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Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - The effects, measured in terms of reproductions, of pairing 4-sec-duration stimuli were examined for six ISIs varying between 1 and 26 sec. The results...  相似文献   

Effects of break expectancy, observed previously in time production, were examined in 3 experiments using a discrimination paradigm. Participants classified a tone as being short or long. Location and duration of breaks in tone presentation were varied. Proportion of short responses increased as the break occurred later in the duration to be estimated in all experiments. With a higher number of break locations covering a wider range of location values, functions relating proportion of short responses to location were sigmoid and tended to flatten at extreme values of location. The authors conclude that attentional time-sharing elicited by break expectancy induces loss in accumulation of temporal information, but its effect on discrimination depends on the accumulation outcome relative to a decisional criterion.  相似文献   

In comparison judgments of two successively presented time intervals ranging from 30 to 70 msec a time-order error (TOE) as well as a systematic effect depending on the constant position error (CPE) were demonstrated. The effects proved to be independent. Contrary to Vierordt's law, a negative TOE was found. When presenting the standard interval first, an increased hit rate resulting in a positive CPE was established. Furthermore, a test statistic is introduced that allows analysis of experiments utilizing all available information of a subject's psychometric function.  相似文献   

In duration, size, and form discrimination tasks, a visual noise mask was presented at variable delays after stimulus offset in order to interrupt processing and control the extent of processing time. Previous work (Thomas & Cantor, 1975) had suggested that both perceived duration and perceived nontemporal “information” might be expected to increase as processing time was extended. As predicted, accuracy in the discrimination of size of circles and form of non-sense figures was found to vary directly with stimulus duration (20, 50 msec) and mask delay interval (0, 30, 70, 110 msec). Differences in perceived duration between filled (forms or circles) and unfilled (blank) intervals were found to increase monotonically with increases in the mask delay interval, when non-sense forms, but not circles, were presented. Two hypotheses of visual masking (“integration” and “interruption”) are discussed. Within the context of the “integration” hypothesis, a model is proposed which predicts processing time as a function of stimulus duration, mask delay interval, and the interval between onset of the mask and termination of processing.  相似文献   

We consider the possibility that, in a duration discrimination task involving very short empty time intervals, T and T + ?T, bounded by brief auditory pulses, there may be a critical value of the base duration T within the range 50–300 msec below which duration is coded on the basis of sensory interactions between the markers which bound the interval. With ?T fixed at 10 msec, the functional relation between performance and base duration was determined under three levels of marker intensity. Changing the intensity by 37 dB resulted in the same small change in performance at the shortest base duration (50 msec), where it is most likely that an intensity-dependent interaction could be present, as was obtained at the longest base duration (250 msec), where such an interaction should be minimally effective as a cue for duration discrimination. The code for the duration of an empty auditory interval greater than 50 msee probably is not dorived from energy-dependent processes.  相似文献   

The oddity method and several matching-to-sample procedures were used for frequency and intensity discrimination by adult Ss. For all sequence tasks involving three choices, the Ss employed a decision strategy which resulted in a pattern of correctness that differed from the pattern of discriminability among the choice sounds. It was concluded that the use of signal detection theory for analysis of results had added an important dimension to the study, and it was recommended that this method of analysis be used in further attempts to relate sequential processes to various forms of verbal impairment.  相似文献   

There are few quantitative theories of duration discrimination and few established empirical phenomena to guide theorizing. This paper discusses three such theories and several empirical findings. The theories assume that the discrimination is based only upon information extracted from the temporal extent of the stimulus pattern, and experimental evidence is presented that clearly supports this assumption for many stimulus patterns. Recent findings which indicate that duration information is analyzed in certain ways that are fundamentally different from other stimulus dimensions are reviewed, the duration discrimination psychometric function is examined, and the time-order error is discussed. The three theories are compared in terms of their ability to incorporate the empirical data.  相似文献   

