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《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(5):728-738
One potential factor that could influence how individuals with at least moderate symptoms of depression cope with upsetting events in their daily lives is the beliefs that these individuals hold about whether emotions are malleable or fixed. The current study adopted an experience sampling approach to examine how the beliefs about emotion’s malleability related to daily positive and negative affect and daily emotion regulation efforts among individuals with at least moderate symptoms of depression (N = 84). Results demonstrated that individuals having at least moderate symptoms of depression who held more malleable beliefs about emotions reported decreased negative affect both overall during the day and specifically in response to daily upsetting events. Additionally, these individuals who held more malleable beliefs about their emotions also reported more daily use of cognitive reappraisal to regulate their emotions in response to upsetting daily events. Results from the current study extend previous work examining the relationship between emotion malleability beliefs, emotional experiences, and emotion regulation to examine these relationships in people who are moderately depressed as they navigate the emotional landscape of their daily lives.  相似文献   

运用经验抽样法对154名大学生的日常情绪体验、生活事件进行为期14天的追踪调查,通过多层线性模型(HLM)探讨日常生活事件与情绪体验的关系及情绪调节策略对二者关系的影响。结果表明:大学生积极情绪体验多于消极情绪体验。在个体内和个体间水平,消极事件都对积极情绪有显著的负向预测作用,对消极情绪有显著的正向预测作用;积极事件对积极情绪有显著的正向预测作用。积极事件对消极情绪的负向预测作用只在个体间水平显著。表达抑制这种情绪调节策略能够增强消极生活事件与消极情绪体验的关系。  相似文献   

Cognitive theories emphasise the role of dysfunctional beliefs about sleep in the development and maintenance of sleep-related problems (SRPs). The present research examines how parents’ dysfunctional beliefs about children’s sleep and child dysfunctional beliefs about sleep are related to each other and to children’s subjective and objective sleep. Participants were 45 children aged 11–12 years and their parents. Self-report measures of dysfunctional beliefs about sleep and child sleep were completed by children, mothers and fathers. Objective measures of child sleep were taken using actigraphy. The results showed that child dysfunctional beliefs about sleep were correlated with father (r = 0.43, p < 0.05) and mother (r = 0.43, p < 0.05) reported child SRPs, and with Sleep Onset Latency (r = 0.34, p < 0.05). Maternal dysfunctional beliefs about child sleep were related to child SRPs as reported by mothers (r = 0.44, p < 0.05), and to child dysfunctional beliefs about sleep (r = 0.37, p < 0.05). Some initial evidence was found for a mediation pathway in which child dyfunctional beliefs mediate the relationship between parent dysfunctional beliefs and child sleep. The results support the cognitive model of SRPs and contribute to the literature by providing the first evidence of familial aggregation of dysfunctional beliefs about sleep.  相似文献   

People differ in their implicit beliefs about emotions. Some believe emotions are fixed (entity theorists), whereas others believe that everyone can learn to change their emotions (incremental theorists). We extend the prior literature by demonstrating (a) entity beliefs are associated with lower well-being and increased psychological distress, (b) people's beliefs about their own emotions explain greater unique variance than their beliefs about emotions in general, and (3) implicit beliefs are linked with well-being/distress via cognitive reappraisal. These results suggest people's implicit beliefs—particularly about their own emotions—may predispose them toward emotion regulation strategies that have important consequences for psychological health.  相似文献   

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Parents’ emotion socialization (ES) practices impact socioemotional development throughout adolescence. Little is known, however, regarding...  相似文献   

