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In this article we examine the development of career guidance in Pakistani higher education. The article is based on a literature review supplemented with new data gathered from a review of higher education institutions' websites and five case study interviews. It considers both local and global influences as relevant contexts for understanding how the development of career guidance in Pakistani higher education is taking place. Concerns about alignment between skills supply and demand provide key drivers both for the development of career guidance and for a wider higher education reform. The practice of career guidance in Pakistani higher education is shown to be lagging behind policy and will need to be strengthened by new policy, resources and indigenous theories.  相似文献   

This paper develops an interpretation and analysis of the arguments for public education which open Book VIII of Aristotle's Politics, drawing on both the wider Aristotelian corpus and on examination of continuities with Plato's Laws. Part I: The paper opens with the question of why Aristotle would say that no one will doubt that education should be the concern of the legislator, and Sections I–III identify the nature of his enterprise in the Politics, the audience he wishes to address, the conclusions he seeks to establish in VIII. 1, and what public education would amount to for him. An important conclusion reached is that the first of Aristotle's two conclusions in VIII.1 has been routinely misidentified.  相似文献   

This paper aims at showing the dimensions of spirituality in childhood education by suggesting a new analysis of the concept of ‘pure life’ used in the Qur’an. Putting spirituality in the framework of the pure life provides us with a rich framework in dealing with spirituality as the latter will be extended to all dimensions of a life. In the first section of the paper, the pure life is analysed in terms of different dimensions of body, thought, inclinations, will, action and aesthetic taste. Then, the requirements of this framework are discussed for spirituality. In the final section of the paper, the implications for spiritual education in the childhood are derived.  相似文献   

Schools have become strategic settings for the work of community psychologists. In a review of 177 primary prevention programs for children and adolescents, Durlak and Wells (1997) found that 129 (72.9%) were based in schools. The literature in community psychology describes many school-based prevention programs targeting problems such as substance abuse, school maladjustment, delinquency, and violence (e.g. C. A. Mason, A. M. Cauce, L. Robinson & G. W. Harper, 1999). A large number of these programs are based in schools in African American communities and include social–cognitive, decision making, affective education, and other skills-building modules along with direct instruction. In this paper, it is argued that ideas from emancipatory education (e.g. Freire, 1998) and African-centered education (e.g. H. Madhubuti & S. Madhubuti, 1994; M. J. Shujaa, 1995) should guide school-based interventions in communities of people of African descent. There is an extensive and distinguished history of emancipatory schools and school-based programs in African American communities. Included in this history are the freedom schools during reconstruction, the SNCC Freedom Schools, the Liberation Schools of the Black Panther Party, the Malcolm X Academy in Detroit, Sankofa Shule in Lansing, the Institute for Positive Education/New Concept Development Center in Chicago, the Benjamin E. Mays Institute in Hartford, and the schools affiliated with the Council of Independent Black Institutions (CIBI) to name just a few. This paper will first provide a brief, critical review of the role of schools and social oppression. Second, primary prevention programs in communities of people of African descent will be examined, questioning some of the dominant methods and assumptions. Next, underlying assumptions about relationships between African identity, educational success, and healthy outcomes for young people will be addressed. This will be followed by a discussion of African-centered emancipatory education, focusing specifically on the role of students as agents of social change and the importance of critical reflection on African cultural resources. The Benjamin E. Mays Institute will be presented as an example of how ideas from an African-centered emancipatory approach to education have been incorporated within a school serving a community of people of African descent in Hartford, Connecticut.  相似文献   

The discovery of mirror neurons has led to some exciting research into the role of the brain and human empathy. Empathy is a significant element in human relationality and, therefore, human spirituality. This article will focus on the links between mirror neurons and human empathy and education. It will then examine how technology may be a factor in causing the erosion of empathy in today’s world, leading to school violence and bullying. It will conclude by offering some guidelines for educational programmes which may lead to the nurturing of children’s empathy.  相似文献   

生物-心理-社会医学模式的健康观是符合社会发展的时代的产物。随着生活水平的提高,人们对于健康的追求也有了很大程度提高。人们不满足于对疾病的防治,而是要提高生活质量。只有明确什么是健康,追求健康才会有目标,故而健康教育的意义就显得尤为重要。本文就防治口腔疾病的个性化健康教育方案进行了探讨,相信在不久的将来口腔健康教育处方的重要性将会众所周知。  相似文献   

