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Four experiments investigate the hypothesis that irrelevant sound interferes with serial recall of auditory items in the same fashion as with visually presented items. In Experiment 1 an acoustically changing sequence of 30 irrelevant utterances was more disruptive than 30 repetitions of the same utterance (the changing-state effect; Jones, Madden, & Miles, 1992) whether the to-be-remembered items were visually or auditorily presented. Experiment 2 showed that two different utterances spoken once (a heterogeneous compound suffix; LeCompte & Watkins, 1995) produced less disruption to serial recall than 15 repetitions of the same sequence. Disruption thus depends on the number of sounds in the irrelevant sequence. In Experiments 3a and 3b the number of different sounds, the "token-set" size (Tremblay & Jones, 1998), in an irrelevant sequence also influenced the magnitude of disruption in both irrelevant sound and compound suffix conditions. The results support the view that the disruption of memory for auditory items, like memory for visually presented items, is dependent on the number of different irrelevant sounds presented and the size of the set from which these sounds are taken. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigate the hypothesis that irrelevant sound interferes with serial recall of auditory items in the same fashion as with visually presented items. In Experiment 1 an acoustically changing sequence of 30 irrelevant utterances was more disruptive than 30 repetitions of the same utterance (the changing-state effect; Jones, Madden, & Miles, 1992) whether the to-be-remembered items were visually or auditorily presented. Experiment 2 showed that two different utterances spoken once (a heterogeneous compound suffix; LeCompte & Watkins, 1995) produced less disruption to serial recall than 15 repetitions of the same sequence. Disruption thus depends on the number of sounds in the irrelevant sequence. In Experiments 3a and 3b the number of different sounds, the "token-set" size (Tremblay & Jones, 1998), in an irrelevant sequence also influenced the magnitude of disruption in both irrelevant sound and compound suffix conditions. The results support the view that the disruption of memory for auditory items, like memory for visually presented items, is dependent on the number of different irrelevant sounds presented and the size of the set from which these sounds are taken. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Corticosterone (CORT), the predominant glucocorticoid in rodents, elevated for 21 days damages hippocampal subregion CA3. We tested the hypothesis that CORT would impair spatial memory, a hippocampal function. In each of the three experiments, rats received daily, subcutaneous injections of either CORT (26.8 mg/kg body weight in sesame oil) or sesame oil vehicle alone (VEH). CORT given for 21 or 56 days effectively attenuated body weight gain and reduced selective organ and muscle weights. All behavioral testing was done on tasks that are minimally stressful and avoid deprivation. For each experiment, testing commenced 24h after the last injection. CORT given for 21 days did not impair spatial working memory in the Y-maze (Experiments 1 and 2). After 56-day administration of CORT, spatial working memory was impaired in the Y-maze (Experiment 2). CORT given for 21 days also failed to impair spatial working memory in the Barnes maze (Experiment 3). However, in trials that depended solely on reference memory, the VEH group improved in performance, whereas the CORT group did not. In conclusion, CORT elevated over a period of 21 days did not impair spatial working memory, but impaired the formation of a longer-term form of memory, most likely reference memory. Impairments in spatial working memory are seen only after longer durations of CORT administration.  相似文献   

The main impacts of insulin favor the peripheral organs. Although it functions as a neuropeptide, insulin possesses also some central effects. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of intrahippocampal infusion of insulin on passive avoidance learning in healthy male rats. Thirty male wistar rats were divided into three groups (n=10 each). The experimental group had posttraining insulin infusion into the CA1 region of dorsal hippocampus, after which they were compared with sham (saline) and control (intact) groups. Insulin treated animals had greater latency to enter the dark compartment in compare with saline treated (p=0.023) or control groups (p=0.017). Upon our results, we concluded that intrahippocampal injections of insulin may enhance memory for a simple learning task which supports the concept that insulin possibly plays an endogenous role in memory formation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the effect of corticosterone on consolidation of contextual fear memory and hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) in rats. In Experiment 1, dose–response effects of corticosterone on consolidation of contextual fear memory were determined. Immediately after training in contextual fear conditioning task, rats received different doses of corticosterone. Testing 24 h later, it revealed that corticosterone enhanced memory consolidation in an inverted U shape as evidenced in increased freezing behavior of corticosterone-treated animals. The most effective dose was 3 mg/kg. In Experiment 2, LTP was examined in rats whose memory consolidation has been enhanced with corticosterone. The rats were trained as the above and received corticosterone (3 mg/kg) immediately after training. Immediately or up to one day after retention test, rats were anesthetized with urethane for LTP experiments. For LTP induction, three episodes of high frequency stimuli, 30 s apart, were delivered to the perforant path, each consisting of 10 stimuli at 250 Hz. LTP was assessed by measuring the increase in the initial slope of the population excitatory post-synaptic potentials and the amplitude of the population spikes. Data indicated that animals whose memory has been enhanced by corticosterone, also displayed enhanced hippocampal LTP. The above findings suggest that glucocorticoids may enhance contextual fear memory consolidation via enhancing hippocampal LTP.  相似文献   

