theory: its assumptions about the nature of science and scientific theories. In this essay I assess the views of science underlying much neorealist theory, especially as they are articulated in the work of Kenneth Waltz. I argue not only that neorealist theories rest on assumptions about science and theory that have been questioned by postpositivist philosophers and historians of science, but also that the failure to consider the work of these writers yields theories of international politics that are deficient in several respects: they are weak theories in the sense that they cannot illuminate crucial features of international politics, they presuppose and sustain a narrow view of power and power relations, they reify practices and relations in the international arena and they offer little promise of producing the sort of Copernican Revolution for which Waltz called (or, more modestly, even a minimally satisfactory theory of international politics). In light of these shortcomings, I sketch an alternative approach to the study of international affairs, one that has been termed prototype studies. I contend that such an approach provides scholars with a rigorous way of studying international politics, without being a theoretical science.  相似文献   

This essay discusses the question of whether the physical parts of a substance per se can still be substances after being separated from whole substances. This paper finds that within his corpus Aristotle gives two contrary answers to that question. To avoid this inconsistency, this essay claims that Aristotle puts forward dual models of analysis when it comes to substances, namely the Artifact Model and the Living Being Model. According to the Artifact Model, the physical parts of a substance per se are still substances after being separated from the whole substance; but according to the Living Being Model, the physical parts of a substance per se are not substances after separation. In addition, this paper also holds that there is a kind of evolutionary relationship of research methodology between the dual models, i.e. the dual models correspond to what is “better known to us” to what is “better known by nature.”  相似文献   

The methodological approach of exploratory structural equation modelling (ESEM) has only been applied once to the construct of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We decided to compare bifactor models based on confirmatory factor analyses (Bi-CFA) and exploratory equation modeling (Bi-ESEM) only, as there is a growing support of a bifactor structure of ADHD. To examine the factorial validity of the construct we compared three possible bifactor models. One model with two specific factors (inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity), another model with three specific factors (inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity) and an alternative, incomplete model with one general ADHD and two specific factors (inattention and impulsivity). We used parent- (N = 1386; Age: M = 11.70, SD = 3.18; Sex: 74.5 % male) and teacher-ratings (N = 110; Age: M = 11.27, SD = 3.04; Sex: 77.5 % male) from clinically referred children between the age of 6 and 18. The results indicate that both methods lead to equally good model fit and for both informants the reliable variance of the specific factor hyperactivity is almost completely explained by the general factor. However, in the teacher condition cross-loadings seem to be of particular importance. Across both methods and informants covariation among ADHD symptom items can be in most part attributed to a general ADHD factor as well as to three (inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity) or two (inattention and impulsivity) weakly defined specific factors. Further research regarding associations between the specific factors of ADHD and other disorders (e.g. conduct disorder) should be conducted.  相似文献   

Recent experimental studies dispute the position that commonsense morality accepts ‘Ought’ Implies ‘Can’ (OIC), the view that, necessarily, if an agent ought to perform some action, then she can perform that action. This paper considers and supports explanations for the results of these studies on the hypothesis that OIC is intuitive and true.  相似文献   

This article sets up a graph-theoretical framework for argumentation-analysis (dialectical analysis) which expands classical argument-analysis. Within this framework, a main theorem on the existence of inconsistencies in debates is stated and proved: the vicious circle theorem. Subsequently, two corollaries which generalize the main theorem are derived. Finally, a brief outlook is given on further expansions and possible applications of the developed framework.  相似文献   

Bong (1998) extended the internal/external frame of reference (I/E) model by attempting to operationalize the internal and external comparison processes that are central to the model and expanding the range of academic self-concept domains. Bong concluded that the "I/E model failed to receive clear support" (p. 102) in relation to predictions that she derived from her extension of the original model. Our critical evaluation and reanalysis, however, reveals problems in the operationalization of the internal and external comparisons, the rationale for post hoc confirmatory factor analysis models and, thus, the original conclusions. Our reanalysis, however, provide strong support for the original I/E model, some support for the separation of the internal and external comparison processes, and good support for a new extension to incorporate a wider range of academic domains. In particular, for these largely Hispanic-American students, Spanish achievement and self-concept were very distinct from achievements and self-concepts in all other school subjects. Accomplishments in Spanish provided one basis for evaluating accomplishments in other school subjects. In contrast, achievements and self-concepts in these other school subjects could be explained in terms of higher-order Verbal achievement and self-concept factors and higher-order Math achievement and self-concept factors.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, the focus of happiness research has shifted from the measurement of life quality with an emphasis on material well-being to subjective well-being. This article follows this direction of development, but moves further into social well-being. Utilizing the method of social quality analysis, this study developed an analysis of happiness by looking into the influence of social factors on happiness. The study was established on the basis of empirical data collected from a social quality survey done in Hangzhou, Xiamen, and Shenzhen during 2011–2012. The purpose of this study is to expose the relationships between social quality analysis and happiness studies. The study demonstrates a strong correlation of social quality factors with happiness, although each set of these factors has a different impact on happiness in different factor domains.  相似文献   

During the second half of the 1980s and the 1990s immigration in Spain raised keen interest in relatively restrictive circles (the administration, associations, academia, etc.), who shared the opinion that “Spain was experiencing a demographic transformation, turning from a country of emigration into a country of immigration”. As we enter the 21st century it is witnessing another important qualitative change. the issue is no longer a matter of administrative and “technical” concern, but political parties and society in general have begun to take it seriously. At the beginning of this decade then, this topic has become a “cuestión de Estado” (Raison d'État).A general overview based on relevant events over the period 1999–2001 shows us how immigration has definitively entered the social and political agenda. The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of this migration dynamic through a case study: the riots that took place in a market-gardening town in southeast Spain, El Ejido, in February 2000. Of all social events, El Ejido is the one that has played a pivotal role in framing the political and social debate, since it synthesises the main issues reflecting the Spanish management of immigration. These events have been the subject of many articles and books offering different and controversial interpretations. With El Ejido, Spain “discovered” immigration and began to undertake the formulation of its immigration issue. This is why it is worth focusing on this case study. The main questions I will pose are: what can we learn form the Spanish context? How can the contextual analysis of the El Ejido case study contribute to the debate on multicultural citizenship in Europe? My reasoning will move from the analysis of the particular context to subsequent theoretical reflections. In the concluding remarks I will summarize the main arguments challenging Spanish management of immigration two years after El Ejido.  相似文献   

Previous monomethod research has found mixed support for nonlinear effects between certain job characteristics (e.g., job autonomy, job complexity) and outcome variables (e.g., job performance). We hypothesized that these weak nonlinear findings may be due to the prevalence of monomethod research that can lead to a lack of complete measurement and/or introduce common methods variance, either of which may mask the true shape of relationships. Using hierarchical regression analyses and a multitrait–multimethod (MTMM) research design, we found strikingly different results between monomethod and MTMM data when considering the relationships between three psychological climate variables and job satisfaction. While the monomethod results mirrored earlier inconclusive findings, the MTMM data indicated that nonlinear equations explained significantly more of the relationship between all three climate dimensions and job satisfaction. These results suggest that the use of MTMM data allows one to more effectively test for nonlinear effects. Furthermore, these nonlinear results suggest that the format of employee questionnaires should probably change from asking how much an employee has of certain constructs to asking does the employee want more or less of these constructs.  相似文献   

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