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A F Jorm 《Cognition》1979,7(4):421-433
Ellis (1979) credits me with the view that “developmental dyslexia might be regarded as a genetic form of deep dyslexia” and then proceeds to argue that my grounds for this view are ill-founded. He offers an alternative proposal, that developmental dyslexia may be likened to (acquired) surface dyslexia. In this paper I will attempt to answer Ellis' (1979) criticisms and provide a critique of his alternative proposal.  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍的缺陷本质一直是研究者们关注和争论的焦点。近些年, 有研究者提出了一种新的理论假设——噪音抑制缺陷假设, 并得到了许多研究证据的支持。这种缺陷在视觉和听觉通道中均存在, 说明阅读障碍具有多感觉/一般性噪音抑制缺陷。但也有研究者指出知觉噪音抑制本质上反映了注意的功能, 因而这种缺陷可能是由注意缺陷导致的。目前还缺乏直接证据支持汉语阅读障碍存在噪音抑制缺陷。最后本文对该领域未来的发展方向做出展望。  相似文献   

Bosse ML  Tainturier MJ  Valdois S 《Cognition》2007,104(2):198-230
The visual attention (VA) span is defined as the amount of distinct visual elements which can be processed in parallel in a multi-element array. Both recent empirical data and theoretical accounts suggest that a VA span deficit might contribute to developmental dyslexia, independently of a phonological disorder. In this study, this hypothesis was assessed in two large samples of French and British dyslexic children whose performance was compared to that of chronological-age matched control children. Results of the French study show that the VA span capacities account for a substantial amount of unique variance in reading, as do phonological skills. The British study replicates this finding and further reveals that the contribution of the VA span to reading performance remains even after controlling IQ, verbal fluency, vocabulary and single letter identification skills, in addition to phoneme awareness. In both studies, most dyslexic children exhibit a selective phonological or VA span disorder. Overall, these findings support a multi-factorial view of developmental dyslexia. In many cases, developmental reading disorders do not seem to be due to phonological disorders. We propose that a VA span deficit is a likely alternative underlying cognitive deficit in dyslexia.  相似文献   

The perception of the distinction between /r/ and /l/ by native speakers of American English and of Japanese was studied using natural and synthetic speech. The American subjects were all nearly perfect at recognizing the natural speech sounds, whereas there was substantial variation among the Japanese subjects in their accuracy of recognizing /r/ and /l/ except in syllable-final position. A logit model, which additively combined the acoustic information conveyed byF1-transition duration and byF3-onset frequency, provided a good fit to the perception of synthetic /r/ and /l/ by the American subjects. There was substantial variation among the Japanese subjects in whether theF1 andF3 cues had a significant effect on their classifications of the synthetic speech. This variation was related to variation in accuracy of recognizing natural /r/ and /l/, such that greater use of both theF1 cue and theF3 cue in classifying the synthetic speech sounds was positively related to accuracy in recognizing the natural sounds. However, multiple regression showed that use of theF1 cue did not account for significant variance in natural speech performance beyond that accounted for by theF3 cue, indicating that theF3 cue is more important than theF1 cue for Japanese speakers learning English. The relation between performance on natural and synthetic speech also provides external validation of the logit model by showing that it predicts performance outside of the domain of data to which it was fit.  相似文献   

Perceptual discrimination between speech sounds belonging to different phoneme categories is better than that between sounds falling within the same category. This property, known as "categorical perception," is weaker in children affected by dyslexia. Categorical perception develops from the predispositions of newborns for discriminating all potential phoneme categories in the world's languages. Predispositions that are not relevant for phoneme perception in the ambient language are usually deactivated during early childhood. However, the current study shows that dyslexic children maintain a higher sensitivity to phonemic distinctions irrelevant in their linguistic environment. This suggests that dyslexic children use an allophonic mode of speech perception that, although without straightforward consequences for oral communication, has obvious implications for the acquisition of alphabetic writing. Allophonic perception specifically affects the mapping between graphemes and phonemes, contrary to other manifestations of dyslexia, and may be a core deficit.  相似文献   