The current study examined the moderating influence of observed parental emotion socialization (PES) on self-medication in adolescents. Strengths of the study include the use of a newly developed observational coding system further extending the study of PES to adolescence, the use of an experience sampling method to assess the daily covariation between negative affect and substance use, and a focus on PES styles defined by the interaction of emotion-dismissing and emotion-coaching behaviors. Using multi-leveling modeling, we tested PES as a moderator of daily negative mood-substance use relation in a sample of 65 elevated-risk adolescents (48% male, 58% Caucasian, with a median age of 14). Results showed a three-way interaction between emotion-coaching PES, emotion-dismissing PES and daily negative mood in predicting daily substance use. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of PES styles and their effects on self-medication through compromised emotion regulation and interpersonal processes.
Matthew A. HershEmail:

We examined the direct relationships between parent and child emotion regulation (ER) strategy use during the transitionary and understudied developmental periods of middle childhood through to adolescence. Three hundred and seventy-nine participants aged between 9 and 19 years, completed the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents. In addition, 358 of their mothers and 207 of their fathers completed the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Providing partial support for the hypothesis, maternal use of the ER Expressive Suppression strategy was significantly predictive of their child’s use of Suppression. However, paternal ER strategy use was unrelated to their child’s ER strategy use. Child age did not moderate the relationships investigated. These findings suggest that children’s ER during middle childhood and adolescence is more closely related to the ER of their mother than their father. It is proposed that this may be accounted for by emotion socialization processes.  相似文献   

Projection of own characteristics onto an in-group, internalization of in-group characteristics into self-conceptions, and the implications of these two processes for one type of cognitive performance among women (spatial skill) were examined. Focus on gender or self and expected method of performance evaluation (male-female comparison or individual comparison [IC]) were varied before high- and low-self-esteem (SE) women completed a spatial performance test. The manipulations and the SE grouping factor interacted to influence spatial skill scores significantly. The results are interpreted as indicating situationally induced self- and group stereotype influences on manifest spatial skill.  相似文献   

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Parental responses to negative emotion, one key component of emotion socialization, may function to increase (or decrease) reactive aggression...  相似文献   

Children who are able to recognize others' emotions are successful in a variety of socioemotional domains, yet we know little about how school‐aged children's abilities develop, particularly in the family context. We hypothesized that children develop emotion recognition skill as a function of parents' own emotion‐related beliefs, behaviours, and skills. We examined parents' beliefs about the value of emotion and guidance of children's emotion, parents' emotion labelling and teaching behaviours, and parents' skill in recognizing children's emotions in relation to their school‐aged children's emotion recognition skills. Sixty‐nine parent–child dyads completed questionnaires, participated in dyadic laboratory tasks, and identified their own emotions and emotions felt by the other participant from videotaped segments. Regression analyses indicate that parents' beliefs, behaviours, and skills together account for 37% of the variance in child emotion recognition ability, even after controlling for parent and child expressive clarity. The findings suggest the importance of the family milieu in the development of children's emotion recognition skill in middle childhood and add to accumulating evidence suggesting important age‐related shifts in the relation between parental emotion socialization and child emotional development. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以607名初高中阶段青少年为被试,采用量表法收集收据,探讨了青少年未来无望感的基本状况以及所受压力生活事件、控制信念和社会支持的影响.结果表明,半数青少年无望感在正常范围内,然而余者存在不同程度的无望感,特别是有13.7%的人至少存在中等及以上程度的无望感而需特别帮助.从影响因素角度看,控制信念对无望感的解释率最高(12.6%),其中二级控制中的认知控制有保护作用,而情感控制则是危险因素,初级控制的预测作用不显著;其次是社会支持,解释率为6.2%,其中家庭支持显著有利于减少未来无望感,朋友或一般他人的支持无显著预测作用;最后是压力生活事件(主要是事件影响程度),解释率为2.7%.  相似文献   

