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Ten right-handed, right eye-dominant aircrew trainees recalled digits and colours projected simultaneously one to each eye, under five binocular viewing conditions that precluded overlap in visual fields.

Results of this experiment favour the view that Broadbent's theory of immediate memory is a special case which, though not typical, is applicable to vision. Relevance of present findings for the problem of cerebral dominance is also discussed.  相似文献   

Fourteen right-handed, right eye dominant subjects recalled digits when different ones were projected simultaneously to either temporal or nasal retinas. The principal findings were: (a) Recall of digits projected to nasal retinas was significantly better than when projected to temporal retinas; (b) information projected to the right eye was recalled significantly better than that projected to the left eye. It is shown that the relative ineffectiveness of the recall of input from the non-dominant eye can be attributed almost wholly to the relative inefficient recall of digits projected to the left temporal retina.  相似文献   

Three experiments examine features of a simple memory task on which right-handed, right eye dominant subjects have been reported to recall digits projected to the right eye more accurately than those projected simultaneously to the left eye. Superior recall by these subjects of information projected to the right eye was observed only when stimuli projected simultaneously to both eyes were seen as overlapped in the binocular percept. Under monocular presentations, accurracy of recall was not related to the eye with which stimuli were viewed. The binocular oveslap condition has a significance other than that of simply increasing the difficulty of identifying the elements in a visual display for there were no differences in accuracy of recall from each eye when overlapped stimuli were viewed monocularly. More accurate recall of right eye information appears to reflect the resolution of a conflict between inputs from each eye. The possible relation of this finding to cerebral dominance is also discussed. Order of recall in these experiments depended mainly on spatial cues provided by the experimental situation.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was performed on the interaction between the short-term retention of sentences and of digits. In Experiment I a digit span method was used whereby subjects were presented with a sentence followed by a sequence of digits and were required either (a) to recall the sentence first and then the digits or (b) to recall the digits followed by the sentence. Under condition (a) prior recall of the sentence reduced the percentage of digit sequences correctly recalled, while under condition (b) retention of the sentence appeared to have no effect on digit recall. This last finding was confirmed in Experiment II, where the sentences varied both in grammatical complexity and length.

In Experiment III the effect of prior recall of a sentence on the recall of digits was found to depend on the type of sentence used. A correlation was observed between the size of this effect and the time taken to recall a sentence. The rate of forgetting suggested by this observation was comparable to that obtained in Experiment IV, where subjects performed an intervening task that did not involve immediate memory for sentences in the interval between the presentation and recall of a six-digit sequence.

It was concluded from these results that the short-term retention of sentences and of lists of items cannot be explained in terms of some general store of limited capacity.  相似文献   

Three experiments showed that the movement after-effect (MAE) contains both peripheral and central components. In Experiment I, the left eye viewed a sectored disc rotating to the left, and the right eye viewed a disc rotating to the right, on corresponding retinal areas. Result: when each eye in turn then viewed a stationary disc, the left eye saw a MAE to the right, and the right eye a MAE to the left. These MAEs must be peripheral.

In Experiment II, it was arranged that the movement information was shared out between the eyes, using a ring of lights which were switched on and off to give rotating phi movement. It was arranged that each eye on its own saw a random flashing oscillation but the two eyes together saw rotation anticlockwise. Result: a clockwise MAE was seen, which must be central.

In Experiment III, the switching programme was modified to arrange that now each eye on its own saw rotation clockwise, but the two eyes together saw rotation anticlockwise. Result: a clockwise MAE was seen, which must be central. (Peripheral MAEs from each eye on its own would have been anticlockwise.)  相似文献   

Earlier reports by other authors had shown that recall of dichotically presented speech was better for words arriving at the right ear, while recognition of passages of music was better for music presented to the left ear. It seemed desirable to test recognition for speech, in order to show that the difference between materials rather than the difference in testing techniques was responsible for this disparity between ears.

Accordingly 18 men were presented with dichotic lists of digits, and then tested for recognition of the digits. There was no indication of an advantage for the left ear, but rather of the advantage for the right already established for recall of speech materials.  相似文献   

When two sets of digits are presented simultaneously one to one ear and one to the other, the subject may be asked to write them down from immediate memory beginning with those on an ear chosen by the experimenter. He can do this, but any mistakes are usually amongst those on the ear prescribed for later response. If the subject does not know the order of recall until after stimulation, he either shows low efficiency with the same serial order effect, or else normal efficiency with an altered serial order effect.

When the order of recall is known in advance, efficiency is also reduced by altering the time of presentation of the last items to be recalled; and also by inserting irrelevant items. All these facts are consistent with a particular theory of immediate memory.  相似文献   

Twenty-six subjects memorized lists of (low I and high I) noun pairs under imagery or verbal mediation instructions. At recall the subjects were presented a digit (“1” or “2”) either auditorily or visually as an interfering stimulus.

Visual interference was found to selectively affect the retrieval of high I response terms. Also, the retrieval of nouns studied by imagery mediation was found to be selectively disrupted by visual interference.

