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C. G. Jung , by E. A. Bennet
The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche , by C. G. Jung, translated by R. F. C. Hull
The Living Symbol , by G. Adler  相似文献   

Critical Notices     
The Interpretation and Nature of the Psyche , by C. G. Jung and W. Pauli, translated from the German by R. F. C. Hull
Woman's Mysteries , by M. Esther Harding  相似文献   

Critical Notices     
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious , by C. G. Jung: Translated by R. F. C. Hull
The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease , by C. G. Jung
Soul and Psyche , by Victor White  相似文献   

Critical Notices     
The Undiscovered Self , by C. G. Jung.
Psychology and Religion , C. G. Jung. Translated by R. F. C. Hull.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
L iliane F hey -R ohn : Von Freud zu Jung (From Freud to Jung)
W illiam W illeford : The fool and his scepter
M oreno , M. Psicodinamica della Contestazione (Psychodynamics of the Student revolt)
A nna F reud , H einz H artmann et al.: The psychoanalytic study of the child , Vol. XXIV
E rnst L. F reud (Ed.): The letters of Sigmund Freud and Arnold Zweig , translated by Professor and Mrs W. D. Robson-Scott
P aul R oazen : Brother animal: the story of Freud and Tausk
D. L. B urnham , A. I. G ladstone , R. W. G ibson : Schizophrenia and the need-fear dilemma
W illiam B itter : Der Verlust der Seele (Loss of Soul)
J. D. S utherland and H. S. G ill : Language and psychodynamic appraisal  相似文献   

Critical Notices     
Aion , by C. G. Jung: Translated by R. F. C. Hull. Collected Works , Vol. 9, Part II. Illustracted. Bollingen Series 20
Jung and St. Paul , by David Cox
Jung and the Problem of Evil , by H. L. Philp, 1958  相似文献   

Chiron: a new review of Jungian analysis
J acoby , M ario . The Analytic Encounter: Transference and Human Relationship.
W estman , H einz . The Structure of Biblical Myths. The Ontogenesis of the Psyche.
P apadopoulos , R. S aayman , G. (eds.). Jung in Modern Perspective.
J ensen , F erne (Ed.). C. G. Jung, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff. A Collection of Remembrances.
L awrence , M arilyn . The Anorexic Experience.
S pignesi , A ngelyn . Starving Women. A Psychology of Anorexia Nervosa.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
The Freud/Jung Letters. The Correspondence between Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung. McG uire , W illiam (Ed.). Trs. by Ralph Manheim and R. C. F. Hull
F ordham , M., G ordon , R., H ubback , J., L ambert , K. and W illiams , M. Analytical psychology: A modern science. The library of analytical psychology, vol. 1
W eaver , R ix . The old wise woman. A study of active imagination
A igrisse , G ilberte . Psychogènese d'un poème: La route du sel (Roger Bodart)
A llen , D avid . The fear of looking or Scopophilic-exhibitionistic conflicts
R eitenback , H endrik M. (Ed.). The analytic situation
L uria , A. R. The man with a shattered world. The history of a brain wound. Trans. from the Russan by Lynn Solotaroff
H artmann , E rnest L. The functions of sleep
B enthall , J onathan (Ed): The limits of human nature  相似文献   

Note on Number     
This article presents a high-resolution copy of C. G. Jung’s Note on Number, transcribed and translated into English, with some notes by Roy Freeman.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Shamdasani, Sonu. Cult Fictions: C. G. Jung and the Founding of Analytical Psychology
Shamdasani, Sonu. Cult Fictions: C.G. Jung and the Founding of Analytical Psychology
Sandner, Donald F. & Wong, Steven H. (eds.). The Sacred Heritage: The Influence of Shamanism on Analytical Psychology
Bion, W. R. War Memoirs 1917–1919
Mitrani, Theodore, Mitrani, Judith et al. (eds.). Encounters with Autistic States
Spensley, Sheila. Frances Tustin
Symington, Neville. The Making of a Psychotherapist.
Killick, Katherine & Schaverien, Joy (eds.). Art, Psychotherapy and Psychosis.  相似文献   

