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运用自编的职业决策自我效能量表,考察334名幼师生职业决策自我效能、学校适应与其职业犹豫不决的相关关系,结果发现职业决策自我效能对学校适应预测职业犹豫不决起到部分中介作用。进一步研究发现幼师生职业决策自我效能中的目标设定、自我概念和自我评价对其学校适应预测职业犹豫不决起部分中介作用,职业信息收集和学业成绩对此的中介效应不显著。  相似文献   

本研究以三个专业136名毕业生为研究对象,采用《兴趣测验》调查了他们"兴趣-专业"的匹配程度,同时,使用《职业决策自我效能量表》(CDMSE)调查了他们的职业决策自我效能感。结果发现:(1)兴趣与专业的适配程度影响大学生的职业决策,适配性高的大学生职业决策自我效能感更高;(2)职业决策自我效能存在性别差异,女生的职业决策自我效能感更高。  相似文献   

本文以近15年发表的、使用职业决策自我效能感量表作为工具的58篇文献、26501个独立样本作为研究对象,对性别、年级、生源地等因素的不同水平在职业决策自我效能感上的差异,及该指标与部分社会心理学、生涯研究变量的相关关系进行元分析。结果表明,男女生之间、大一与大二学生之间、大三与大四学生之间、农村与城镇生源之间,存在显著差异;降低焦虑感、提高自尊水平、建立良好社会支持环境,均有助于提高职业决策自我效能感水平。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对北京市和西安市1所小学和2所中学的小学三年级到初中三年级的1689名学生进行调查,考察教师创造性教学行为与学生的创造性自我效能感之间的关系,以及班级创新氛围的中介作用和学生沉浸特质的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)教师创造性教学行为显著正向预测学生的创造性自我效能感;(2)班级创新氛围在教师创造性教学行为和学生创造性自我效能感间起完全中介作用;(3)学生沉浸特质对班级创新氛围的中介作用存在显著的正向调节效应。  相似文献   

以合肥市3所高校的300名大学生为研究对象,探讨其自我效能感与创业能力及其关系,结果表明:(1)大学生自我效能感在性别上存在显著差异,男生的自我效能感要显著高于女生;(2)大学生的创业能力在年级上无显著差异,但人际交往分维度上,年级的主效应显著,(3)大学生的创业能力在性别上存在显著差异,男生的创业能力显著高于女性;(4)自我效能感对创业能力具有正向预测力。  相似文献   

采用学习坚持性问卷、自我效能感问卷、内在价值问卷和学习投入量表,对407名四、五年级小学生施测,并收集学生期中考试成绩作为客观指标,建立结构方程模型以考察学习坚持性和学习投入在自我效能感、内在价值与学业成就关系中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)学习坚持性与自我效能感、内在价值、学习投入、学业成就均显著正相关;(2)学习坚持性可以部分中介自我效能感与学习投入、内在价值与学习投入之间的相关;(3)学习坚持性通过学习投入的中介作用影响学业成就。  相似文献   

采用经济信心问卷、职业决策自我效能量表和气质性乐观问卷对606名大学生进行调查,考察了大学生经济信心与其职业决策自我效能的关系,以及气质性乐观在其中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)大学生的经济信心与其职业决策自我效能显著正相关;(2)气质性乐观在大学生经济信心与其职业决策自我效能的关系中起调节作用。其中,当大学生为低气质性乐观时,其职业决策自我效能随着经济信心的增长而大幅增强;当大学生为高气质性乐观时,其职业决策自我效能也受经济信心的影响,但是其变化远不如低气质性乐观大学生显著。  相似文献   

职业自我效能感是影响个体职业发展的重要心理因素。在开放式问卷调查和文献研究的基础上,初步建构了农民工职业自我效能感的结构。对155人样本数据的探索性因素分析和对146人样本数据的验证性因素分析的结果支持了农民工的职业自我效能感包括职业胜任自我效能感、职业关系自我效能感、职业学习与发展自我效能感、职业问题解决自我效能感四个因素的建构。对农民工职业自我效能感问卷的信度与效度的检验显示,问卷的信度与效度能够达到心理测量的基本要求,可以作为农民工职业自我效能感的测量工具。  相似文献   

