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Fundamentalism is consistently related to racial prejudice (Hall, Matz, & Wood, 2010), yet the mechanisms for this relationship are unclear. We identify two core values of fundamentalism, authoritarianism and traditionalism, that independently contribute to the fundamentalism‐racial prejudice relationship. We also contextualize the fundamentalism‐racial prejudice relationship by suggesting that fundamentalists may show prejudice based on conceptions of African Americans as violating values but show tolerance when prejudice is less justifiable. These ideas are tested and confirmed using three data sets from the American National Election Studies. Across all three samples, fundamentalism is related to increases in symbolic racism but decreases in negative affect towards African Americans, and these relationships are mediated by both authoritarianism and traditionalism.  相似文献   

为考察想象性群际接触对内隐性别偏见与合作行为的影响,采用单类内隐联想测验(SC-IAT)和三种合作范式进行了两个实验。结果发现:与对照组相比,(1)积极想象性接触能显著降低不同性别个体对异性的内隐性别偏见。(2)积极想象性接触仅能显著增加个体在囚徒困境中的合作行为,内隐性别偏见起部分中介作用。结果表明,积极想象性接触既能减少个体对异性群体的内隐性别偏见,并可进一步促进两人情境中与异性间的合作行为。  相似文献   

Data from an Australian community survey (n = 189) examining the predictors of prejudice against Muslim Australians were analysed. Using thematic analysis, we investigated the specific values our participants reported regarding their perceptions of Muslim Australians and Islam. We then investigated the relationship between prejudice against Muslim Australians, the most important value priorities given by our participants, and other prejudice‐related variables. After entry into a regression analysis, the participants high in prejudice were found to be significantly more likely to have lower educational levels and more right‐wing views. They were also significantly more likely to report high levels of national attitudes (i.e. stronger identification with Australian identity), concern about gender equality within the Muslim community, less concern about equality generally and report that Muslims were not conforming to Australian values. High prejudiced participants also scored higher in the reporting of negative media‐related beliefs, were more likely to perceive higher support in the community for their views than was the case and were more negative towards Muslim men than Muslim women. The implications for anti‐prejudice interventions are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究选取678名大学生被试,探究了人格、无手机恐惧与独处行为之间的关系。结果表明:(1)神经质和开放性正向预测无手机恐惧,独处行为也正向预测无手机恐惧;(2)独处行为在神经质和开放性维度与无手机恐惧的关系中起中介作用。具体来说,独处行为中的孤僻、社交回避和孤独维度在神经质与无手机恐惧的关系中起中介作用;而积极独处在开放性与无手机恐惧的关系中起中介作用。  相似文献   

Learning about political candidates before voting can be a cognitively taxing task, given that the information environment of a campaign may be chaotic and complicated. In response, voters may adopt decision strategies that guide their processing of campaign information. This paper reports results from a series of process-tracing experiments designed to learn how voters in a presidential primary election adopt and use such strategies. Different voters adopt different strategies, with the choice of strategy dependent on the campaign environment and individual voter characteristics. The adoption of particular strategies can have implications for how voters evaluate candidates.  相似文献   

As public awareness of implicit bias has grown in recent years, studies have raised important new questions about the nature of implicit bias effects. First, implicit biases are widespread and robust on average, yet are unstable across a few weeks. Second, young children display implicit biases indistinguishable from those of adults, which suggests to many that implicit biases are learned early. Yet, if implicit biases are unstable over weeks, how can they be stable for decades? Third, meta-analyses suggest that individual differences in implicit bias are associated weakly, although significantly, with individual differences in behavioral outcomes. Yet, studies of aggregate levels of implicit bias (i.e., countries, states, counties) are strongly associated with aggregate levels of disparities and discrimination. These puzzles are difficult to reconcile with traditional views, which treat implicit bias as an early-learned attitude that drives discrimination among individuals who are high in bias. We propose an alternative view of implicit bias, rooted in concept accessibility. Concept accessibility can, in principle, vary both chronically and situationally. The empirical evidence, however, suggests that most of the systematic variance in implicit bias is situational. Akin to the “wisdom of crowds” effect, implicit bias may emerge as the aggregate effect of individual fluctuations in concept accessibility that are ephemeral and context-dependent. This bias of crowds theory treats implicit bias tests as measures of situations more than persons. We show how the theory can resolve the puzzles posed and generate new insights into how and why implicit bias propagates inequalities.  相似文献   