These results suggest that the qualities of a visual image are retained all the way from image acquisition to retrieval, and that the visual components of images generated at the acquisition stage are probably not lost by subsequent coding processes.  相似文献   

The relationship between short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM) for digits was investigated by means of a Hebb-type experiment, viz. a presentation of a series of nine-digit numbers, in which a certain number recurs at intervals. Improvement in performance, with regard to the critical, or recurring, number was found when the rehearsal grouping was three-three-and-three, but was absent when there were no opportunities for rehearsal or when the rehearsal strategy was grouping five-and-four or searching for systematic numbers.

However, if an overt recall response was given on each occasion the recurring number was presented, improved performance was found even with rehearsal stratgegy five-and-four.

The conclusion was drawn that rehearsal is the main transferring mechanism from STM to LTM, with the occurrence of an over recall response as a subsidiary factor.  相似文献   

Using the “kinaesthetic memory for the target” technique, differences in the accuracy of pointing to a target with the right and left arms are analysed. The effect of rotation of the head to left and right upon this process is also studied.

With the head normally orientated, it was found that pointing with the right arm is significantly better than with the left. Accuracy of pointing is greater with the target directly in front of the body than when it lies to either left or right side.

When the head is rotated, the direction of the pointing error is inversely related to the direction of rotation.

The study suggests that the precision of control over arm (in the absence of vision) is related to the varying ability of individual subjects to correlate limb movements with the prevailing orientation of the body, especially of the head and neck. This is additional to the influences of genetically-determined handedness and of the sensory input from the moving limb.  相似文献   

When subjects try to remember lists of digits played to them through pulse-modulated white noise the number of errors they make is greater than would be expected if digitrecognition errors and immediate memory errors were independent (Exp. 1).

A second experiment compared recall of digits in early list positions, when digits in subsequent list positions were presented through noise, and in clear. Digits in early positions were less well remembered when digits in later list positions had to be discriminated through noise.

In a third experiment prose passages were played to subjects who subsequently answered questions about their factual content. Judged by this technique recall of the first half of a prose passage is less accurate if the second half must be heard through noise than if the entire passage is heard through a good fidelity system. These results together are interpreted as demonstrations that increased difficulty of recognition of speech through noise may interfere with other activities, (conveniently termed “rehearsal”) which may be necessary to efficiently retain data in memory.  相似文献   

The recall of digits by normal, deaf and autistic children.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Normal, autistic and deaf children were tested for their immediate memory of visually presented digits. The digits were exposed either with or without a left to right spatial display arrangement, and had to be recalled forewards as well as backwards. Normal and deaf children tended to be sensitive to both display conditions and recall requirements whereas autistic children were mainly affected by direction of recall. Serial position effects in the normal and deaf groups were more dependent on order of retrieval than on input order.  相似文献   

Congenitally blind and sighted blindfolded children between the ages of 6 and 14 years were tested for hand preference with performance tasks. There were no differences between the groups in direction or degree of hand preference. The degree of handedness increased with age and was essentially linear though the blind seemed to be somewhat less lateralized at the younger ages.

When the same groups were required to match three-dimensional bricks for height, depth, breadth, and volume, no hand advantages were found for either group. Both groups of children improved in their accuracy of spatial discriminations with age.

Further, the degree of lateralization on the handedness task did not relate to ability on the tactile task or to differences between the right and left hands on the tactile task. Thus, there is no effect of blindness on tactile matching ability nor is there an effect of the hand used in the task.  相似文献   

The present experiment was designed in order to investigate the effects of noise produced intermittently during the input stage of serially displayed visual materials (6-digit lists). These materials were to be memorized and subsequently reproduced on a specially designed keyboard. The four experimental conditions were the following: (1) quiet (Q);

(2) noise uninterrupted during the presentation of each list (CN);

(3) noise emitted simultaneously with each list element (500 ms) (ND);

(4) noise emitted in the interval (140 ms) between each element (NA).

Record was taken of the errors and omissions, of key response initiating times and of hand movement times. As an additional variable, subjects were required to estimate the annoyance induced by each of the four conditions. All noise conditions yielded more errors and omissions than the Q-condition, with the highest rates occurring in the two conditions where noise was superimposed on the digits. Close analysis of the errors showed that the primacy end of the lists was the most affected by noise, whereas keying speed for correct reproductions remained relatively unaffected.

On the other hand, when the speed variable was split into a decision and a motor component, it turned out that the more a condition was judged as annoying, the more the time for response decision was delayed, while the reverse occurred for keying movement times. The latter effect could possibly be ascribed to arousal induced by the three noise conditions. It is argued that noise is liable to affect differently the various components of a task performance, either directly by interference with the intake of pertinent information, or indirectly through induced annoyance or through noise modulated arousal.