H enderson , J oseph , L. Shadow and Self: Selected Papers in Analytical Psychology .
J ung , C. G. Analytical Psychology: Notes of the Seminar given in 1925 .
H opcke , R obert H. Jung, Jungians, and Homosexuality .
J acoby , M ario . Individuation & Narcissism: The Psychology of Self in Jung & Kohut .
E dinger , E dward , F. The Living Psyche: A Jungian Analysis in Pictures .
B isagni , F rancisco (Ed.) Analysis: An International Review of Clinical Psychotherapy  相似文献   

C. G. Jung Letters. (Volume 1.) Selected and edited by G. Adler in collaboration with A. Jaffe. Translated by R. F. C. Hull
M ax S chur : Freud: living and dying
C. A. M eier : Die Bedeutung des Träumes (The significance of the dream)
H ans D ieckmann : Träume als Sprache der Seele (Dreams as language of the soul)
F. P erls , R. F. H efferline , P. G oodman . Gestalt therapy
M ario M oreno : La Dimensione Simbolica
The psychoanalytic study of the child. Vol. 27. Ed. A nna F reud , H. H artman , and E. K ris
Annual survey of psychoanalysis (A comprehensive survey of current psychoanalytic thought and practice). Vol. 10, 1959. Ed. F rosch J. and R oss N.
M aurice M erleau -P onty . Vorlesungen I. Phenomenologisch-psychologische Forschungen, Vol. 9. Translated from the French by Alexandre Métraux
H enry V. D icks . Licensed mass murder; a socio-psychological study of some S. S. killers
Analytical psychology: a modern science. (Ed. M. F ordham , R. G ordon , J. H ubback , K. L ambert , M. W illiams .)  相似文献   

J ung , C. G. The visions seminars.
M c G uire , W illiam and H ull , R. F. C. (Eds.). C. G. Jung speaking: Interviews and encounters.
C arotenuto , A ldo . (Ed.). The annual of Italian analytical psychologists.
G uggenbühl -C raig , A dolf . Marriage—dead or alive.
W innicott , D. W. The Piggle (Ed. I. Ramzy).
B lum , H arold P., M.D. (Ed.). Female psychology: contemporary psychoanalytic views.
R obert , M arthe . From Oedipus to Moses
B iller , H enry B. Father, child and sex rôle.
E liade , M ircea . No souvenirs, Journal 1957–1969.  相似文献   

Book Review     
C. G. Jung : Psychological reflections Frances Smart : Neurosis and crime Gérard Borg : Le voyage à la drogue Karl Menninger : Number words and number symbols: a cultural history of numbers Alvin R. Mahrer . (Ed.) New approaches to personality classification Curatorium C. G. Jung Institute (Eds.) Conscience Joachim Fleschner : Childhood and destiny: the triadic principle in genetic education Kenneth Koch : Wishes, lies and dreams Joe Kovel : White racism: a psychohistory Isca Salzberger -Wittenberg : Psycho-analytic insight and relationships: Kleinian approach Robert C. Carson : Interaction concepts of personality  相似文献   

C arotenuto , A ldo . A Secret Symmetry: Sabina Spiclrein Between Jung and Freud
S chwartz-salant , N. Narcissism and Character Transformation
M attoon , M. A. Jungian Psychology in Perspective
J affé , A niela . Aufsätze zur Psychologic C. G. Jungs
S tevens , A. A Natural History of the Self
S teele , R. Freud and Jung: Conflicts of Interpretation
G ould , E ric . Mythical Intentions in Modern Literature  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
M eier , C arl A lfred Personality: The Individuation Process in the Light of C.G. Jung's Typology
K ast , V erena . Folktales as Therapy
N eumann , E rich . The Fear of the Feminine: and Other Essays on Feminine Psychology
E l S affar , R uth A nthony . Rapture Encaged: the Suppression of the Feminine in Western Culture
S tein M urray , & H ollwitz , J ohn (eds.). Psyche at Work: Workplace Applications of Jungian Analytical Psychology
R obertson , R obin . Beginner's Guide to Revelation: a Jungian Interpretation
T hrail , E mma . Retrospect: The Story of an Analysis
U lanov , A nn B elford . The Wizard's Gate: Picturing Consciousness
W alker , S teven F. Jung and the Jungians on Myth: An Introduction
A lexandris , A thina & V aslamatzis , G rigoris , (eds.). Countertransference: Theory, Technique, Teaching
C lulow , C hristopher (ed.). Rethinking Marriage: Public and Private Perspectives  相似文献   