Velocity discrimination thresholds for drifting luminance gratings were measured as a function of the time interval between test and reference gratings, using a two-interval, forced-choice procedure. Discrimination thresholds, expressed as Weber fractions (delta V/V), were independent of interstimulus intervals (ISIs) ranging from 1-30 s, demonstrating perfect short-term retention of velocity information. When a third grating was briefly presented halfway through a 10-s ISI, memory masking was observed. Discrimination thresholds in memory masking were unaffected by maskers of the same velocity but increased by 100% when test and masker velocity differed by a factor of 2. The results are interpreted with reference to a model where the short-term memory for simple stimulus attributes is assumed to be organized in terms of arrays of memory stores linked in a lateral inhibitory network.  相似文献   

GHB, a popularly known drug as "liquid ecstasy", is a substance with abuse potential. Among the possible described side-effects after the continued consumption of GHB are amnesia and deterioration of memory. Likewise, recent studies indicate the existence of neurotoxicity in certain brain regions after its prolonged treatment. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the subchronic administration of GHB (10 and 100 mg/kg) on spatial memory and sensoriomotor reflexes in male rats, using the Morris water maze and a battery of sensoriomotor tests, respectively. The results indicated that animals treated with GHB (10 mg/kg) showed a greater latency of escape during the phase of acquisition in the days first and third of tests, as compared with the control group (p<0.05), as well as a deterioration of grasping reflex with the two doses of GHB (p<0.01). Numerous studies indicated that the medial prefrontal cortex is a crucial neuronal substrate in the working memory and grasping reflex modulation. These results suggest that prolonged administration of GHB could alter structure and/or function of the medial prefrontal cortex, as well as its interconnections with other brain regions involved in the evaluated cognitive and neurological processes.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated irrelevant sound interference of lip-read lists. In Experiment 1, an acoustically changing sequence of nine irrelevant utterances was more disruptive to spoken immediate identification of lists of nine lip-read digits than nine repetitions of the same utterances (the changing-state effect; Jones, Madden, & Miles, 1992). Experiment 2 replicated this finding when lip-read items were sampled with replacement from the nine digits to form the lip-read lists. In Experiment 3, when the irrelevant sound was confined to the retention interval of a delayed recall task, a changing-state pattern of disruption also occurred. Results confirm a changing-state effect in memory for lip-read items but also point to the possibility that, for lip-reading, changing-state effects may occur at an earlier, perceptual stage.  相似文献   

When people are exposed to a subset of previously studied list items they recall fewer of the remaining items compared to a condition where none of the studied items is provided during recall. This occurs both when the subset of items is provided by the experimenter (i.e., the part-set cueing deficit in individual recall) and when they are provided during the course of a collaborative discussion (i.e., the collaborative inhibition effect in group recall). Previous research has identified retrieval disruption as a common mechanism underlying both effects; however, less is known about the factors that may make individuals susceptible to such retrieval disruption. In the current studies we tested one candidate factor: executive control. Using an executive depletion paradigm we directly manipulated an individual's level of executive control during retrieval. Results revealed no direct role of executive depletion in modulating retrieval disruption. In contrast, executive control abilities were indirectly related to retrieval disruption through their influence at encoding. Together these results suggest that executive control des not directly affect retrieval disruption at the retrieval stage, and that the role of this putative mechanism may be limited to the encoding stage.  相似文献   

Journal for General Philosophy of Science - The homeostatic property cluster theory (HPC) is widely influential for its ability to account for many natural-kind terms in the life sciences. However,...  相似文献   

