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When a visual field is presented for 40 or 80 msec and a subject is asked to judge the duration of the stimulus, judged duration is found to be less when the field is blank than when the field contains three letters, but is the same whether the three letters form a word or not. The perceived difference between “filled” and “blank” fields increases when the subject is required to memorize the presented letters. These data are consistent with a theory which assumes,inter alia, that a stimulus is analyzed by a visual information processor and a timer, that attention is shared between these processors, and that temporal judgments are based on the output of both processors.  相似文献   

Judgments of the apparent duration and size of visually presented circles vary directly with the duration and size of the presented stimuli. When the frequencies of stimulus duration (short vs. long) and stimulus area (small vs. large) are varied, perceived size and duration are directly related to the frequency of the lower attribute value (short or small). These data are compared to the predictions of different information-processing models. The model which accounts for the data best is one in which it is assumed that perceived size and perceived duration grow together over the course of time spent sampling size information, and that attribute frequency affects the rate of sampling and/or the point at which sampling stops.  相似文献   

A seminal attentional model of time estimation predicts that subjective duration will be positively correlated to the amount of attention given to temporal processing. This prediction holds under prospective conditions, in which one is forewarned that judgments of time will be asked, in contrast to retrospective conditions, in which such judgments are required after the relevant period without any prior warning. In three experiments, an attention-sharing method was used. Subjects were asked to control the amount of attention that they devoted to one or the other component of a dual-task paradigm. The first experiment involved word categorization and reproduction of duration. The following experiments, based on signal detection theory, required discrimination of both the duration and the intensity of a single stimulus, in the visual (Experiment 2) or the auditory (Experiment 3) modality. The results indicate that when the attention is directly controlled by the subject, the subjective duration shortens as the amount of attention devoted to the temporal task diminishes. The implications of these results for the possible existence of an internal timer are considered.  相似文献   

The “attentional model” of time estimation assumes that temporal judgments depend on the amount of attention allocated to the temporal processor (the timer). One of the main predictions of this model is that an interval will be judged shorter when attention is not allocated to the temporal parameters of the task. Previous studies combining temporal and nontemporal tasks (dual-task method) have suggested that the time spent processing the target duration might be a key factor: The less time devoted by the subject to the temporal task, the shorter the judged duration. In the two experiments presented here, subjects were asked to judge both the duration of a visual stimulus and an increment in intensity occurring at any time during this stimulus. In the second experiment, trials without intensity increments were added. The main result is that the judged duration was shorter when the increment occurred later in the stimulus or did not occur. In those cases, subjects had been expecting increment occurrence during most part of the stimulus and thus had focused for a shorter time on stimulus duration. We propose that attention shifts related to expectancy and to detection of the increment reduce subjective duration.  相似文献   

In duration, size, and form discrimination tasks, a visual noise mask was presented at variable delays after stimulus offset in order to interrupt processing and control the extent of processing time. Previous work (Thomas & Cantor, 1975) had suggested that both perceived duration and perceived nontemporal “information” might be expected to increase as processing time was extended. As predicted, accuracy in the discrimination of size of circles and form of non-sense figures was found to vary directly with stimulus duration (20, 50 msec) and mask delay interval (0, 30, 70, 110 msec). Differences in perceived duration between filled (forms or circles) and unfilled (blank) intervals were found to increase monotonically with increases in the mask delay interval, when non-sense forms, but not circles, were presented. Two hypotheses of visual masking (“integration” and “interruption”) are discussed. Within the context of the “integration” hypothesis, a model is proposed which predicts processing time as a function of stimulus duration, mask delay interval, and the interval between onset of the mask and termination of processing.  相似文献   

In this study, subjects were asked to judge which of two digits (e.g., 3 5) was larger either in physical or in numerical size. Reaction times were facilitated when the irrelevant dimension was congruent with the relevant dimension and were inhibited when the two were incongruent (size congruity effect). Although judgments based on physical size were faster, their speed was affected by the numerical distance between the members of the digit pair, indicating that numerical distance is automatically computed even when it is irrelevant to the comparative judgment being required by the task. This finding argues for parallel processing of physical and semantic information in this task.  相似文献   

