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After prolonged viewing of a slowly drifting or rotating pattern under strict fixation, the pattern appears to slow down and then momentarily stop. The authors show that grouping can slow down the process of "motion fading," suggesting that cortical configural form analysis interacts with the computation of motion signals during motion fading. The authors determined that grouping slows motion fading because it can give rise to trackable features, such as virtual contour terminators not present in the image, that possess stronger motion signals than would occur in the absence of such trackable features. That a continuously rotating stimulus will eventually be perceived to stop, despite the presence of such trackable features, suggests that the motion-from-form system itself can be fatigued. The finding that stationary form can remain visible even after the motion signal has faded suggests that the neural bases of motion visibility and form visibility arise from different neuronal populations.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which Ss had to indicate whether pairs of simple geometric forms were “same” or “different.” In Experiment I the two forms were either both in the left visual hemifield or both in the right hemifield. Reaction times were unaffected by the locus of the stimuli. In Experiment 2, in addition to left and right pairs, there were pairs in which one of the stimuli was on the left and the other was on the right. Under these conditions, reaction times were faster for pairs totally on the left than for pairs totally on the right. The data support the notion that implicit scanning patterns are important in determining laterality differences. When such scanning is not involved and when simple nonverbal stimuli and responses are employed, laterality differences are eliminated.  相似文献   

Priming effects in perceptual classification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Priming stimuli that spatially flank a fixated target stimulus may cause either facilitation or interference with target classification, depending on experimental context. Two experiments demonstrated distinct effects of response compatibility and semantic congruity between flankers and target. Response competition occurred when targets were flanked by context stimuli associated with the opposite response, but this effect diminished when the target was delayed relative to the flankers. Facilitative priming by response-compatible flankers, in contrast, required prior exposure of the flankers, and was strongly influenced by the semantic congruity of flankers and targets. These differing time courses suggest that perceptual priming encompasses a variety of distinct underlying cognitive and motor events.  相似文献   

Semantic congruity effects in perceptual comparisons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Semantic congruity effects occur when, as in Experiment 1, for example, the time to select the shorter of two relatively short lines is faster than the time to select the longer; conversely, selection of the longer of two relatively long lines is faster than selection of the shorter. Semantic congruity effects are also demonstrated in experiments requiring comparisons of the heaviness of weights (Experiment 2) and horizontal extent (Experiment 3). In Experiment 1, the magnitude of the semantic congruity effect was larger under conditions emphasizing accuracy rather than speed and when the comparison was difficult. In fact, when comparisons were errorless, the effect was minimal (20 msec), thereby replicating previous failures to obtain the effect with supraliminal perceptual comparisons (Banks, Mermelstein, & Yu, 1982; Marschark & Paivio, 1981; Petrusic & Baranski, 1988a). In confirmation of Henmon's (1911) introspective analyses of psychophysical comparisons, Experiments 2 and 3 extend the range of the semantic congruity effect to include judgments of confidence. However, in each of the three experiments, semantic congruity effects were not evident with the response-accuracy measure. Finally, using highly confusable stimuli, in Experiment 3 the magnitude of the semantic congruity effect was shown to be larger for error than for correct response times. The implications of these findings for a decisional locus of the effect and for the semantic coding theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Temporally-extended perception involves a delicate balance of constancy and change. 'This can be seen, for instance, when viewing bistable figures such as the Necker cube. A recent study by Gepshtein and Kubovy of sequential effects in multistable dot lattices demonstrates constancy and change within the same set of data. They propose that these opposing trends might be explained by the same single factor: a persistent random orientation bias that is intrinsic to brain activity. This proposal could form the basis for a new account of multistability.  相似文献   

