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Apparent velocity of motion aftereffects in central and peripheral vision   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M J Wright 《Perception》1986,15(5):603-612
Adapting to a drifting grating (temporal frequency 4 Hz, contrast 0.4) in the periphery gave rise to a motion aftereffect (MAE) when the grating was stopped. A standard unadapted foveal grating was matched to the apparent velocity of the MAE, and the matching velocity was approximately constant regardless of the visual field position and spatial frequency of the adapting grating. On the other hand, when the MAE was measured by nulling with real motion of the test grating, nulling velocity was found to increase with eccentricity. The nulling velocity was constant when scaled to compensate for changes in the spatial 'grain' of the visual field. Thus apparent velocity of MAE is constant across the visual field, but requires a greater velocity of real motion to cancel it in the periphery. This confirms that the mechanism underlying MAE is spatially-scaled with eccentricity, but temporally homogeneous. A further indication of temporal homogeneity is that when MAE is tracked, by matching or by nulling, the time course of temporal decay of the aftereffect is similar for central and for peripheral stimuli.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that figural aftereffects, apparent motion, and paracontrast may be produced by very similar or equivalent processes. The empirical functions relating figural aftereffect to the duration of the inspection figure and the interfigural distance are significantly different from the corresponding apparent motion and paracontrast functions. The functions relating paracontrast to the interstimulus interval are significantly different from the corresponding figural-aftereffect and apparent-motion functions. Thus, it is unlikely that the processes underlying the three phenomena are the same. Researchers who attempt to study feature analyzers in the human visual system should consider using more than one dependent variable, since none of the three phenomena contains all of the available information. Within-Ss designs should be avoided because a strong response bias exists between figural-aftereffect and apparent-motion tasks.  相似文献   

Placing a neutral-density filter in front of one eye produces two kinds of distortion in the perceived slant of a binocularly viewed rotating disk: (1) the top or the bottom of a disk rotating in a frontoparallel plane appears displaced toward or away from the observer, depending on the direction of rotation and whether the left or right eye is filtered; and (2) the left or right side of such disk—rotating or stationary—appears closer, depending on whether the left or right eye is filtered. The Pulfrich phenomenon accounts for the first variety of apparent slant, and the Venetian blind effect accounts for the second. Viewing the apparent slant of the rotating disk produces an aftereffect of slant in the third dimension which is greater than the aftereffect of viewing an objective slant of the same direction and magnitude.  相似文献   

Induced motion (IM) of a fixated spot stimulus and shifts of the apparent straight-ahead (ASA) from the objective median plane were studied as a function of the velocity of a full-field optokinetic background stimulus. Both IM and ASA were influenced similarly by changes in stimulus velocity. The magnitude of both responses, averaged across subjects, increased to a peak level with background velocities of 40-80 deg/sec and decreased at higher velocities. Individual subjects differed with respect to the precise functions by which IM and ASA shifts were related to stimulus velocity. However, for individual subjects, the effects of velocity on IM and ASA shifts were typically highly correlated. Although IM is correlated with shifts of ASA in the opposite direction, the magnitude of the ASA shift is insufficient to account for the observed IM.  相似文献   

Previously, it was shown that the minimum conditions for the illusion of auditory apparent motion (AAM) depend on stimulus timing but not spatial separation. In the present experiment, the effects of stimulus timing and source separation on the perceived velocity of AAM were examined. Eight listeners estimated the velocity, duration, and distance traveled of AAM, using a no-modulus, magnitude estimation procedure. Four burst durations (25, 50, 100, and 300 msec), 10 stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs; 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120 msec) and two separations (10° and 40°) were tested. Perceived velocity estimates were related to the total duration (burst duration + SOA) of the stimulus sequence. The effect of separation on velocity was extremely small but statistically significant. These results are similar to those obtained previously on the minimum conditions for AAM. Duration estimates were related only to total duration, but separation estimates were related to both separation and total duration. These results suggest that velocity is possibly a primary dimension of AAM that is independent of source separation.  相似文献   

