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If a discrete random variableY is binomially distributed for each observation unit in a sample, and if the binomial parameterp varies between different units, then the distribution ofY underlying a sample of observations based on different units is called a binomial mixture distribution. BINOMIX is a BASIC program to estimate parameters and to evaluate the goodness of fit for the two most important types of binomial mixtures, finite and beta-binomial.  相似文献   

A reliability coefficient for maximum likelihood factor analysis   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
Maximum likelihood factor analysis provides an effective method for estimation of factor matrices and a useful test statistic in the likelihood ratio for rejection of overly simple factor models. A reliability coefficient is proposed to indicate quality of representation of interrelations among attributes in a battery by a maximum likelihood factor analysis. Usually, for a large sample of individuals or objects, the likelihood ratio statistic could indicate that an otherwise acceptable factor model does not exactly represent the interrelations among the attributes for a population. The reliability coefficient could indicate a very close representation in this case and be a better indication as to whether to accept or reject the factor solution. This research was supported by the Personnel and Training Research Programs Office of the Office of Naval Research under contract US NAVY/00014-67-A-0305-0003. Critical review of the development and suggestions by Richard Montanelli were most helpful.  相似文献   

A Newton-Raphson algorithm for maximum likelihood factor analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper demonstrates the feasibility of using a Newton-Raphson algorithm to solve the likelihood equations which arise in maximum likelihood factor analysis. The algorithm leads to clean easily identifiable convergence and provides a means of verifying that the solution obtained is at least a local maximum of the likelihood function. It is shown that a popular iteration algorithm is numerically unstable under conditions which are encountered in practice and that, as a result, inaccurate solutions have been presented in the literature. The key result is a computationally feasible formula for the second differential of a partially maximized form of the likelihood function. In addition to implementing the Newton-Raphson algorithm, this formula provides a means for estimating the asymptotic variances and covariances of the maximum likelihood estimators. This research was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Grant No. AF-AFOSR-4.59-66 and by National Institutes of Health, Grant No. FR-3.  相似文献   

Tutorial on maximum likelihood estimation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A general approach to confirmatory maximum likelihood factor analysis   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
We describe a general procedure by which any number of parameters of the factor analytic model can be held fixed at any values and the remaining free parameters estimated by the maximum likelihood method. The generality of the approach makes it possible to deal with all kinds of solutions: orthogonal, oblique and various mixtures of these. By choosing the fixed parameters appropriately, factors can be defined to have desired properties and make subsequent rotation unnecessary. The goodness of fit of the maximum likelihood solution under the hypothesis represented by the fixed parameters is tested by a large samplex 2 test based on the likelihood ratio technique. A by-product of the procedure is an estimate of the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated parameters. From this, approximate confidence intervals for the parameters can be obtained. Several examples illustrating the usefulness of the procedure are given.This work was supported by a grant (NSF-GB 1985) from the National Science Foundation to Educational Testing Service.  相似文献   

Multidimensional successive categories scaling: A maximum likelihood method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A single-step maximum likelihood estimation procedure is developed for multidimensional scaling of dissimilarity data measured on rating scales. The procedure can fit the euclidian distance model to the data under various assumptions about category widths and under two distributional assumptions. The scoring algorithm for parameter estimation has been developed and implemented in the form of a computer program. Practical uses of the method are demonstrated with an emphasis on various advantages of the method as a statistical procedure.The research reported here was partly supported by Grant A6394 to the author by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Portions of this research were presented at the Psychometric Society meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, in June, 1978. MAXSCAL-2.1, a program to perform the computations discussed in this paper may be obtained from the author. Thanks are due to Jim Ramsay for his helpful comments.  相似文献   

Multinomial processing tree (MPT) models are statistical models that allow for the prediction of categorical frequency data by sets of unobservable (cognitive) states. In MPT models, the probability that an event belongs to a certain category is a sum of products of state probabilities. AppleTree is a computer program for Macintosh for testing user-defined MPT models. It can fit model parameters to empirical frequency data, provide confidence intervals for the parameters, generate tree graphs for the models, and perform identifiability checks. In this article, the algorithms used by AppleTree and the handling of the program are described.  相似文献   

After introducing some extensions of a recently proposed probabilistic vector model for representing paired comparisons choice data, an iterative procedure for obtaining maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters is developed. The possibility of testing various hypotheses by means of likelihood ratio tests is discussed. Finally, the algorithm is applied to some existing data sets for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Latent-class hierarchical multinomial models are an important extension of the widely used family of multinomial processing tree models, in that they allow for testing the parameter homogeneity assumption and provide a framework for modeling parameter heterogeneity. In this article, the computer program HMMTree is introduced as a means of implementing latent-class hierarchical multinomial processing tree models. HMMTree computes parameter estimates, confidence intervals, and goodness-of-fit statistics for such models, as well as the Fisher information, expected category means and variances, and posterior probabilities for class membership. A brief guide to using the program is provided.  相似文献   