A study is reported which shows that accommodation can be stimulated by a blur stimulus which is below the threshold for visual perception. It is also shown that perceptual fading of the target, caused by stabilization of the retinal image (Troxler phenomenon), can eliminate the accommodative response causing it to default to its resting level. The first finding suggests a way in which the visual system can filter the percept of blur out of our conscious awareness and still effectively utilize the blur as a steady-state error for the accommodative control system. The second finding is consistent with a locus for the Troxler phenomenon in the early afferent part of the visual pathway, ie the retinal ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Grouping effects on spatial attention in visual search.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In visual search tasks, spatial attention selects the locations containing a target or a distractor with one of the target's features, implying that spatial attention is driven by target features (M.-S. Kim & K. R. Cave, 1995). The authors measured the effects of location-based grouping processes in visual search. In searches for a color-shape combination (conjunction search), spatial probes indicated that a cluster of same-color or same-shape elements surrounding the target were grouped and selected together. However, in searches for a shape target (feature search), evidence for grouping by an irrelevant feature dimension was weaker or nonexistent. Grouping processes aided search for a visual target by selecting groups of locations that shared a common feature, although there was little or no grouping by an irrelevant feature when the target was defined by a unique salient feature.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that a procedural-based classification system mediates the learning of information-integration categories, whereas a hypothesis-testing system mediates the learning of rule-based categories. Ashby, Ell and Waldron (2003) provided support for this claim by showing that a button switch introduced during classification transfer adversely affected information-integration but not rule-based performance. Nosofsky, Stanton and Zaki (2005) showed that increasing "cognitive complexity" can lead to button switch costs on rule-based performance. They argue that "cognitive complexity," and not the existence of separable classification systems, accounts for Ashby et al.'s empirical dissociation. The present study shows that experimental manipulations that increase "cognitive complexity" often have dissociable effects on information-integration and rule-based classification that are predicted a priori from the processing characteristics associated with the procedural-based and hypothesis-testing systems. These results suggest that manipulations of "cognitive complexity" can be dissociated, suggesting that "cognitive complexity" in not a unitary construct that affects a single psychological process.  相似文献   

Categorization research typically assumes that the cognitive system has access to a (more or less noisy) representation of the absolute magnitudes of the properties of stimuli and that this information is used in reaching a categorization decision. However, research on identification of simple perceptual stimuli suggests that people have very poor representations of absolute magnitude information and that judgments about absolute magnitude are strongly influenced by preceding material. The experiments presented here investigate such sequence effects in categorization tasks. Strong sequence effects were found. Classification of a borderline stimulus was more accurate when preceded by a distant member of the opposite category than by a distant member of the same category. It is argued that this category contrast effect cannot be accounted for by extant exemplar or decision-bound models of categorization. The effect suggests the use of relative magnitude information in categorization. A memory and contrast model illustrates how relative magnitude information may be used in categorization.  相似文献   

We trained unilingual adult Canadian francophone listeners to identify the English voiceless and voiced linguadental ("th") frictives, /theta/ and /delta/, using synthetic exemplars of each phoneme. Identification training with feedback improved listeners' abilities to identify both natural and synthetic tokens. These results show that training with appropriately selected prototype stimuli can produce a linguistically meaningful improvement in a listener's ability to identify new, nonnative speech sounds--both natural and synthetic. However, it is not yet clear whether such training with a single prototype can improve performance as effectively as the fading technique used by Jamieson and Morosan (1986), since prototype training produced only a moderate improvement in listeners' identifications of synthetic stimuli containing brief frication. Differences between the techniques may reflect the need for listeners to experience the appropriate types of intraphonemic and interphonemic variability during training. Such variability may help to define the category prototype by desensitizing the subjects to differences between exemplars of the same category and by sharpening sensitivity to differences between categories.  相似文献   

We examined how feedback delay and stimulus offset timing affected declarative, rule-based and procedural, information–integration category-learning. We predicted that small feedback delays of several hundred milliseconds would lead to the best information–integration learning based on a highly regarded neurobiological model of learning in the striatum. In Experiment 1 information–integration learning was best with feedback delays of 500 ms compared to delays of 0 and 1000 ms. This effect was only obtained if the stimulus offset following the response. Rule-based learning was unaffected by the length of feedback delay, but was better when the stimulus was present throughout feedback than when it offset following the response. In Experiment 2 we found that a large variance (SD = 150 ms) in feedback delay times around a mean delay of 500 ms attenuated information–integration learning, but a small variance (SD = 75 ms) did not. In Experiment 3 we found that the delay between stimulus offset and feedback is more critical to information–integration learning than the delay between the response and feedback. These results demonstrate the importance of feedback timing in category-learning situations where a declarative, verbalizable rule cannot easily be used as a heuristic to classify members into their correct category.  相似文献   

