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In Aristotle's Rhetoric, logos must be conceived as enthymematical argumentation relative to the issue of the case. Ethos and pathos also can take the form of an enthymeme, but this argumentation doesn't relate (directly) to the issue. In this kind of enthymeme, the conclusion is relative to the ethos of the speaker or (reasons for) the pathos of the audience. In an ideal situation — with a good procedure and rational judges — logos dominates and in the real situation of Aristotle's time — with an imperfect procedure and irrational judges — ethos and pathos prevail.I should like to thank R. Berkenbosch and J. Wisse for their comments.  相似文献   

In this Special Section, 7 studies focusing on the PSY–5 model of individual differences relevant to adaptive functioning are presented. The first study by Harkness, McNulty, et al. (this issue) describes the development of the revised PSY–5 scales for the MMPI–2–RF, followed by another article by Harkness, Reynolds, and Lilienfeld (this issue) arguing for the adoption of a review of systems strategy for evaluating psychological functioning. McNulty and Overstreet (this issue) describe an alternative hierarchical strategy for organizing the interpretation of the MMPI–2–RF using the PSY–5 scales. Extending the PSY–5 model to adolescents, Veltri et al. (this issue) examine the convergent and discriminant validity of the MMPI–A PSY–5 in predicting violent delinquent behavior. Bagby and colleagues (this issue) examine the hierarchical structure of the PSY–5 model across nonclinical and clinical samples and, with a few notable exceptions, find the PSY–5 model to map well onto the DSM–5 personality trait dimensional model. Finn, Arbisi, Erbes, Polusny, and Thuras (this issue) examine the convergence between the DSM–5 proposed trait dimensions and PSY–5 model demonstrating the potential for the MMPI–2–RF PSY–5 scales to serve as a bridge between DSM–5 and DSM–IV personality disorder diagnoses. Finally, Sellbom, Smid, de Saeger, Smit, and Kamphuis(this issue) directly examine the convergence of MMPI–2–RF PSY–5 scales with DSM–IV personality disorder categories and proposed DSM–5 trait dimensions further establishing the potential for the PSY–5 scales to serve as a bridge between DSM categorical and dimensional diagnostic schemas.  相似文献   


The November 21, 2015, conference Health Disparities, Trauma, Disruptive and Criminal Behaviors and the Adolescent Brain, examined the national problem of youth incarceration by exploring research on the adolescent brain, trauma, poverty, racism, health disparities and mental health treatment. This special theme issue of the Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy provides an opportunity for selected authors to contribute original articles that capture their contributions to the conference event. The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to this special theme issue. This article provides an overview of the following: the roots of the conference, including the role of numerous collaborators; specific major developments that contributed to the evolution of the conference focus; and a brief overview of the actual articles that have been selected for inclusion in the theme issue.  相似文献   

This article argues that there is an identifiable scholarship of teaching and learning in theology and religion that, though varied in its entry points and forms, exhibits standards of excellence recognizable in other forms of scholarship. Engaging in this scholarship enhances a professor's possession of practice and often reveals insights into student learning and the contours of a field that can advance both educational and disciplinary projects. Through conversation with a form of the scholarship of teaching and learning that emerged most clearly in work associated with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, we describe starting points and generative assumptions that have been employed in the discourse of the scholarship of teaching and learning in theology and religion as they have emerged in submissions to Teaching Theology and Religion over the past decade and a half and point to its benefits. See responses to this essay by Charles R. Foster , Stephen Brookfield , and Pat Hutchings published in this issue of the journal. Responses by Reid B. Locklin, Joanne Maguire Robinson, and Nadine S. Pence appear in next issue issue, 16:3 (2013).  相似文献   

The study of aversive or ‘dark’ personality traits (e.g., Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) is afflicted by three types of issues. Measures of aversive traits that are meant to assess the same traits often capture different content—an issue of jingle. Measures that are meant to assess different traits often capture near-identical content—an issue of jangle. Finally, disagreement over what unites aversive personality traits leads to different conclusions about what is and is not an aversive personality trait—an issue of conceptual centrality. This study outlines how decomposing personality traits into smaller elements can address these three issues. It also provides a primer on the history and assessment of these traits and sets an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

