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根据世界卫生组织的健康定义,健康是人的生理、心理和社会的协调一致,反之产生疾病.糖尿病在影响人们生理、心理健康的同时,影响着人们的生活方式、社会关系、收入和社会期望度.因此糖尿病的诊断和治疗必须考虑到患者的心理社会因素.临床医生应学会使用现代的生物心理社会模式,倡导正确的行为生活方式、落实连续性医疗服务、提高卫生服务整体效能、提供多方位社会支持、选择个体化的糖尿病治疗方案,针对性地进行糖尿病的防治.  相似文献   

根据世界卫生组织的健康定义,健康是人的生理、心理和社会的协调一致,反之产生疾病。糖尿病在影响人们生理、心理健康的同时,影响着人们的生活方式、社会关系、收入和社会期望度。因此糖尿病的诊断和治疗必须考虑到患者的心理社会因素。临床医生应学会使用现代的生物心理社会模式,倡导正确的行为生活方式、落实连续性医疗服务、提高卫生服务整体效能、提供多方位社会支持、选择个体化的糖尿病治疗方案,针对性地进行糖尿病的防治。  相似文献   

不良生活方式形成的原因探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不良生活方式是慢性病的主要危险因素。生活方式应当既包括生活活动,又包括生产活动,是一种连续的行为。不良生活方式具有自创性、社会性、播散性和可改变性。健康生活方式具有主动性、高尚性、和谐性、适宜性和健康有利性。不良生活方式产生的原因主要有生活目的需求和动机的错位,人格缺陷,社会压力与从众心理,无知及社会的变迁等。  相似文献   

按学生体质健康标准测试内容及评分标准的规定,连续10年(2002年~2012年)从大连海洋大学学生的体检、体测资料中,每年随机抽取200名(男、女各100名)、年龄在19岁~21岁的样本,探讨其体质健康的变化趋势.统计结果显示,体质及格者、良好者、优秀者的平均增长速度分别为2.4%、-1.2%、-1.9%.可见,大学生体质健康有逐年下降的趋势.建议学校认真落实健康第一的指导思想,加强对大学生的健康教育;对不良的生活方式进行干预.  相似文献   

浅析肿瘤疫苗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
肿瘤疫苗作为肿瘤特异性主动免疫治疗的方式,目的是激发启动,调节增强机体固有的免疫功能和抗癌能力以维护机体生理平衡。具有使机体由被动抗癌向主动抗癌转变的特点。  相似文献   

高血压是我国心脑血管病致死的主要危险因素,我国高血压的发病率仍在不断增高.但近年高血压的“知晓率,治疗率和达标率”改变仍不明显.在大量的临床工作中,由于患者多,工作繁忙等原因,医生在日常工作中,与患者没有机会交流,对高血压患者的处理,只限于开药,并不能与患者进行健康生活方式的指导,更缺乏心理交流.因此,对高血压患者的治疗,并不能得到很好的治疗依从性,影响治疗效果.本文根据本人的一点临床工作经验,提出必须重视与患者的交流,加强对患者不良生活方式的纠正,积极鼓励戒烟,降低钠盐摄入等综合防治措施,力争达到较好的高血压治疗效果.  相似文献   

气象条件是组成人类生活环境的重要要素,气象条件及其变化不仅影响人的生理健康,对人的心理情绪方面的影响也非常明显。有利的气象条件,可使人们情绪高涨、心情舒畅、生活质量和工作效率提高;而不利的气象条件,则使人情绪低落、心胸憋闷、懒惰无力,甚至会导致精神病态和行为异常。  相似文献   

我们生活的时代日新月异,社会的进步让物质生活变得极为丰富,但随之而来的许多问题也引人深思。"消费主义"引起的物欲膨胀,"快文化"导致的精神匮乏,快节奏生活带来的焦虑和不安等,使得整个社会蔓延着一种不良的情绪。面对这种种的失衡与非理性,人们有必要放慢脚步停下来思考生活的意义,在追求速度和效率的快节奏中,我们的生活状态和思维方式是否也被不自觉影响了?  相似文献   

