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英国伦敦通过城市复兴计划对传统工业设施进行大规模改造更新,解决"去工业化"所导致的城市经济衰退、城市景观败落、就业岗位缺乏、发展潜力不足等问题。其中,泰特现代艺术馆是对"废弃工业建筑设施"进行改造,金丝雀码头新金融城是对"废弃工业场地"进行改造,伦敦东区斯特拉福奥运新城是对"衰落的传统工业社区"进行改造。这三大案例具有典型性、代表性,通过发展金融、创意、体育等新兴产业对传统工业设施、场地、社区进行更新改造,激活发展动力的做法,对我国部分面临传统产业升级改造压力的城市,具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

社区营造推动了中国乡村社区发展,形成"一村一品"的亮丽乡村模式。强调以人为主导核心,突出人文文化的重要性,是中国社区营造传达表述的核心理念。新农村依据社区营造理念,在实践中注重传统文化的保护和传承,发展以休闲农业、健康产业、文化创意、生活美学与文创精神为主题的乡村建设,打造社区三产融合"田园综合体",发展自身特色的"一村一品",甚至是"一县一业"的模式,呈现出"农村+城市=综合体"的多元社区融合格局。  相似文献   

当代乡村青年人中的犬儒主义,是社会建设和乡村振兴亟待面对的问题之一。作为一种社会心态,除现代性文化影响外,它主要根植于社会阶层压力塑造的"镜像",而当代批判理论的泛政治化解释与此事实相去甚远。它具有很强的社会性,个体修养和道德说教也非对"症"之"药",而应着重考虑调整收入分配、重振乡村基础教育、重塑社区公共生活、活化基层组织等思路。从此视角看,社会建设是乡村振兴较易率先突破的入口。  相似文献   

费爱华 《学海》2011,(5):97-102
传播与治理具有天然的联系,传播是治理权力的来源,是治理过程的本质,也是有效治理的保障。在乡村治理过程中,传播发挥了政治认同功能、社区整合功能和乡村社会的发展功能。乡村社会的大众传播和人际传播分别有助于村民对中央政府和基层政府的政治认同,同时,乡村传播有利于乡村社会关联的建立、增进和调动,也有效地促进了乡村经济发展、个人的发展和乡村社会的发展。改革开放后尤其是税费改革以来,国家对乡村治理的方式正由行政型迈向传播型,传播型治理具有治理主体多元化、国家与社会双向互动及信息担负治理媒介等特征。  相似文献   

刘芳 《孔子研究》2020,(1):73-81
中国传统社会以伦理为本位,以孝治国和依礼治村是乡土社会治理的显著特征。首先,孝道传承始于"有礼可依",仪式赋予孝道以知识化和规范化,节庆又将族群的精神气质具象化为礼仪传统。其次,传统乡绅在地方自治和村庄教化中起到传道和卫道的作用,使得乡村孝道在运行中"违礼必究"。再次,乡村孝道的传播和再生产,还有赖于无形的乡村舆论形成的孝道保护的文化磁场,牵引着乡村社会"依礼而治"、"无讼自治"。在百年社会急速蜕变中,现代社会良性协调机制的供给远落后于传统社会良性治理机制的断裂速度,将传统的伦理资源转化为现代社区治理的社会资源,以礼治村与以法治村相辅同向而行,有助于构建新时代文明礼治的乡村社会共同体。  相似文献   

农村社区的治理意味着人情的"在场"和伦理作用的不可或缺。因此,在农村社区治理的具体实践中,应切实发挥村规民约、风俗习惯、民间信仰等传统伦理的作用,利用村民求荣避辱的道德心理,调动乡村精英与广大村民的积极性,依托道德评议会等乡村民间组织,努力实现乡村善治,努力实现社会稳定、经济发展与村民幸福的互动多赢。  相似文献   

