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Background. Research on the relationship between cognitive skills and mathematical problem solving is usually conducted on adults or on participants with acquired deficits associated with brain injury (e.g. Cipolotti, 1995 ; Cohen, Dehaene, & Verstichel, 1994 ; McCloskey, 1992 ). Aims. In these studies we wanted to make a contribution to the field of children's mathematical problem solving. The first aim of this study was to investigate whether mathematical problem solving in children is merely determined by semantic elaboration, as hypothesized in some of the models of adult processing (semantic hypothesis). In addition, we aimed to investigate whether there is a continuum from very good to very poor mathematical problem solving among children with mathematical learning disabilities showing immature cognitive skills (maturational lag hypothesis). Sample. The participants were 376 third graders and 107 second graders. Method. The internal structure of the data was analysed with a principal components analysis. In addition, two MANOVA were conducted to compare children with learning disabilities or problems with age‐matched and performance‐matched subjects. Results. Two components, a semantic and a non‐semantic one, were needed to account for an adequate fit of the dataset. In addition, children with mathematical learning disabilities had less‐developed cognitive skills compared with peers without learning disabilities, but they did not differ from younger children on seven of the nine cognitive skills. Conclusions. This study highlighted that children's mathematical problem solving is not determined by one general component. The picture is more complex, since two mathematics components were found. In addition, although our findings point in the direction of the maturational lag hypothesis it may be important to assess the different cognitive skills and especially assess the number system knowledge, since it seems below average in children with mathematical learning disabilities, compared with the knowledge of younger children with comparable skills in mathematics.  相似文献   

This article examines the theoretical basis of decision-making deficits exhibited by cocaine abusers in a laboratory decision-making task first described by Bechara, Damasio, Damasio, and Anderson (1994). A total of 12 male cocaine abusers and 14 comparison subjects performed the task, and the cocaine group performed significantly worse than the comparison group. A cognitive modeling analysis (Busemeyer & Stout, 2002) was used to estimate three parameters that measure importance of the cognitive, motivational, and response processes for determining the observed performance deficit. The results of this analysis indicated, for the first time, that motivational and choice consistency factors, but not learning/ memory were mainly responsible for the decision-making deficit of the cocaine abusers in this task.  相似文献   


Twenty-two women who wished to continue their pregnancies were interviewed several months after their first miscarriage. Levels of anxiety and depression showed an extremely high degree of variability. Cognitive processes in the form of a search for meaning, mastery and self-enhancement hypothesised to be important in adaptation to negative events were assessed. Having an explanation for the miscarriage and the experience leading to a general reappraisal of values were associated with lower levels of intrusive thoughts. A belief in a medical cause was linked to lower anxiety. Women believed that neither they themselves nor their doctors could exert much influence over the outcome of future pregnancies. Stronger belief in personal control was associated with higher anxiety levels. There is a need to consider not only the emotional consequences of miscarriage but also the cognitive mediators influencing such responses and although based upon a small sample this study initiates that process.  相似文献   

The binding problem is considered in terms of how a brain-inspired cognitive system can recognize multiple sensory features from an object which may be among many objects, process those features individually and then bind the multiple features to the object they belong to. The Causal Cognitive Architecture 3 (CCA3) is a brain-inspired cognitive architecture using a multi-dimensional navigation map as its basic store of information, and capable of pre-causal as well as fully causal behavior. Objects within an input sensory scene are segmented, and sensory features (e.g., visual, auditory, etc.) of each segmented object are spatially mapped onto a variety of navigation maps. It is shown that to provide efficient, flexible, causal solutions to real-world problems, it is not sufficient to bind space (i.e., objects spatially) but it is necessary to also bind time (i.e., change and rate of change of objects within a sensory scene). The CCA3 binds both space and time onto a navigation map as physical features, and is better able to function in real-world environments. As the CCA3 is brain-inspired, the Causal Cognitive Architecture can help to better hypothesize and understand biological mammalian brain function, including solutions to the binding problem. The CCA3 architecture allows it to work in different knowledge domains, possess continual lifelong learning, and demonstrate reasonable explainability.  相似文献   