They particularly would like to thank Dr M. Coltheart for his great help in the preparation of the definitive version of the paper.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported in which the subject read visually presented lists with four different degrees of vocalization; immediately after reading each list he was required to reproduce it either aloud or in writing. Each list consisted of eight consonants and presentation rates were varied between I and 4 letters per sec. For any given series of lists, the subject was asked either to read the letters silently, or to mouth them silently, or to whisper them, or to say them aloud while reading.

At the fastest presentation-rate immediate recall improved monotonically with the degree of vocalization during reading of the lists; at slower rates this generalization held less well, especially for the lower degrees of vocalization. Vocalization was most helpful at the highest presentation-rate.

The overall amount correctly recalled was better for more slowly presented lists and for written as opposed to spoken recall. Analysis of the errors suggested that acoustic confusions were affected by the conditions of presentation; and that serial order intrusions were independent of presentation-or recall-conditions. An apparent variation of transpositions with voicing-and-recall-method failed to reach statistical significance. Theoretical implications of the experiment are discussed, including reference to Broadbent's theory of short-term memory (1958).  相似文献   

Subjects recalled nonrandom digit sequences according to either (a) free recall or (b) a serial recall mode in a series of three studies. Sequential structure was varied with specific rules determining higher-order structure of either (a) arithmetic, (b) symmetrical, or (c) haphazard types. In Experiment I, 18 temporal patterns of 12 digits each were presented visually. Although symmetric patterns were easier than the other two pattern types, this superiority was not determined by recall mode. In Experiment II, 6 temporal patterns of 18 digits each were presented visually, with results similar to those of Experiment I. Auditory patterns equivalent to those of Experiment II were presented in Experiment III. In this study, although the free recall mode produced slightly superior recall with symmetrical sequences, this difference was not statistically significant. It was concluded that superior memory for symmetries cannot be wholly accounted for by organizational strategies made possible by a free recall mode.  相似文献   

Individual differences in performance on neuropsychological tests were analyzed across age (prepubertal to adult), gender, and handedness groups and examined for performance level as a moderating variable. No differences were observed for the factor structure of these tests across ages and between genders, suggesting similar cognitive structures among these groups. Significant differences in performance were observed between males and females and, to a lesser extent, between right and left handers. Of interest, were significant Gender x Handedness and Gender x Handedness x Level (of performance) interactions seen especially in the older (postpubertal and adult) subjects. High performing, right handed males and left handed females performed better on visuospatial tasks while left handed males and right handed females performed better on verbosequential tasks.  相似文献   

If left-oblique and right-oblique black/white gratings are presented alternately to one eye, and unpatterned red and green fields are presented alternately to the other, orientation-sensitive chromatic after-effects are induced. With the colour-stimulated eye the hue usually seen on a test grating is complementary to that originally paired with its orientation, with the pattern-stimulated eye the hue is the same as that originally paired.

The experiments reported here show that: (a) the time course of decay of these chromatic after-effects (for each eye) fits approximately the same power law as that found for the normal McCollough effect; (b) analogous chromatic after-effects, opposite in the two eyes, can be dichoptically induced using pairs of stimuli other than gratings, such as dot patterns differing in magnification.

These results suggest that strongly coloured light in one eye can induce a weakly complementary bias in the colour-signalling system of the other eye, at a level peripheral to the site of the McCollough-type adaptation.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to show how immediate recall may affect recognition. A number of subjects were shown a picture. Some were asked to recall it and were then given a recognition test. Others were given only the recognition test after the same interval. Only 4 of the 16 subjects who had recalled it identified it; whereas 14 of the 16 others did so. A second experiment gave similar results.

Recall was constructed round dominant items of the picture. This distribution of emphasis together with the acceptance of an invented detail as genuine were the common causes of errors in subsequent recognition. Both the dominant and invented items in recall were those which became most obviously merged into an organization of related experiences and in consequence those which militated against subsequent recognition.

The recognition test was applied in two further groups of 16 subjects with a change in one of the dominant details (i.e. the wording). The number of subjects who now correctly identified the remainder of the material was 9 when there was no intermediate recall, and nil when immediate recall of the original material was interposed.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which the subject sat facing a display of two neon bulbs. When the left-hand bulb lit he pressed a key under his left hand, and when the right hand bulb lit he pressed a key under his right hand. The left-hand bulb gave brief flashes at random intervals averaging about 4 sec. The right-hand bulb gave a brief flash at regular intervals of about 4 sec.

The experiment repeats (the author believes for the first time) certain essential conditions of Vince's (1948, 1950) experiments and, following detailed scrutiny of every pair of responses, is taken as evidence for the following statements:—

(a) The response to a signal arriving during the reaction time to a former signal will be delayed by an amount approximately equal to the time elapsing between the arrival of the signal and the end of the reaction time to the former signal.

(b) An exception to this may occur when two signals arrive close together. In this case the two signals may be responded to as a single group.

(c) Delays can be occasioned by the monitoring of responses as well as by reactions to signals.

(d) “Grouping” of signal and monitoring may occur when a signal arrives close to the beginning of the movement made in response to a previous signal.

A survey is made of current theories in this field and suggestions given for further research.  相似文献   

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