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Rats were trained to escape from shock by pressing a bar. Bar holding was subsequently punished with very brief shocks. This treatment failed to depress bar-holding behavior. In some cases, although the escape shocks were delivered very infrequently, bar holding was maintained and resulted in the delivery of several thousand punishments per session. These and other effects of the punishment treatment were investigated. Finally, some of the possibilities of superstitious escape responding were explored by presenting inescapable shocks to rats that had been trained to escape shock by lever pressing. Although responding during these shocks had no programmed consequences, responding was sustained.  相似文献   

Two hundred and seventy five participants each filled out three questionnaires examining the illusion of control, optimism/pessimism, and paranormal belief. The illusion of control was related to overall paranormal belief, an effect primarily due to the superstition and precognition sub-scales on the PBS-R. Optimism was positively and pessimism negatively related to religiosity on the PBS-R, and pessimism was also positively related to the superstition sub-scale. No relationships between optimism or pessimism and the illusion of control were observed. Results are discussed in terms of superstition and the illusion of control both arising from circumstances that are inherently random or uncontrollable, and how multiple definitions of optimism or superstition could have effected the results.  相似文献   

The illusion of control, superstitious belief, and optimism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hundred and seventy five participants each filled out three questionnaires examining the illusion of control, optimism/pessimism, and paranormal belief. The illusion of control was related to overall paranormal belief, an effect primarily due to the superstition and precognition sub-scales on the PBS-R. Optimism was positively and pessimism negatively related to religiosity on the PBS-R, and pessimism was also positively related to the superstition sub-scale. No relationships between optimism or pessimism and the illusion of control were observed. Results are discussed in terms of superstition and the illusion of control both arising from circumstances that are inherently random or uncontrollable, and how multiple definitions of optimism or superstition could have effected the results.  相似文献   

Whether and how interpersonal experiences predispose people to show superstitious tendencies have been largely unexamined by past studies. By adopting a multimethod approach, three studies tested (a) whether ostracism increases superstitious tendencies through thwarted perceived control, (b) whether the dispositional need for closure moderates the effect of ostracism on superstitious tendencies and (c) whether restoring ostracized people's thwarted control weakens their superstitious tendencies. The results revealed that ostracized participants had higher superstitious tendencies than nonostracized participants did (Studies 1–3). Moreover, thwarted control mediated the effect of ostracism on superstitious tendencies (Study 2). In addition, the dispositional need for closure moderated the effect of ostracism on superstitious tendencies, such that the effect was stronger among participants with a high need for closure (Studies 1–2). Finally, restoring ostracized participants' perceived control weakened the effect of ostracism on superstitious tendencies (Study 3). Altogether, these findings feature the essential role of thwarted perceived control in understanding the link between ostracism and superstitious tendencies and the implication of control restoration in weakening the link. They also highlight the importance of dispositional characteristics in moderating people's responses to superstitions following ostracism and related forms of interpersonal maltreatment.  相似文献   

The derivation of the conclusion Anna is bigger than Mary from the premises Anna is bigger than Paul and Mary is smaller than Paul is considered an instance of transitive deduction. For a non-verbal presentation, the premise statements were here transformed into a multiple operant discrimination task. Adult subjects were trained with overlapping pairs of a six-member stimulus series (A+B–, A+C–, C+D–, D+E–, E+F–; +: choice rewarded, choice penalized). A computer game-type presentation that hid the actual problem structure from the subjects was employed. The effects of varying the presentation style of the task on the objective performance and the structure awareness of subjects were investigated. A first experiment used random polygons as stimuli and the relations between them were only signalled by the above reinforcement allocations. In a second experiment the stimuli were cartoon figures additionally involved in a dominance hierarchy that was suggested graphically. A third experiment used named items that were related through visible size differences in addition to the reinforcement allocations but was otherwise like an experiment using an abstract format reported by Werner et al. (1992). In all experiments a similar proportion of subjects responded transitively when subsequently tested with the pairs BD, BE and CE by preferentially choosing stimulus B or C. Each subject subsequently filled in a questionnaire, completed a stimulus ordering exercise, and was interviewed to find out whether they were explicitly aware of the stimulus hierarchy underlying each of the tasks. Although the proportion of subjects revealing an explicit transitive responding increased together with the concreteness of the stimuli and their relations across the experiments, the objective performance in terms of choice accuracy did not vary. The accuracy performance on tests could be accurately simulated with a modification of a simple conditioning model. It is concluded that an implicit mode of processing may underlie many instances of transitive responding in humans even when explicit task understanding is reported.  相似文献   