A Bayesian model for implicit effects in perceptual identification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retrieving effectively from memory (REM; R. M. Shiffrin & M. Steyvers, 1997), an episodic model of memory, is extended to implicit memory phenomena, namely the perceptual identification studies reported in R. Ratcliff and G. McKoon (1997). In those studies, the influence of prior study was greatest when words were presented most briefly and when forced-choice targets and foils were most similar. R. Ratcliff and G. McKoon use these data to argue against models in which prior study changes a word's representation. A model in which prior study changes a word's representation by adding context information is fit to their data; at test, the model uses a Bayesian decision process to compare the perceptual and context features associated with the test flash to stored traces. The effects of prior study are due to matching extra context information and are larger when alternatives share many features, thereby reducing noise that attenuates these effects.  相似文献   

Latencies of same-different judgments to pairs of two-digit numerals were recorded for stimuli presented in familiar or unfamiliar (inverted) orientation. Familiar stimuli were responded to more quickly than unfamiliar. For both stimulus types, latencies were correlated with the syllable length of the verbal representation of the numerals, allowing the interpretation that the effect of stimulus orientation is on encoding processes. In two other experiments, it was found that familiarity had no effect on different judgments when the stimuli were relatively simple (e.g., a single digit), but did affect different judgments with more complex stimuli. These results were related to the hypothesis that the complexity of verbal material determines whether different judgments are instigated by visual or by verbal representations of the stimuli.  相似文献   

The effects of attention on perceptual implicit memory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Reports on the effects of dividing attention at study on subsequent perceptual priming suggest that perceptual priming is generally unaffected by attentional manipulations as long as word identity is processed. We tested this hypothesis in three experiments by using the implicit word fragment completion and word stem completion tasks. Division of attention was instantiated with the Stroop task in order to ensure the processing of word identity even when the participant's attention was directed to a stimulus attribute other than the word itself. Under these conditions, we found that even though perceptual priming was significant, it was significantly reduced in magnitude. A stem cued recall test in Experiment 2 confirmed a more deleterious effect of divided attention on explicit memory. Taken together, our findings delineate the relative contributions of perceptual analysis and attentional processes in mediating perceptual priming on two ubiquitously used tasks of word fragment completion and word stem completion.  相似文献   

Perceptual load theory [Lavie, N. (1995). Perceptual load as a necessary condition for selective attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 21, 451–468.; Lavie, N., & Tsal, Y. (1994) Perceptual load as a major determinant of the locus of selection in visual attention. Perception & Psychophysics, 56, 183–197.] proposes that interference from distractors can only be avoided in situations of high perceptual load. This theory has been supported by blocked design manipulations separating low load (when the target appears alone) and high load (when the target is embedded among neutral letters). Tsal and Benoni [(2010a). Diluting the burden of load: Perceptual load effects are simply dilution effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36, 1645–1656.; Benoni, H., & Tsal, Y. (2010). Where have we gone wrong? Perceptual load does not affect selective attention. Vision Research, 50, 1292–1298.] have recently shown that these manipulations confound perceptual load with “dilution” (the mere presence of additional heterogeneous items in high-load situations). Theeuwes, Kramer, and Belopolsky [(2004). Attentional set interacts with perceptual load in visual search. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 697–702.] independently questioned load theory by suggesting that attentional sets might also affect distractor interference. When high load and low load were intermixed, and participants could not prepare for the presentation that followed, both the low-load and high-load trials showed distractor interference. This result may also challenge the dilution account, which proposes a stimulus-driven mechanism. In the current study, we presented subjects with both fixed and mixed blocks, including a mix of dilution trials with low-load trials and with high-load trials. We thus separated the effect of dilution from load and tested the influence of attentional sets on each component. The results revealed that whereas perceptual load effects are influenced by attentional sets, the dilution component is not. This strengthens the notion that dilution is a stimulus-driven mechanism, which enables effective selectivity.  相似文献   

Contrast-based early visual processing has largely been considered to involve autonomous processes that do not need the support of cognitive resources. However, as spatial attention is known to modulate early visual perceptual processing, we explored whether cognitive load could similarly impact contrast-based perception. We used a dual-task paradigm to assess the impact of a concurrent working memory task on the performance of three different early visual tasks. The results from Experiment 1 suggest that cognitive load can modulate early visual processing. No effects of cognitive load were seen in Experiments 2 or 3. Together, the findings provide evidence that under some circumstances cognitive load effects can penetrate the early stages of visual processing and that higher cognitive function and early perceptual processing may not be as independent as was once thought.  相似文献   

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