采用复制法,考察Müller-Lyer错觉条件下,长度加工与时距估计的关系。实验1和实验2分别采用实线段和空线段,结果发现,图形的客观长度越长,估计的时距越长;箭头朝向造成的主观长度错觉对时距估计无影响;时距对长度判断的影响较小。实验3进一步操作线段长度和箭杆方向,发现长度错觉不影响时距估计与错觉量的大小无关。研究表明刺激的客观长度与时间在心理表征上存在自动化的联结,也受到刺激、实验方法和时距等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the hypothesis that the paradoxical relative distance judgment associated with the size-distance paradox is due to the visual system’s assuming equal linear size and perceiving a smaller angular size for the closer stimulus equal in visual angle. In Experiment I, two different sized coins were presented successively, and 16 Ss were asked to give ordinal judgments of apparent distance and apparent size. When the two coins depicted the same figures, the closer stimulus was judged to be farther and smaller, more frequently, than when two coins depicted different figures. In Experiment II, 48 Ss were asked to give ratio judgments of apparent distance, apparent linear size, and apparent angular size for two stimuli which were presented successively. When the stimuli were of equal shape, the mean ratios of the far stimulus to the near stimulus were smaller for the apparent distance but larger for the apparent linear size and angular size than when the stimuli were of different shape. The obtained distance judgments were consistent with the hypothesis but the obtained judgments of linear size and angular size were not.  相似文献   

This study asked whether perceptual analysis of a stimulus can continue while a response to this stimulus is being generated. In Experiment 1, subjects rapidly named a word that was visually degraded with superimposed pixels. Near the time of response, degradation was removed for a short time and then followed by a mask. Subjects then made a second, unspeeded judgment about the identity of the word. Unspeeded judgments were more accurate, showing that the degradation-free stimulus exposure was processed. In Experiment 2, the task was the same, but the degradation was gradually faded out for an individually adjusted duration. Comparison of unspeeded-response accuracy on trials with and without a speeded response showed that stimulus analysis continued at full efficiency during speeded-response generation. The results support conclusions of Rabbitt and Vyas (1981) that perceptual analysis continues during response stages. This form of continuous processing does not necessarily contradict discrete stage models of human information processing, however.  相似文献   

We report a distortion of subjective time perception in which the duration of a first interval is perceived to be longer than the succeeding interval of the same duration. The amount of time expansion depends on the onset type defining the first interval. When a stimulus appears abruptly, its duration is perceived to be longer than when it appears following a stationary array. The difference in the processing time for the stimulus onset and motion onset, measured as reaction times, agrees with the difference in time expansion. Our results suggest that initial transient responses for a visual onset serve as a temporal marker for time estimation, and a systematic change in the processing time for onsets affects perceived time.  相似文献   

Three studies examined intuitive judgments of rate change. These studies considered how people intuitively decide that the occurrence rate of particular events is on the increase or in decline. Using the topic of teenage pregnancy, participants were given information about the population size and the frequency of pregnancies at a hypothetical high school in three studies at two points in time. In the first of these studies details about population size were made highly salient, and here population information was found to directly influence intuitive judgments of rate change. In the second study population information was presented in a more realistic fashion. Under these conditions judgments that the pregnancy rate had changed were found to be based on changes in the number of pregnancies. Whenever the number of pregnancies changed, regardless of compensating changes in school size, people inferred a change in rate. In the third of these studies, population details were not provided; only information about number of pregnancies was presented. Subjects' queries for additional information were then assessed. Despite the absence of population information, few subjects requested population details when asked what additional information they would like in order to judge the relative seriousness of the pregnancy problem. Taken together, the three studies suggest that when making intuitive judgments of change in rate, people may be relatively insensitive to the importance of population information. The implications of such findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between perceived size and distance and oculomotor adjustments were assessed in two experiments. In both experiments, Ss were required to make scalar linear size, angular size, and distance judgments of stimuli subtending a constant retinal image size at different levels of convergence. The results of the first experiment indicate that the perceived linear size, angular size, and distance of the stimulus decreased with increased convergence, the decrease in perceived linear size being greater than that of perceived angular size. While again showing a decrease in perceived linear and angular size, the results of the second experiment also show that there was a smaller decrease in perceived distance with increased convergence when Ss continued to view the stimulus as convergence was changed than when they did not view the stimulus as convergence was changed. The implications these results have for size and distance perception are discussed.  相似文献   

Perceptual organization and attention   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It is widely assumed that the grouping of the visual field first described by the Gestalt psychologists and the related phenomenon of texture segregation occur very early in the processing of visual information and involve preattentive processes. All the recent evidence supporting this assumption comes from visual search experiments in which the subject is actively looking for a target and attending to the stimulus. The question at issue is whether these kinds of patterns are perceived under conditions of inattention, i.e., when observers are not searching for them. We performed six experiments to determine whether texture segregation and grouping by similarity or proximity are perceived under conditions of inattention. On the first two trials subjects were asked to report the longer arm of a briefly presented cross which was surrounded by a pattern of ungrouped small elements. On the third trial and subsequent control trials these elements were configured into grouping patterns and subjects queried about them immediately following their line length reports. The results establish that neither texture segregation nor grouping by similarity of lightness or proximity are perceived under conditions of inattention. They support the conclusion that there is an earlier stage of processing than that referred to as preattentive.  相似文献   