Developmental disabilities in children can be challenging to the family who desires a spiritual home for their family. Parents may hesitate to bring a special needs child to a church service, uncertain of the outcome. While public schools have amazing support for the differently abled, the Church very rarely has assistance in place for the families of handicapped individuals, let alone theology for the parents of mentally disabled children. This paper will examine possible ways for a local church leader or volunteer to educate children with mental disabilities, drawing on a variety of texts for support. The paper will conclude by offering resources for the teachers of special needs children in church education.  相似文献   

In secularising Germany the aim of religious education (RE) is under discussion. The churches opt for denominational education familiarising the students with their own religious tradition. Humanists claim an ethical education, giving students objective information about different religions. Which perspective do students who will become RE teachers take in this discussion? Does their religiosity affect this perspective? All over Germany 1828 first-year students (with an average age of 21; 81% females; 72% Catholic and 28% Protestant) completed a relevant questionnaire. The respondents favour a RE which offers objective information. Most of them are pluralist thinkers in religious terms and show a moderate religious practice. The more relativist the students are thinking in religious terms, the more they tend to favour objective information. These findings challenge the churches’ perspective on RE, because even future RE teachers do not agree with the churches’ ideal on RE. A reformulation of this approach on cognitive level will be discussed.  相似文献   

医学“交叉学科”浅析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
医学交叉学科是现代医学教育不可或缺的学科,医学没有交叉学科作支撑,很难成为实实在在的医学,也很难培养出适应新世纪医学发展需要的具有综合素质的优秀医学人才。在以往研究的基础上具体阐述了医学交叉学科的内涵、主要交叉形式;分析了医学交叉学科出现的意义以及未能引起足够重视的诸多原因。目的在于提高医学人才培养、医学科学研究过程中对医学交叉学科的重视程度。  相似文献   

试论环境道德教育的本质特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境道德教育是培养解决环境问题应具备的价值观和态度的教育,是环境教育的有机组成部分,它是一种素质教育、人格教育;是一种社会教育、大众教育;是一种全面的、持续的终身教育。它拓展了现代教育的空域时序人种囿见,最有可能成为跨越各种差异的国际性教育。  相似文献   

现代医学教育中应注重自然科学与人文学的统一   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
现代高等医学教育中缺乏人文精神的养成,对人文学与自然科学之间的关系缺乏正确理解。自然科学在崇尚客观与理性的同时可能忽视物质世界以外的精神世界,而单纯的人文学也可能走向狭隘和极端化,自然科学与人文学应在互制互利下统一。医学生教育阶段加强人文精神的培养十分有利于帮助他们在未来工作中明确科学研究的正确价值取向,正确处理好人与科技的关系。  相似文献   

Abstract: Kernberg and others have observed that psychoanalytic education has tended to promote the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and clinical technique within an atmosphere of indoctrination rather than of exploration. As a corrective, he proposed four models that correspond to values in psychoanalytic education: the art academy, the technical trade school, the religious seminary and the university. He commended models of the university and art academy to our collective attention because of their combined effectiveness in providing for the objective and subjective education of candidates: the university model for its capacity to provide a critical sense of a wide range of theories in an atmosphere tolerating debate and difference, and the art academy model for its capacity to facilitate the expression of individual creativity. In this paper, I will explore the art academy model for correspondences between artistic and analytic trainings that can enhance the development of the creative subjectivity of psychoanalytic candidates. I will draw additional correspondences between analytic and artistic learning that can enhance psychoanalytic education.  相似文献   

骨科新技术新理论发展迅速,而教科书的内容相对滞后,作者在临床教学中紧跟当前骨科发展的前沿技术和先进理念,对创伤骨科、关节外科、脊柱外科、微创理念和恶性骨肿瘤保肢技术等新进展内容进行补充讲解,并对新技术、新理念的思路和过程进行分析,使学生更全面地了解骨科,并为其将来的创新发展提供科学的思维方法。  相似文献   

If theological education is to prepare religious leaders who will respond faithfully and capably to ecological challenges, what models of teaching and learning will best equip them for this work? In conversation with environmental education theory and examples from diverse learning contexts, this paper proposes a model of “learning on the ground” which is characterized by engaged and embodied pedagogy through participation in earth‐honoring social practices. See a companion essay in this issue of the journal (Kevin J. O'Brien, “Balancing Critique and Commitment”) and a response to both these essays (Forrest Clingerman, “Pedagogy as a Field Guide to the Ecology of the Classroom”) also published in this issue of the journal.  相似文献   