C. G. J ung , Experimental researches , (translated by L. Stein and D. Riviere from the German papers) Collected works , Vol. 2
K irsch , J ames . The reluctant prophet
M eltzer , D. Sexual states of mind
B rowning , D on : Generative man
C onway , R onald : The great Australian stupor
The function and nature of imagery . ed. Peter W. Sheehan
A ronson , A lex : Psyche and symbol in Shakespeare
S pector , J ack J.: The aesthetics of Freud. A study in psychoanalysis and art
The child: structure and dynamics of the nascent personality
Support, innovation and autonomy . Tavistock Clinic Golden Jubilee Papers. Edited by Robert Gosling
M ichael F ordham , R osemary G ordon , J udith H ubback and K enneth L ambert (co-Eds.) Technique in Jungian analysis The Library of Analytical Psychology. Volume 2
M ichael F ordham , R osemary G ordon , J udith H ubback and K enneth L ambert (Eds.), Technique in Jungian analysis. The Library of Analytical Psychology Vol. 2  相似文献   

Journal Reviews     
Authors are invited to submit for review articles published in professional journals on subjects likely to be of interest to readers of the Journal of Analytical Psychology. Chapters or sections of books may also be sent provided the book has not been submitted to our Book Review section. Adler , G. (London). Preface to Selected Letters of C. G. Jung, 1901–1961 Adler , G. (London). ‘Regarding the wounded healer’ Adler , G. (London). ‘Psychology and the atom bomb’ Blomeyer , R. (Berlin). ‘Vom Vatermord und Inzesttabu zur Trennungsangst aus der Symbiose mit der Mutter. Akzentsetzungen und Verschiebungen in der psycho-analytischen Aussage’ Blomeyer , R. (Berlin). ‘Psychische Krankheit — Sinn und Analyse’ Bovensiepen , G. (Berlin). ‘Patriarchale Kriegslust und der Mutter-Imago. Unbewusste Gruppenphantasien in der Sprache der Bundestagsdebatten’ Chodorow , L. (1982). Foundations of Psycho-history Dreifuss , G. (Haifa). ‘Opferer und Opfer’ Giegerich , W. (Stuttgart). ‘Atombombe und Seele’ Haule , John R. (Boston). ‘From somnambulism to the archetypes: the French roots of Jung's split with Freud’ Haule , John R. (Boston)). ‘Soul-making in a schizophrenic saint’ Hillman , J. (Dallas). The Thought of the Heart Hubback , J. (London). ‘People who do things to each other: therapists and patients’ Jacoby , M. (Zollikon). ‘Das Selbst-Konzept in der analytischen Psychologie of C. G. Jungs und seine Bedeutung für die Psychotherapie’ Jacoby , M. (Zollikon). ‘Psychotherapie im Rahmen der analytischen Psychologie von C. G. Jung’ Mattinson , J. (London). ‘The effects of abortion on a marriage’ McCully , R. S. (Charleston). ‘Sorcerers as masculine protest symbols in upper paleolithic times’ Plaut , A. (London). ‘Where is Paradise? The Mapping of a Myth’ Samuels , A. (London). ‘Symbolic dimensions of eros in transference-countertransference: some clinical uses of Jung's alchemical metaphor’ Ware , Robert C. (Zürich). ‘C. G. Jung und der Körper: Vernachlässigte Möglichkeiten der Therapie?’  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
N agy , M. Philosophical Issues in the Psychology of
N agy , M. Philosophical Issues in the Psychology of C. G. Jung.
E dinger , E. F. Transformation of the God-Image: An Elucidation of Jung's 'Answer to Job'.
M oon , B., (ed.). An Encyclopaedia of Archetypal Symbolism: The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism.
T ustin , F. The Protective Shell in Children and Adults.  相似文献   

The grandfather     
The author, grandson of C.G. Jung, architect and historian, resident in the Küsnacht house, offers perspectives on the role of the grandfather. C.G. had a difficult relationship with his father but felt a strong rapport with his grandfather Karl Gustav Jung, even though he died before C.G.'s birth. Andreas notes that there were many parallels in the lives of the two men; C.G.'s memories and the touching personal diary left behind by Karl Gustav will be discussed. Many of Jung's other ancestors will be described from his own personal angle. The paper also encompasses C.G.'s spiritual forerunners and finally the dead, our common nameless ancestors.  相似文献   

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