为探讨大学生职业决策困难与主动性人格、职业自我效能、职业使命感的关系,采用职业决策困难问卷、主动性人格量表、职业自我效能量表、拥有使命量表对321名大学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)主动性人格、职业自我效能、拥有使命两两之间呈极其显著的正相关;(2)主动性人格、职业自我效能、拥有使命与职业决策困难之间呈极其显著的负相关;(3)职业自我效能、拥有使命在主动性人格与职业决策困难之间具有完全中介作用。以上结果对于降低大学生的职业决策困难具有重要价值。  相似文献   

大学生职业决策自我效能测评的研究   总被引:77,自引:1,他引:76  
本研究参照Betz和Taylor"职业生涯决策自我效能量表",依据对学生进行的访谈资料和学生开放式问卷调查结果,编制出"大学生职业决策自我效能量表".本研究抽取武汉地区14所大学30个专业1000名毕业年级的大学生作为研究样本,进行正式施测.统计分析结果表明(1)该量表的项目特性良好;(2)该量表都具有较好的内部一致性信度;(3)该量表均具有较强的辨别效度;(4)该量表作为整体判断使用较好.  相似文献   

对315名粤港澳大湾区大学生进行问卷调查,分析他们前创业行动的情况并采用logistic回归研究其影响因素。结果发现,大学生前创业行动的参与度较为积极,但仍有进一步提升空间。而且,大学生的前创业行动受到了创业效能感、创业意愿和个体背景等内部因素的影响; 以及受到了创业政策熟悉度、大学生家庭所在地创业环境等外部变量的影响。研究结果对高校针对性开展创业教育具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

以600名学前教育专业大学生为被试,探讨了父母生涯相关行为 (支持、干涉和缺位) 和专业满意度 (6个月后) 的关系及生涯适应力和生涯规划的中介作用。结果表明:(1) 支持对专业满意度的直接预测作用不显著,是通过正向预测生涯适应力和生涯规划及生涯适应力→生涯规划这一序列中介作用间接预测专业满意度。(2) 干涉对专业满意度的直接预测作用不显著,但通过负向预测生涯适应力及生涯适应力→生涯规划这一序列中介作用间接预测专业满意度。  相似文献   

以783名教龄3年以内的幼儿园新教师为被试,采用问卷法考察入职适应和工作满意度在新教师学历与离职意向之间的中介作用。结果表明:工作满意度在幼儿园新教师学历与离职意向的关系中具有正向独立中介作用;入职适应、工作满意度在幼儿园新教师学历与离职意向的关系中具有负向链式中介作用。这些结果说明,良好的入职适应是提高幼儿园高学历新教师工作满意度、降低其离职意向的关键因素。  相似文献   

The present study of two hundred and seven university students examined the structural relation of future-orientation (both valence and instrumentality), career decision-making self-efficacy and career indecision (choice/commitment anxiety and lack of readiness) in a sample of 218 college students. Future time perspective was viewed as a key input to career decision making. Structural equation modeling results indicated that valence was not significantly related to career decision-making self-efficacy, choice/commitment anxiety and lack of readiness. However, instrumentality completely mediated the relation between valence and career decision-making self-efficacy, choice/commitment anxiety and lack of readiness. Instrumentality was significantly related to career decision-making self-efficacy and lack of readiness. Career decision-making self-efficacy completely mediated the relation between instrumentality and choice/commitment anxiety; however, it only partially mediated the relation between instrumentality and lack of readiness. Although the proposed model was invariant across gender, the findings indicated that women reported higher instrumentality and lower lack of readiness than did men. No differences were found for career decision-making self-efficacy and choice/commitment anxiety across gender. The findings suggest that psychologists, counselors, and teachers should consider the role of future time perspective in university students' career development.  相似文献   

