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It is well established that humans can recognize high-level aspects from point-light biological motion, such as gender and mood. If the task is to judge the manipulated weight we expected that sensorimotor regions should be recruited in the brain. Moreover, we have recently shown that chronic pain in a limb that is involved in the presented movement disturbs the weight judgment. We therefore hypothesized that some cortical regions usually activated during the processing of pain will also be activated while viewing point-light biological motion with the instruction to judge the manipulated weights. We investigated point-light biological motion of two types of movements performed with different weights in a blocked fMRI experiment in healthy subjects. In line with our a priori hypothesis, we found strong activity in the regions known as the neuromatrix of pain, such as the anterior cingulate (ACC), insula, as well as primary and secondary somatosensory regions. We also found activation in the occipital and temporal regions that are typical for biological motion, as well as regions in the cerebellum and prefrontal cortex. The activation of the somatosensory regions probably serves the judgment of the biological motion stimuli. Activation of the anterior cingulate and the insula might be explained by their role in the integration of behaviorally relevant information. Alternatively, these structures are known to be involved in the processing of nociceptive information and pain. So it seems possible that the interference between judgment of weights and perception of pain in chronic pain patients occurs in the somatosensory areas, anterior cingulate and/or insula. This finding provides important information as to the underlying mechanisms used for the weight judgment task, but also why chronic pain interferes with this task.  相似文献   

Summary Familiarity effects in visual letter processing were examined by means of a mutilation detection task. The uppercase E was used as the non-mutilated letter. One or two horizontal bars of the E were delected, to produce an upright or inverted F or L. These four mutilations of the E were assigned to the same response. In Experiment 1, brief exposure of the stimuli was followed by a backward mask. Experiment 2 was identical to Experiment 1, except that the display duration of the stimulus was increased and the backward mask was omitted. In Experiment 3, the overall luminance of the stimuli (luminance per point times length of the constituent line segments) was held constant. In Experiment 4, the upright and inverted non-E letter occurred in different blocks to encourage a normal (upright) letter processing strategy in the upright letter blocks. Accuracy (Experiment 1) and mean correct response times (all experiments) were not different for the upright and inverted F or for the upright and inverted L. These findings and converging results from other studies indicate that the higher familiarity of the upright letters did not aid feature extraction.  相似文献   

Previous findings have suggested that a familiar pattern and the features within it are perceived better than an unfamiliar pattern. In Experiments 1 and 2, access to within-pattern colors in Stars and Stripes flags was equally efficient in the normal and the inverted orientations, thus suggesting that familiarity does not aid access to within-pattern features. However, in Experiment 3, which focused on the detection of the whole of a flag, rather than within-pattern colors, the selection of upright Stars and Stripes flags was significantly more efficient than that of inverted flags, thus confirming the greater familiarity of the former. I argue that familiarity aids the perception of a pattern only by allowing the whole pattern to be labeled as a single feature and does not directly aid access to features.  相似文献   

Humans are able to perceive unique types of biological motion presented as point-light displays (PLDs). Thirty years ago, Runeson and Frykholm (Human Perception and Performance, 7(4), 733, 1981, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 112(4), 585, 1983) studied observers’ perceptions of weights lifted by actors and identified that the kinematic information in a PLD is sufficient for an observer to form an accurate perception of the object weight. However, research has also shown that extrinsic object size characteristics also influence the perception of object weight (Gordon, Forssberg, Johansson, & Westling in Experimental Brain Research, 83(3), 477–482, 1991). This study addresses the relative contributions of these two types of visual information to observers’ perceptions of lifted weight, through an experiment in which participants viewed an actor lifting boxes of various sizes (small, medium, or large) and weights (25, 50, or 75 lb) under four PLD conditions—box-at-rest, moving-box, actor-only, and actor-and-box—and one full-vision video condition, and then provided a weight estimate for each box lifted. The results indicated that lift kinematics and box size contributed independently to weight perception. Interestingly, the most robust weight differentiations were elicited in the conditions in which both types of information were presented concurrently, despite their converse natures. Furthermore, full-vision video presentation, which contained visual information beyond kinematics and object information, elicited the best estimates.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate whether locomotion to a novel test view would eliminate viewpoint costs in visual object processing. Participants performed a sequential matching task for object identity or object handedness, using novel 3-D objects displayed in a head-mounted display. To change the test view of the object, the orientation of the object in 3-D space and the test position of the observer were manipulated independently. Participants were more accurate when the test view was the same as the learned view than when the views were different no matter whether the view change of the object was 50° or 90°. With 50° rotations, participants were more accurate at novel test views caused by participants’ locomotion (object stationary) than caused by object rotation (observer stationary) but this difference disappeared when the view change was 90°. These results indicate that facilitation of spatial updating during locomotion occurs within a limited range of viewpoints, but that such facilitation does not eliminate viewpoint costs in visual object processing.  相似文献   

