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This study examined the moderating effect of rater nationality on the relationships among ratee task, contextual, and counterproductive behaviors, and rater salary estimates gauging the dollar value of overall job performance. As hypothesized, rater nationality had a significant moderating effect, such that the Lebanese sample showed stronger relationships between each of the three types of job performance and their dollar value estimates than did the American sample. In other words, results indicated that Lebanese participants made stronger salary differentiations among the different levels of task, contextual, and counterproductive performance. These results seem to suggest that Lebanese participants provided salary estimates using more of an equity approach, whereas American participants provided salary estimates using more of an equality approach. Results contribute to the growing evidence that national culture is important in evaluating job performance.  相似文献   

This study compared nursing supervisors' percentile estimates (15th, 50th, and 85th) of staff nurse performance made in terms of dollar value and two alternative metrics—output (number of patients cared for) and staffing (number of nurses required to staff a unit). Of the three estimation procedures, nursing supervisors were most confident in the accuracy of their output-based estimates and least confident in the accuracy of their dollar value-based estimates. Estimates of the standard deviation of performance as a percentage of mean performance (SDp) ranged from 19% for the staffing-based estimate to 29% for the output-based estimate. Contrary to expectations, dollar value-based SDp estimates were only minimally correlated with staffing- and output-based SDp estimates. I conclude that allowing supervisors to make percentile estimates in terms of familiar metrics has potential value for improving the accuracy and managerial acceptability of utility analysis.  相似文献   

The inclusion of variable costs when estimating the standard deviation of job performance in dollars has been the basis for a number of highly important advances in utility analysis (e.g. Boudreau, 1983; Boudreau & Berger, 1985). However, no studies have shown the feasibility of incorporating variable costs in situations where multiple types of costs might require global estimation of variable costs. Results obtained from a nationwide sample of insurance personnel indicated that global estimates of variable costs were feasible to obtain in such complex situations but that those costs were not a fixed percentage of the value of job performance. Judges reported that the most important inputs of information into their estimates of the value of job performance in dollars were performance and output as well as initiative of the job holder. Surprisingly, salary related information was not reported as a relatively important input.The authors wish to thank Patricia G. Roth, Bart Osburn, and Jim Phillips for reviewing previous drafts of this work and contributing their valuable comments. The paper has improved as a result of their insights.  相似文献   

Employee performance has been shown to be improved by reinforcement procedures that are determined by the supervisor. The present study used behavioral contracting between an employee and her supervisor to structure their discussion in arriving at mutually acceptable performance standards and reinforcers. A multiple baseline design across responses was used with an employee who conducted training sessions with persons who are mentally retarded in a large institution. The results showed an improvement of the specific employee behaviors for which behavioral contracting was arranged for the duration of the contracted reinforcement. Behavioral contracting may be useful as a structured method of achieving employee-supervisor agreements in employee motivation programs.  相似文献   

A longitudinal sample of over 800 MBA graduates surveyed across a 16-year period was recruited to investigate the relationship of work values to work effort, salary levels, and other work outcomes. As predicted, certain work values were related to higher salary levels and to the number of hours worked. Changing companies more often and receiving more promotions were also significantly related to work values. Work values did not differ for women and men in the sample, except that women were higher in the value of wanting to do an excellent job. Controlling for work values did not explain significantly higher salaries for men as compared to women. Implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

Self‐assessment research has continued to search for those factors that increase self‐other rating agreement. The current field study investigated the feedback‐seeking strategies (i. e., monitoring and inquiry) used by 125 employees to obtain performance information, as well as the relationship between feedback‐seeking strategy use and self‐supervisor performance‐rating agreement. Results indicate that the frequency of monitoring reported by employees significantly moderated the relationship between self and supervisor ratings of performance. Individuals who reported higher levels of feedback seeking through monitoring were more likely to have self‐assessments that were congruent with their supervisors' ratings of performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to examine the suggestion that underlying memory mechanisms may be revealed in the form of the psychophysical function for duration. In experiment 1 a broad range of durations, with fine spacing at the lower end, was employed to bring out any transition in function that might reflect a change from 'ionic' memory to short-term memory. Estimation in conventional time-units (Verbal Estimation) was also compared with unit-free estimation (Magnitude Estimation). In experiment 2 Verbal Estimation was compared with the Production method, for a different range of stimulus values, and with varying interval content. Contrary to earlier claims, memory mechanisms were not found to be reflected in the values of power exponents for subjective duration. The value of the search for such functions is questioned, as simple linear plots fit the data at least as well.  相似文献   

