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This study investigates the consistency and accuracy of person judgments at zero acquaintance in two conditions: Targets were judged repeatedly across a sequence of videotaped situations, either (a) by different observers in each situation, or (b) by the same observer in all situations. Replicating previous research, accuracy increased (inversely accelerated) when including additional situations rated by different observers. However, much of this increase was owed to improved inter-rater reliability (a confound in previous research). Also, cross-situational consistency of judgments was much higher when all ratings came from the same observer. These results underscore the crucial influence of shared meaning on judgment accuracy and consistency.  相似文献   

A number of studies in recent years have suggested that exogenous and endogenous attention might enhance the perceived magnitude of various perceptual attributes, such as contrast and motion speed. Those studies have generally used comparative judgments as a measure to assess the point of subjective equality; however, similarity judgments have been proposed as possibly less prone to decision biases (Schneider & Komlos, 2008). In three experiments, using a similarity judgment task, we did not find any evidence of motion speed enhancement by exogenous attention. We suggest that the effect revealed by comparative judgments arises at the decisional, rather than the perceptual, stage.  相似文献   

This paper examines the spillover and crossover effects of emotional exhaustion on marital satisfaction for both employees and partners as well as on employee work–family conflict and partner family–work conflict. It investigates how the transmission of psychological strain from the workplace to the family domain mediates these relationships. In a sample of 226 employee–partner dyads from manufacturing, electronics, banking, service industries and public organizations, the results support the notion that employees' emotional exhaustion spawns negative strain in the home. More specifically, the results of spillover mediation analyses show the relationships between emotional exhaustion and employee marital satisfaction/work–family conflict in the home. In a crossover model, the results indicate that employee psychological strain mediates the relationships between emotional exhaustion and the marital satisfaction of partners/family–work conflict in partners. These findings provide supports for spillover and crossover models to investigate a direction for the effectiveness of emotional exhaustion on family issues. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed, and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Science that needs logical demonstration has failed to eliminate religious concepts. It is as if they have own validity that cannot be broken by scientific knowledge we trust the most at present. In this paper, I will attempt to establish a new cognitive theory to help explain the basis of belief in religious concepts. This form of cognition will be named simply unifying-induction or unifying-inductive cognition. As illustrations, I will consider some typical religious discourses involving concepts such as “all-in-one” or “one is everything.” It is these typically religious discourses that science has not been able to easily sweep away by its logical scientific proofs. In the end, although we perhaps cannot know if the religious beings such as gods really exist or not, we may understand these concepts are very the creation of human cognition. It also has important implications for other disciplines such as robotics, developmental psychology, cognitive archaeology, the history of science, the study of religion and so on.  相似文献   

The influence of celebrity spokespersons has largely been examined using source models from the communication literature that feature explicit persuasive messages. Alternatively, theorizing by McCracken (1989) offers a more comprehensive explanation based on meaning transfer. Our research elaborates McCracken's model by investigating a cognitive process underlying meaning transfer. Evaluative conditioning procedures are used as the tool to expose this process. To assess celebrity influence as it may operate in the marketplace, well-known brands and well-known celebrities are featured. The results support, at the individual level, McCracken's theoretical axiom concerning meaning transfer from celebrity affiliate to brand.  相似文献   

