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《New Ideas in Psychology》1995,13(3):259-279
The objectivity and utility of experimental data as evidential support for knowledge-claims may be found suspect when it is shown that (a) the interpretation of experimental data is inevitably complicated by social factors like experimenter effects, subject effects and demand characterics, (b) social factors which affect experimental data are themselves sensitive to societal conventions or cultural values, (c) all observations (including experimental observations) are necessarily theory-dependent, and (d) experimental data have limited generality because they are collected in artificial settings. These critiques of experimental data are answered by showing that (i) not all empirical studies are experiments, (ii) experimental methodology is developed to exclude alternate interpretations of data (including explanations in terms of social influences), (iii) theoretical disputes and their settlement take place in the context of a particular frame of reference, and (iv) objectivity can be achieved with observations neutral to the to-be-corroborated theory despite theory-dependent observations if distinctions are made (a) between prior observation and evidential observation and (b) between a to-be-corroborated theory and the theory underlying the identity of evidential response.  相似文献   

神经症患者的人格特征与父母教养方式的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文采用父母教养方式评价量表 (EMBU)和艾森克人格问卷 (EPQ)对 40名住院神经症患者进行了测查 ,结果发现艾森克人格问卷所测查的四种人格维度 E(内、外向 )、L (掩饰或社会性幼稚水平 )、N(神经质 )和 P(精神质或倔强、讲求实际 )得分分别与不良的父母教养方式如严厉惩罚、过度干涉和过分保护、拒绝与否认以及偏爱被试等因子分呈显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

Interpretive work in milieu psychotherapy groups aims to bring concealed and hidden material to the fore so that it can be discussed openly. A host of clinically important issues thrive in the milieu, about which the patients are fully aware, but are unable to discuss. Two types of interventions are described whose goal is to overcome resistance to discussion; they are clarifying interpretations and making a parallel statement. Clarifying statements help patients understand their experience in the milieu; they are interpretive when they bring avoided material into the open. In those instances where resistance to discussion is great, the subject first appears in metaphor, is worked with, and then emerges in a displaced form. Working indirectly with metaphor and displaced material can serve to overcome transference resistance. The therapist then need only ask a direct question or make a statement in order for the avoided material to emerge. The combination of working with displaced material followed by a question or statement that is framed in terms of that theme has an interpretative function.  相似文献   

作为临床医生,难免与一些难以解释的躯体症状打交道,这其中有些最终可以确定是精神障碍的躯体症状.从躯体症状识别精神障碍,没有捷径可走,除了良好的医学基础,更要了解精神障碍的特点.这样即便是躯体疾病同样存在的情况下,也能发现精神障碍.套用政治术语,叫做"两手抓,两手都要硬".即便如此,还有一些医学难以解释的症状,其发生基础无论从生物学医学还是精神病学角度都还不清楚,而这正是需要我们着力研究的学科交叉点.  相似文献   

作为临床医生,难免与一些难以解释的躯体症状打交道,这其中有些最终可以确定是精神障碍的躯体症状。从躯体症状识别精神障碍,没有捷径可走,除了良好的医学基础,更要了解精神障碍的特点。这样即便是躯体疾病同样存在的情况下,也能发现精神障碍。套用政治术语,叫做"两手抓,两手都要硬"。即便如此,还有一些医学难以解释的症状,其发生基础无论从生物学医学还是精神病学角度都还不清楚,而这正是需要我们着力研究的学科交叉点。  相似文献   

Manic-depressive patients are not usually regarded by psychiatrists as suitable subjects for psychotherapy, and there are many reasons for this view. Psychological support tends to take the form of helping the patient adjust to his disability, to become more aware of the life situations which may disturb him, of warning symptoms, of the need for appropriate medication, and perhaps to explore the most significant life conflicts. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy aimed at conflict resolution and personality development is widely regarded as impracticable, or ineffectual at best, or, at worst, as a potentially dangerous intervention. Considering the fact that the risk of suicide in the depressive phases may be so great, the problems of containing the disinhibited manic episode so serious, and the social consequences of such episodes so disastrous, it is not surprising that pharmacological control of pathological symptoms is so often regarded as the only therapeutic aim.