Limitations of procedures for improving group problem solving   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The complexity of cognitive emulation of human diagnostic reasoning is the major challenge in the implementation of computer-based programs for diagnostic advice in medicine. We here present an epistemological model of diagnosis with the ultimate goal of defining a high-level language for cognitive and computational primitives. The diagnostic task proceeds through three different phases: hypotheses generation, hypotheses testing and hypotheses closure. Hypotheses generation has the inferential form of abduction (from findings to hypotheses) constrained under the criterion of plausibility. Hypotheses testing is achieved by a deductive inference (from generated hypotheses to expected findings), followed by an eliminative induction, constrained under the criterion of covering, which matches expected findings against patient's findings to select the best explanation. Hypotheses closure is a deductive-inductive type of inference very similar to the inferences operating in hypotheses testing. In this case induction matches the consequences of the generated hypotheses against the patient's characteristics or preferences under the criterion of utility. By using the language exploited in this epistemological model, it is possible to describe the cognitive tasks underlying the most influential knowledge-based diagnostic systems.  相似文献   

Rumination, defined as an individual's repetitive negative cognitions of upsetting symptoms in response to distress, has been established as an important cognitive vulnerability factor within various forms of psychopathology. Despite compelling data to suggest that rumination is associated with a number of mood and anxiety-related conditions, no research to date has examined the relationship between rumination and hoarding. Participants consisted of 275 undergraduate students as well as 106 individuals recruited from the community to participate in a larger randomized clinical trial investigating the effects of a computerized treatment targeting specific risk factors associated with anxiety and suicide. Consistent with initial prediction, results indicated that rumination was a significant predictor of hoarding severity, even after controlling for overall general levels of depression. These findings add to a growing body of literature identifying various cognitive vulnerability factors important for the development and maintenance of hoarding. Increasing our knowledge of cognitive vulnerability factors has import implications for the prevention and treatment of anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Background. Both achievement goals and study processing strategies theories have been shown to contribute to the prediction of students’ academic performance. Existing research studies ( Fenollar, Román, & Cuestas, 2007 ; Liem, Lau, & Nie, 2008 ; Simons, Dewitte, & Lens, 2004 ) amalgamating these two theoretical orientations in different causal models have reported their associations with other adaptive strategies and motivational constructs – for example, effort expenditure. Despite this recognition, there have been to date very few studies that explored the relations between achievement goals, study processing strategies, effort, and academic performance over time. Aim of study. The primary focus of our study is to explore the relations between the aforementioned theoretical constructs over a 2‐year period. Specifically, we tested an empirical model that conceptualized the relations between performance‐approach and mastery goals, deep processing strategies, effort, and academic performance across six time points of data collection. Methodology. Two hundred and eighty‐one (161 females, 120 males) university students took part in this study. The participants were administered various Likert‐scale inventories and the overall course mark and final examination were used as indexes of academic performance. Results. Structural equation modelling indicated a relatively good fit to the a posteriori model and the hypothesized paths were, in part, supported. The major findings included the predictive effects of performance‐approach goals at Time 1 on deep processing strategies at Time 2 and mastery goals at Time 3; the predictive effect of mastery goals at Time 3 on effort at Time 4; the predictive effects of deep processing at Time 2 on mastery goals at Time 3 and Time 4. Furthermore, the placement of deep processing and effort in this structural model also accentuated the performance‐approach goals – mastery goals – effort – academic performance relation, and the performance‐approach goals – deep processing – mastery goals – effort – academic performance relation. Discussion. Our study has important theoretical and practical implications concerning the conceptualization of the performance‐approach and mastery goals relationship, and the use of goal structure and adaptive strategies (e.g., deep processing) to enhance academic learning.  相似文献   

This study investigates how individuals formulate flexible coping strategies across situations by proposing differentiation and integration as two stress-appraisal processes. Results showed that participants who coped more flexibly adopted the dimensions of controllability and impact in differentiating among different stressful situations. They also deployed an integrated strategy: the deployment of more monitoring in situations perceived as controllable but less of this strategy in situations perceived as uncontrollable. Participants who coped less flexibly did not adopt any given dimensions and tended to use more monitoring regardless of situational characteristics. These results suggest that individuals with different extents of coping flexibility differ in the cognitive processes. Individuals who cope more flexibly display a greater extent of differentiation and integration than do those who cope less flexibly. These findings are translated into strategies for stress management workshops.  相似文献   

The functional equivalence of problem solving skills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tower of Hanoi problem is used to show that, even in simple problem environments, numerous distinct solution strategies are available, and different subjects may learn different strategies. Four major classes of solution strategies are described for the problem. Different strategies have different degrees of transferability, place different burdens on short-term memory and on perception, and require different learning processes for their acquisition. The analysis underscores the importance of subject-by-subject analysis of “what is learned” in understanding human behavior in problem-solving situations, and provides a technique for describing subjects' task performance programs in detail.  相似文献   

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