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作为孩子成长的关键人物之一,父亲对儿童早期的社会性发展具有重要作用。本研究以184名学前中班儿童及其父母为被试,考察父亲参与教养的量(参与教养的时间)和质(积极教养行为)对儿童早期社会技能的作用。结果发现:(1)控制母亲积极教养行为以后,父亲参与教养时间仍显著预测儿童的社会技能,父亲积极教养行为的预测作用不再显著。(2)控制母亲积极教养行为后,父亲参与教养时间显著预测女孩的合作性、责任感、自我控制及总体社会技能,边缘显著预测男孩的主张性;父亲积极教养行为边缘显著预测男孩的主张性,对女孩各项社会技能的预测均不显著。(3)父亲参与教养时间显著预测母亲积极教养水平低组儿童的合作性、主张性、责任感、自我控制及总体社会技能,父亲积极教养行为边缘显著预测母亲积极教养低组儿童的合作性和总体社会技能。表明父亲参与教养对母亲消极教养具有缓冲作用,其中父亲参与教养时间的缓冲效应更明显。  相似文献   

李宏利  张雷 《心理学报》2007,39(3):495-501
本研究分别调查了338名中国父母的严厉教养、抑郁情感与婚姻满意度及其独生子女的情感失调与攻击行为情况。研究结果显示父亲对儿童与自己的类似性判断减弱了父亲严厉教养与儿童的情感失调和攻击行为间的联系,但加强了父亲的严厉教养与抑郁和婚姻不满意度间的关系。这些发现支持了父母教养的进化观点,降低父亲的生殖疑虑可能具有进化适应性,父亲与儿童的类似性判断会提高父亲对儿童的投资  相似文献   

国外父亲教养方式研究的现状和趋势   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王莉 《心理科学进展》2005,13(3):290-297
父亲教养方式越来越成为父母教养方式中的重要组成部分。文章从父亲养育孩子的本能、父亲的参与度、父亲对子女性别角色发展的影响、父亲对子女的自我认同等几个方面对国外心理学有关文献进行综述,提出了研究的特点及不足,并展望了关于父亲教养方式的研究趋势。  相似文献   

在苏州市妇联及社区、街道工作人员的帮助下,采用判断取样,在苏州地区选取458户单亲家庭的父母子女,考察了单亲家长性别角色类型、性别角色教养态度与子女社会适应间的关系,并检验单亲家长性别角色教养态度在其性别角色类型与子女社会适应间的中介效应。结果表明:(1)单亲家长的性别角色类型多为双性化,性别角色教养态度处中上水平,单亲子女的社会适应处中上水平;不同背景变量的单亲子女其社会适应存在差异,单亲家长的户口与性别角色类型在子女社会适应上存在交互作用;(2)未分化及女性化类型与社会适应之间存在显著负相关,且未分化类型与性别角色教养态度存在显著负相关,单亲家长性别角色教养态度在其性别角色类型与子女社会适应两者关系中存在部分中介效应。  相似文献   

以105名2岁儿童及其母亲为被试,采用实验室录像观察法,探讨在自由游戏情景下母亲教养目标、使用策略及两者的关系.母亲的教养目标分为四个方面:鼓励儿童的独立、鼓励儿童的接近、不鼓励独立和不鼓励接近;根据压力程度的不同将教养策略分为三大类共11种.结果表明:(1)鼓励儿童独立自主活动是母亲在自由游戏情景下的主要教养目标;(2)母亲使用得最多的为中等程度压力策略、其次是低压力的建议策略;(3)与四种教养目标相关密切的为中、低程度压力的教养策略,即建议、解释、积极评价和指导,在否定的教养目标下使用高压力的干扰和坚持要求执行策略.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对264名高中生进行调查,探讨了父母教养方式、身体自我认知对高中生性别角色发展的影响作用。结果发现:(1)从总体上,男生比女生更多地呈现出双性化发展的趋势;(2)母亲干涉保护,身体自我的力量、体育活动和自尊对男生的男性气质影响显著,而母亲温暖理解和身体自我的灵活对男生的女性气质影响显著;(3)身体自我的自尊会促进女生的男性气质特点,身体自我的力量对女生的女性气质有负向作用,身体自我的外表对女生的女性气质有正向影响。  相似文献   