White PA 《Perception》2005,34(4):491-500
Stimuli were presented that consisted of a stationary row of black-bordered white rectangles. As observers watched, each rectangle in turn from left to right changed from white to black. The final rectangle did not change colour but moved off from left to right. The sequential colour change suggested motion from left to right, and observers reliably reported a visual impression that this illusory motion kicked or bumped the last rectangle, thereby making it move. The impression was stronger when the sequential colour change was faster, but was not significantly affected by the number of the rectangles in the row (ranging from 2 to 8). These results support the conclusion that neither contact nor motion of a causal object is necessary for a visual impression of causality to occur.  相似文献   

Donk M  Soesman L 《Perception》2011,40(1):63-73
We investigated the temporal dynamics in the processing of object salience and object presence by using a temporal-order-judgment task. In two experiments, observers were presented with displays containing one or two orientation singletons embedded in a background of homogeneously oriented lines. Observers had the task to indicate the temporal order of two colour changes which occurred either at two singleton locations differing in salience (experiment 1) or at two locations differing in singleton presence (experiment 2). Singleton displays were presented for a short or a long duration prior to the colour changes. The results demonstrated that salience affects the perceived temporal order of two colour changes more strongly after a short than after a long presentation duration (experiment 1). Singleton presence affects the perceived temporal order of two colour changes equally after a short and a long presentation duration (experiment 2). The results suggest that object salience and object presence are differently represented in the visual system.  相似文献   

The apparent size of squares was determined as a function of physical area and of surface complexity using the method of magnitude estimation. Apparent area increases as a power function of physical area with a slope of about 0.90. The judged areas also increased as a function of complexity of patterns upon the surface, the most complex surfaces being judged approximately 30% larger than the most simple surfaces.  相似文献   

Previous demonstrations that performance on visual search tasks with briefly flashed presentations declines over time after the initial onset imply that saccades might be necessary for efficient acquisition of visual information. We imposed an additional abrupt onset and a displacement on character arrays containing letters and one numeral while subjects searched for the numeral. Presentations were always followed by a visual noise field. Presentation time varied (50–800 msec). We found that performance with presentations containing one onset and remaining continuously visible was better than performance with presentations containing two onsets and containing displacements. Furthermore, information acquired near the onset of a continuous presentation was as effective as information acquired later. Our results demonstrate that abrupt onsets and displacements do not improve information acquisition with displays of alphanumeric characters. This finding is consistent with earlier reports that saccade-like retinal image motion does not contribute either to the maintenance of target visibility or to visual acuity.  相似文献   

Vuorinen, R. Anchor effects in category judgment of weight. Scand. J. Psychol., 1973, 14, 261–272.-3 models of psychophysical judgment are tested in 4 experiments. The anchor effects obtained in these experiments deviate from their usually observed contrast properties violating both the "adaptation-level" (AL) model and the "similarity classification" model. Results on comparative judgment disprove the assumed constancy of the parameters of the AL-model. A comparison with the "response frequency equalization" model discloses that the AL-model confounds genuine perceptual aspects of judgment with response determined factors (response bias) involved in category judgment. The present results are related to a critical evaluation of the general AL-theory presented elsewhere (Vuorinen, 1973).  相似文献   