In this essay, we explore an issue of moral uncertainty: what we are permitted to do when we are unsure about which moral principles are correct. We develop a novel approach to this issue that incorporates important insights from previous work on moral uncertainty, while avoiding some of the difficulties that beset existing alternative approaches. Our approach is based on evaluating and choosing between option sets rather than particular conduct options. We show how our approach is particularly well-suited to address this issue of moral uncertainty with respect to agents that have credence in moral theories that are not fully consequentialist.  相似文献   


This special issue of the American Journal of Family Therapy focuses on recent developments in Behavioral Marital Therapy (BMT). At first glance, one might expect an issue with such a title to be devoted exclusively to clinical practice. Yet only three of the six papers bear directly on clinical issues, although all of them have clinical implications. Two of the nonclinical papers are validational studies of assessment instruments associated with BMT. The sixth paper explores an important theoretical question regarding the relationship between childbirth and marital distress.  相似文献   

When a simple random sample of size n is employed to establish a classification rule for prediction of a polytomous variable by an independent variable, the best achievable rate of misclassification is higher than the corresponding best achievable rate if the conditional probability distribution is known for the predicted variable given the independent variable. In typical cases, this increased misclassification rate due to sampling is remarkably small relative to other increases in expected measures of prediction accuracy due to samplings that are typically encountered in statistical analysis. This issue is particularly striking if a polytomous variable predicts a polytomous variable, for the excess misclassification rate due to estimation approaches 0 at an exponential rate as n increases. Even with a continuous real predictor and with simple nonparametric methods, it is typically not difficult to achieve an excess misclassification rate on the order of n −1. Although reduced excess error is normally desirable, it may reasonably be argued that, in the case of classification, the reduction in bias is related to a more fundamental lack of sensitivity of misclassification error to the quality of the prediction. This lack of sensitivity is not an issue if criteria based on probability prediction such as logarithmic penalty or least squares are employed, but the latter measures typically involve more substantial issues of bias. With polytomous predictors, excess expected errors due to sampling are typically of order n −1. For a continuous real predictor, the increase in expected error is typically of order n −2/3  相似文献   

This article discusses implicit assumptions in the conference theme to understand the complexity involved in trying to gain control of globalization, in particular: (1) We, (2) being in control (not only in cybernetic way) and (3) globalization. I introduce distinctions between single conscious agents, systems of conscious agents, and emergent we, as a collective entity understood as a Collective Being (a complex, multidimensional society to be studied with multiple, systemic knowledge) that has collective consciousness. The focus is the issue of being in control. This issue is understood as the ability to design and manage emergent processes of development.  相似文献   

This essay serves as an introduction to five papers on economic inequality in this issue of the Journal of Religious Ethics. In addition to introducing the articles individually, the essay also gives a brief overview of recent economic developments that have led religious ethicists to call attention to the issue of inequality.  相似文献   

Negotiation between two individuals is a common task that typically involves two goals: maximize individual outcomes and obtain an agreement. However, research on the simplest negotiation tasks demonstrates that although naive subjects can be induced to improve their performance, they are often no more likely to achieve fully optimal solutions. The present study tested the prediction that a decrease in a particular type of argumentative behavior, substantiation, would result in an increase in optimal agreements. As substantiation behaviors depend primarily on supplied content of the negotiation task, it was also predicted that substantiation behavior would be reduced by curtailing the content. A 2 × 2 experimental design was employed, where both negotiation tactics (list of tactics present versus absent) and negotiation task content (high versus low) were varied to determine the processes leading beyond solution improvement to solution optimality. Sixty‐one dyads engaged in a two‐party, four‐issue negotiation task. All negotiations were videotaped and analyzed. Although the list of negotiation tactics resulted in improved performance, only the content manipulation resulted in a significant increase in dyads achieving optimal solutions. Analyses of the coded protocols indicated that the key difference in achieving optimality was a reduction in persistent substantiation‐related operators (substantiation, along with single‐issue preferences and procedures) and an increase in a complex macro‐operator, multi‐issue offers that reduced the problem space, facilitating the search for optimality.  相似文献   

In this introduction to the special issue on Bildung and dialogical self theory (DST), I explain why the notion of Bildung warrants elaboration in a special issue of the Journal of Constructivist Psychology. The concept of Bildung—for some, too apolitical and individualistic—gains significance by relating it to intercultural understanding as a prime challenge for plural societies in which cultural and religious diversity easily leads to confrontation and even violent conflict. The special issue offers an interdisciplinary discussion of the relevance of DST for this topic, of Bildung and humanism, and of the practice of intercultural adult education. In three articles, arguments for dialogical self as a prerequisite for intercultural adult education are placed within the broader context of pivotal discussions conducted within psychology, philosophy, and religious studies on the subject of our globalizing world.  相似文献   