疲劳心理学的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
(一)疲劳的性质与特点疲劳是一种正常的生理心理现象.从生理学的观点来看,疲劳与休息是能量消耗与恢复相互交替的机体活动,疲劳与体息的合理调节,可以使人体的感觉器官、运动器官与中枢神经系统的机能得到锻炼、提高.在一定范围内,疲劳对人体并没有什么害处,相反,人体如果长期缺乏应有的疲劳,则会引起机体内部活动的失调如睡眠不良,食欲不佳,精神不振等.疲劳按其产生的性质,可分为生理疲劳与心理疲劳两种.生理疲劳是由于人体连续不断的活动(或短时间的剧烈活动),肌肉内产生超过负荷能力的乳酸引起的;心理疲劳是由长期集中于重复性的单调工作引起的,因这种工作不易引起劳动者的动机和浓厚的直接兴趣,加之没有适当的休息与调换工作的性质,就会使人厌倦与焦躁不安,甚至失  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症为育龄妇女常见疑难疾病.本文在临床实践中,先分析目前中西医各自相关理论的局限,再分别采用对方的理论视角审视己方的观察结果,得出结论认为病因病机是机体全身适应性降低导致自身原有的生理因子表现为病理作用,在生殖系统即为内膜异位的各种病症,治疗原则均不应是单单拮抗相关的病理因子,而应该调和包括雌激素在内的各种因子以增强机体的适应能力,进而设计个体化的中西药治疗方案,进行分阶段、恢复生理节律为目的,精确调理生殖激素的治疗.  相似文献   


When it comes to determining how healthcare resources should be allocated, there are many factors that could—and perhaps should—be taken into account. One such factor is a patient’s responsibility for his or her illness, or for the behavior that caused it. Policies that take responsibility for the unhealthy lifestyle or its outcomes into account—responsibility-sensitive policies—have faced a series of criticisms. One holds that agents often fail to meet either the control or epistemic conditions on responsibility with regard to their unhealthy lifestyles or their outcomes. Another holds that even if patients sometimes are responsible for these items, we cannot know whether a particular patient is responsible for them. In this article, we propose a type of responsibility-sensitive policy that may be able to surmount these difficulties. Under this type of policy, patients are empowered to change to a healthier lifestyle by being given what we call a ‘Golden Opportunity’ to change. Such a policy would not only avoid concerns about patients’ fulfilment of conditions on responsibility for their lifestyles, it would also allow healthcare authorities to be justified in believing that a patient who does not change her lifestyle is responsible for the unhealthy lifestyle. We conclude with a discussion of avenues for further work, and place this policy in the broader context of the debate on responsibility for health.



Family therapists have used Genograms as an assessment tool for years to examine the interactions and relationships of family members across generations. This article discusses how a therapist can use a genogram creatively to help clients examine the impact of family relationships on healthy and unhealthy lifestyle patterns and how those relationships may be influencing the manner in which clients are currently managing their lives. The integration of a creative genogram can assist clients in recognizing inherited health-disease risks, learned lifestyle patterns, and parental behavior modeling. This technique can assist clients in developing a healthier lifestyle.  相似文献   

Trait self-control is related to a number of positive outcomes, including mental health, interpersonal success, academic success and health-related behaviours. This study sought to explore the relationships between self-control, reports of mental and physical health symptoms and coping styles. The results revealed that higher self-control was related to fewer mental and physical health symptoms and less avoidance coping. There was not a significant relationship between self-control and problem-focused or emotion-focused coping styles. Further, the relationships between self-control and mental and physical health outcomes were partially mediated by avoidance coping style. Specifically, the data suggest lower self-control is associated with unhealthy coping strategies (avoidance coping), which in turn are associated with worse mental health outcomes and greater reports of physical health symptoms. Thus lower trait self-control can serve as an indicator, suggesting circumstances in which individuals’ tendencies to engage in unhealthy coping strategies are increased. These findings add to a growing body of literature underscoring the importance of trait self-control.  相似文献   