The ability of human observers to discriminate duration was assessed in two types of tasks: (1) pulse tasks, in which the observer compared the duration of two brief increments in an ongoing sinusoid, and (2) gap tasks, in which the observer compared the duration of two brief interruptions in an ongoing sinusoid. Performance in these tasks was assessed in three different contexts: noise alone, noise plus continuous sinusoids, and noise plus continuous sinusoids chosen to induce a pitch segregation effect. Performance in the pulse task was independent of the changes in context; however, performance in the gap task changed as a function of context condition. There was a large decrement in the observers’ ability to discriminate duration when the stimulus ensemble induced the pitch segregation effect. The results are discussed in terms of the relationship between duration discrimination and stimulus variations which do not carry duration information.  相似文献   

Discrimination of vowel duration was explored with regard to discrimination threshold, error bias, and effects of modality and consonant context. A total of 122 normal-hearing participants were presented with disyllabic-like items such as /lal-lal/ or /mam-mam/ in which the lengths of the vowels were systematically varied and were asked to judge whether the first or second vowel was longer. Presentation was either visual, auditory, or audiovisual. Vowel duration differences varied in 24 steps: 12 with a longer first /a/ and 12 with a longer last /a/ (range: ±33–400 ms). Results: 50% JNDs were smaller than the lowest tested step size (33 ms); 75% JNDs were in the 33–66 ms range for all conditions but V /lal/, with a 75% JND at 66–100 ms. Errors were greatest for visual presentation and for /lal-lal/ tokens. There was an error bias towards reporting the first vowel as longer, and this was strongest for /mam-mam/ and when both vowels were short, possibly reflecting a sublinguistic processing strategy.  相似文献   

Data are presented which indicate two major differences between duration discrimination performance and discrimination performance usually observed in other psychophysical tasks. A decrement in duration discrimination performance with increasing temporal delays between the presentation of two successive stimuli was not found, and the usual difference in level of performance between forced-choice and single-stimulus tasks was not observed. The time-order error in duration discrimination is also discussed.  相似文献   

Temporal integration in duration and number discrimination   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Temporal integration in duration and number discrimination by rats was investigated with the use of a psychophysical choice procedure. A response on one lever ("short" response) following a 1-s white-noise signal was followed by food reinforcement, and a response on the other lever ("long" response) following a 2-s white-noise signal was also followed by food reinforcement. Either response following a signal of one of five intermediate durations was unreinforced. This led to a psychophysical function in which the probability of a long response was related to signal duration in an ogival manner. On 2 test days, a white-noise signal with 5, 6, 7, 8, or 10 segments of either 0.5-s on and 0.5-s off or 1-s on and 1-s off was presented, and a choice response following these signals was unreinforced. The probability of a long response was the same function of a segmented signal and a continuous signal if each segment was considered equivalent to 200 ms. A quantitative fit of a scalar estimation theory suggested that the latencies to initiate temporal integration and to terminate the process are both about 200 ms, and that the same internal accumulation process can be used for counting and timing.  相似文献   

The difference threshold for duration, for the case of empty time intervals bounded by brief auditory pulses, is an increasing function of base duration. For base durations between 100 and 1,480 msec, Weber’s law describes the function quite well and a Weber ratio of .05 is obtained. These results in the present paper conform closely to results that have been reported by others. However, it is further shown that the function changes as the amount of practice is increased at each specific base duration: steps unfold from the linear function, and these steps are clearly evident after 17 consecutive sessions at each base duration. Expressing threshold in terms of the apparent magnitude of the “time quantum,” it is found that q is about 13 msec when base duration is 100 msec and that it jumps to 25 at 200, to 50 at 400, and to 100 at 800. Between the abrupt risers in this step function, the treads are not quite flat, perhaps because the amount of practice was insufficient. It is concluded that the time quantum can be doubled and halved, at least within the doubles set 13, 25, 50, and 100 msec. It is not restricted to the single value of 50 msec as initially proposed (Kristofferson, 1967).  相似文献   

