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We have applied the Lagged Accrual Model of visual backward masking to a group of children (aged 10) and a group of adolescents (aged 15). The two groups did not differ on sensory transmission time, indicating that the speed of sensory transmission has already attained its maximum by age 10. The older group showed a significantly greater rate of information accrual and a greater amount of information extraction. An application of the model to previously published data revealed that very young children (aged 5) have slower sensory transmission times.  相似文献   

The relationship between self-reported fear and anxiety was examined in a large sample of normal Australian children and adolescents. Participants completed the Fear Survey Schedule for Children--Revised (Ollendick, 1983) and the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (Reynolds & Richmond, 1978). Following an examination of the internal consistency of these instruments, correlational analyses were conducted on anxiety and fear scores. Fear scores were shown to be sensitive to anxiety, sex, and age groups. Furthermore, discriminant analysis showed that high-anxiety children indicated a greater fear of items related to failure and criticism than did low-anxiety children. Other issues, including the content overlap between the two scales used in the investigation, are discussed.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in children's verbal fluency and confrontation naming were explored in this study. One hundred and sixty children (ages 5 years and 11 months to 11 years and 4 months) completed two verbal fluency tasks (phonemic and semantic) and the Boston Naming Test (BNT). Normative data were compiled for the BNT and the phonemic and semantic fluency tasks. With the exception of the phonemic fluency task, all tests showed a linear increase from year-groups I to V, with a significant increase between year-groups I and II. Principal Component Factor Analysis was conducted to determine whether the tests evaluated similar or different functions. Two factors emerged: the first involving all of the measurements and the second explaining exclusively the phonemic fluency. These results make it possible to conclude that children also seem to have different subsystems responsible for the analysis and processing of different aspects of language.  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents are reviewed, including differential diagnosis, assessment of symptoms, family history data, developmental features, and clinical correlates. Findings indicate that 15.9% to 61.9% of children identified as anxious or depressed have comorbid anxiety and depressive disorders and that measures of anxiety and depression are highly correlated. Family history data are inconclusive. Differences emerged among children with anxiety, depression, or both disorders. Anxious children were distinguishable from the other 2 groups in that they showed less depressive symptomatology and tended to be younger. The concurrently depressed and anxious group tended to be older and more symptomatic. In this group, the anxiety symptoms tended to predate the depressive symptoms. Findings are discussed in the context of a proposed developmental sequence.  相似文献   

Twelve children with and without Down syndrome (DS) performed eight subtests of an apraxia battery to determine under what conditions children with DS had difficulty performing representational and nonrepresentational gestures. Participants with DS also completed a dichotic listening test. Participants with DS performed just as well as control participants on all aspects of the apraxia battery except a subtest in which they were required to pantomime tool use from verbal instruction. This suggests that children with DS have difficulty generating an action from memory following verbal instruction. Given the sufficient context or visual demonstration, children with DS performed similar to the other participants. As well, there was a great deal of within-group variability for dichotic listening ear advantage. Participants with a greater left ear advantage on the dichotic listening test committed more errors on an imitation test that also included a verbal component than participants with a greater right ear advantage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine hemispheric functioning in right- and left-handed stutterers and nonstutterers using tasks that require concurrent speech and unimanual sequential tapping activity. Twenty adult stutterers (15 right-handers and 5 left-handers) and 20 adult nonstutterers (15 right-handers and 5 left-handers) performed four experimental tasks: tapping, tapping-spontaneous speech, tapping-reading, and tapping-singing. Subjects performed each task for 120 sec (8 trials of 15 sec per trial), alternating tapping hands after each trial.Results indicated that subjects' speech and manual performance were hindered by the concurrent motor activities and that stutterers demonstrated more interference than the nonstutterers. In addition, the tapping-spontaneous speech task resulted in the greatest interfering condition. Results suggest that both intrahemispheric competition and interhemispheric integration processes are involved in the regulation of speech and motor activities. Moreover, the possibility exists that a key difference between stutterers and nonstutterers may be linked to the degree to which these activities are synchronized.  相似文献   

Recent research on Parkinson's disease (PD) suggests that executive functions are impaired but that visuospatial functions may be spared. This dissociation has been attributed to dysfunction in ascending dopaminergic pathways affecting the prefrontal cortex. We investigated these ideas in a sample of intellectually intact patients with idiopathic, optimally treated PD (N = 20) and in spouse controls (N = 15); the groups were divided into young (age < 60) and old subgroups, each comparable on education, vocabulary level, and Mini-Mental State scores. Six tasks were selected from a set of factor-referenced cognitive tests to measure three abilities: (1) ideational fluency (ability to generate ideas), (2) flexibility of use (ability to shift mental set), and (3) spatial orientation (ability to perceive spatial patterns). PD patients were impaired only on the ideational fluency factor (p = .01). An age-related deficit was seen on the spatial factor (p < .05) with a trend on the flexibility factor (.05 < p < .10). No interactions were significant. The findings suggest that when age and verbal intelligence are controlled, PD patients show no deficit on purely spatial tasks; in contrast, patients seem less able to generate ideas though capable of shifting from one idea to another.  相似文献   

Verbal fluency tasks are commonly used in cognitive and developmental neuropsychology in assessing executive functions, language skills as well as divergent thinking. Twenty-two typically developing children and 22 children with ADHD between the ages of 8 and12 years were examined using verbal fluency tasks, prepotent response inhibition, and working memory tests. The clinical group showed impaired inhibitory and spatial working memory processes. We used different qualitative analyses of verbal fluency tasks to explore the lexical and executive strategies (word clustering and switching), and the temporal properties of the responses. Children with ADHD had a leeway in applying relevant lexical or executive strategies related to difficulties in strategy using. The reduced efficiency of children with ADHD in semantic fluency task is based on suboptimal shifting between word clusters and is related to the lack of ability of producing new clusters of items. The group difference appeared at the level of accessing and/or activating common words; however, the executive process of searching the lexicon extensively is intact.  相似文献   