The present study revealed age‐related differences in ethnic prejudice in a heterogeneous (total N = 1,308) and a representative (N = 800) sample, using measures of blatant and subtle prejudice. The relationship between age and blatant and subtle prejudice was found to be fully mediated by right‐wing social‐cultural attitudes (i.e. authoritarianism and cultural conservatism). Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

杨林会  张瑾  王滔 《心理科学》2019,(5):1209-1216
采用中国大学生控制源测量问卷、职业成熟度量表和高校应届毕业生求职调查问卷对重庆、北京、吉林、天津4地4所高校的386名聋人大学生进行调查,旨在探讨聋人大学生心理控制源、职业成熟度与求职行为的关系,揭示职业成熟度在心理控制源与求职行为之间的中介作用机制。结果发现:(1)内控对职业成熟度和求职行为均具有显著的正向预测作用。(2)职业成熟度在内控与求职行为之间起部分中介作用。(3)职业成熟度在外控对求职行为的影响中起着“遮掩效应”。  相似文献   

采用中国大学生控制源测量问卷、职业成熟度量表和高校应届毕业生求职调查问卷对重庆、北京、吉林、天津4地4所高校的386名聋人大学生进行调查,旨在探讨聋人大学生心理控制源、职业成熟度与求职行为的关系,揭示职业成熟度在心理控制源与求职行为之间的中介作用机制。结果发现:(1)内控对职业成熟度和求职行为均具有显著的正向预测作用。(2)职业成熟度在内控与求职行为之间起部分中介作用。(3)职业成熟度在外控对求职行为的影响中起着“遮掩效应”。  相似文献   


Among 342 white college students, we examined the effects of social dominance orientation (SDO), right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), and racial color-blindness on modern racism attitudes. Structural equation modeling was used to test the indirect effects of SDO and RWA on modern racism attitudes through color-blind racial attitudes. We found strong indirect effects of SDO and RWA on modern racism through racial color-blindness. We did not find support for an alternative model, in which we tested racial color-blindness as a moderator of the effects of SDO and RWA on modern racism. Findings suggest that highly dominant and authoritarian white students endorse color-blind racial attitudes, although likely for different reasons. In turn, this predicts their modern racism attitudes. These findings indicate racial color-blindness is important to address as part of anti-racism education.  相似文献   

为考察大学生的人际信任对主观幸福感的影响机制以及亲社会行为和攻击行为的中介作用,采用人际信任问卷、亲社会行为问卷、攻击行为问卷、幸福感指数问卷对2256名大学生进行调查。研究结果显示:(1)人际信任正向预测大学生的主观幸福感,人际信任水平越高,主观幸福感越好;(2)人际信任通过亲社会行为与攻击行为的中介作用,间接影响主观幸福感。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine prejudice against Muslim Australians and Indigenous Australians and the function of those attitudes using previously identified functions, direct experiential–schematic and value expressive, and including a new indirect experiential–schematic function. Respondents were categorised into two groups: accepting and rejecting. For the Muslim data there was no difference between accepting and rejecting groups regarding the value‐expressive function, but acceptors reported the experiential–schematic function to a greater extent than did rejectors. For the Indigenous data there was no difference between groups on the value‐expressive or the experiential–schematic function. With both target groups, rejectors reported the indirect experiential–schematic function more than acceptors. The value‐expressive function was higher for the Muslim data and the experiential–schematic function was higher for the Indigenous data. The importance of taking into account the function of respondents' attitudes, the distinction between source and function of attitudes, as well as specific issues surrounding target groups themselves, is discussed.  相似文献   

采用教师关怀行为问卷、学生学习效能感问卷调查1430名中学生,考察教师关怀行为、学生学习效能感和学业成绩之间的关系.结果发现:(1)教师关怀行为的得分高于“3”,达到了3.54;学生的学习效能感的得分也比较高,得分为3.73;(2)教师关怀行为、学生学习效能感和学生的学业成绩及其各维度之间存在着显著的正相关;(3)学生学习效能感在教师关怀和学生的学业成绩之间起着部分中介作用,其中介效应值为0.25,并且学习效能感的两个维度中的学习能力效能感的中介效应(效应值为0.18)大于学习行为效能感(效应值为0.04)的中介效应.  相似文献   