Methylphenidate (MPD) is widely prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit disorders in children and has generally been thought to be free of significant side effects when administered at recommended therapeutic doses. However, recent behavioral research with laboratory rodents has indicated that, like other psychostimulants with which it shares neurotransmitter-modulating properties, chronically administered MPD can bring about lasting and potentially detrimental alterations in brain function. Some of these may involve changes in the neuromodulatory input from noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems that project to the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, regions with significant roles in several cognitive functions, including those critical to memory formation. To investigate the possibility of cognitive impairment, the effects of a regimen of chronic MPD on the performance of an object recognition task known to rely on the integrity of systems involved in rodent memory was assessed. The drug, at doses of 2, 3 or 5mg/kg, was delivered twice daily to periadolescent rats via an oral administration technique on either 11 or 21 treatment days. Subsequent to this period, the animals were subjected to an object recognition test at 14, 28, and 42 days after their last MPD treatment. In each of these tests, exploration time for two objects, one novel and one previously encountered (3h earlier), was assessed. Longer exploration of the novel object was considered evidence of retained memory for the familiar object. It was found that rats exposed to 3 or 5mg/kg (b.i.d.) on 21 occasions exhibited no significant preference for exploration of the novel object at any of the three post-treatment intervals. This finding was interpreted as evidence of a persisting MPD-induced impairment of recognition memory in these animals.  相似文献   

When people are exposed to a subset of previously studied list items they recall fewer of the remaining items compared to a condition where none of the studied items is provided during recall. This occurs both when the subset of items is provided by the experimenter (i.e., the part-set cueing deficit in individual recall) and when they are provided during the course of a collaborative discussion (i.e., the collaborative inhibition effect in group recall). Previous research has identified retrieval disruption as a common mechanism underlying both effects; however, less is known about the factors that may make individuals susceptible to such retrieval disruption. In the current studies we tested one candidate factor: executive control. Using an executive depletion paradigm we directly manipulated an individual's level of executive control during retrieval. Results revealed no direct role of executive depletion in modulating retrieval disruption. In contrast, executive control abilities were indirectly related to retrieval disruption through their influence at encoding. Together these results suggest that executive control des not directly affect retrieval disruption at the retrieval stage, and that the role of this putative mechanism may be limited to the encoding stage.  相似文献   

In two experiments rats were trained until they displayed highly accurate spatial memories when a 4-h delay was imposed between the to-be-remembered event (TBRE) and the retention test in a 12-arm radial maze. If the procedure tested only working memory (WM) electronvulsive shock (ECS) 2 h after the TBRE produced amnesia but ECS immediately after the TBRE was ineffective. If the testing procedure also involved a reference memory (RM) component, ECS degraded WM regardless of whether it was given 0 or 2 h after the TBRE. RM was not affected. With either training procedure administering ECS 2 h before the TBRE was ineffective. Thus, in the radial maze truly old spatial RM was immune to disruption by ECS while more recent WM was vulnerable. Possible explanations of the data are presented.  相似文献   

The prefrontal cortex is known to be involved in the acquisition of trace conditioning, a higher-cognitive form of Pavlovian conditioning in which a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus are separated by a time gap. We have recently reported that medial prefrontal (mPFC) extracellular-signal regulated kinase (Erk) phosphorylation is involved in the long-term memory storage of trace fear conditioning. Because of the important role dopamine D1 receptors play in prefrontal function, such as working memory, and due to evidence that dopamine D1 receptor activity can modulate plasticity, we investigated their role in prefrontal Erk phosphorylation following trace fear conditioning. We found that inhibition of dopamine D1 receptors through intra-mPFC infusion of SCH-23390 (1 microg/0.5 microL) 15 min prior to trace fear conditioning resulted in a decrease in training-related Erk phosphorylation. Additionally, pre-training intra-mPFC infusion of SCH-23390 also resulted in the impairment of long-term retention of CS-US association. These findings implicate mPFC dopamine D1 receptor activity in the storage of long-term memory for higher-cognitive associative tasks.  相似文献   

The high prevalence of sleep disruption among older adults may have implications for cognitive aging, particularly for higher-order aspects of cognition. One domain where sleep disruption may contribute to age-related deficits is prospective memory—the ability to remember to perform deferred actions at the appropriate time in the future. Community-dwelling older adults (55–93 years, N = 133) undertook assessment of sleep using actigraphy and participated in a laboratory-based prospective memory task. After controlling for education, sleep disruption (longer awakenings) was associated with poorer prospective memory. Additionally, longer awakenings mediated the relationship between older age and poorer prospective memory. Other metrics of sleep disruption, including sleep efficiency and wake after sleep onset, were not related to prospective memory, suggesting that examining the features of individual wake episodes rather than total wake time may help clarify relationships between sleep and cognition. The mediating role of awakening length was partially a function of greater depression and poorer executive function (shifting) but not retrospective memory. This study is among the first to examine the association between objectively measured sleep and prospective memory in older adults. Furthermore, this study is novel in suggesting sleep disruption might contribute to age-related prospective memory deficits; perhaps, with implications for cognitive aging more broadly. Our results suggest that there may be opportunities to prevent prospective memory decline by treating sleep problems.  相似文献   

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