在基于身份认同理论的母亲守门员效应的框架下,本研究探讨了父亲关于自身教养价值的态度对其教养投入行为的影响机制,通过方便取样的方式在全国27个省市共选取了364对3-7岁儿童的父母,采用父亲教养投入问卷、父亲教养价值态度问卷、协同教养问卷进行测查,结果发现,母亲关于父亲教养价值的态度是父亲教养投入的促进性因子,在父亲关于自身教养价值态度影响其教养投入的过程中具有调节效应;这种调节效应以父亲协同教养的一致性为中介变量。这一研究结果可增强人们对母亲守门员效应的理解,对亲职教育的干预实践也具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察父亲参与教养对小学生攻击行为的影响以及母亲育儿压力在二者之间的中介作用,采用同伴提名法和问卷法对604名1~6年级小学生及其家长进行调查。潜变量结构方程模型拟合检验结果显示:父亲参与教养(互动性、可及性、责任性)对小学生攻击行为(身体攻击、关系攻击)具有显著的负向预测作用;在父亲参与教养与小学生关系攻击之间,母亲的育儿愁苦和亲子互动失调具有显著的部分中介作用;在父亲参与教养与小学生身体攻击之间,只有母亲的育儿愁苦具有显著的部分中介作用。上述结果表明,父亲参与教养可以通过减少母亲的育儿愁苦来降低儿童的关系攻击和身体攻击,还能通过减少母子互动失调来降低儿童的关系攻击。  相似文献   

以310名幼儿父亲为研究对象,采用流行病调查中心抑郁量表、父母教养能力感量表的教养效能感分问卷、父母教养方式评价量表和Conners儿童行为问卷,考察父亲教养效能感和教养方式在父亲抑郁与幼儿问题行为间的中介作用。结果显示:(1)父亲抑郁、专制粗暴、情感联系和幼儿问题行为两两之间均显著正相关,父亲教养效能感、民主关怀、宽容理解两两之间均显著正相关,父亲教养效能感、民主关怀、宽容理解分别与父亲抑郁、专制粗暴、情感联系和幼儿问题行为两两之间显著负相关;(2)父亲抑郁对幼儿问题行为具有显著的正向预测作用;(3)父亲教养效能感和自身的民主关怀、专制粗暴、情感联系不仅分别在父亲抑郁与幼儿问题行为之间起部分中介作用,而且在父亲抑郁与幼儿问题行为之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

为探讨父亲参与教养与学校适应的关系及其作用机制,采用问卷法对548名农村寄宿制学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)父亲参与教养与自我控制、学校适应呈显著正相关;(2)父亲参与教养既能直接正向预测农村寄宿制学生的学校适应,也能通过自我控制的中介预测学校适应;(3)相对剥夺感在自我控制的中介作用中起到调节,当农村寄宿制学生的相对剥夺感较高时,父亲参与教养对自我控制的作用减弱。研究结果揭示了父亲参与教养对农村寄宿制学生学校适应的影响及作用机制,能为提高农村寄宿制学生的学校适应水平提供有效启示。  相似文献   

本研究采用双亲关于父亲角色的态度问卷及父亲教养投入问卷,对427个3~7岁儿童的父母进行调查,考察父亲关于自身角色的态度对其教养投入的影响以及母亲关于父亲角色的态度类型在其中的调节作用.结果表明:(1)父亲关于自身教养价值、教养动机、教养技能的态度均可正向预测其教养投入,而父亲关于自身教养天性的态度对其教养投入没有显著的预测作用;(2)母亲态度类型在父亲的教养动机与其教养投入之间具有调节作用,在父亲角色态度的其他维度与教养投入之间无显著的调节效应.当母亲为矛盾型和拒绝型时,父亲的教养动机可正向预测其教养投入;当母亲为接纳型时,父亲的教养动机对其教养投入不具有预测作用.  相似文献   

This article describes the interaction of giftedness with gender identity, gender role, and gender relations. The authors explored ways in which many gifted educational practices are gendered, a model for the development of talent in the context of gender and gender relations, and ways of reducing gender inequities in the realization of potential for both male and female students. Issues that are unique to gifted individuals are aligned with suggestions for counseling interventions.  相似文献   