中国传统村庄共同体在其形成基础、结构特征和指向意义三个方面显示出显著的伦理共同体特征。伴随着乡村社会的转型,根植于自然经济的传统乡村伦理共同体走向式微。转型期乡村伦理共同体的重建,应通过村庄经济发展、人际关系协调和社区文化建设的实践操作和有效整合,构建一种建立在有机团结基础之上并与乡村工业化、市场化、城市化相适应的"经济—政治—文化"三位一体的新型乡村共同体。  相似文献   

现代乡村家庭伦理建设不仅关系家庭和谐和个体幸福,更是关乎整个社会稳定和社会发展。调查显示:乡村家庭伦理状况总体良好;乡村婚恋伦理多元并存;乡村亲子伦理失衡;乡村家庭道德教育实践乏力;乡村性伦理开放宽容和乡村生育伦理新旧交织。影响当代乡村家庭伦理的主要原因是乡村家庭财富重心和话语权转移;社会道德调控力量弱化;部分村民自身道德素质低下等。加强乡村婚姻家庭伦理制度化建设,推行"德治"以形成良好的社会舆论氛围,加强教育培训以提升村民道德自律能力是改善乡村家庭伦理的基本建议。  相似文献   

"乡土重建"是费孝通针对20世纪上半叶中国基层社会出现的经济瘫痪、行政僵化、乡土损蚀等问题而提出的一种"积极性的主张"。1949年后,乡村社会经历了多种改造,出现了经济、社会和文化的断裂,乡村经济的断裂在农村家庭联产承包责任制改革之后得到了修复,而社会与文化的断裂问题依然存在,突出地表现为乡村居民在城市与乡村之间摇摆不定的社会文化心理。在向市场社会转型过程中,乡村文化矛盾凸显出来,不仅表现为经济与文化原则的分离和相悖发展,也体现在伴随"乡村大流动"而出现的二重性生活方式和二重时空场域的断裂与冲突。乡土重建的主要任务就是要解决乡村转型中的文化矛盾,重建乡村社会秩序。在重建乡土的实践中,遵照互惠原则和共识原则既重要也必要,因为这两个原则是乡村共同体实现关系均衡和社会团结的基础。  相似文献   

以笔者近年在上海浦东地区所做的田野调查、浦东川沙道士薛明德先生的口述资料为基础,本文尝试研究清末至解放初期上海浦东乡村道士的概貌。长久以来,这些乡村道士以"家族道士"的形式生存,世代延续着家族的道业。作为浦东地方社会中最主要的"仪式专家",历史悠久的家族道士常常成为一个社区仪式生活的"主祭司"。通过提供传统的仪式服务与仪式指导,家族道士与社区的庙和村民之间,形成了长期稳定的主顾关系。另一方面,浦东沿海社区的各个家族道士之间因为互拜法师形成的"师承"关联,以及共同的祖师祭祀、仪式互助等行动,使该地区的家族道士自然地形成一幅地方道士团体的面貌,表达了这些火居于社区之中的乡村道士的一种身份意识。  相似文献   

农村人民公社的所有制及基本核算单位,经历了从人民公社的"一大二公"和大集体所有制,到以生产(大)队为基本核算单位,再到生产小队的部分所有制,最后到以生产小队(又称生产队)为基本核算单位的演变历程.总的趋势是一次比一次更朝着符合生产力发展水平、调动农民群众积极性因而更代表群众利益的方向前进.毛泽东在这个历史演进过程中发挥了主要作用.既要承认毛泽东在大跃进和人民公社化运动中犯了严重的指导思想上的左倾错误,也要看到毛泽东为纠正实际工作中的左倾错误而作出的艰辛努力和重要贡献.力求更客观、全面地评价建国后的毛泽东.  相似文献   

In the wake of fifteen years of ‘war’ in Lebanon, the gap between the different religious communities which make up Lebanese society seems to have become unbridgeable. However, through the study of shared traditions, anthropological investigation reveals the existence of a common basis of custom. Similarities in lifestyle and manner of life are all the more apparent in that these communities are united by a common identity (in this case rural), even if at certain times of polarization the likenesses are ignored, and even denied. Detailed research into the funeral rites as practised in a Shicite village in Lebanon today, together with a comparative study of those in a Christian village in the same region, bring to light the fact of a shared way of living and an identical attitude in the face of death.  相似文献   