The notion that developmental dyslexia may result from a general, nonspecific, defect in perceiving rapidly changing auditory signals is a current subject of debate (so-called "temporal processing deficit" hypothesis). Thirteen phonological dyslexics (age 10-13 years) and 10 controls matched for chronological and reading age were compared on a temporal order judgment (TOJ) task using the succession of two consonants (/p/-/s/) within a cluster. In order to test the relevance of the temporal deficit hypothesis, the task also included two additional conditions where either the two stimuli were artificially slowed or the interstimulus interval was expanded. As expected, the TOJ performance was significantly poorer in dyslexics than in controls. Moreover, in the "slowed speech" condition dyslexics' performance improved to reach the normal controls' level, whereas no significant improvement occurred when increasing the interstimulus interval. Finally dyslexics' performances, especially on the slowed condition, were found correlated with several tests of phonological processing (phoneme deletion, rhyme judgment, and nonword spelling tasks). These results lend support to the general temporal deficit theory of dyslexia.  相似文献   

Although the role of IQ in developmental dyslexia remains ambiguous, the dominant clinical and research approaches rely on a definition of dyslexia that requires reading skill to be significantly below the level expected given an individual's IQ. In the study reported here, we used functional MRI (fMRI) to examine whether differences in brain activation during phonological processing that are characteristic of dyslexia were similar or dissimilar in children with poor reading ability who had high IQ scores (discrepant readers) and in children with poor reading ability who had low IQ scores (nondiscrepant readers). In two independent samples including a total of 131 children, using univariate and multivariate pattern analyses, we found that discrepant and nondiscrepant poor readers exhibited similar patterns of reduced activation in brain areas such as left parietotemporal and occipitotemporal regions. These results converge with behavioral evidence indicating that, regardless of IQ, poor readers have similar kinds of reading difficulties in relation to phonological processing.  相似文献   

In adults, the onset of coherent motion compared to random motion in a random dot kinematogram leads to a right hemispheric amplitude advantage of the N2 response. The source of this asymmetry is believed to lie in the motion selective MT+ cortex. Here, we tested whether the right tempo-parietal N2 component shows a similar regularity in children. In particular, we were interested in whether coherent vs. incoherent motion modulates the amplitude of N2 similarly in dyslexic and control children. We found higher N2 amplitude for coherent compared to random motion in the right hemisphere for controls but not for dyslexics. This effect was related to topographical differences of N2 amplitude for random motion between the studied groups and was accompanied by longer reaction times to random motion in dyslexic compared to control children. Furthermore, a negative correlation between the amplitude of N2 for random motion and spelling errors was observed in both groups, which is consistent with previous findings linking the magnocellular-dorsal (MD) pathway with orthographic skills. These data support the hypothesis of subtle deficiencies in the MD pathway in dyslexia.  相似文献   

The perception of the distinction between /r/ and /l/ by native speakers of American English and of Japanese was studied using natural and synthetic speech. The American subjects were all nearly perfect at recognizing the natural speech sounds, whereas there was substantial variation among the Japanese subjects in their accuracy of recognizing /r/ and /l/ except in syllable-final position. A logit model, which additively combined the acoustic information conveyed by F1-transition duration and by F3-onset frequency, provided a good fit to the perception of synthetic /r/ and /l/ by the American subjects. There was substantial variation among the Japanese subjects in whether the F1 and F3 cues had a significant effect on their classifications of the synthetic speech. This variation was related to variation in accuracy of recognizing natural /r/ and /l/, such that greater use of both the F1 cue and the F3 cue in classifying the synthetic speech sounds was positively related to accuracy in recognizing the natural sounds. However, multiple regression showed that use of the F1 cue did not account for significant variance in natural speech performance beyond that accounted for by the F3 cue, indicating that the F3 cue is more important than the F1 cue for Japanese speakers learning English. The relation between performance on natural and synthetic speech also provides external validation of the logit model by showing that it predicts performance outside of the domain of data to which it was fit.  相似文献   