This article analyzes computational properties that clarify why the parallel cortical systems V1----V2, V1----MT, and V1----V2----MT exist for the perceptual processing of static visual forms and moving visual forms. The article describes a symmetry principle, called FM symmetry, that is predicted to govern the development of these parallel cortical systems by computing all possible ways of symmetrically gating sustained cells with transient cells and organizing these sustained-transient cells into opponent pairs of on-cells and off-cells whose output signals are insensitive to direction of contrast. This symmetric organization explains how the static form system (static BCS) generates emergent boundary segmentations whose outputs are insensitive to direction of contrast and insensitive to direction of motion, whereas the motion form system (motion BCS) generates emergent boundary segmentations whose outputs are insensitive to direction of contrast but sensitive to direction of motion. FM symmetry clarifies why the geometries of static and motion form perception differ--for example, why the opposite orientation of vertical is horizontal (90 degrees), but the opposite direction of up is down (180 degrees). Opposite orientations and directions are embedded in gated dipole opponent processes that are capable of antagonistic rebound. Negative afterimages, such as the MacKay and waterfall illusions, are hereby explained as are aftereffects of long-range apparent motion. These antagonistic rebounds help to control a dynamic balance between complementary perceptual states of resonance and reset. Resonance cooperatively links features into emergent boundary segmentations via positive feedback in a CC loop, and reset terminates a resonance when the image changes, thereby preventing massive smearing of percepts. These complementary preattentive states of resonance and reset are related to analogous states that govern attentive feature integration, learning, and memory search in adaptive resonance theory. The mechanism used in the V1----MT system to generate a wave of apparent motion between discrete flashes may also be used in other cortical systems to generate spatial shifts of attention. The theory suggests how the V1----V2----MT cortical stream helps to compute moving form in depth and how long-range apparent motion of illusory contours occurs. These results collectively argue against vision theories that espouse independent processing modules. Instead, specialized subsystems interact to overcome computational uncertainties and complementary deficiencies, to cooperatively bind features into context-sensitive resonances, and to realize symmetry principles that are predicted to govern the development of the visual cortex.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence in the psychological literature that perceived status often has a major effect on behavior. The primary purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of two status variables in an academic setting by monitoring reprint-sending behavior. Reprints were requested from 1,200 authors of psychological articles by men and women of varying academic rank. Neither sex nor academic rank of requester had any significant effect on the total number of responses returned. However, male requesters received responses significantly faster than did female requesters. In addition, subsequent analyses indicated that reprint requests were more likely to be honored by male authors than by female authors.  相似文献   

Although there is evidence that selective adaptation and contrast effects in speech perception are produced by the same mechanisms, Sawusch and Jusczyk (1981) reported a dissociation between the effects and concluded that adaptation and contrast occur at separate processing levels. They found that an ambiguous test stimulus was more likely to be labeled b following adaptation with [pha] and more likely to be labeled p following adaptation with [ba] or [spa] (the latter consisting of [ba] preceded by [s] noise). In the contrast session, where a single context stimulus occurred with a single test item, the [ba] and [pha] contexts had contrastive effects similar to those of the [ba] and [pha] adaptors, but the [spa] context produced an increase in b responses to the test stimulus, an effect opposite to that of the [spa] adaptor. One interpretation of this difference is that the rapid presentation of the [spa] adaptor gave rise to "streaming," whereby the [s] was perceptually segregated from the [ba]. In our experiment, we essentially replicated the results of Sawusch and Jusczyk (1981), using procedures similar to theirs. Next, we increased the interadaptor interval to remove the likelihood of stream segregation and found that the adaptation and contrast effects converged.  相似文献   

The temporal locus of morphological decomposition in spoken-word recognition was explored in three experiments in which French participants detected the initial CV (LA) or CVC (LAV) in matched monomorphemic pseudosuffixed (lavande) and polymorphemic-suffixed (lavage) carrier words. The proportion of foil trials was increased across experiments (0, 50, or 100%) to delay the moment when participants responded. For the experiment without foils and with the fastest reaction times, a similar pattern of results was obtained for the two types of carrier words. In contrast, an interaction between target type and morphological status of the carrier was obtained when the proportion of foils was higher and the detection latencies were slower. These results point to a late processing locus of morphological decomposition.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that psychological distress not only has consequences for those who experience it but also can create problems for other members of the distressed person's family. To examine whether parents' work burnout and their children's school burnout are shared in the family, 515 adolescents (median age = 15) completed scales for school burnout and 595 of their parents (342 mothers, 253 fathers) completed scales for work burnout and their economic situation. The intraclass correlations showed that parents' work burnout and adolescents' school burnout was shared in the family. In addition, the better the economic situation the parents' experienced, the lower was the level of shared burnout in the family.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of semantic transparency on morphological facilitation in English in three lexical decision experiments. Decision latencies to visual targets (e.g., CASUALNESS) were faster after semantically transparent (e.g., CASUALLY) than semantically opaque (e.g., CASUALTY) primes whether primes were auditory and presented immediately before onset of the target (Experiment 1a) or visual with an stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 250 ms (Experiment 1b). Latencies did not differ at an SOA of 48 ms (Experiment 2) or with a forward mask at an SOA of 83 ms (Experiment 3). Generally, effects of semantic transparency among morphological relatives were evident at long but not at short SOAs with visual targets, regardless of prime modality. Moreover, the difference in facilitation after opaque and transparent primes was graded and increased with family size of the base morpheme.  相似文献   