Conclusion Because of the relatively small and homogeneous population in rural communities, community-wide prevention efforts are often more manageable than in urban areas. Community needs and resources can be identified more easily, and the feasibility of different interventions can be assessed more readily.To guide the rural prevention agent in developing community programs, the stress-coping-support framework has been proposed here. The value of this model is that it delineates the aspects of community life that must be assessed, and it outlines several different intervention goals. The model in its most general form proposes that prevention activities should reduce stress, increase coping, and build support. While this model can be applied to any community or target group, the framework has been elaborated here to address the unique physical, occupational, and societal characteristics of rural communities.Although some of the issues in applying this model to rural, as opposed to urban, areas have been pointed out here, the variation among rural communities has not been addressed fully. The different types of rural communities, e.g., the mining town, the isolated farmlands, the Indian reservation, have unique characteristics which may determine whether a proposed prevention program is needed, feasible, and effective.It is hoped that rural practitioners, long sensitive to the need for prevention, will use this model to devise additional prevention directions and to generate useful and culturally syntonic programs for their communities.  相似文献   

This study employs multiple regression analysis to examine the influence of the charismatic movement on three samples of Anglican churches: 1,553 churches in villages and rural communities, 983 churches in urban communities, and 584 churches in suburban communities. The data demonstrate that the charismatic movement has taken root among Anglicans most securely in urban environments and least securely in rural environments. In all three environments the charismatic movement is associated with positive signs of church growth.  相似文献   

Rural communities experience considerable disparities in mental health. Research about this topic is limited, however, especially in the family therapy field. What is known comes primarily from work in other disciplines, which points to three primary barriers that prevent rural communities from accessing high quality mental health care: availability, accessibility, and acceptability of services. A search for papers published over the past 20 years in family journals yielded only 18 articles. A review of these articles in presented here, alongside a call for family clinicians and researchers to advance further contributions. Specific directions for such research are discussed, including telehealth technology, collaboration with existing structures and institutions in rural communities, and the need for more precise definitions and measures of rurality. Family clinicians and researchers are uniquely positioned to conceptualize systemic challenges that rural communities face, and would be advised to join other disciplines in developing innovative methods to address them.  相似文献   

This article addresses the psychological foundations of participatory and effective community development projects in rural communities in Africa aiming at poverty alleviation. Psychological implications of such projects include improved collective self-esteem of individuals and groups in those communities. Positive community projects also enhance agentic behaviour in communities which are enables in their capacity for action.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - We analyze survey data from 5,487 residents of 85 Texas communities, including rural communities, small towns, medium-sized cities, and the five largest urban...  相似文献   


This is a discussion of urban and rural congregations and communities in service to older persons. Emphasis is on the elderly in an urban Shepherd Center and a rural life center.  相似文献   

The history of the relationship between religion and mental health is one of commonality, conflict, controversy, and distrust. An awareness of this complex relationship is essential to clinicians and clergy seeking to holistically meet the needs of people in our clinics, our churches, and our communities. Understanding this relationship may be particularly important in rural communities. This paper briefly discusses the history of this relationship and important areas of disagreement and contention. The paper moves beyond theory to present some current practical tensions identified in a brief case study of VA/Clergy partnerships in rural Arkansas. The paper concludes with a framework of three models for understanding how most faith communities perceive mental health and suggests opportunities to overcome the tensions between “the pew” and “the couch.”  相似文献   

The urban biases of empirical research on gay men, women, and families have resulted in minimal knowledge about gay people in rural settings. The diversity of lives of rural gay women and men and the variety of patterns of meeting the challenges of rural living are described. Processes of help-seeking and help-giving are discussed and the need for a helping community of family, friends, and caring others is affirmed. Collaboration between rural gay people and rural community psychologists is suggested to promote the development of helping communities for gay people and thereby initiate a process of change in rural settings.  相似文献   

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