张淑华  郑久华  时勘 《心理学报》2008,40(5):604-610
对失业人员求职行为影响因素的研究是开展失业人员求职培训的重要依据。本研究对272名失业人员的求职行为的影响因素及作用机制进行了研究。多元回归分析的结果表明,(1)环境变量对求职行为没有显著的预测作用,而经济压力和知觉到的就业机会对求职意向有显著的预测作用。(2)求职自我效能感和就业承诺对求职行为起到了显著的预测作用。求职自我效能感和就业承诺越高,求职行为的频率越高。(3)求职意向对求职行为有显著的正向预测作用。(4)求职意向在求职自我效能感、就业承诺对求职行为的作用过程中中介作用显著;在知觉到的就业机会、经济压力和社会支持对求职行为的作用过程中中介作用不显著  相似文献   

以366名大学生为被试,采用大学生网络利他行为量表、青少年网络社会支持问卷和大学生利他行为问卷,考察网络社会支持在现实利他行为与网络利他行为关系中的中介作用和调节作用。结果表明:(1)大学生网络利他行为的总平均分显著低于中等临界值,而现实利他行为和网络社会支持的总平均分显著高于中等临界值。(2)现实利他行为、网络社会支持与网络利他行为存在显著的正相关。(3)网络社会支持在现实利他行为与网络利他行为关系间起着完全中介作用。(4)网络社会支持对现实利他行为与网络利他行为的关系又具有调节作用,现实利他行为对网络利他行为的影响在高网络社会支持的个体中要比低网络社会支持的个体更明显。  相似文献   

The purpose of the research is to investigate the mediating role of resiliency in the relation between temperamental traits and posttraumatic growth. Data of 74 persons who have experienced the death of someone close were analyzed. The range of age of the participants was 21–74 years (M = 38.4; SD = 15.5). The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), the Formal Characteristics of Behavior–Temperament Inventory (FCB-TI), and the Resiliency Assessment Scale were used in the study. Resiliency plays a mediating role among four traits of temperament (Briskness, Emotional Reactivity, Endurance, and Activity) and posttraumatic growth. Resiliency seems to modify the direct impact of temperamental traits on positive posttraumatic changes.  相似文献   

刘爱书  年晶 《心理科学》2012,35(4):911-915
运用问卷调查法和同伴提名法,考察小学4、5年级共503名儿童的消极社会行为(攻击行为、退缩行为、受欺负行为)、同伴接受和儿童忽视间的关系。结果发现,儿童忽视与退缩行为、受欺负行为之间存在显著正相关,与攻击行为之间相关不显著;儿童忽视与同伴接受有显著负相关。忽视通过消极社会行为的两组中介变量作用于儿童的同伴接受。  相似文献   

社会榜样与青少年吸烟行为的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本研究对北京市1042名初一至高三学生进行问卷调查,以考察最要好同伴、父母、学校和大众媒体对青少年吸烟行为的影响。研究发现,各种社会因素与青少年吸烟行为有显著的关系;女生更多地受到最要好同伴吸烟行为、母亲吸烟行为和态度以及户外广告的影响;最要好同伴吸烟、学校对吸烟的态度对初中生的影响更大,而高中生更多地受到父亲吸烟行为和户外广告的影响;各种社会因素的影响大小依次为:最要好同伴吸烟、父亲吸烟行为、学校周围广告、母亲和学校对吸烟的态度。  相似文献   

Consumer external search continues to be a fruitful research area. The bivariate relationships between a number of variables and the central construct, amount of information search, have been proposed, theorized, and empirically tested in the literature. This paper extensively examines the current status and importance of consumer information search with close attention on empirical findings on the subject. While some research findings converge on the bivariate relationship between some variables and amount of information search, e.g., a positive relationship between perceived risk and search effort, some studies found conflicting results on the relationship between other variables and the central construct. There are also some non-linear relationships found between a few variables such as experience and the degree of search. Some hypotheses are also proposed and discussed.  相似文献   


The author investigated how Palestinian (n = 130) and Jewish (n = 153) Israeli university students perceived the collective identity of the Palestinian minority in Israel. The Palestinian and Jewish respondents perceived the “identity space” of the minority as linear, or bipolar, with 1 pole defined by the national (Palestinian) identity and the other defined by the civic (Israeli) label. The Palestinian respondents defined their collective identity in national (Palestinian, Arab) and integrative (Israeli-Palestinian) terms; the Jewish respondents perceived the minority's identity as integrative (Israeli-Palestinian). Different political outlooks among Palestinian respondents were related to their identification with the civic (Israeli) identity but not to their identification with the national (Palestinian) identity. In contrast, different political outlooks among Jewish respondents were related to their inclusion, or exclusion, of the national (Palestinian) component in their definition of the minority's identity. Implications of the results are discussed in terms of a minority acculturation model (J. Berry, J. Trimble, & E. Olmedo, 1986).  相似文献   

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