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Volumes have been written about the patient's love for the therapist, but there has been relatively little discussion of the therapist's love for the patient. In an attempt to create a theoretical and technical space for discussing the appropriateness and role of love in the therapeutic relationship, a revised concept of the therapeutic alliance is applied to provide technical guidelines and understanding of two kinds of love between patient and therapist, corresponding to two systems of self-esteem regulation: an open, reality-oriented system and a closed, sadomasochistic system organized according to omnipotent beliefs. Examples of the role of love through the phases of treatment illustrate the interrelationship of love and the accomplishment of therapeutic alliance tasks.  相似文献   

Certain conceptual aspects of the therapeutic alliance are considered. Although therapeutic alliance, transference, and the real relation are intermingled and intertwined in the actuality of the analytic relationship, they remain distinguishable and open to differentiating analysis. The distinctions between the therapeutic alliance and transference, and between alliance and the real relation, are explored and their differences clarified, including the difference between therapeutic misalliances and transferences. Some of the component dimensions of the therapeutic alliance are explored, including empathy, the therapeutic framework, responsibility, authority, freedom, trust, autonomy, initiative, and ethical considerations including values and confidentiality. Further exploration of these and other dimensions of the therapeutic alliance is called for, especially the extension of these dimensions to their practical clinical application.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptualisation of the therapeutic alliance from the adolescent perspective and discusses implications for practitioners. The main aim of the study was to focus on the factors that participants identified as important in relationship formation and maintenance. Eighteen individuals were interviewed using a semi‐structured format. Three major themes were identified: therapeutic environment, uniqueness of the therapeutic relationship, and therapist characteristics. Participants identified both positive and negative aspects of the therapeutic relationship. A strong alliance was found to be necessary in that the perception of the therapist as accepting, supportive and trustworthy influenced the adolescent's evaluation of the appropriateness of therapeutic tasks and goals. Participants stressed the importance of the supportive nature of the relationship in their willingness to collaborate in therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

This study examines the predictive validity of several clinical variables--including marital distress, individual symptomatology, and family-of-origin experiences--on the formation of the alliance in couple therapy. Eighty people who were treated with a naturalistic course of integrative conjoint psychotherapy at a large midwestern outpatient clinic were assessed on the clinical variables before session 1. They also completed ratings of the therapeutic alliance after sessions 1 and 8. Individual symptomatology did not predict alliance formation at either treatment stage. Higher levels of marital distress predicted poorer alliances to treatment between partners at session 1. Marital distress also predicted therapeutic alliance quality for men and women at session 8. Family-of-origin distress predicted alliance quality for men at session 1, and for women at session 8. Family-of-origin distress for men and women predicted split alliances early in treatment, and marital distress predicted split alliances for women at session 8. Clinical implications for the assessment and treatment of couples are discussed.  相似文献   

The research on positive psychotherapy outcome consistently indicates that the quality of the alliance is important across different models of psychotherapy (D. E. Orlinsky, M. H. Ronnestad, & U. Willutzki, 2004; B. E. Wampold, 2000). Social psychological research has documented how "unintentional bias" can produce barriers to university admissions, employment, and advancement of well-qualified members of ethnic minority groups (J. F. Dovidio, S. L. Gaertner, K. Kawakami, & G. Hodson, 2002). Neuroscience is further confirming social psychological responses associated with race (J. L. Eberhard, 2005). Unintentional bias identified in social psychological research may be part of the psychotherapist/client interaction, interfere with the therapeutic alliance, and partly account for the high dropout rates and underutilization of psychotherapeutic services by people of color. The purpose of this article is to provide an evidence-based analysis of how psychologists in practice may unintentionally interfere with development of quality alliances with culturally different clients or patients and thus contribute to the barriers to effective multicultural counseling and psychotherapy. Principles from the American Psychological Association's (2003) multicultural guidelines and a review of relevant research are applied in suggesting strategies to reduce bias and to develop culturally appropriate skills in psychological practices.  相似文献   

Utilizing a collaborative therapeutic assessment (TA) model proposed by Finn and Tonsager (1997), we examined the interaction between therapeutic alliance and in-session process during the assessment phase of treatment. This study compares the utility of the TA model (n = 38) versus a traditional information gathering model (n = 90) of assessment. The results of this study indicate that the use of a TA model may decrease the number of patients who terminate treatment against medical advice. The Session Evaluation Questionnaire (Stiles & Snow, 1984), Combined Alliance Short Form (Hatcher & Barends, 1996), and Penn Helping Alliance Questionnaire-Revised (Barber & Crits-Christoph, 1996) can reliably measure the patient's experience of the assessment. The psychological assessment process may impact the patient's experience of assessment feedback and aid in the development of a therapeutic alliance. The therapeutic alliance developed during the assessment was found to be related to alliance early in psychotherapy. We discuss the theoretical, clinical, and research implications of these findings.  相似文献   