This paper is based on an account of a single patient suffering from a severe manic-depressive disorder with schizoid features, and a family history of manic-depressive illness, who was treated with individual intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy in a context of a psychodynamic psychiatric ward, with encouraging results. Some implications of this experience will be discussed.  相似文献   

Maiese  Michelle 《Topoi》2022,41(5):905-915

Some critical philosophers of race have argued that whiteness can be understood as a technology of affect and that white supremacy is comprised partly of unconscious habits that result in racialized perception. In an effort to deepen our understanding of the affective and bodily dimensions of white supremacy and the ways in which affective habits are socially produced, I look to insights from situated affectivity. Theorists in this field maintain that affective experience is not simply a matter of felt inner states, but rather socially and environmentally embedded and fundamentally relational. Jan Slaby presents the concept of an ‘affective arrangement’ as a way to approach affectivity in terms of relational dynamics unfolding within a particular setting. Applying this concept to the societal level, Paul Schuetze introduces the notion of ‘affective milieu.’ I argue that these notions of ‘affective arrangement’ and ‘affective milieu,’ together with an organicist account of habit, can help to illuminate the workings of white supremacy in the United States. My proposed account highlights the extent to which white supremacy is an affective, bodily phenomenon and how racist habits are formed over the course of learning and ongoing affective engagement, in the context of various social settings. Crucially, these affective habits are fully bound up with habits of appraisal, interpretation, and judgment, and therefore inseparable from how subjects come to see and understand their world.


施媛媛 《心理科学进展》2020,28(7):1108-1117
全球化带来了丰富的多元文化经验, 开阔了人们视野的同时, 也造成了认知负担, 进而可能引发对外文化群体的抵触情绪和排斥行为。多元文化经验的普遍性和两面性突显了对其进行合理管理和灵活应用的重要性。然而, 现有的文化能力的理论大多在全球化研究早期提出, 已经无法应对全球化带来的新变化。在文化会聚主义理论框架下, 将文化视为动态发展的系统, 建构以元知识为核心的多元文化能力模型将有助于深入理解全球化问题。新模型的效用检验计划从文化知识管理和群际接触应对两方面检验多元文化能力在跨文化合作情境中的效用与机制, 以期为全球化环境中个人与组织开展跨文化交流与合作的实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Conclusion It is not easy to be a rural minister today. Rural churches are small. Their resources are limited, and a church can afford only one minister, who must direct the whole program of the church.Because of the multiple demands upon one who goes to the country it is even dangerous to become a rural minister. In a rural pastorate a man is free to make his own choices, to determine his own discipline in life and study. He confronts two major dangers: He may become so absorbed in such a variety of work that he will fail to do anything well. Because no one is pressing him to fit into patterns already established he may become lazy and undisciplined, following lines of least resistance. Cutting new patterns, doing pioneer work, always carries such dangers. But if one is strong within himself, the kind of freedom he has in a rural community is a source of real strength.If rural America is to be strong, if its people are to possess character and integrity, and if community consciousness is to be preserved in small places, tens of thousands of little churches must have ministers who understand the resources, problems, and needs of rural people. They must be able to show the people how to develop great churches in small communities.The spiritual destiny of our nation in the tomorrows will be affected by what takes place in our rural churches during these decades of revolutionary change.  相似文献   

This article examines the world of dogfighting. Our technique was to let the responses speak for themselves, thus presenting the world of dogfighting in full vivid detail and then to offer both summarization and interpretation. Our purpose was to capture the essence of dogfighting from those who have experienced it.  相似文献   

Building upon Wolf's (1949) notion of the use of an alternate session in group psychotherapy, this paper suggests that an alternate therapist substituting for an absent regular therapist in milieu group psychotherapy can facilitate similar therapeutic benefits. The mechanism of this process of overcoming transference resistance is seen as twofold: (1) sessions with a substitute therapist allow patients to confront the infantilization often present in a milieu setting and experiment with more autonomous ego functioning. (2) Sessions with a substitute therapist create conditions which are apart from the ongoing process of the therapy group, thereby allowing for a therapeutic splitting process to develop wherein transference feelings about the regular therapist can be expressed to his or her "alter ego." Several case vignettes are presented in order to illustrate the clinical utility of a substitute therapist.  相似文献   

A computer-assisted language intervention, Fast ForWord-Language (FFW-L), was tested at a rural Nevada center in a group of children (Grades 2-12) referred by parents and teachers to assess enhancement of language skills. Given conflicting results from previous studies, language scores were measured using Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Third Edition (CELF-3) before and after the FFW-L intervention. 58 children's CELF-3 postintervention scores were adjusted for age-specific expected changes and compared with pretest scores. Adjusted scores increased in both receptive and expressive domains of the CELF-3. Children with prior diagnoses of language and/or learning impairment did not differ from other referrals on adjusted CELF-3 adjusted gain scores after treatment. Thus the Fast ForWord-Language intervention may benefit a much broader group of children referred by parents and teachers for language or reading problems.  相似文献   

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