Jones and Holding (1975) showed that orientation-contingent color aftereffects can persist for at least 3 months, but are depleted by repeated testing. We applied the same paradigm to a simple motion aftereffect (MAE) and found that it can persist for up to 1week and is only slightly diminished by testing. It was further found that simple MAEs appear to persist longer than color-contingent MAEs, although when procedures for inducing and measuring both kinds of aftereffect are equalized, contingent MAEs last longer. Finally, no tendency was found for color-contingent MAEs to diminish with repeated testing. Although both simple and color-contingent MAEs can be relatively persistent, there are certain differences between them. Furthermore, contingent aftereffects should not be considered interchangeable, as there appear to be large differences in the persistence of orientation-contingent color aftereffect and color-contingent MAEs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the perception of the direction of peripheral apparent motion as a function of stimulus location in the peripheral visual field, stimulus contrast, and the direction of the apparent motion. Results indicated that each of these independent variables was significant as a main effect while the interactions were not.  相似文献   

Summary Observers looked monocularly into a tunnel, with gratings on the left and right sides drifting toward the head. An exposure period was followed by a test with fixed gratings. With fixation points, left and right retinal fields could be stimulated selectively. When exposure and test were on the same retinal fields, but fixation was on opposite sides of the tunnel during exposure and test periods, aftereffects of retinal sweep and of perceived looming were in opposite directions. The two effects tended to cancel, yielding no perceived aftereffect. When they did occur, aftereffects in the retinal and the looming directions were equally likely. Cancellation was significantly more likely in the experimental conditions than in the control, when fixation always remained on the same side. When areas of retinal stimulation in the exposure and test periods did not overlap, cancellation was less frequent and aftereffects of looming were more frequent. Results were not significantly different for left and right visual fields, indicating that cortical vs. subcortical OKN pathways do not influence the illusion. Vection resulted for 16 of 20 observers under one or another of our conditions.  相似文献   

Experiments by several investigators suggest that forms between inducing stimuli for apparent motion may deflect motion from a straight path. In an experiment in which a binocularly viewed object was sometimes positioned between the inducing dots, we discovered that the degree of curvature of the path that is most likely to be reported depends upon the interstimulus interval whether or not the space between inducing dots contains an object. The interstimulus interval at which motion is most frequently reported is longer for curved paths of motion than for linear paths even though the spatial separation of inducing stimuli is held constant. The results suggest that apparent motion in depth is not based upon form.  相似文献   

The likelihood of reporting a figure in motion was measured when the point of fixation was systematically separated from the point of attention. More reports of optimal motion were made when the two points were separated than when they were close together. Control tests showed that the reduction in the probability of seeing motion through the center of fixation was more likely due to the structure of the eye than to the conflict of fixation point and object in illusory motion. The notion of attention as a perceptual event contributes little to these results.  相似文献   

A power law describes the relationship between the geometric properties of a trajectory (radius of curvature) and movement kinematics (tangential velocity) in curved drawing movements. Although the power law is a general law of motion, there are conditions under which it degrades. In particular, the power law may be less explanatory of movements around certain joints. The present study considered how varying motion around different joints influenced the fit of the power law. Motions associated with finger and wrist, or elicited by an isometric force production task, were compared. The power law was most explanatory of finger motion and isometric production and least explanatory of wrist motion. The fit of the power law for finger and wrist motion suggested separate laws for each joint system. Since the fit of the power law was better for finger than for wrist motion, there is some suggestion that the power law better explains motion around fewer or simpler joint systems.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated time perception during apparent biological motion. Pictures of initial, intermediate, and final positions of a single movement were presented, with interstimulus intervals that were constant within trials but varied across trials. Movement paths were manipulated by changing the sequential order of body postures. Increasing the path length produced an increase in perceived movement velocity. To produce an implicit measure of apparent movement dynamics, we also asked participants to judge the duration of a frame surrounding the stimuli. Longer paths with higher apparent movement velocity produced shorter perceived durations. This temporal bias was attenuated for nonbody (Experiment 1) and inverted-body (Experiment 2) control stimuli. As an explanation for these findings, we propose an automatic top-down mechanism of biological-motion perception that binds successive body postures into a continuous perception of movement. We show that this mechanism is associated with velocity-dependent temporal compression. Furthermore, this mechanism operates on-line, bridging the intervals between static stimuli, and is specific to configural processing of body form.  相似文献   