The establishment of a good working relationship, or therapeutic alliance, is seen as a key indicator of good outcome in all forms of psychological therapy. Such a relationship, however, is difficult to establish in acute mental health, when the patient may both need and fear therapeutic contact. The patient care plan can give the appearance of a positive working alliance when this is not truly established. The Care Plan Approach can prioritize case management and risk assessment over treatment. A good therapeutic alliance can often be achieved in times of acute crisis, but only when the difficulties in so doing are recognized and acknowledged. The distinction between benign and malign dependency can be a useful way of conceptualizing therapeutic and non‐therapeutic factors in acute care. Apparently progressive paradigms in mental health care serve to deny the inherent difficulties and conflicts involved in establishing a therapeutic alliance in cases of severe mental illness. Developing a genuine therapeutic culture in acute mental health requires that organizational structures and protocols are clinically informed and are congruent with the therapeutic ethos desired. Examples from a recently established Acute Day Hospital will illustrate how a psychodynamically‐informed group‐based treatment can be effective in developing the therapeutic alliance. I will focus on Psychiatric Nursing, although I hope that the content of the paper is more widely applicable.  相似文献   

This article proposes a very specific pathway for bringing career counseling back into mainstream counseling psychology: more explicit research and clinical attention to the therapeutic alliance. The author hopes that this abbreviated review on the alliance serves as an impetus for increased attention to the alliance in career counseling theory, research, and practice as well as for including training in alliance formation and strengthening in career counselor education and supervision.  相似文献   

Positive and negative alliance‐related behaviours of thirty‐seven families seen in brief family therapy were rated from videotapes using the System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances ( Friedlander et al., 2006b ). Positive associations were found between in‐session behaviour and participants' perceptions of the alliance and improvement so far both early (session 3) and later in therapy (session 6). Binary logistic regression showed that successful outcomes (defined as consensus by therapist and all family members on general improvement and reduced problem severity) were significantly predicted by positive individual behaviour (Engagement in the Therapeutic Process, Emotional Connection with the Therapist, Safety within the Therapeutic System) in session 3 and productive within‐family collaboration (Shared Sense of Purpose within the Family) in session 6. Shared Sense of Purpose was the alliance indicator most consistently associated with clients' and therapists' perceptions of therapeutic progress; moreover, it was the only alliance indicator to improve significantly over time in treatment.  相似文献   

Freud's "analytic pact," as the final therapeutic model he evolved (1937, 1940), places the fundamental rule in a two-person structural framework that operates in a continuum between the inner reality and outer reality of both patient and analyst as these come to center in the analytic situation. To Freund's basic definition of psychoanalysis as related to resistance and transference, a third component is added, the collaboration that has been a feature of the treatment since the beginning. The alliance postulated by the pact relates a helpful physician to a sufferer in a carefully regulated operational field and atmosphere suitable for a particular technique and therapeutic goal. Actually the alliance may be described from the aspect of component combinations as described in different frameworks--structural, topographic, developmental, realistic, adaptive, etc. In diverse forms of analytic or analytically oriented forms of therapy, selected aspects of the alliances receive greater prominence--but a fully informed analytic therapy retains contact with all the elements involved. Organizational aspects of the fundamental rule with respect to the flow of associations and the transient and structured interactions of patient and physician are examined with regard to their dynamic and linguistic features.  相似文献   