This article reports on an experiment examining the effects of job candidates' propensity to exhibit organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) on selection decisions made in the context of a job interview. We developed videos that manipulated candidate responses to interview questions tapping task performance and citizenship behavior content in 2 administrative positions. Results obtained from 480 undergraduates provided support for our hypotheses that job candidates who exhibited higher levels of helping, voice, and loyalty behaviors were generally rated as more competent, received higher overall evaluations, and received higher salary recommendations than job candidates who exhibited lower levels of these behaviors. These effects held even after taking into account candidate responses regarding task performance. We also found that candidate responses to OCB-related questions tended to have a greater effect on selection decisions for the higher level position (supervisor of administrative personnel) than for the lower level one (administrative assistant). Finally, content analyses of open-ended responses indicated that participants' selection decisions were particularly sensitive to candidates who exhibited low levels of voice and helping behaviors. Implications and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Academicians and business people have disagreed about whether grades predict occupational outcomes such as training success, job performance, and salary. Recent meta-analyses have suggested that grades are useful predictors of training success and job performance. Unfortunately, the results of meta-analyses examining the grades–salary relation were limited by methodological problems. These problems included confusing income and salary as the same dependent variable, not conducting moderator analyses, using unorthodox schemes of weighting correlations, and not correcting for research artifacts. The current meta-analysis focused only on studies that reported salary as the dependent variable and found uncorrected correlations of .13 for grades and starting salary, .18 for grades and current salary, and .05 for grades and salary growth. The correlations for grades and starting salary rose to approximately .20 when corrected for relevant artifacts and the corrected grades–current salary correlations rose to the mid- to high .20s. Moderator analyses are also reported.  相似文献   

Previous research on merit pay has focused on the context in which merit decisions take place and on characteristics of the employee. In the present study it was hypothesized that not only do employee characteristics influence merit increases, but so do characteristics of the employee's supervisor. The results from 175 employees in a midwestern manufacturing plant showed that 11% and 24% of the variance in employee salary increases were attributable to supervisory and employee characteristics, respectively. These results suggest that supervisory characteristics should be included in future research involving correlates of employee salary increases and by organizations when auditing the administration of merit pay plans.  相似文献   

姜平  张丽华 《心理学报》2021,53(4):400-412
有关职场排斥对员工绩效的影响结果, 已有研究存在不一致的研究结论, 表明该领域还存在潜藏的作用机制有待深入发掘。为此, 基于自我表现理论, 本文构建并检验了一个有条件的间接作用模型, 探讨遭受职场排斥的个体如何以及何时可能获得更高的绩效评价。基于一个情景实验和一个多时点、上下级配对的问卷调查, 研究结果支持了理论假设:职场排斥会激发个体表面顺从的应对策略, 并且这种应对趋向对高集体主义倾向的员工更为明显; 而在领导的集体主义倾向较高的情况下, 高表面顺从的下属能获得更高的绩效评价; 当且仅当下属和领导的集体主义倾向都较高时, 职场排斥通过表面顺从对绩效评价产生正向影响。  相似文献   

This study is an empirical examination of the planning and allocating strategies of employees in complex work roles characterized by high discretion and multiple demands. A cross-sectional survey design was used to test the relationship between particular types of strategies and individual work performance as rated by both supervisors and peers. In a sample of technical and administrative professionals, some support was found for the benefits of two planning strategies: focusing on priorities and contingency planning. A third planning strategy, anchored planning, was associated with high performance for employees with moderate experience, but not employees with very short or very long experience. In terms of allocation strategies, holding priorities which were consistent with that of the supervisor did not aid performance, but actually allocating time in a manner consistent with the priorities of the supervisor was related to individual performance. Implications for training and motivating individuals in complex jobs are offered.  相似文献   

Children in Grades 4, 6, and 8 and adults estimated answers to multiplication problems. The problems varied in the number of digits: 1 x 2 (e.g., 8 x 18), 1 X 3 (e.g., 5 x 144), 2 x 2 (e.g., 22 x 91), and 2 x 3 (e.g., 45 x 164). Few children in Grade 4 could estimate. Most sixth and eighth graders provided reasonable estimates, however, even on difficult (e.g., 2 x 3) problems. Estimation performance improved with age, with adults producing more accurate estimates than children, but the most striking developmental changes were in the conceptual knowledge used to perform this estimation task. From Grade 6, students seemed to understand the role of the simplification principle in estimation. Children reduced complex problems through rounding and prior compensation to produce reasonable estimates. Only adults seemed to have a good grasp of the principle of proximity, however, understanding that it is important for the estimate to be reasonably close to the actual answer. Adults produced exact-answer solutions on simple problems and adjusted their preliminary estimates closer to the actual answer postcompensation). We propose a process model of estimation based on Siegler's model of strategy choice in simple arithmetic.  相似文献   

This multilevel study examines the role of supervisors in improving employee performance through the use of coaching and group management practices. It examines the individual and synergistic effects of these management practices. The research subjects are call center agents in highly standardized jobs, and the organizational context is one in which calls, or task assignments, are randomly distributed via automated technology, providing a quasi-experimental approach in a real-world context. Results show that the amount of coaching that an employee received each month predicted objective performance improvements over time. Moreover, workers exhibited higher performance where their supervisor emphasized group assignments and group incentives and where technology was more automated. Finally, the positive relationship between coaching and performance was stronger where supervisors made greater use of group incentives, where technology was less automated, and where technological changes were less frequent. Implications and potential limitations of the present study are discussed.  相似文献   

