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The study goal was to determine whether a significant number of high suicide risk individuals would confidentially put their own names onto a list to prevent future gun purchases. An anonymous written survey was administered in an inpatient psychiatric unit and two outpatient psychiatric clinics at an academic medical center. Two hundred forty individuals were approached to fill out the survey, of whom 200 (83.3%) did so. Forty‐six percent of participants stated that they would put their own name onto the list. This novel suicide prevention proposal, a Do‐Not‐Sell List, would appeal to many people at high risk for suicide.  相似文献   

State-level initiatives directed at youth suicide prevention since 1980 were analyzed. During 1992 and 1996, each governor was surveyed regarding his or her state's efforts in youth suicide prevention. Questions pertained to legislation, a mandated or recommended school-based suicide prevention curriculum, funding, a special advisory council, a state plan, the development and dissemination of materials, and assessment. Several states sent examples of their prevention activities, which were reviewed to determine the extent to which they represent conceptually and/or empirically grounded preventive intervention strategies. The number of suicides, suicide rates, and percentage change in rate for youth 15–19 years old were reported by state for the periods 1979–1981 and 1992–1994. The results of a repeated measures 2 × 5 ANOVA revealed that while changes in suicide rates over time were statistically significant, there was no relation between these changes and any of the variables studied. Suggestions for future research on state-level initiatives are presented.  相似文献   

A spate of suicides involving a just‐purchased firearm led a statewide coalition of firearm dealers, firearm rights advocates, and suicide prevention professionals to discuss the role of gun shops in preventing suicide. The group developed and mailed materials for (1) firearm retailers on avoiding sales to suicidal customers and (2) their customers on suicide and firearm safety. All storefront retailers were identified (n = 65), visited unannounced 6 months after receiving materials, and asked to complete a survey. Nearly half (48%) had at least one campaign product on display. Belief that reducing a suicidal person's access to firearms might save a life was associated with displaying materials (69% vs. 41%, p = .06). Public health and gun groups can successfully collaborate on suicide prevention activities.  相似文献   

Little is known about the nature of suicide survivors groups. Survey responses by 149 U.S. and Canadian groups are characterized as follows: (1) they are most often sponsored by mental health or social service agencies or have no sponsor; (2) groups have operated an average of 8 to 9 years; (3) fewer than 10 people typically attend monthly or twice monthly meetings; (4) group experience predominantly involves sharing personal experiences; (5) leadership generally involves either trained facilitators, mental health professionals, or both; (6) most groups are open ended; (7) all social/ethnic, income, and adult age groups are served, but few children and teenagers attend; and (8) referrals come predominantly by word-of-mouth or medical and religious sources. Further research is required regarding survivor group attributes and processes.  相似文献   

Along with physician education in depression recognition and treatment, restricting lethal methods is an effective suicide prevention strategy. The present study surveyed a random sample (N = 697) of Ohio licensed social workers regarding client firearm assessment and safety counseling. Analyses sought to determine what independent factors would predict the probability that a social worker would hold positive attitudes regarding firearm risk assessment and counseling. Findings indicated that prior training and reporting from an urban area significantly increased the odds (p < .05) of registering more positive attitudes toward firearm assessment and safety counseling by 91.1% and 44.7%, respectively. Training mental health professionals in firearm assessment and safety counseling is an important aspect in addressing the reduction of suicide by this means.  相似文献   

Several agencies have emphasized the importance of establishing clear protocols or procedures to address the needs of youths who are identified as suicidal through suicide prevention programs or in emergency department settings. What constitutes optimal guidelines for developing and implementing such protocols, however, is unclear. At the request of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, we provide an overview of recommendations, as well as steps taken in conjunction with selected prevention programs and in emergency department settings to address the needs and improve the care of these youths.  相似文献   

To update and expand Rubey and McIntosh's (1996) survivors of suicide support groups report, SPAN USA completed a survey of U.S. support group leaders (n = 100; 24% completion). There are now more survivor groups (from 280 to 417), and the majority of groups now have a survivor leader (78% vs. 25%). Groups continue to be small (88% < 10 members per session) and meet on a monthly basis (55%). Sharing continues to be a universal experience in groups, which tend to be open‐ended (85%). Current groups are newer, and more operate without a sponsor. Further research is needed to examine group member perspectives and effectiveness of groups.  相似文献   

The public health approach to health problems provides a strong framework and rationale for developing and implementing suicide prevention programs. This approach consists of health-event surveillance to describe the problem, epidemiologic analysis to identify risk factors, the design and evaluation of interventions, and the implementation of prevention programs. The application of each of these components to suicide prevention is reviewed. Suggestions for improving surveillance include encouraging the use of appropriate coding, reviewing suicide statistics at the local level, collecting more etiologically useful information, and placing greater emphasis on analysis of morbidity data. For epidemiologic analysis, greater use could be made of observational studies, and uniform definitions and measures should be developed and adopted. Efforts to develop interventions must include evaluating both the process and the outcome. Finally, community suicide prevention programs should include more than one strategy and, where appropriate, should be strongly linked with the community's mental health resources. With adequate planning, coordination, and resources, and the public health approach can help reduce the emotional and economic costs imposed on society by suicide and suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