Investigation of a neurological patient (PT) who presents with a relatively pure disorder of reading was carried out. His performance on a number of oral reading tasks was very similar to that of the surface dyslexic patient (HTR) reported by Shallice, Warrington and McCarthy (1983). Both patients showed an effect of “degree” of regularity in terms of accuracy of reading response. PT did not, however, show an effect of “typicality of divergence”, which was considered by Shallice and his colleagues to be responsible for the former effect. The size of orthographic-phonological unit operational in PT's oral reading was experimentally determined. PT appeared to rely on grapheme-phoneme correspondences that were assigned in a probabilistic rather than an “all-or-none” manner. No evidence for the existence of the sub-syllable as an independent unit was found. In contrast, this unit apparently mediated the performance of skilled adult readers. Implications of these results for models of the phonological route are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that developmental dyslexia involves various literacy, sensory, motor skill, and processing speed deficits. Some recent studies have shown that individuals with developmental dyslexia exhibit implicit motor learning deficits, which may be related to cerebellar functioning. However, previous studies on implicit motor learning in developmental dyslexics have produced conflicting results. Findings from cerebellar lesion patients have shown that patients' implicit motor learning performance varied when different hands were used to complete tasks. This suggests that dyslexia may have different effects on implicit motor learning between the two hands if cerebellar dysfunction is involved. To specify this question, we used a one-handed version of a serial reaction time task to compare the performance of 27 Chinese children with developmental dyslexics with another 27 age-matched children without reading difficulties. All the subjects were students from two primary schools, Grades 4 to 6. The results showed that children with developmental dyslexic responded more slowly than nondyslexic children, and exhibited no implicit motor learning in the condition of left-hand response. In contrast, there was no significant difference in reaction time between two groups of children when they used the right hand to respond. This finding indicates that children with developmental dyslexia exhibited normal motor skill and implicit motor learning ability provided the right hand was used. Taken together, these results suggested that Chinese children with developmental dyslexia exhibit unilateral deficits in motor skill and implicit motor learning in the left hand. Our findings lend partial support to the cerebellar deficit theory of developmental dyslexia.  相似文献   

The existence of a phonemic deficit that is predictive of, and probably causal to, many cases of reading difficulty is well established. Tallal (1984) has suggested that this phonemic deficit is in fact a symptom of an underlying auditory temporal processing deficit. Our purpose in this paper is to evaluate the plausibility of this hypothesis. The various components that might constitute sequential (or temporal) processing are described. Our review of the literature reveals considerable evidence for a deficit in dyslexics in stimulus individuation tasks (e.g., gap detection) and temporal order judgments in both the auditory and visual modalities. The possibility that a general temporal processing deficit is associated with dyslexia, as suggested by Tallal (1984), is explored, and possible etiologies for such a deficit are discussed. The possibility of a causal link between temporal processing deficits and some reading disabilities is demonstrated, and converging evidence from morphological studies is reviewed. It is concluded that a temporal processing deficit does appear to be present in many developmental dyslexics, and strategies are suggested for further research aimed at evaluating the hypothesis that this deficit may be the root cause of a number of cases of dyslexia itself.  相似文献   

Anumber of researchers have suggested that deficient visual attention may play a causal role in dyslexia. However, traditional methods for investigating this assertion have been limited by the conflation of sensory and attentional factors and the inability to isolate large attentional effects. In this study, we sought to overcome these problems by combining spatial cuing with a visual search task measuring psychophysical thresholds. In normal readers, uncued search performance was characterized by a strong dependence on the number of elements in the stimulus array. Cuing the location of the target removed much of this effect, suggesting attentional facilitation of performance. Although dyslexic participants' performance in uncued search was nearly identical to that of normal readers, all dyslexic participants failed to gain the same effect of cuing that normal readers did. However, dyslexic participants did not differ from normal readers on tests of magnocellular function, suggesting that this spatial-cuing deficit is not merely a secondary consequence of magnocellular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Vast amounts of neuropsychological evidence have been collected in recent years in support of the hypothesis that developmental dyslexia is caused not only by phonological deficits, but also by timing deficits that affect all senses (e.g., Tallal, Miller, & Fitch, 1995; Stein & Walsh, 1997). In parallel, recent developments in the study of Hebrew reading place heavy emphasis on root awareness in the mental lexicon and early root extraction in the process of word identification (e.g., Frost, Forster, & Deutch, 1997). The present study creates a link between the timing hypothesis and the special demands of Hebrew reading. The performance of dyslexics and normally reading children is compared on tasks requiring visual extraction of trigrams that approximates extracting roots out of Hebrew words. Partial findings show that dyslexics take longer and make more errors while performing trigram extractions on all levels examined, and that sequentiality in the task affects dyslexics and skilled readers in different ways.  相似文献   