Previous theory and research suggests that perceiving shared humanity with others should be a positive force for intergroup relations. The present research considers the alternative possibility, that notions of shared humanity might protect people from feelings of guilt over ingroup perpetrated harm by obscuring the ingroup's unique role in these events. Consistent with this idea, Study 1 (N = 58) found that perceiving shared humanity with a harmed outgroup was associated with less guilt and stronger expectations of forgiveness among members of the perpetrator group. Study 2 (N = 52) demonstrated that these effects only occurred when the moral integrity of the ingroup was open to question. When ingroup morality was instead secure, defensive use of humanity was not apparent. Together, these studies suggest that perceiving harmful ingroup actions as ‘only human’ can sometimes be a moral defence that absolves group members of feelings of responsibility for wrongdoing. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the recent literature in generative morphology, it has been assumed that multimorphemic words must be characterized as having a hierarchical internal structure which is expressible in the form of morphological trees. This paper reports on an experiment which addresses the following question: Are these structures relevant to complex word recognition? In a naming latency experiment, subjects were presented with prefixed and suffixed nonsense roots. The use of stimuli such as these allowed for the control of real word effects such as frequency and semantic plausibility and made it possible to systematically vary the configuration of the morphological trees. Significant response time differences were found between the morphologically illegal forms and legal configurations. This was taken as evidence that subjects do compute morphological representations. Because no differences were found between legal left-branching structures and legal right-branching structures, it was concluded that morphological computation is not sensitive to the serial ordering of morphemes within a complex word.  相似文献   

A new focus in the field of emotional memory is the study of sex-related differences. Whether the sex-related lateralization of amygdala function (i.e., the female-left/male-right effect) in the emotional enhancement of memory (EEM) is time-dependent remains unclear. To evaluate this phenomenon, we conducted a two time-point study (20 min vs. 24 h) using fMRI and behavioral paradigms. We found that the right amygdala predicted 20-min EEM, while the left amygdala predicted 24-h EEM. The sex-related lateralization of amygdala function was not detected in either the 20-min or the 24-h EEM. Our results further confirm and extend the idea that the amygdala exhibits a lateralized and time-dependent dissociation, occurring even in the 24-h EEM relative to the 20-min EEM. The present and previous studies indicate that sex-related lateralization of amygdala function occurs in the 2- to 3-week EEM, but it does not occur in the 1-week, 24-h, or less than 30-min EEM, suggesting that this effect on emotional memory may also be time-dependent.  相似文献   

The head, eye, and shoulder are each free to rotate around three mutually orthogonal axes. These three degrees of freedom allow a given gaze or pointing direction of the eye, head, or arm to be obtained in many different possible orientations. Unlike translations in three dimensions, three-dimensional (3-D) rotations are noncommutative. Therefore, the orientation of a rigid body following sequential rotations about two different axes depends on the order of the rotations. In this article, we demonstrate that only two degrees of freedom are used during orienting movements of the head and pointing movements of the arm. This provides a unique orientation of head and arm for each gaze or pointing direction despite the noncommutativity of three-dimensional rotations. This observation is in itself not new. We found, however, that (a) the two-dimensional lquot;rotation surface,rquot; which describes the orientation of the head for all gaze directions, is curved, unlike the analogous flat plane for the eye. (b) The rotation surface for the head is curved differently than that for the arm. This result argues against the hypothesis that the orientations of head and arm are directly coupled during pointing. It also implies that the orientation of the eye in space during gaze shifts of the eye and head is not uniquely determined for a given direction of gaze. This finding argues against a perceptual basis for the reduction of rotational degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

Are the phonological representations of printed and spoken words isomorphic? This question is addressed by investigating the restrictions on onsets. Cross-linguistic research suggests that onsets of rising sonority are preferred to sonority plateaus, which, in turn, are preferred to sonority falls (e.g., bnif [symbol: see text] bdif [symbol: see text] lbif). Of interest is whether these grammatical preferences constrain the recognition of auditory and printed words by speakers of English--a language in which such onsets are unattested. Five experiments compare phonological lexical decision responses to nonwords, including unattested onsets, through either aural or visual presentation. Results suggest that both hearers and readers are sensitive to the phonotactics of unattested onsets. However, the phonotactic generalizations of hearers and readers differ on their scope and source. Hearers differentiated all three types of onsets (e.g., bnif, bdif, and lbif), and their behavior implicated both grammatical and statistical constraints. In contrast, readers were able to differentiate only those structures similar to attested English onsets from dissimilar structures (i.e., bnif vs. bdif or lbif), and their preferences reflected statistical knowledge alone. These findings suggest that the phonological representations informing lexical decision to spoken and printed words are not isomorphic.  相似文献   

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