Factors Associated with Perceived Paternal Involvement in Childrearing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interest in paternal involvement in child care has increased as the demands on the time and resources of maternal caretakers have increased. The purpose of the present study was to examine variables associated with perceived paternal involvement in child care. Participants were 137 (90 European American and 47 African American) fathers of children between the ages of 2 and 6. Hierarchical multiple regression and analyses of variance indicated that ethnicity, gender role orientation, and perceived skill at child care were associated with higher levels of perceived paternal engagement in and responsibility for child care. Partners' work status was associated with perceived paternal responsibility for, but not engagement in child care. Data suggest that fathers' perceptions of their abilities, gender role, and family requirements may combine to influence child care involvement.  相似文献   

Gender role development was assessed in 52 father-absent and 54 father-present African American adolescents. Father-present boys, especially those from lower-income backgrounds, had higher perceptions of their masculinity than did father-absent boys. Lower income father-absent girls perceived themselves to be higher in masculinity than did all other girls. Consequently, father-present adolescents tended to have more traditional gender role orientations than did those in father-absent homes. It is argued that mothers' and fathers' different socializing strategies balance out in two-parent homes. However, in father-absent homes, mothers' tendency to rely on and pressure their daughters fosters relatively more masculine girls, whereas a lack of father socialization fosters less masculine boys. Implications for theory and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies on parenting stress suggesting negative influences on parent–child interactions and children's development, the majority of these studies focus on mothers' parenting stress with little or no acknowledgement of fathers. Using data from the National Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project, this study examined (i) the effects of fathers' parenting stress during toddlerhood on children's language and cognitive outcomes when children are 3 years old (ii) whether the effects of fathers' parenting stress on children's language and cognitive development vary by child gender? Results from mixed linear models showed fathers' parenting stress predicted children's lower cognitive scores, but there were no gender differences in the effects of fathers' parenting stress on children's cognitive outcomes. In the language domain, boys, not girls, were found to be more susceptible to the effects of fathers' parenting stress. These findings indicated that fathers, in addition to mothers, should be included in early parenting research and interventions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Boyce  Lisa A.  Herd  Ann M. 《Sex roles》2003,49(7-8):365-378
The continuing emphasis on the need to utilize fully women's leadership skills in traditionally or predominantly male environments highlights the need for understanding gender stereotypes and leadership characteristics perceived to be associated with various jobs. This study essentially replicates Schein's research (1973, 1975) to determine the extent of gender stereotypes held by military students for military leadership positions. The results indicate (1) continued disparity in men's perceptions of the similarities between women and leaders, (2) support of previous findings that women recognize similarities between women and leaders, (3) senior military students possess stronger masculine gender role stereotypes of successful officers than do students with less than 1 year of service in the military academy, (4) greater experience with being led by female leaders did not affect men's masculine gender role stereotypes of successful leaders, and (5) successful female cadet leaders perceive successful officers as having characteristics commonly ascribed to both women and men. These results are interpreted in light of previous research on gender roles and leadership, and the practical implications for meeting organizational, and individual objectives for successful utilization of women in military leadership positions are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships of father involvement to young children's perceived self-competence and fathers' and mothers' perceptions of their children's internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems. The results indicated that mothers in families in which father involvement is high may have a more positive outlook regarding their child's behavior than do mothers in families in which father involvement is low. Fathers who were highly involved indicated their children have more behavior problems than fathers who were not highly involved. High father involvement was associated with increased children's feelings of paternal acceptance, a factor that plays a role in the development of self-concept and esteem.  相似文献   

以92名35~74个月的健康儿童为被试,采用选择等待范式测查儿童的自我延迟满足能力,通过父亲参与问卷和母亲参与教养问卷测查儿童父母的参与程度,考察控制母亲参与和儿童年龄的情况下,父亲参与对儿童延迟满足能力的影响以及儿童性别在其中的调节作用。结果表明:(1)父亲参与的互动性、可及性、责任性均能显著正向预测儿童的延迟满足能力;(2)儿童性别可以调节父亲参与的互动性及责任性与儿童延迟满足能力的关系。父亲参与的互动性和责任性可以显著预测男童的延迟满足能力,但均不能预测女童的延迟满足能力。  相似文献   

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