Affective disorders in children and adolescents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

16 subordinate bilingual subjects produced 5-min. monologues in their nondominant languages, i.e., English or Spanish. Hand-movement activity manifested during the videotape monologues was scored and related to measures of fluency in the nondominant language. The hand-movement behavior categorized as Groping Movement was significantly related to all of the nondominant-language fluency measures. These correlations support the assumption that Groping Movement may have a function in the process of verbal encoding. The results are discussed in terms of the possibility of monitoring central cognitive processes through the study of "visible" motor behavior.  相似文献   

Wolf DV  Wagner KD 《CNS spectrums》2003,8(12):954-959
There is increased recognition that bipolar disorder has an early age of onset. The prevalence of bipolar disorder in prepubertal children has not been determined, however the prevalence in adolescence is approximately 1%. Bipolar disorder in children poses a diagnostic challenge since the symptoms may differ from those in late adolescence and adulthood. Comorbid disorders, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, further complicate both the diagnosis and course of the disorder. There is increasing evidence of the chronicity and severity of this disorder in youths. Bipolar disorder significantly disrupts a child's psychosocial development including impairments in academic functioning, family functioning, and relationship with peers. Although this disorder has significant morbidity in children and adolescents, there is a paucity of controlled studies to assess the efficacy and safety of mood stabilizers in the treatment of this disorder in youths. The treatment literature consists largely of case studies, retrospective chart reviews, and open-label studies. There is a compelling need for double-blind, placebo-controlled trials to determine whether commonly used medications to treat this disorder are significantly superior to placebo. Since many children in clinical practice require more than one psychotropic medication to adequately manage this disorder, studies of combination treatments are warranted. This review will provide an overview of the literature of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents, including discussion of the prevalence, diagnosis, epidemiology, course of the illness, and treatment issues.  相似文献   

The effects of heavy burdens of diarrhea in the first 2 years of life on specific executive control function like verbal fluency are not well understood. In previous studies, we have shown associations of early childhood diarrhea (ECD) with nonverbal intelligence and school functioning. Therefore, we postulated that ECD might affect early neuropsychological development leading to long-term deficits in normal cognitive development. Based on our extensive 14-year prospective cohort studies of early childhood diarrheal illnesses in a Brazilian shantytown community, we examined ECD correlations between specific impairments of higher mental function and executive skills in shantytown children 5-10 years later (now at 6-12) years of age. Specifically we examined whether heavy diarrheal illnesses correlate with reduced performance on selected tests of executive function. Our study, for the first time, suggests a disproportional impairment in semantic but not phonetic fluency in a subset of children with heavy burdens of diarrhea in their first 2 years of life even when controlling for maternal education, breastfeeding, and child schooling. Similar semantic decrements have been associated with impaired recovery from brain injury. These exploratory studies suggest the importance of verbal fluency tests to assess executive functioning in children challenged by poor nutrition and diarrhea in early life. In addition, our unique findings show the potential influences of early childhood diarrhea on language development that is so critical to productive adulthood and potentially set a foundation for new neuropsychological approaches, which assess early burdens of enteric illnesses on childhood development.  相似文献   

This study examined narrative discourse in 20 children and adolescents at least 1 year after sustaining a head injury. Narratives were analyzed along the dimensions of language structure, information structure, and flow of information. Severity of impaired consciousness was associated with a significant reduction in the amount of language and information. The most important finding which emerged was the disruption in information structure. This pattern confirms the impression of disorganized discourse in severely injured children. Explanations for the disruption in information structure are explored in terms of the role of vocabulary, memory, and localization of lesion according to magnetic resonance imaging. In view of recent evidence that frontal lobe damage is associated with discourse formulation deficits in adults and is the most common site of focal lesion in closed head injury, we examined discourse patterns in individual patients with frontal lobe lesions. Preliminary data from our single-case studies suggest discourse patterns similar to those reported for adults with frontal lobe injuries.  相似文献   

The authors tested in 134 African American and European American children whether hostility measured at study entry predicted the metabolic syndrome risk factors an average of 3 years later. Hostility was measured with the Cook-Medley Hostility Scale (W. W. Cook & D. M. Medley, 1954) and with ratings of Potential for Hostility from interview responses. Metabolic syndrome was based on having at least 2 of the following risk factors above the 75th percentile of scores for their age, race, and gender group: body mass index, insulin resistance index, ratio of triglycerides to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and mean arterial blood pressure. Children who exhibited high hostility scores at baseline were likely to exhibit the metabolic syndrome at the follow-up. The results highlight the potential importance of early prevention and intervention of behavioral risk factors for cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Children and adults quantified random patterns of dots, under unlimited exposure duration. For adults and children two distinct processes appear to operate. For adults the quantification of collections of from one to three dots is essentially errorless, and proceeds at the rate of 46 msec per item, while the quantification rate for from 4 to 10 dots is 307 msec per dot. For children the same operating ranges appear to hold, however children are much slower. The lower slope is 195 msec per dot, while the upper is 1049. Although the results for adults and children are similar except for the overall rates, the nature of the isomorphism between children and adults is unclear.  相似文献   

Three groups of 40 Ss (German adolescents and American adults and adolescents) read two passages and retold them. In confirmation of O'Connell Kowal, and Hörmann (1969) for German adults, a number of pause and rate measures were significantly different for semantically ordinary or unusual passages. Comparisons among the four experiments manifested different patterns of pauses and rate across the two languages and age brackets.Support for the research reported here has come from two grants-in-aid of research from the Society of the Sigma Xi.  相似文献   

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