The issue of forgiveness affects everyone at some time or another; whether young or old, male or female, Christian or not. For the survivor of abuse, the issue of forgiveness journeys with them profoundly influencing their life, their recovery, and even their faith. Surviving Abuse: Shame, Anger, Forgiveness is an attempt to develop a theology of forgiveness from the perspective of a survivor of abuse.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper continues a dialogue that began with an article by Jeffrey Koperski entitled “Two Bad Ways to Attack Intelligent Design and Two Good Ones,” published in the June 2008 issue of Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science. In a response article, Christopher Pynes argues that ad hominem arguments are sometimes legitimate, especially when critiquing Intelligent Design (2012). We show that Pynes's examples only apply to matters of testimony, not the kinds of arguments found in the best defenses of ID.  相似文献   


In the field of science and technology studies (STS), much research has been concerned with politics. Nevertheless STS research tends to disregard the work of conventional political institutions such as parliaments, especially in the politics of nature, which is often seen as delegating ‘nature’ to science. Parliaments work on nature-objects through documents; paperwork is crucial in its procedures for delegating an issue to be further worked upon at other sites, for securing the issue's return and for enabling a decision. This mode of circulating an issue amounts to a central infrastructure for taking nature into account in politics; this infrastructure enables ‘assembling work’ as a specific mode of parliamentary practice. In the late nineteenth century the Norwegian parliament handled a controversy over whaling. New species, questions and publics were entangled with the whale issue through the parliament's work, its tools and procedures. As such, parliament enabled, worked upon and modified the issue. By assembling the whale issue it performed a politics of nature in rich, complex ways. Hence, understanding the specific site where an issue is taken up is necessary in order to grasp its trajectory and to understand how conventional political sites do politics of nature in practice  相似文献   

This paper addresses a problem for theories of epistemic democracy. In a decision on a complex issue which can be decomposed into several parts, a collective can use different voting procedures: Either its members vote on each sub-question and the answers that gain majority support are used as premises for the conclusion on the main issue (premise based-procedure, pbp), or the vote is conducted on the main issue itself (conclusion-based procedure, cbp). The two procedures can lead to different results. We investigate which of these procedures is better as a truth-tracker, assuming that there exists a true answer to be reached. On the basis of the Condorcet jury theorem, we show that the pbp is universally superior if the objective is to reach truth for the right reasons. If one instead is after truth for whatever reasons, right or wrong, there will be cases in which the cbp is more reliable, even though, for the most part, the pbp still is to be preferred.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a specific chapter of Rollins' book in an attempt to critique the hermeneutical issue raised throughout his volume but particularly in chapter six. This issue is focused in a new way in Soul and Psyche, as it describes the history and possibilities of employing psychology as a new methodological screen with which to read and interpret the Bible.  相似文献   

Proposition 5.122 of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus (‘If p follows from q, the sense of [p] is contained in the sense of [q]’) has been the source of much puzzlement among interpreters, so much so that no fully satisfactory account is yet available. This is unfortunate, if only because the containment account of logical consequence has a venerable tradition behind it. Pasquale Frascolla’s interpretation of proposition 5.122 is based on a valid argument and one true premise. However, the argument explains sense containment only in an indirect way, leaving some crucial questions unanswered. Besides, Frascolla does not address the issue of how to make sense containment notationally perspicuous, an essential theme in Wittgenstein’s reflections. In this paper, we elaborate on Frascolla’s account by looking at the issue through the Tractarian notion of logical space. Our analysis shows that, for containment to be fully appreciated, one should adopt a negative perspective on the notion of sense (which is taken into consideration also by Wittgenstein), in line with the exclusionary theory of conceptual content, as labelled by Ian Rumfitt. Besides this, we introduce and discuss two methods—one envisaged by Wittgenstein himself—for making sense containment notationally perspicuous.  相似文献   

Duncan Pritchard 《Synthese》2007,158(3):273-275
I introduce the topic of this special issue of Synthese, and give an overview of the articles collected here.  相似文献   

The following article is not part of this issue on “Sexism in Counseling.” It was to have appeared in the February 1975 issue of Counseling and Values on “New Frontiers in the Helping Relationship,” but due to space limitations we were unable to present it then.  相似文献   

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