This research was designed to determine the extent to which employee health and performance are predicted by lifestyle and stress. Data were collected from 345 employees working in a variety of organizations in southern California. Additionally, supervisors evaluated the work performance of the participating employees whom they directly supervised, and company records of employee health care costs were obtained. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed (a) that physical lifestyle (i.e., exercise pattern, eating habits, and general health practices) predicted unique variance in vitality and positive well-being; (b) that psychosocial lifestyle (i.e., social relations, intellectual activity, occupational conditions, and spiritual involvement) predicted unique variance in vitality, positive well-being, anxiety, depression, lack of self-control, and somatic complaints; (c) that employee stress predicted unique variance in vitality, positive well-being, anxiety, depression, physician visits, somatic complaints, illness absences, and supervisory ratings of job performance, absenteeism and tardiness; (d) that physical lifestyle buffered the adverse consequences of stress for anxiety, depression, physician visits, and company health care costs; and (e) that there was a Physical x Psychosocial Lifestyle interaction for anxiety, depression, and lack of self-control. However, the employee lifestyle factors were not related to supervisory ratings of performance at work. The findings have direct implications for organizational health programs and policies.  相似文献   

Objective: Compensatory health beliefs (CHBs), defined as beliefs that healthy behaviours can compensate for unhealthy behaviours, may be one possible factor hindering people in adopting a healthier lifestyle. This study examined the contribution of CHBs to the prediction of adolescents’ physical activity within the theoretical framework of the Health Action Process Approach (HAPA).

Design: The study followed a prospective survey design with assessments at baseline (T1) and two weeks later (T2).

Method: Questionnaire data on physical activity, HAPA variables and CHBs were obtained twice from 430 adolescents of four different Swiss schools. Multilevel modelling was applied.

Results: CHBs added significantly to the prediction of intentions and change in intentions, in that higher CHBs were associated with lower intentions to be physically active at T2 and a reduction in intentions from T1 to T2. No effect of CHBs emerged for the prediction of self-reported levels of physical activity at T2 and change in physical activity from T1 to T2.

Conclusion: Findings emphasise the relevance of examining CHBs in the context of an established health behaviour change model and suggest that CHBs are of particular importance in the process of intention formation.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to explore the meanings people over 70 years of age attribute to their experience when endeavouring to engage in a more physically active lifestyle.MethodDrawing on the tenets of phenomenology meant the empiricism of the study was grounded in the everyday details and social context of the lived experience. Seventeen women and nine men participated in interviews that were audio recorded then analysed using a process of inductive analysis and constant comparison. This process resulted in the emergence of four themes that are used to elucidate the essence of the participants’ experiences.ResultsWithin 2 months of seeking advice about an exercise programme the majority of participants were unable to persevere with any commitment or regularity to their proposed lifestyle change. The reasons for this were numerous and varied. Rather than getting caught up in the pursuit of what might be termed optimal health, most participants held a belief that for their older body to maintain a good level of functional ability, it must be a busy body. This highlights a difference between the scientific meaning, and the socially and culturally constructed meanings with regards to what levels physical activity are necessary for good health in later life.ConclusionThe knowledge, beliefs and attitudes older people have regarding the importance of physical activity in later life do not necessarily mean leading an active lifestyle. Furthermore, it is evident there are variety of perspectives with regards to how the concept of optimum health permeates the way we have come to define physical activity and health-related fitness in later life.  相似文献   

健康危险因素评价是研究危险因素与慢性病发病及死亡之间的数量依存关系。进行健康危险评价对传播健康知识,提高社会对健康危险因素的认识,促使人们改变不良行为和生活方式,减少危险因素,提高健康水平和生活质量,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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