The absence of operational disaggregate lexicographic decision models and Tversky's observation that choice behavior is often inconsistent, hierarchical, and context dependent motivate the development of a maximum likelihood hierarchical (MLH) choice model. This new disaggregate choice model requires few assumptions and accommodates the three aspects of choice behavior noted by A. Tversky (1972, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 9, 341–367). The model has its foundation in a prototype model developed by the authors. Unlike the deterministic prototype, however, MLH is a probabilistic model which generates maximum likelihood estimators of the aggregate “cutoff values.” The model is formulated as a concave programming problem whose solutions are therefore globally optimal. Finally, the model is applied to data from three separate studies where it is demonstrated to have superior performance over the prototype model in its predictive performance.  相似文献   

Some contributions to maximum likelihood factor analysis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A new computational method for the maximum likelihood solution in factor analysis is presented. This method takes into account the fact that the likelihood function may not have a maximum in a point of the parameter space where all unique variances are positive. Instead, the maximum may be attained on the boundary of the parameter space where one or more of the unique variances are zero. It is demonstrated that suchimproper (Heywood) solutions occur more often than is usually expected. A general procedure to deal with such improper solutions is proposed. The proposed methods are illustrated using two small sets of empirical data, and results obtained from the analyses of many other sets of data are reported. These analyses verify that the new computational method converges rapidly and that the maximum likelihood solution can be determined very accurately. A by-product obtained by the method is a large sample estimate of the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated unique variances. This can be used to set up approximate confidence intervals for communalities and unique variances.The first part of this work was done at the University of Uppsala, Sweden and supported by the Swedish Council for Social Science Research. The second part was done at Educational Testing Service and supported by a grant (NSF-GB-1985) from National Science Foundation to Educational Testing Service.The author is deeply indebted to Dr. D. N. Lawley whose contributions amounted nearly to coauthorship. The author also wishes to thank Mr. G. Gruvaeus for much valuable assistance in constructing the computer program.  相似文献   

A method of estimating item response theory (IRT) equating coefficients by the common-examinee design with the assumption of the two-parameter logistic model is provided. The method uses the marginal maximum likelihood estimation, in which individual ability parameters in a common-examinee group are numerically integrated out. The abilities of the common examinees are assumed to follow a normal distribution but with an unknown mean and standard deviation on one of the two tests to be equated. The distribution parameters are jointly estimated with the equating coefficients. Further, the asymptotic standard errors of the estimates of the equating coefficients and the parameters for the ability distribution are given. Numerical examples are provided to show the accuracy of the method.  相似文献   

Multinomial processing tree (MPT) models are a family of stochastic models for psychology and related sciences that can be used to model observed categorical frequencies as a function of a sequence of latent states. For the analysis of such models, the present article presents a platform-independent computer program called multiTree, which simplifies the creation and the analysis of MPT models. This makes them more convenient to implement and analyze. Also, multiTree offers advanced modeling features. It provides estimates of the parameters and their variability, goodness-of-fit statistics, hypothesis testing, checks for identifiability, parametric and nonparametric bootstrapping, and power analyses. In this article, the algorithms underlying multiTree are given, and a user guide is provided. The multiTree program can be downloaded from http://psycho3.uni-mannheim.de/multitree.  相似文献   

Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada We introduce and evaluate via a Monte Carlo study a robust new estimation technique that fits distribution functions to grouped response time (RT) data, where the grouping is determined by sample quantiles. The new estimator, quantile maximum likelihood (QML), is more efficient and less biased than the best alternative estimation technique when fitting the commonly used ex-Gaussian distribution. Limitations of the Monte Carlo results are discussed and guidance provided for the practical application of the new technique. Because QML estimation can be computationally costly, we make fast open source code for fitting available that can be easily modified  相似文献   

The standard tobit or censored regression model is typically utilized for regression analysis when the dependent variable is censored. This model is generalized by developing a conditional mixture, maximum likelihood method for latent class censored regression. The proposed method simultaneously estimates separate regression functions and subject membership in K latent classes or groups given a censored dependent variable for a cross-section of subjects. Maximum likelihood estimates are obtained using an EM algorithm. The proposed method is illustrated via a consumer psychology application.  相似文献   

Evidence is given to indicate that Lawley's formulas for the standard errors of maximum likelihood loading estimates do not produce exact asymptotic results. A small modification is derived which appears to eliminate this difficulty.The authors are indebted to Walter Kristof and Thomas Stroud for their helpful reviews of an earlier version of this paper and particularly to D. N. Lawley for his review, comments, and encouragement.  相似文献   

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