Aims: The therapeutic alliance is a concept that has received a great deal of attention within face‐to‐face counselling. Furthermore, links have been made between the creation of strong alliances and successful therapeutic outcomes. This study examines the therapeutic alliance when counselling services are offered online to young people. Method: Fifteen young people took part in online interviews (utilising synchronous and asynchronous methods), and Grounded Theory techniques were utilised to analyse the data. Findings: A core category of ‘Client‐Service Match’ and three subcategories pertinent to the individuals’ experiences of creating good quality relationships with the counsellors were identified: (1) initial engagement, (2) developing rapport, and (3) establishing control. Discussion: The themes elicited are all relevant to the matching process and viewed as a chronological process similar to face‐to‐face counselling. However, unlike face‐to‐face work, specific nuances related to the online work arise that counsellors should be mindful of, including the rationale behind each individual's choice to approach services online, their own computer‐mediated communication skills, technical hurdles, and the perceived ‘power’ of the counsellor.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between conceptual level (CL) and therapeutic responsiveness (TR) among counselor trainees. It was hypothesized that trainees with high CL’s would be more able to formulate clinical impressions, be aware of their affective states, and make more effective verbal explorations to challenging and provocative client statements than their low CL counterparts. Additionally, it was hypothesized that empathy (EU) could be predicted from TR. Sixty-nine trainees from two master’s level counseling programs were assessed for CL (using the “This I Believe” Test) and for TR (using the Therapeutic Response Measure), and empathy (using the Emphathic Understanding Scale). Consistent with the literature the high CL participants functioned better as counselors on the TR task, although contrary to prediction, neither the high nor the low CL groups functioned well on this task. Significant differences between high CL and low CL’s were found for: awareness of affect p<.05; ability to respond effectively p<.01, and for overall TR, p<.001. Findings support the hypothesis that there is a relationship between CL and TR, and that TR is a predictor of empathic responding p<.05.  相似文献   


This paper presents a reconceptualization of autonomy as the iterative realization of one’s capacity for “effective self-definition,” that is, possessing a sense of clarity and coherence in “who I am,” and exercising the decisional and volitional ownership over my life that this engenders. This process is “Relational,” wherein people’s interpersonal interactions have a deep and pervasive influence on their ability to recognize and exercise their autonomous capacities. This Relational understanding of autonomy is contextualized within the field of addiction rehabilitative practice. Addiction is a pathology that progressively and insidiously undermines autonomy – producing a number of negative consequences that present themselves along a “continuum of pervasiveness.” In order to most fully foster rehabilitation, therapeutic alliances should to be attentive to facilitating autonomy’s dialogical antecedents. Here, interpersonal recognition can help clients to more fully recognize their own autonomous resources – enabling them to embark on their rehabilitative journey and achieve broader autonomous living. This paper concludes by proposing ways that practitioners can manifest their recognition of their clients’ autonomy within the therapeutic encounter.  相似文献   

Garfield R 《Family process》2004,43(4):457-465
This article presents clinical considerations about the therapeutic alliance in couples therapy, stimulated by pertinent new research findings reported in this issue. A loyalty dimension of the couple's relationship is described, as well as its influence on the therapeutic alliance in couples therapy. The therapist's establishment of a "meta-alliance" with the couple around their loyalty conflicts, avoidance of splits and disruptions, and prioritization of marital distress (versus individual symptoms) as the primary focus of treatment all serve to solidify the therapeutic alliance. In addition, identifying the partners' early family-of-origin distress can help predict and respond to strains in the therapeutic alliance that may occur later in therapy. Finally, the therapist helping the couple to balance their relational power differences in therapy and to address their concerns about the impact of the therapist's gender also strengthens their therapeutic alliance. A clinical case and vignettes are included to illustrate these issues.  相似文献   

The authors draw attention to the problems of establishing and maintaining a therapeutic alliance in the psychotherapy of the borderline patient. They elaborate an extensive methodology designed to study the manner in which shifts in collaboration occur in response to therapist interventions. This report demonstrates how one particular borderline patient increased his ability to collaborate with the therapist in response to a transference focus in the psychotherapy. Methodological problems are noted as are directions for future research. Only a series of patients studied with this or with similar methodology will allow for a sophisticated and empirical rationale for choosing a particular form of psychotherapy for a particular kind of borderline patient.  相似文献   

Ryan D  Carr A 《Family process》2001,40(1):67-77
To replicate and extend Dozier's (1992) test of Tomm's hypothesis about the differential effects of questioning styles on therapeutic alliance, an analogue study was conducted. Twenty-eight family triads, each including a son and his parents, viewed four videotaped, simulated family therapy scenarios in which Tomm's four questioning styles were separately portrayed. Participants were asked to identify with the client whose role corresponded to theirs (that is, father, mother, or son) and, on the basis of this, to rate the client's alliance with the therapist. They were also asked to rate the overall alliance between the family and the therapist. Finally, having viewed all four scenarios, they were invited to rate comparatively the quality of the therapeutic alliance across the four questioning styles. Compared with strategic and lineal questioning styles, circular and reflexive questions led to higher ratings of therapeutic alliance on all three measures. The results of this study support Tomm's hypothesis that questioning styles based on circular assumptions lead to a better therapeutic alliance at an individual and systemic level than do questions based on lineal assumptions.  相似文献   

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