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If a regularly administered WISC-R subtest cannot be administered properly or is invalidated, the manual suggests that a supplementary subtest, either Digit Span or Mazes, can serve as a substitute, but perhaps prorating the sum of scaled scores on the remaining subtests would be better. Data from the WISC-R standardization sample were analyzed to investigate the psychometric properties of these two variants of the standard procedure. Proration consistently resulted in higher validities (i.e., correlations between scores on the variant Verbal, Performance, or Full Scale and scores on the corresponding original scale), whereas substitution almost as consistently resulted in higher reliabilities, but in both cases the differences were small. Examiners may decide for themselves whether or not to use the supplementary subtests as alternates.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental correlations among 11 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) subtests were estimated from a sample of 143 twin pairs using the methodology of multivariate behavioral genetics. The genetic correlations among subtests varied in magnitude and exhibited a pattern similar to corresponding phenotypic correlations. Correlations due to within-pair environmental influences were generally small, whereas those due to shared environmental influences tended to be intermediate. Several hypotheses regarding the structures of the additive-genetic, common environmental, and within-pair environmental covariance matrices were tested and evidence for differential factor structures was obtained. A model hypothesizing a three-factor structure for the genetic covariance matrix, a single factor for the common environmental matrix, and a single factor plus specifics for the within-pair environmental matrix fit the data well. Thus, the three-factor phenotypic structure typically observed in Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) data may be due largely to genetic influences.  相似文献   

The present paper is an analysis of the WISC-R test profiles of reading impaired subjects and autistic subjects. It is argued that well-known classification systems such as Bannatyne's categories (1974) and Kaufman's factors (1975) cannot explain differences in the peaks and troughs across the two populations. A new classification system is then developed. The 11 different WISC-R subtests are characterised in terms of a combination of three modes of cognitive functioning: a knowledge mode (declarative-procedural), a processing mode (transformation-preservation of information), and a verbal-nonverbal mode (verbal-nonverbal-processing). When reanalysed within this reference frame, the IQ profiles of reading impaired subjects (N = 114) and autistic subjects (data from 12 studies reviewed by Happé, 1994) were similar regarding differences in the verbal-nonverbal dimension. However, the IQ profiles showed an opposite pattern in the declarative-procedural dimension, and an opposite pattern in the preservation-transformation dimension. Thus, the new classification system allows one to interpret the IQ-profiles of both groups within a single and coherent reference frame.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the correlations among GPA, the Spanish version of the WISC-R, and the Woodcock Johnson Achievement subtests for a group of Puerto Rican children. The tests were administered to a sample of 32 children between the ages of 10 to 12 yr. in Grade 4. Pearson correlations between the Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale scaled scores in the WISC-R (Spanish Edition) ranged between .37 to .83. Correlations between subtests of the Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Test ranged from .26 to .70. The moderate correlation between the Total scaled scores on the Woodcock-Johnson and the scaled scores of the Performance, Verbal, and Full Scales of the Spanish WISC-R is indicative of the value of these Spanish-language instruments in diagnosing the intellectual and academic performance of Spanish-speaking populations in the United States.  相似文献   

Philosophers and psychologists have long-debated the notion that the voice in our heads might help us to control our actions. Evidence from a number of lines of research suggests that verbal resources help us to focus attention, providing reason to believe that the inner voice might aid self-control via this capacity. In this study we explored the link between verbal resources and self-control by occupying the inner voice and then assessing behavioral indices of self-control. Participants completed regular and switching versions of the Go/No-Go task while doing verbal or spatial secondary tasks. Compared with the spatial task, doing the verbal task resulted in more impulsive responding, as indicated by a greater tendency to make a ‘Go’ response, a pattern that was accentuated in the switching version of the Go/No-Go. Our results suggest that the inner voice helps us to exert self-control by enhancing our ability to restrain our impulses.  相似文献   

The predictive validity of WISC-R factor scores was examined with samples from the four sociocultural groups of Anglo, Black, Chicano, and native American Papago. The Full Scale IQ and Verbal Comprehension (VC) factor scores were significantly better predictors of achievement as measured by teacher ratings and the Metropolitan Achievement Test. The Perceptual Organization and Freedom from Distractibility (FD) factor scores were also significantly related to achievement, but at a lower level than Full Scale and VC. The correlations of the WISC-R and achievement measures were nearly the same for three of the four groups (exception was native American Papago). The relationship of the FD factor score to ratings of attention was statistically significant, but relatively low. Cautions in interpreting FD as a measure of attention were recommended due to overlap of distributions and low proportion of variance in attention accounted for by FD.  相似文献   