Ulrich (1987), exploring the shapes of psychometric functions obtained in the ternary-response paradigm, indicated several inconsistencies between observed and predicted relationships providing evidence against most popular models of temporal-order judgment. In this paper, a new model is presented. It assumes that there are two mechanisms involved in the order discrimination task: one is responsible for the recognition of whether or not the stimuli are successive, and the second is able to determine their order. The model was tested using Allan's (1975a, 1975b) and Ulrich's (1987) data; the model predictions were found to be consistent with the experimental results.  相似文献   

We explore the effect on performance in a forced-choice duration-discrimination task of varying the interstimulus interval (ISI) from 0 to 2 sec. The durations were brief empty intervals (115–285 msec) bounded by very brief auditory pulses. Performance improved as the ISI increased from 0 to 1/2 sec, but a further increase in ISI up to 2 sec resulted in little further change in performance. The “time information” derived from a brief interval bounded by auditory pulses does not appear to be susceptible to the very short-term perceptual memory loss inferred in other auditory discriminations.  相似文献   

The common idea that a measure is taken of a duration stimulus over its temporal extent, and that the decision as to whether the stimulus is relatively long or short is based upon such a measure, is shown to be incorrect. Two experiments, which require speeded responding in duration discrimination and consider response latencies as well as response probabilities, demonstrate that the response that is made is determined by the outcome of a race between an internally timed interval, the criterion, and the presented stimulus. The onset of the stimulus triggers the criterion; if the criterion ends first, the response “long” is elicited. Duration discrimination is a matter of temporal order discrimination, and in the limit, “short” responses are simple reactions while “long” responses are time estimation responses. A specific model of the real-time criterion hypothesis is tested, and these initial tests generally confirm it. From this, it is concluded that errors in duration discrimination are due entirely to variability of the criterion and that afferent latencies are not necessarily variable. This adds additional evidence for the existence of deterministic afferent latencies.  相似文献   

Preschool and third-grade children heard prenominal adjective phrases describing an object. Each phrase contained an article, two adjectives and a head noun. The phrases were constructed with either normal or inverted adjective order. Either after a one second delay or immediately following phrase presentation, Subjects were shown pictures of two objects. One of the objects (target) depicted the object described in the noun phrase. The other object differed from the target along the dimensions of color, size, or both color and size. The Subject's task was to select the target object. It was predicted that adjective order would influence perceptual strategies used by the Subjects in the visual discrimination task. Analysis of response time scores showed that adjective order interacted with the relevant discriminative stimuli in the discrimination task. These results were interpreted as support for hypotheses that suggest that linguistic organization can constrain conceptual processing involving nonlinguistic information. The effects of the delay condition provided additional evidence for these hypotheses plus support for an arousal hypothesis.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - Stimulus discriminability is often assessed by comparisons of two successive stimuli: a fixed standard (St) and a varied comparison stimulus (Co)....  相似文献   

The parallel-clock model assumes that when an observer is presented with two durations in succession, the total subjective duration (corresponding to the sum of first and second durations) and the second duration are each accumulated in a separate sensory register. In dealing with some relation between the two durations, the observer compares the difference between the contents of the two registers with the contents of the second register. With the further assumption that the psychophysical power law is valid for the continuum of time, the model has previously been shown to account well for duration scaling data. After adapting the model in the vein of Thurstone for duration discrimination data, it was tried out on such data gathered by Allan (1977) from 13 observers. With chi-square as the examined statistic, (1) five distributions were compared and the normal one chosen, (2) one categorization model, three choice models, and two linear regression models were compared with the 3-parameter version of the parallel-lock model, which proved superior, and (3) a 4–5-parameter version of the parallel-clock model, assuming a discontinuity in the psychophysical function, was shown to yield an excellent fit in terms of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which different groups of participants saw the same examples in different orders and then were given an old-new recognition test. The learning and test examples were created from different combinations from four binary-valued dimensions. One order (small change) was constructed to maximize the similarity between successive examples, and the other order (large change) minimized the similarity across successive examples. The small change condition was consistently associated with better old-new recognition than the large change condition was. These results are discussed in terms of exemplar-guided encoding and models of category generalization.  相似文献   

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