The issue of this paper is cultural plurality as a problem for public, general education and for (personal) identity. In order to examine this question, one needs to be clear about the meaning of the concepts of general education, on the one hand, and cultural diversity on the other. In the first section, we will fix the meaning of these concepts. A conceptual distinction between cultural diversity and cultural pluralism will be introduced. In the second section, it will be argued that open pluralism can only be maintained if there is a basic common culture apart from the cultural diversity that pluralism affirms. Therefore, there is yet an indispensable role for general education in an open, pluralistic society. In the third section we will look at two metaphors that give an opposite significance to the relation between identity and diversity: the conversational metaphor and the food metaphor mishmash. The final section expands on the conversational metaphor by way of an exposition of Ricoeur's hermeneutics of the self. It supplies us with a promising concept of identity that is not in complete opposition to diversity.  相似文献   

Even though there is a general presence of aesthetics in school curricula in most of western countries, both at the level of terminology and at the level of choice and definition of contents, objectives and skills to be developed, the approach to sports and physical education potential for the development of aesthetic education of students still does not seem to be a reality in the agenda of this subject. Moreover, it is not transversal in terms of its different didactic contents. In order to explore its relevance, the aim of this work was to deepen how aesthetics is internal and central to sports experience, and which elements of sports and physical education lived experiences can be relevant in the promotion and development of the aesthetic sensibility of students. We propose the deepening of the subject through an hermeneutical qualitative research approach, confronting the content collected in 19 semi-structured interviews that enabled the thematic analysis of its content, and through it, the discussion of viewpoints of representative subjects among those that are the main players in the consideration of an aesthetic education through sport, namely physical education teachers and researchers in the context of aesthetics and sports sciences. With the information gathered and after its processing, we could conclude that there are aesthetic elements of sport's experience that should be taken into account in an aesthetic educational point of view of physical education, namely: complexity, diversity, playability, tension between drama and accuracy, overcoming experience, risk and vulnerability, unpredictable storylines and uncertainty, technique and effectiveness.  相似文献   

The Professional Practice Program, also known as the co-operative education (co-op) program, at the University of Cincinnati (UC) is designed to provide eligible students with the most comprehensive and professional preparation available. Beginning with the Class of 2006, students in UC’s Centennial Co-op Class will be following a new co-op curriculum centered around a set of learning outcomes Regardless of their particular discipline, students will pursue common learning outcomes by participating in the Professional Practice Program, which will cover issues of organizational culture, technology, professional ethics, and the integration of theory and practice. During their third co-op work term, students will complete a learning module on Professional Ethics. To complete the learning module students must familiarize themselves with the code of ethics for their profession, create a hypothetical scenario portraying an ethical dilemma that involves issues covered by the code, resolve the dilemma, and explain why their resolution is the best course of action based upon the code of ethics. A three-party assessment process including students, employers and faculty complete the module. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the “Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering and Technology” meeting, New Orleans, 2003.  相似文献   

医学伦理学教育中长期存在的一些问题尚未很好解决.由于较多强调课程的道德教育功能,对其作为独立学科存在的性质和意义仍重视不够,医学伦理学是进行道德分析、准则与价值评判的理论体系,通过医学伦理学的学习和训练,应使学生能够对有关问题在广阔的背景中进行深层次思考并做出独立判断.我们应在进一步更新观念的基础上,改进哲学、伦理学基础教育,以促进医学伦理学教育的发展,而其意义已远超出医学伦理学之外.  相似文献   

The educational practice of Giordano Bruno University is to use cyber-technology and active-learning teaching methods to deliver low cost, on-demand higher education. The result will be the empowerment of women and men who historically have not had access to this means of enhancing capability and self esteem.  相似文献   

王伟萍 《管子学刊》2011,(1):111-116
中国先民非常重视母亲在家庭教育中的作用,尽管历代母教的具体内容会随时代发展有变,但"母德在教,教女为切要"的基本观念始终未变。母氏管教既是母系氏族社会遗存,也与中国传统"男主外,女主内"的社会分工有关;先民之所以认为教女远比教子切要,其原因有二:一,有贤女方有贤母,今日之贤女即日后之贤母;二,女子受教育的机会和时间比男子少,若要其日后成为人母能够承担起教育子女的任务,必须加强女子的教育。  相似文献   

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