At the behavioral level one of the primary disturbances involved in congenital dyslexia concerns phonological processing. At the neuroarchitectural level autopsies have revealed ectopies, e.g., a reduced number of neurons in the upper layers of the cortex and an increased number in the lower ones. In dynamic models of interacting neuronal populations the behavioral level can be related to the neurophysiological level. In this study an attempt is made to do so at the cortical level. The first focus of this model study are the results of a Finnish experiment assessing geminate stop perception in quasi speech stimuli by 6 month old infants using a head turning paradigm and evoked potentials. The second focus of this study are the results of a Dutch experiment assessing discrimination of transients in speech stimuli, by adult dyslexics and controls and 2 month old infants. There appears to be a difference in the phonemic perceptual boundaries of children at genetic risk for dyslexia and control children as revealed in the Finnish study. Assuming a lowered neuronal density in the 'dyslexic' model, reflecting ectopies, it may be postulated that less neuronal surface is available for synaptic connections resulting in a lowered synaptic density and thus a lowered amount of available neurotransmitter. A lowered synaptic density also implies a reduced amount of membrane surface available for neurotransmitter metabolism. By assuming both, a reduced upper bound of neurotransmitter and a reduced metabolic transmitter rate in the dynamic model, the Finnish experimental results can be approximated closely. This applies both to data from behavioral head turning and that of the evoked potential study. In the Dutch study adult dyslexics show poor performance in discriminating transients in the speech signal compared to the controls. The same stimuli were used in a a study comparing infants from dyslexic families and controls. Using the same transmitter parameters as in modeling the results of the Finnish study, also in this case the experimental results for adults and infants can be approximated closely. Simulation of behavioral and pharmaceutical interventions with the model provide predictions which can be put to the test in experiments.  相似文献   

The overall goals of this study were to test single versus multiple cognitive deficit models of dyslexia (reading disability) at the level of individual cases and to determine the clinical utility of these models for prediction and diagnosis of dyslexia. To accomplish these goals, we tested five cognitive models of dyslexia--two single-deficit models, two multiple-deficit models, and one hybrid model--in two large population-based samples, one cross-sectional (Colorado Learning Disability Research Center) and one longitudinal (International longitudinal Twin Study). The cognitive deficits included in these cognitive models were in phonological awareness, language skill, and processing speed and/or naming speed. To determine whether an individual case fit one of these models, we used two methods: 1) the presence or absence of the predicted cognitive deficits, and 2) whether the individual's level of reading skill best fit the regression equation with the relevant cognitive predictors (i.e., whether their reading skill was proportional to those cognitive predictors.) We found that roughly equal proportions of cases met both tests of model fit for the multiple deficit models (30-36%) and single deficit models (24-28%); hence, the hybrid model provided the best overall fit to the data. The remaining roughly 40% of cases in each sample lacked the deficit or deficits that corresponded with their best-fitting regression model. We discuss the clinical implications of these results for both diagnosis of school-age children and preschool prediction of children at risk for dyslexia.  相似文献   

The monolingual nature of speech segmentation by bilinguals.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Monolingual French speakers employ a syllable-based procedure in speech segmentation; monolingual English speakers use a stress-based segmentation procedure and do not use the syllable-based procedure. In the present study French-English bilinguals participated in segmentation experiments with English and French materials. Their results as a group did not simply mimic the performance of English monolinguals with English language materials and of French monolinguals with French language materials. Instead, the bilinguals formed two groups, defined by forced choice of a dominant language. Only the French-dominant groups showed syllabic segmentation and only with French language materials. The English-dominant group showed no syllabic segmentation in either language. However, the English-dominant group showed stress-based segmentation with English language materials; the French-dominant group did not. We argue that rhythmically based segmentation procedures are mutually exclusive, as a consequence of which speech segmentation by bilinguals is, in one respect at least, functionally monolingual.  相似文献   

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