A dual-process contingency model of short duration judgment is proposed and tested. The first process, or P(t), is a timer that uses cognitive capacity to keep track of units of time. If capacity is directed toward other tasks, P(t) will record fewer units and produce lower time judgments than when capacity is not directed toward other tasks. This timing process is most likely to affect performance when people know in advance (prospective judgments) that time judgments will be required and when absolute, rather than relative, judgments are made. The second process, or P(m), which is used for retrospective and relative judgments, judges duration on the basis of the number of remembered high priority events (HPEs) occurring during the interval. When this process is used, time judgments increase with the amount of HPEs that can be retrieved at the moment of judgment. Two experiments are reported. Tactual stimuli were presented, and nontemporal information processing load (simple or complex stimuli), type of judgment (absolute or relative), and judgment paradigm (prospective or retrospective)were manipulated. The results obtained support the proposed dual-process contingency model.  相似文献   

The effects of stimulus motion on time perception were examined in five experiments. Subjects judged the durations (6–18 sec) of a series of computer-generated visual displays comprised of varying numbers of simple geometrical forms. In Experiment 1, subjects reproduced the duration of displays consisting of stationary or moving (at 20 cm/sec) stimulus figures. In Experiment 2, subjects reproduced the durations of stimuli that were either stationary, moving slowly (at 10 cm/sec), or moving fast (at 30 cm/sec). In Experiment 3, subjects used the production method to generate specified durations for stationary, slow, and fast displays. In Experiments 4 and 5, subjects reproduced the duration of stimuli that moved at speeds ranging from 0 to 45 cm/sec. Each experiment showed that stimulus motion lengthened perceived time. In general, faster speeds lengthened perceived time to a greater degree than slower speeds. Varying the number of stimuli appearing in the displays had only limited effects on time judgments. Other findings indicated that shorter intervals tended to be overestimated and longer intervals underestimated (Vierordt’s law), an effect which applied to both stationary and moving stimuli. The results support a change model of perceived time, which maintains that intervals associated with more changes are perceived to be longer than intervals with fewer changes.  相似文献   

Inhibition of return (IOR) is the name that has been assigned to a response time (RT) delay to a stimulus presented at a recently stimulated spatial location. A commonly held explanation for the origins of IOR is that perceptual processing is inhibited and that this inhibition translates into slower RT. Three experiments with 10 subjects were used to directly test this perceptual explanation. The first two experiments assessed the level of perceptual facilitation present in the IOR paradigm using the frequency and latency of illusory line motion judgments. Contrary to the predictions of the perceptual view, the line motion and RT measures revealed only speeded processing at previously stimulated spatial locations. Experiment 3 required a simple detection response and used the same stimulus and timing parameters as those in Experiments 1 and 2. IOR was present, replicating the recent finding that judgments based on perceptual qualities of the stimulus do not demonstrate a RT delay, whereas simple detection tasks do show RT inhibition at previously stimulated locations. These findings are discussed in relation to a number of hypotheses about the origin of the RT delay.  相似文献   

Five experiments investigated the influence of the differences in stimulus familiarity among a dot-matrix letter, word, and nonword upon the relative judged duration of 30-msec flashes. Figure-ground contrast was manipulated by varying the number of dots comprising each display letter. With 30-msec presentations, judgments ranked subjective durations of the displays nonword > word > letter. Differences in judged duration among stimulus forms were greater when both forward and backward masking reduced recognition probability to chance level than when no mask was employed, and discriminations among masked presentations were easier for subjects. Figure-ground contrast influenced apparent duration judgments only as increases in figure-ground contrast contributed to clarity of familiarity differences among displays. The data were interpreted to indicate that differences in stimulus familiarity operate as early in visual processing as do differences in figure-ground contrast, with greater familiarity facilitating an automatic contact between a stimulus and its memory representation and therein reducing experienced duration.  相似文献   

Two components of gender stereotypes were examined in order to determine their influence on judgments of gender–related characteristics. Male and female subjects were presented with photographs of female stimulus persons who differed in somatic appearance and were given information about traits. Subjects were asked to estimate the probability that the stimulus person possessed other gender–related traits and engaged in gender–related behaviors. Results provide support for a multiple–component construction of stereotypes, with physical appearance being the most potent component. An unfavorable image of low attractive women was also indicated.  相似文献   

Four experiments demonstrated that more time is required to scan further distances across visual images, even when the same amount of material falls between the initial focus point and the target. Not only did times systematically increase with distance but subjectively larger images required more time to scan than did subjectively smaller ones. Finally, when subjects were not asked to base all judgments on examination of their images, the distance between an initial focus point and a target did not affect reaction times.  相似文献   

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