Two hundred undergraduate students participated in a repeated-trials binary choice procedure in which choice of one outcome was correct on 75% of trials. Subjects received 192 trials and were divided into five conditions: (1) control; (2) subjects were given the actual probabilities; (3) subjects were told if they did well they could leave early; (4) competition condition; (5) midway through the task subjects were asked to recommend a strategy for another subject. Half of the subjects in each group were told that the best they could do was to be correct on 75% of the trials. This manipulation permitted assessment of the hypothesis that subjects in probability-matching tasks are seeking a strategy that will be correct on 100% of the trials. The results partially confirmed this hypothesis. In addition, two of the variables improved performance significantly (giving probabilities and asking subjects to recommend a strategy). However, while subjects in all groups improved significantly over trials, optimal choice did not occur in this task.  相似文献   

Subjects pressed a telegraph key to illuminate a meter dial on which pointer deflections appeared at fixed intervals. Upon detecting a deflection they were required to press another key to reset the pointer to zero. This detecting and resetting operation reinforced the behavior of pressing the light-flashing key (i.e., the observing responses). The usual pattern of responding on the light-flashing key was a long pause following the reinforcement and an abrupt transition to a steady response rate toward the end of the interval. When the subjects were required to perform a concurrent subtraction task, the pattern of responding changed in varying degrees, ranging from complete loss of typical fixed-interval behavior to a slight shortening of the post-reinforcement pause. These effects were attributed to the disruption of the self-produced verbal chains (counting or reciting) that ordinarily govern human behavior on this schedule.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether relationships exist among personal control, coping mechanism, primary control, secondary control and superstitious beliefs. The participants were 375 Ghanaian student athletes (females = 44%). They completed measures of self-reported superstitious beliefs, personal control, coping mechanisms, primary and secondary control strategies. The data were analysed to evaluate the correlates of both positive and negative superstitious beliefs and how constructs of personal control, coping mechanisms and control strategies, predict positive and negative superstitious beliefs. The results indicated that personal control, coping mechanisms and control strategies were predictors of negative and positive superstitious beliefs. In the final model exaggerated internal control, God-mediated control, emotional support, and substance use were predictors of negative superstitions. Exaggerated internal control, substance use, emotional support and acceptance were predictors of positive superstitions. Athletes may activate different types of superstitious beliefs to cope and gain control in situations of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Five pigeons were given single-stimulus training on an 8-sec differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule followed by steady-state generalization training using 12 wavelength stimuli. Three birds had a high percentage of reinforced responses on the training schedule and flat generalization gradients of total responses. The birds with fewer reinforced responses had much steeper generalization gradients. Generalization gradients plotted as a function of both stimulus wavelength and interresponse time showed that for most birds, stimulus control was restricted to responses with long interresponse times. Responses with very short interresponse times were not under stimulus control and there was some evidence of inhibitory control of short interresponse times. Interresponse-times-per-opportunity functions, plotted as a function of stimulus wavelength, showed that stimulus wavelength controlled the temporal distribution of responses, rather than the overall rate of response. The data indicate that the differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule generates several response categories that are controlled in different ways by wavelength and time-correlated stimuli, and that averaging responses regardless of interresponse-time length obscures this control.  相似文献   

Two pigeons were exposed to several fixed-interval schedules of food reinforcement. In some cases, exteroceptive stimuli associated with the passage of time were present. Such visual "clock" stimuli were found to gain almost complete control over the behavior, although at the longest fixed interval studied, the superposition of a new temporal discrimination upon the visual discrimination was observed. Where clock stimuli were made contingent upon the birds' behavior, a new form of responding was generated. This behavior was discussed in terms of positive and negative response-tendencies resulting from several stimulus factors: Some of these functioned as S(Delta)'s and secondary negative reinforcers; some functioned as S(D)'s and secondary positive reinforcers; and some were ambiguous with respect to reinforcement conditions. A "pure temporal" discrimination was superimposed upon these factors, but its exact nature was indeterminate from the present data.  相似文献   

