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Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - When Ss hear two messages concurrently over different “channels” (e.g., different ears, different voices, etc.), they tend to report first...  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with both time perception and the methodology of perceptual psychology. The perception of the pattern of two successive sound bursts was studied by two different methods, i.e., magnitude estimation and phenomenal report. The temporal interval between the bursts was varied from 38 ms to 3394 ms. First, the observer estimated the duration or speed of each pair by a number without modulus. The estimations could not be fitted by a single power function across the entire range of intervals. That is, the exponent changed discontinuously. Next, the observer categorized freely the impressions of all the pairs. The quality of the phenomenon changed at the point where the exponent changed. All the observers arrived at the same three categories expressing the phenomena of the pairs. The boundaries between them corresponded approximately to the intervals of 150 ms and 2000 ms. The pairs in the middle category were often associated with body movements. The other categories also are of a unique nature. Finally, the possibility and the usefulness of employing psychophysical methods and phenomenological methods together is discussed.We are grateful to Professor Y. Umeoka, University of Tokyo, for his constant advice  相似文献   

A systematic investigation of the subjective magnitude of vibrotaction was undertaken to: (1) determine the growth of sensation as a function of stimulus intensity; (2) establish contours of equal subjective magnitude; and (3) compare over a wide range of frequency and intensity the psychophysical methods of direct scaling and intensity matching. The results show that the data obtained by direct scaling are comparable to the data obtained by interfrequency matching. The subjective magnitude function is a power function with a slope of about 0.89 for frequencies up to 350 Hz. Near threshold the growth of sensation is proportional to the physical intensity. Contours of equal subjective magnitude for vibration across 10 frequencies and at 11 levels of intensity are given.  相似文献   

Characteristic sensations of “surge” occur at onset of vibratory stimulation, analogous to the experience of musical “attack” in the auditory modality. Such a cutaneous sensation may have a phenomenal reality that is discriminable from the sensitivity to either of its physical determinants of time and intensity. Contours of equal-onset sensation obtained by the method of adjustment permitted the assessment of the relative contributions of these two parameters. Both rise time and intensity were found to be significant factors in the determination of contours of equal-onset sensation obtained by either time adjustment or adjustment of vibratory intensity. Equating onset by intensity adjustment was found to be more difficult than equating onset by time adjustment.  相似文献   

The method of magnitude estimation was used to determine the psychophysical functions for three forms of subjective automobile speed. Observers experienced linear motion across the visual field, the approach motion of an oncoming car, and “en route” motion as a passenger. All three conditions resulted in power function relations between subjective speed and physical velocity. The respective exponents were 1.0, 1.35, and 1.40. Direct category estimates of en route speed were related linearly to physical velocity, but nonlinearly to subjective speed.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile mobility systems present spatial information such as the direction of a waypoint through a localized vibration on the torso. Using these systems requires the ability to determine the absolute location of the stimulus. Because data are available only on the ability to determine the relative location of stimuli on the torso, we developed a novel method for measuring absolute localization on the basis of triangulation. For 15 observers, we calculated the subjective location of visual and tactile stimuli on the frontal half of the torso. The size of the 95% confidence intervals around the subjective tactile locations is about the size of the stimuli (1.66 cm) and is slightly larger than that around the subjective visual locations (mean difference, 0.17 cm). The error in tactile judgments over and above that in the visual judgments is present only for locations near the body midline. When the subjective visual and tactile locations are not co-located, the difference can best be described by a shift along the radius from the body midaxis. The same holds for the differences between the veridical and the subjective locations. Therefore, the difference between the veridical and the subjective directions of a stimulus is small. The results make us believe that stimulus locations on the torso are coded in polar coordinates of which the angle is perceptual invariant and the distance is less important, probably because it varies with changes in, among other things, posture and breathing.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments required subjects to memorise for immediate recall lists of nine items, presented visually and grouped by threes. As each item followed the previous one in the same spatial location, it must have been temporarily stored until the whole group had arrived. In one experiment the items were digits; grouping could be detected by the fact that recall of the last two items in a group was heavily contingent upon recall of the first item. In the second experiment the items were letters, and some of the lists were made up of meaningful triplets of letters such as UNO. Grouping could be detected by the size of the difference between these lists and the meaningless ones. In each experiment, the extent of grouping was just as great if the subjects were asked to repeat an irrelevant sequence of sounds while memorising; although the recall under both conditions was of course depressed.It appears therefore that the temporary memory, in which the items are held before grouping, is not impaired by articulatory suppression; nor in these conditions could it have been a sensory store. The result is supportive evidence for the existence of an abstract, non-sensory, non-motor, working memory.Both authors are employed, and their research supported, by the Medical Research Council  相似文献   

Vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects’ left index fmgerpads using the array from the Optacon. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed so that they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than for one-line patterns. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, appeared to be the major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Experiment 2 measured the time required to identify individual patterns. There was no significant difference in identification times for one- and two-line patterns, suggesting that features within a pattern were processed simultaneously. In the presence of a temporal masking stimulus (Experiment 3), two-line patterns were more difficult to identify than one-line patterns, but reaction times were similar for the two sets of patterns. The results suggest that varying complexity affects perception of patterns at later stages of processing.  相似文献   

Six Ss were presented monaurally and binaurally with stimuli of 0.5, 2.0, and 4.0 kHz at 40 and 70 dB sensation levels. Their computer averaged evoked potentials indicated substantially larger amplitudes (N1 -P2) with bilateral stimulation, regardless of frequency. Stimulation at 70 dB SL gave greater responses than that to 40 dB.  相似文献   

We investigated the discrimination of two neighboring intra- or inter-modal empty time intervals marked by three successive stimuli. Each of the three markers was a flash (visual—V) or a sound (auditory—A). The first and last markers were of the same modality, while the second one was either A or V, resulting in four conditions: VVV, VAV, AVA and AAA. Participants judged whether the second interval, whose duration was systematically varied, was shorter or longer than the 500-ms first interval. Compared with VVV and AAA, discrimination was impaired with VAV, but not so much with AVA (in Experiment 1). Whereas VAV and AVA consisted of the same set of single intermodal intervals (VA and AV), discrimination was impaired in the VAV compared to the AVA condition. This difference between VAV and AVA could not be attributed to the participants' strategy to perform the discrimination task, e.g., ignoring the standard interval or replacing the visual stimuli with sounds in their mind (in Experiment 2). These results are discussed in terms of sequential grouping according to sensory similarity.  相似文献   

Visual form identification at brief durations was studied under: (a) monocular presentation; (b) dichopic presentation where the same form was presented successively on noncorresponding areas; and (c) dichopic presentation where the same form was presented on corresponding areas simultaneously and successively. Form identification for noncorresponding area dichopic presentation was at the level to be expected from 2independent chances to perceive. Both simultaneous and successive dichopic presentation on corresponding areas gave identification accuracy significantly above the level predicted by the assumption of independence. However, the binocular summation was not complete. When the same amount of energy entering the visual system in a binocular presentation was given in a monocular stimulation, the latter condition gave significantly better identification.  相似文献   

Visual form identification at brief durations was studied under: (a) monocular presentation; (b) dichopic presentation where the same form was presented successively on noncorresponding areas; and (c) dichopic presentation where the same form was presented on corresponding areas simultaneously and successively. Form identification for noncorresponding area dichopic presentation was at the level to be expected from 2 independent chances to perceive. Both simultaneous and successive dichopic presentation on corresponding areas gave identification accuracy significantly above the level predicted by the assumption of independence. However, the binocular summation was not complete. When the same amount of energy entering the visual system in a binocular presentation was given in a monocular stimulation, the latter condition gave significantly better identification.  相似文献   

Vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects' left index fingerpads using the array from the Optacon. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed so that they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than for one-line patterns. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, appeared to be the major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Experiment 2 measured the time required to identify individual patterns. There was no significant difference in identification times for one- and two-line patterns, suggesting that features within a pattern were processed simultaneously. In the presence of a temporal masking stimulus (Experiment 3), two-line patterns were more difficult to identify than one-line patterns, but reaction times were similar for the two sets of patterns. The results suggest that varying complexity affects perception of patterns at later stages of processing.  相似文献   

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