Shim J  Carlton LG  Kim J 《Perception》2004,33(3):277-291
It has been shown that human observers can estimate the weight of a box from the observation of a point-light display of a lifting motion. We asked observers to report the weight of the box and the effort produced by five lifters ranging in size and strength to determine if observers can perceive lifter size. In experiment 1, five or six weights from each of five lifters were shown to fourteen observers in a random order. Observers showed less error in estimating the amount of effort each lifter produced than in estimating the actual weight of the box. In experiment 2, the lifters were presented individually to forty observers to remove any effect observing a previous lift might have had on estimating the subsequent lift by a different lifter. The results showed an improvement in estimated weight but not in estimated effort. In experiment 3, the actual size of the lifters was given to thirty-four observers, and the estimations of both weight and effort improved. In experiment 4, observers did not improve when observing practice trials and estimating either only weight or only effort. The results from the four experiments suggest that observers are more sensitive to lifter's effort than to the weight lifted, and that observers tend to use changes in the velocity profile of the lift when making their estimates.  相似文献   

Word frequency is widely believed to affect object naming speed, despite several studies in which it has been reported that frequency effects may be redundant upon age of acquisition. We report, first, a reanalysis of data from the study by Oldfield and Wingfield (1965), which is standardly cited as evidence for a word frequency effect in object naming; then we report two new experiments. The reanalysis of Oldfield and Wingfield shows that age of acquisition is the major determinant of naming speed, and that frequency plays no independent role when its correlation with other variables is taken into account. In Experiment 1, age of acquisition and phoneme length proved to be the primary determinants of object naming speed. Frequency, prototypicality, and imageability had no independent effect. In Experiment 2, subjects classified objects into two semantic categories (natural or man-made). Prototypicality and semantic category were the only variables to have a significant effect on reaction time, with no effect of age of acquisition, frequency, imageability, or word length. We conclude that age of acquisition, not word frequency, affects the retrieval and/or execution of object names, not the process of object recognition. The locus of this effect is discussed, along with the possibility that words learned in early childhood may be more resistant to the effects of brain injury in at least some adult aphasics than words learned somewhat later.  相似文献   

Value self-confrontation as a method to aid in weight loss   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The impact on weight loss of an adaptation of the Rokeach (1973) value self-confrontation method was investigated in a field experiment. This method confronts people who have ranked their own values with information about the value priorities that discriminate between a positive and a negative reference group. A preliminary study revealed that successful weight losers differ from unsuccessful weight losers in valuing "wisdom" more than "happiness." Eighty-seven overweight adults were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: value self-confrontation, group discussion, or non-treatment control. Value self-confrontation subjects lost more weight than the other subjects over 2 months, and this weight loss persisted for an additional year. Changes in value priorities during the first 2 months suggest that weight loss was mediated by an increase in the importance attributed to wisdom relative to happiness. Implications for the theory of value-behavior relations and for practical application in weight loss programs are discussed.  相似文献   

J M Beusmans 《Perception》1998,27(9):1079-1085
The 'direct-perception' model of heading perception posits that heading is computed directly from optic flow without an intervening structural representation of environmental layout. Here, I give an example in which such a representation is seen to play a role in the interpretation of optic flow. Manipulating the outline of concave objects to give an erroneous percept of convexity caused the perceived direction of heading during a stimulated approach to change as well. Thus, the representation of environmental structure provides the context for using and interpreting image motion.  相似文献   

The present research examined the perceived helpfulness of an increasingly widespread mode of psychological assistance, namely, emotional first aid via email. The sample comprised 62 naturally occurring email interactions between distressful clients and trained volunteers operating within the framework of the Israeli Association for Emotional First Aid. Data were gathered by means of a structured questionnaire and open-ended questions so as to examine the clients' motivation to seek help via email and evaluate their satisfaction with the responses obtained. The results revealed a preference for written communication and the accessibility of assistance to be the most frequent reasons for clients to choose the medium of email. Most clients found the responses to be helpful in providing emotional support, enhancing cognitive change and suggesting practical ways of coping. Women perceived the assistance to be more helpful than men did. The results are discussed in terms of the unique value of email as an agent of mental health assistance.  相似文献   

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