Task enjoyment is an important component in social cognitive theories of achievement motivation and intrinsic motivation. Combining these theories with the classic achievement-motivation theory we predicted that task enjoyment and its facilitating behavioral manifestations are associated with an approach-oriented achievement motive and only when individuals anticipate forthcoming competence feedback. In the present study we regarded task enjoyment as a mediator between the achievement motive and performance. First, a two-way ANOVA design was adopted. Success-motivated individuals performed better in a reaction task than failure-motivated individuals, and they reported more task enjoyment during performance. This relationship was not dependent on whether competence information had been announced or not. Second, path analyses showed as expected that the relationship between achievement motivation and performance was mediated by task enjoyment. This mediation was observed only under the condition that individuals expected competence feedback. These results were discussed considering current theories of achievement motivation and intrinsic motivation. It is shown that the findings enrich the related nomological networks in some important ways.  相似文献   

任务中断对幼儿前瞻记忆的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王永跃  张芝  葛列众  王健 《心理科学》2005,28(1):235-237
本研究采用实验方法研究了年龄及当前进行任务中不同位置的中断对幼儿前瞻记忆的影响。结果发现:(1)年龄对幼儿前瞻记忆成绩有显著影响;(2)在1/4中断和无中断条件下,幼儿的前瞻记忆成绩较好,在1/2中断和3/4中断条件下.幼儿前瞻记忆成绩较差。  相似文献   

Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy - Interpersonal difficulties and emotion regulation are the core characteristics of borderline personality disorders (BPD). However, how...  相似文献   

This study investigated the changes in and the relationships among body mass index (BMI), global self-esteem, physical self-perceptions, social physique anxiety (SPA), physical activity, and dietary restraint in adolescent females over a 24-month period. Participants (N = 501) completed annual assessments in grade 9, 10, and 11. The results showed moderate covariance stability in all variables. There were several significant time effects (group mean change), with small increases in BMI, moderate decreases in physical activity, and very small changes over time in SPA and physical self-perceptions. Longitudinal analyses indicated that specific physical self-perceptions were important predictors of physical activity, dietary restraint and SPA; however, most of the variance was explained by previous year values. Evidence of bidirectional effects revealed that specific self-perceptions impact specific behaviors and SPA more so than the impact of behavior/emotion on self-perceptions. These results highlight the importance of understanding the physical self and its links to health-related behaviors and emotion in adolescents.  相似文献   

王玲凤  傅根跃 《心理科学》2003,26(4):646-649
用设置故事情景的方法对儿童对他人情绪与过去经验的关系的认知进行了实验研究。研究表明,4~7岁儿童能够认知他人情绪与过去经验的关系,认知能力随年龄的增长不断提高。情绪效价和情绪情景的匹配性影响儿童对他人情绪与过去经验关系的认知。4、5岁儿童更能认识到正性情绪情景条件下体验到负性情绪的他人情绪与过去经验的关系,其得分显著高于其它情绪情景故事和行为故事。  相似文献   


Patients with chronic diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), are prone to emotional distresses and reduction in life quality more than others. This study aimed to assess the relationship between religious beliefs and quality of life among patients with MS. In this study, 145 MS patients completed 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) questionnaires. The results indicated that unorganized religious activities were significantly associated with marital status and education level. Besides, internal religion was positively correlated to mental health. However, religious variables were not effective prognostic factors in physical and mental quality of life. Overall, further studies have to be conducted to determine the role of religion in quality of life of MS patients with different religious backgrounds.


Three studies investigated the correspondence between implicit and explicit self‐concepts of intelligence and how that correspondence is related to performance on different intelligence tests. Configurations of these two self‐concepts were found to be consistently related to performance on intelligence tests in all three studies. For individuals who self‐reported high intelligence (high explicit self‐concept), a negative implicit self‐concept (measured with the Implicit Association Test) led to a decrease in performance on intelligence tests. For participants whose self‐report indicated a low self‐concept of intelligence, positive automatic associations between the self and intelligence had a similar effect. In line with a stress hypothesis, the results indicate that any discrepant configuration of self‐concepts will impair performance. Importantly, the prediction of performance on intelligence tests by the self‐concept of intelligence was shown to be independent of self‐esteem (Study 3). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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