Auditory sequential memory subtests of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence and the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities were administered individually to 20 normal preschool children. Poor performance on the McCarthy words/sentences subtest suggests retention difficulties associated with isolated words in the absence of linguistic context. Correlations of only moderate strength and large unexplained variance indicate poor predictability between subtests despite similarities in content and procedural details.  相似文献   

Several researchers have focused on the question of whether the traditional two-factor interpretation of WISC--R scores proposed by Wechsler (1974) is appropriate in selecting students to be admitted to gifted programs. Some researchers have suggested that the two-factor solution (Verbal and Performance) of Karnes and K. E. Brown provides the appropriate model, while others have proposed an alternative model based on exploratory research with gifted and average students. The current study expands exploratory findings of S. W. Brown with Rood in 1982 and Yakimowski in 1987, using confirmatory factor analytical procedures. The confirmatory factor analyses for selected groups of gifted (n = 158) and average (n = 195) students (M = 9.6 yr.) indicate that the alternative three-factor solution model may be a better system for interpreting the pattern of WISC--R subtest scores of gifted students than the conventional Verbal and Performance solution.  相似文献   

Self-esteem, skill in responding, and skill appraisals have each been posited to influence the quality of information gathered during interviews about witnessed events. This study examined whether self-esteem exacerbates or buffers skill related deficits and awareness of skill. Participants viewed a video, completed measures of self-esteem, estimated their skill in responding, responded to answerable and unanswerable questions about the video, and re-estimated their skill. Skill was indexed as effectiveness in resisting unanswerable questions. Moderated regression analyses showed that high self-esteem was associated with higher accuracy and fewer errors to answerable questions, but only when skill was low. Low skill individuals overestimated their ability. Following practice, low skill individuals with low trait self-esteem recalibrated their skill appraisals, while low skill high self-esteem individuals did not become aware of their lack of skill. When skill was high, self-esteem was not related to responding. Understanding the influence of self-esteem on the quality of information gathered during interviews about witnessed events requires attention to interactions with skill and performance appraisals.  相似文献   

The subtests of the Brain Age Quotient, a brief neuropsychological battery, were used to screen for cognitive impairment in a sample of 112 substance abusers. Each of the subtests was scored, using newly developed T scores corrected for age, education, and gender, for which a mean battery score of T less than 40 indicates general cognitive impairment. The chance-corrected agreement in finding cognitive dysfunction between this battery and the Average Impairment Rating T score from the Halstead-Reitan battery was adequate, kappa = .81. This result suggests that, for discerning global cognitive impairment, this relatively brief neurodiagnostic screening device may be an attractive alternative to the more time-consuming Halstead-Reitan battery.  相似文献   

Many people who develop cancer symptoms wait inordinate amounts of time before seeking medical attention. Studies have found that symptom appraisal time–the time that passes before the individual concludes that their symptoms could be serious–accounts for most of the total delay time across subjects. It is thus important to understand the individual characteristics associated with slow recognition of dangerous symptoms. In this study, 62 patients (38 males) recently diagnosed with rectal cancer answered questions regarding the development of symptoms as well as their decisions and behaviors prior to seeking help. One subgroup of patients–males with the lowest scores on a measure of trait anxiety–took significantly longer to recognize the seriousness of their symptoms as compared to all other patients. This finding is discussed in the context of recent studies where the interaction of sex and negative affect is related to symptom reporting and other health-related behaviors.  相似文献   

Data from therapists who were treating 26 patients when they committed suicide were utilized to identify signs that warned of a suicide crisis. Three factors were identified as markers of the suicide crisis: a precipitating event; one or more intense affective states other than depression; and at least one of three behavioral patterns: speech or actions suggesting suicide, deterioration in social or occupational functioning, and increased substance abuse. Problems in communication between patient and therapist were identified as factors interfering with crisis recognition. Evaluation of the identified affects and behaviors may help therapists recognize a suicide crisis.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Reason Responsiveness (RR) accounts of rationality, proposed for example by Benjamin Kiesewetter and Error Lord, fail to explain structural irrationality (i.e., the irrationality involved in holding incoherent attitudes). Proponents of RR hold that rationality consists in correctly responding to available reasons. Structural irrationality, they argue, is just a “by-product” of incorrect reason-responding. Applying this idea to cases of means–end incoherence, this paper shows that RR accounts must rely on a certain transmission principle. Roughly, this amounts to the principle that necessarily, if (1) A has decisive available reason to intend to E and (2) A has decisive available reason to believe that intending to M is necessary for E-ing, it follows that (3) A has decisive available reason to intend to M. By considering an example, this paper argues that even the most plausible version of this transmission principle does not hold true. It follows that one can correctly respond to one's available reasons while being means–end incoherent.  相似文献   

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