In the last few years, there has been an increase in the use of Web defacements, where individuals post political or ideological messages on websites in place of the original content. There is generally little research on the predictors of Web defacements against either domestic or foreign targets. This study addresses this gap by examining the attitudinal and behavioral correlates of willingness to engage in defacements using a sample of university students in Taiwan and the United States. The findings demonstrate that political attitudes toward marginalized groups and support for cybercrime increase individuals’ willingness to engage in defacements.  相似文献   

A survey about opinions on end‐of‐life issues of a population represented by 1,171 people in the waiting room of general practitioners' surgeries was conducted in a province of northern Italy. Most subjects did not consider suicide as a reasonable option even in cases of a serious and incurable disease. Moreover, subjects did not consider euthanasia as a possible option either; however, they did express an opposite attitude when considering euthanasia in a third‐person perspective. People with a personal history of suicidal behavior appear to present as a different population, overall expressing more open attitudes.  相似文献   

Myth‐busting, in which a so‐called myth is presented and dispelled by facts, is used in suicide prevention gatekeeper trainings such as QPR. Evidence from other areas of public health shows this technique leads to memory for myths and not facts. An internet survey was used to determine if the “myths” and “facts” presented in QPR are endorsed as such by the suicidology community and to determine if demographics influenced statement identification. Overall, statements did reflect the opinions of the suicidology community and any type of training increased correct identification. Future research should focus on whether myth‐busting is an appropriate strategy for suicidology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Records of 67 chronic callers to the Cleveland Suicide Prevention Centers over the past 9 years are reviewed. Of this group, 51% were diagnosed as drug or alcohol dependent. It was also noted that 4 of the 67 were known to have committed suicide and that another 37 (55%) had made suicide attempts. A surprising finding was that 47% of the group was eventually referred to an ongoing treatment resource. Agency strategies for dealing with the chronic caller are discussed.  相似文献   

System justification is a motivation to legitimize the status quo that disables individuals from changing oppressive social systems. Community performance has long been used as a tool to illuminate and challenge such systems of power. The goal of the present study was to provide an empirical test of the effectiveness of community performance in the context of gender‐based oppression. Specifically, the present study tested whether a community performance could decrease audience members' system justification and increase intentions to engage in collective and virtual action to correct these oppressive systems. The performance consisted of 18 community‐created pieces performed by 11 actresses before an audience of 165 members of the college and local communities across three days. A total of 153 audience members participated in the study. Results indicated that a 50‐min performance reduced system justification while increasing willingness to take collective and virtual‐based action. Limitations and implications are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Two experimental studies tested the influence of suspicion on willingness to engage in a systematic analysis of arguments presented to support the introduction of a new comprehensive exam at public universities. The effect of suspicion differed depending on whether it was defined as a source feature or a receptor's personal disposition. Suspicion aroused by a specific source inhibited the systematic processing of the message, overwhelming individual differences in need for cognition. Suspicion as a receptors' stable disposition had the opposite effect. Highly suspicious receptors engaged in a more systematic processing of arguments. Although dispositional suspicion and need for cognition were correlated, the first variable had a significant effect beyond the effect of need for cognition.  相似文献   

The AIDS epidemic has had little impact on the gender differences in willingness to engage in casual sex encountered by dark and Hatfield (1989) 10 years ago. Whereas both men and women were willing to data a stranger, it was only the males who were willing to go to a female's apartment or to bed with her. These results from two experiments are consistent with the sociobiological framework. In addition, the results of Experiment 2 indicated that females were not saying no due to a concern for personal safety.  相似文献   

Reducing the suicide rate through treatment depends on the development of new knowledge and new technology with emphasis on early intervention and continuing lowintensity contact for many troubled suicidal people, rather than the current preoccupation with detecting and hospitalizing the “highest risk.” I anticipate that sophisticated interactive computer programs will be effective in improving screening and case finding, thus bringing many more suicidal persons into contact with primary care physicians and outpatient mental health services for the purpose of relieving psychological pain. Computer programs will be invaluable in improving training for both primary care providers and outpatient mental health workers. Improved communication networks will prove to be useful resources for maintaining continuity of care and consultation, which is important in long-term treatment. Other technical developments include simplifying and making explicit various treatment approaches, in both psychotherapy and drug therapy, so that research can proceed to clarify what type of treatment helps which type of suicidal patient.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined associations of inhalant use and inhalant use disorders (IUDs) to suicide ideation and attempts. We investigated these relationships in the largest comorbidity survey conducted in the United States. Suicidal ideation was significantly more prevalent among inhalant users than nonusers and severity of inhalant use problems was positively related to suicidal ideation. Among persons with IUDs, 67.4% had thought about committing suicide and 20.2% had attempted suicide. Multivariate logistic regression analyses indicated that respondents with IUDs reported significantly higher levels of suicide ideation than inhalant nonusers. Inhalant use is associated with significantly increased risk for suicide ideation, especially among women and persons with DSM‐IV IUDs.  相似文献   

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