The peak procedure was used to characterize response timing during acquisition and maintenance of conditioned responding in goldfish. Subjects received light-shock pairings with a 5- or 15-s interstimulus interval. On interspersed peak trials, the conditioned stimulus light was presented for 45 s and no shock was delivered. Peaks in the conditioned response, general activity, occurred at about the time of the expected unconditioned stimulus, and variability in the activity distribution was scalar. Modeling of the changes in the activity distributions over sessions revealed that the temporal features of the conditioned response changed very little during acquisition. The data suggest that times are learned early in training, and, contrary to I. P. Pavlov's (1927/1960) concept of "inhibition of delay," that timing is learning when to respond rather than learning when not to respond.  相似文献   

Second-order schedules consisting of sequences of component differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedules were used to investigate two different methods of introducing exteroceptive stimuli. When different exteroceptive stimuli were associated with each component (chained schedule), periods of pausing and lower response rates developed in the early components compared to the early components of the same sequence in the presence of a single exteroceptive stimulus (tandem schedule). When a brief stimulus change occurred at the completion of each component, response rates were higher in the early components compared to the tandem schedule. Changes in response rates in the early components were directly related to changes in reinforcement frequency in the terminal components produced by the two methods of presenting the exteroceptive stimuli.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have been concerned with operant responses that are also affected by nonoperant factors, (e.g., biological constraints, innate behavior patterns, respondent processes). The major reason for studying mynah vocal responding concerned the special relation of avian vocalizations to nonoperant emotional and reflexive systems. The research strategy was to evaluate operant and nonoperant control by comparing the schedule control obtained with the vocal response to that characteristic of the motor responses of other animals. We selected single, multiple, and chain schedules that ordinarily produce disparate response rates at predictable times. In multiple schedules with one component where vocal responding (“Awk”) was reinforced with food (fixed-ratio or fixed-interval schedule) and one where the absence of vocal responding was reinforced (differential reinforcement of other behavior), response rates never exceeded 15 responses per minute, but clear schedule differences developed in response rate and pause time. Nonoperant vocal responding was evident when responding endured across 50 extinction sessions at 25% to 40% of the rate during reinforcement. The “enduring extinction responding” was largely deprivation induced, because the operant-level of naive mynahs under food deprivation was comparable in magnitude, but without deprivation the operant level was much lower. Food deprivation can induce vocal responding, but the relatively precise schedule control indicated that operant contingencies predominate when they are introduced.  相似文献   

This study was based upon a repeated acquisition technique that systematically generated superstitious chains of responses. Several procedures were investigated in an effort to modify the amount of superstitious chaining. The effects of a large work requirement, a stimulus correlated with non-reinforcement after inappropriate responses, an equivalent time delay after inappropriate responses, and extensive training were examined. The presentation of a stimulus correlated with non-reinforcement was found to be the most effective technique for reducing superstitious chaining; the time delay was the least effective.  相似文献   

Escape responding of humans on an avoidance-escape schedule was replaced by avoidance responding by increasing the magnitude of the aversive stimulus. The aversive stimulus consisted of a point loss period. The shift from escape to avoidance responding was effected under a condition of response cost.  相似文献   

Contextual control over conditioned responding in an extinction paradigm   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Four experiments studied contextual control over rats' freezing to conditioned stimuli (CSs) that had been paired with shock and were then extinguished. In Experiment 1, rats were exposed to a CS A-shock and a CS B-shock pairing in Context C. CS A was then extinguished in Context A, and CS B in Context B. Freezing was renewed when each CS was presented in the context where the other CS had been extinguished. In Experiments 2-4, rats were exposed to a CS A-shock pairing in A and a CS B-shock pairing in B. They were then exposed to Context C where one, both, or neither of the CSs were extinguished, or where both CSs continued to be reinforced. On test, the rats froze more to CS A than to CS B in Context A, and more to CS B than to CS A in Context B, but only if the CSs had been extinguished. Thus, after extinction, rats use contexts to regulate retrieval not only of their memory for extinction, but also of their memory for the original conditioning episode.  相似文献   

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