Supervisor training was used as a treatment for decreasing the gap between ecological veracity (self versus objective reality) and personal veracity (self versus perceived reality) of CETA supervisees on personal attribute and work-proficiency dimensions. Research suggests that decreasing this gap increases employability. Interventions aimed at decreasing this gap have focused on changing the behavior of the client or supervisee to conform more to the expectations of the system or supervisor. The present research assumed that supervisors often have faulty perceptions of the behaviors of their supervisees, especially those in CETA jobs. Through supervisor training, we attempted to decrease the gap by changing supervisor perceptions to match those of their supervisees. Training did not produce a significant difference between trained and untrained supervisor-supervisee groups on objective and perceived reality estimates. As with earlier research in which no training was employed, perceived-reality estimates were more highly correlated with self-ratings than objective-reality estimates and the gap between ecological and personal veracity remained wide.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to expand on the supervision literature by exploring the experiences of five supervisors in training (SIT) as they navigate the transition from therapist to supervisor. Five key elements of the process of becoming a supervisor are highlighted; contracting, ethics, diversity, modalities, and troubleshooting. Each element is described in two parts: (1) information provided by current supervision literature and (2) by personal journal entries of SITs in an approved supervision course during their doctoral studies. The journal entries of the SITs describe the journey in forming their own supervision identity which included understanding how to include the five key elements in their own supervision with their supervisees. A postmodern approach was utilized to understand this process as well as shape the paper. The goal of this paper is to understand the experiences of supervisors who will shape the development of future therapists.  相似文献   

Occupying gender stereotype-incongruent roles can lead individuals to lose status and earn a lower salary. The present research examined whether merely working for a supervisor in a gender-atypical occupational role leads a subordinate to lose status. Two studies found that male subordinates of gender deviants (i.e., a female supervisor in a masculine domain or a male supervisor in a feminine domain) were accorded lower status and were paid less than male subordinates of supervisors in gender-congruent roles (i.e., a female supervisor in a feminine domain or a male supervisor in a masculine domain). However, the status of female subordinates was unaffected by working for a gender atypical supervisor. Moreover, the status loss for male subordinates was mediated by a perceived lack of masculinity. Thus, establishing the male subordinate's masculine credentials eliminated the bias.  相似文献   

There is little controlled research on the impact of supervisor training on supervision. The current study examined the effects of supervision training in a sample of 46 supervisor–supervisee pairs of mental health practitioners. It compared Immediate 2‐day workshop training of the pair, a wait‐list control in which workshop training was delayed 3 months, and a condition in which supervisors were trained 3 months before their partners (Split). Benefits of Immediate training were restricted to supervisors reporting fully specified agreements, and to reduction of some perceived problems. Self‐efficacy in providing effective supervision fell in the Split condition, relative to the other conditions. Across conditions in general there was a fall from baseline to post‐test assessment in the proportion of sessions where recommended supervision strategies were used, perhaps partly because the controlled trial extended across the summer vacation period. Results are consistent with other observations of the limited impact of workshop training on practice.  相似文献   

A multiple levels of analysis approach was used to assess whether job performance and skill importance ratings were based on individual differences, incumbent/supervisor dyadic agreement, group membership, or functional department. Data were collected as part of a managerial training needs analysis conducted at a large gold and silver mining organization. Participants included 140 incumbent managers and their immediate supervisors, who were embedded in 140 incumbent/supervisor dyads, 39 managerial work groups, and eight departments of the organization. Results from Within and Between Analysis (WABA) suggested that (a) incumbent ratings of both performance and skill importance were characterized by individual differences, (b) supervisory ratings of both performance and skill importance were primarily characterized by between-groups (supervisors) differences, (c) matched incumbent-supervisory performance ratings displayed individual differences, and (d) matched incumbent-supervisory importance ratings displayed dyadic agreement (i.e., between-dyads differences). Practical implications of these results for interpreting these and other types of personnel-related data are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to compare the psychometric properties of subordinate ratings of managerial performance to those of supervisor and self ratings. Subordinate ratings (n = 365), self-ratings (n = 80) and supervisor ratings ( n = 80) were obtained on eight performance dimensions for middle level managers in a multinational corporation. Multitrait-multimethod analysis of variance indicated significant effects for convergent validity, halo error, and discriminant validity. Comparisons between rating sources indicated that subordinate ratings are more similar to supervisor ratings than to self ratings in terms of convergent validity and leniency effect. A comparison of the present results to other studies indicated less convergent validity, more discriminant validity, and less halo error than found by others.  相似文献   

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