It is well established that motion aftereffects (MAEs) can show interocular transfer (IOT); that is, motion adaptation in one eye can give a MAE in the other eye. Different quantification methods and different test stimuli have been shown to give different IOT magnitudes, varying from no to almost full IOT. In this study, we examine to what extent IOT of the dynamic MAE (dMAE), that is the MAE seen with a dynamic noise test pattern, varies with velocity of the adaptation stimulus. We measured strength of dMAE by a nulling method. The aftereffect induced by adaptation to a moving random-pixel array was compensated (nulled), during a brief dynamic test period, by the same kind of motion stimulus of variable luminance signal-to-noise ratio (LSNR). The LSNR nulling value was determined in a Quest-staircase procedure. We found that velocity has a strong effect on the magnitude of IOT for the dMAE. For increasing speeds from 1.5 deg s(-1) to 24 deg s(-1) average IOT values increased about linearly from 18% to 63% or from 32% to 83%, depending on IOT definition. The finding that dMAEs transfer to an increasing extent as speed increases, suggests that binocular cells play a more dominant role at higher speeds.  相似文献   

Motion perception usually is accompanied by the phenomenological impression of sequence as objects move through successions of locations. Nonetheless, there is accumulating evidence that sequential information is neither necessary nor sufficient for perceiving motion. It is shown here that apparent motion is specified by counterchange rather than sequence—that is, by co-occurring toward- and away-from-background changes at two spatial locations, regardless of whether the changes are simultaneous or sequential. Motion is perceived from the location of the toward to the location of the away change, even when the changes occur in reverse temporal order. It is not perceived for sequences of away or toward changes, as would be expected if motion were specified by onset or offset asynchronicity. Results previously attributed to onset and offset asynchrony are instead attributable to onsets and offsets occurring in close temporal proximity at the same location. This was consistent with units for detecting away and toward changes that are temporally biphasic; that is, they are excited by changes in one direction and inhibited by immediately preceding or immediately following changes in the opposite direction. These results are accounted for by a model for counterchange-specified motion entailing the biphasic detection of toward and away changes.  相似文献   

Topological structure in the perception of apparent motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L Chen 《Perception》1985,14(2):197-208
Not only translations and rotations, but also intriguing 'plastic deformations' are observed in apparent motion. What kinds of invariants does the visual system depend on during these transformations to determine that two figures of different shapes nevertheless represent the same object? Experiments are reported in which seven pairs of stimuli with topological differences were used. The evidence suggests that topological invariants may be used in the perception of apparent motion. In spite of variations in other factors, such as brightness, spatial frequency, terminators, etc, subjects displayed a strong preference for motion from a central figure to a figure with the same topological invariants. The results emphasize the importance of topological structure in figure perception.  相似文献   

The short- and long-range apparent motion processes are discussed in terms of the statistical properties of images. It is argued that the short-range process, exemplified by the random-dot kinematogram, is primarily sensitive to the dipole statistics, whereas the long-range process, exemplified by illusory occlusion, is treated by the visual system primarily in terms of the tripole and higher statistical correlation functions. The studies incorporate the balanced dot, which is a unique stimulus element that permits high pass filtering while preserving detailed positional information. Low spatial frequencies are shown to be critical for texture segregation in random-dot kinematograms, independent of the grain size or number density of texture elements. Illusory path perception in the long-range process is shown not to require low spatial frequencies, but is sensitive rather to global temporal phase coherency. These results are interpreted in terms of the respective roles of the power and phase spectra in perceptual organization. The construction of balanced dots is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Variation in the magnitude of contingent aftereffects was explored as a function of the luminance contrast ratio profile of inspection stimuli. Positive contrast stimuli (chromatic bars interspersed with achromatically brighter bars) produced substantially attenuated aftereffects compared with negative contrast stimuli (chromatic and dark bars). This attenuation was hypothesized to result from retinal image deterioration of positive contrast gratings due to retinal reflection/scatter. In a second experiment, subjects selected for their light retinal pigmentation manifested substantial enhancement of the asymmetry between the aftereffects generated by positive and negative contrast gratings. Those with dark fundus pigmentation showed symmetrical aftereffects.  相似文献   

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