The field of engineering is defined by a number of specialty areas, thus most engineering students must decide upon an educational specialty track within the engineering major. Data on familiarity with, and perceptions of similarity among 11 engineering specialties were collected from 129 undergraduate engineering students from a public urban university. Similarity data were collected by way of a paired comparison task, and multidimensional scaling techniques were used to map these data into spatial representations. A three-dimensional solution was selected. Analysis of variance procedures also were used to examine differences in perceptions of engineering specialties by gender, ethnicity, commitment to career choice, and career decision-making self-efficacy. Results indicated that female students rated engineering specialties as more prestigious than male students, and students with a more dogmatic stance towards career rated engineering as relatively exclusive to men.  相似文献   

大学生职业决策自我效能及其归因研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
本研究通过对 42 0名本科毕业生和研究生毕业生的问卷调查 ,考察了当前毕业生职业决策自我效能的性别和学历差异 ,并进一步探讨了职业决策自我效能与毕业生自我评估之间的关系。结果表明 :整体上看毕业生职业决策中问题解决部分的自我效能比较低 ;多因素回归分析的结果表明自我评估的 4个维度对职业决策困难中的五个部分分别也有不同的影响。  相似文献   

This study experimentally investigates several hypotheses about the relationships between performance on a gender-neutral task and gender, self-efficacy, performance attributions, and task interest. Ninety-two subjects were randomly assigned to a success or failure condition and attempted to solve a series of easy or difficult anagrams. Results indicated that changes in self-efficacy expectations as a result of task success or failure were in accordance with predictions from self-efficacy theory; 2 × 2 × 4 ANCOVAs, with the pretest as the covariate, were conducted on self-efficacy strength, level, and task interest. Subjects decreased their ratings of self-efficacy and task interest as a result of the failure experience, and the same ratings increased as a result of the success experience. Few gender differences were found, supporting the hypothesis that the sex linkage of the task significantly influences gender differences in self-efficacy. Analyses of global verbal and mathematical ability ratings resulted in the same trends. Finally, women in the success condition were significantly more likely than men in that condition to attribute their performance to luck; women in the failure condition were significantly more likely than men or women in any other group to attribute their failure to their lack of ability. Implications of these results for future research on career self-efficacy were discussed.  相似文献   

This research describes and evaluates a workshop aimed at promoting career specialty choice and examines relationships between measured career specialty interests, work values, and personality type. Three consecutive classes of second-year medical students (N = 161) participated in a two-session specialty choice workshop. All participants in the study rated the usefulness of the workshop and reported their level of specialty choice certainty and satisfaction. They also responded to measures of medical specialty preference, work values, and personality type. Results indicated two distinct student subgroups of career-specialty-decided and -undecided students. The former subgroup evidenced more stability and certainty of specialty choice as well satisfaction with their choice. Both groups of students reported having benefited from the workshop. Significant gender differences in the relationships between scores on a measure of medical specialty preference and scores on measures of work values and personality emerged. Implications are discussed in terms of the differential career counseling needs of students either decided or undecided about their career specialty choices.  相似文献   

Social cognitive theory was used to explain the relationships between career-relevant activities (environmental and self career exploration, career resources, and training), self-regulatory variables (job search self-efficacy and job search clarity), variables from the Theory of Planned Behavior (job search attitude, subjective norm, job search intention), and job search intensity. Based on a sample of employed and unemployed job seekers, we found that job seekers who spent more time in career exploration, attended more training programs, and used more career resources reported higher job search clarity and job search self-efficacy. Job search self-efficacy, job search attitude, and subjective norm predicted job search intention, and job search clarity and job search intention predicted job search intensity eight months later. The results of this study provide practical information on what job seekers can do to improve their job search clarity and job search self-efficacy and demonstrate the application of social cognitive theory for understanding and predicting job search behavior.  相似文献   

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