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孟迎芳  董月晴  陈荃 《心理学报》2021,53(5):469-480
Swallow和Jiang (2010)最早发现, 编码时的目标探测会促进同时呈现的背景信息在随后记忆测验中的表现, 并将这一现象称为注意促进效应(Attentional Boost Effect, ABE)。随后研究发现这一现象并不会出现在概念内隐测验中, 由此提出目标探测主要促进的是背景信息的知觉加工, 而非语义加工。本研究通过3个实验, 操纵了对背景信息的编码加工类型(知觉加工或概念加工)。结果发现, 当与目标探测同时进行的是对背景信息的概念加工任务, 则ABE会出现在随后的概念内隐测验中。反之, 当对背景信息进行的是知觉加工任务时, 则ABE会出现在随后的知觉内隐测验而不是概念内隐测验中。这些结果表明, 目标探测既可能促进背景信息的知觉加工, 也可能促进背景信息的语义加工, 但只有在目标探测下背景信息的编码加工与随后内隐测验中所依赖的提取加工具有一致性, 才会产生ABE。  相似文献   

In this pilot study, implicit memory was examined in participants selected according to their scores on the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised. Implicit memory was explored using a word-stem completion test after 24 participants had processed texts to be remembered. Variations in priming were observed among 12 Normal and 12 Good memorizers (Verbal Memory scores >110) following presentation of target words in the context of a coherent text. One intriguing result emerged: the magnitude of the priming effect varied by group, greater among Good memorizers than Normal memorizers.  相似文献   

Attentional load and implicit sequence learning   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A widely employed conceptualization of implicit learning hypothesizes that it makes minimal demands on attentional resources. This conjecture was investigated by comparing learning under single-task and dual-task conditions in the sequential reaction time (SRT) task. Participants learned probabilistic sequences, with dual-task participants additionally having to perform a counting task using stimuli that were targets in the SRT display. Both groups were then tested for sequence knowledge under single-task (Experiments 1 and 2) or dual-task (Experiment 3) conditions. Participants also completed a free generation task (Experiments 2 and 3) under inclusion or exclusion conditions to determine if sequence knowledge was conscious or unconscious in terms of its access to intentional control. The experiments revealed that the secondary task impaired sequence learning and that sequence knowledge was consciously accessible. These findings disconfirm both the notion that implicit learning is able to proceed normally under conditions of divided attention, and that the acquired knowledge is inaccessible to consciousness. A unitary framework for conceptualizing implicit and explicit learning is proposed.  相似文献   

Depression and implicit memory: a commentary.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this invited commentary, we review four studies in which the issue of whether depression affects priming on implicit memory tests was examined. We conclude that a depressive mood does not affect amount of priming on several implicit memory tests under conditions in which marked effects are shown on conscious recollection (explicit memory). The mood congruity effect (depressives remember depression-related words better than controls; controls remember other types of material better than depressives) also largely disappears on perceptual implicit memory tests. We speculate about reasons for discrepancies in the literature, relate the findings to some current theories of individual differences in memory, and suggest some directions for future research.  相似文献   

Carrier and Pashler (1995) concluded-based on locus-of-slack dual-task methodology-that memory retrieval was subject to a central bottleneck. However, this conclusion conflicts with evidence from other lines of research suggesting that memory retrieval proceeds autonomously, in parallel with many other mental processes. In the present experiments we explored the possibility that Carrier and Pashler's conclusions were distorted by use of an experimental method unfavorable to parallel memory retrieval. New locus-of-slack experiments were performed that encouraged parallel memory retrieval strategies with instructions and feedback, along with the use of "preferred" stimulus-response modality mappings. Results from two psychological refractory period experiments showed that the effect of Task 2 recognition difficulty was consistently absorbed into cognitive slack, with both word and picture recognition. We conclude that the memory retrieval stage of recognition tasks can proceed in parallel with central operations of another task, at least under favorable conditions. Our new findings bring results from dual-task locus-of-slack methodology into agreement with other evidence that memory retrieval is not subject to severe, generic central resource limitations.  相似文献   

The fluency of stimulus processing significantly contributes to recognition memory judgments. We investigated the effect of processing fluency induced by attentional cueing on recognition judgments. Participants performed a Remember/Know recognition test, while their spatial attention was manipulated in the test session. Stimulus location was either predicted (congruent condition) or unpredicted (incongruent condition) using an arrow cue. The results revealed that familiarity-based false recognition increased in the incongruent condition wherein the participants may have attributed part of the perceived disfluency to the attentional cue, and they may have overestimated the fluency for the stimulus, leading to increased false recognition. However, in the congruent condition, the participants may have attributed some parts of the perceived fluency to the attentional cue and underestimated the fluency for the stimulus, leading to decreased false recognition. In sum, stimulus-irrelevant attentional cueing induces unintentional processing about the source of fluency and biases recognition memory.  相似文献   

A commonly held assumption is that processes underlying explicit and implicit memory are distinct. Recent evidence, however, suggests that they may interact more than previously believed. Using the remember–know procedure the current study examines the relation between recollection, a process thought to be exclusive to explicit memory, and performance on two implicit memory tasks, lexical decision and word stem completion. We found that, for both implicit tasks, words that were recollected were associated with greater priming effects than were words given a subsequent familiarity rating or words that had been studied but were not recognised (misses). Broadly, our results suggest that non-voluntary processes underlying explicit memory also benefit priming, a measure of implicit memory. More specifically, given that this benefit was due to a particular aspect of explicit memory (recollection), these results are consistent with some strength models of memory and with Moscovitch's (2008) proposal that recollection is a two-stage process, one rapid and unconscious and the other more effortful and conscious.  相似文献   

Although both the object and the observer often move in natural environments, the effect of motion on visual object recognition ha not been well documented. The authors examined the effect of a reversal in the direction of rotation on both explicit and implicit memory for novel, 3-dimensional objects. Participants viewed a series of continuously rotating objects and later made either an old-new recognition judgment or a symmetric-asymmetric decision. For both tasks, memory for rotating objects was impaired when the direction of rotation was reversed at test. These results demonstrate that dynamic information can play a role in visual object recognition and suggest that object representations can encode spatiotemporal information.  相似文献   

Conceptual implicit memory: A developmental study   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The widely accepted standpoint that implicit memory emerges earlier in development than explicit memory, and is more stable from childhood to adult age, is based on experimental data essentially collected in perceptual tasks. The present study was aimed at investigating whether these findings still hold when a more conceptual task is used. We compared the performance of children at two age levels (2nd and 4th grades) on a category-exemplar generation task. Results showed that performances of the two groups were comparable when the target items were typical of their categories, as in Experiment 2, and for a subset of the items in Experiment 1. However, the older children outperformed the younger children in Experiment 1 when the items selected were atypical of their categories. Interpretations of these findings are discussed.Preparation of this article was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (URA CNRS 316 and 1838), the Université de Bourgogne, and the Université René-Descartes  相似文献   

Is there a learning mechanism triggered by mere expectation violation? Is there some form of memory enhancement inherent to an event mismatching our predictions? Across seven experiments, we explore this issue by means of a validity paradigm. Although our manipulation clearly succeeded in generating an expectation and breaking it, the memory consequences of that expectation mismatch are not so obvious. We report here evidence of a null effect of expectation on memory formation. Our results (1) show that enhanced memory for unexpected events is not easily achieved and (2) call for a reevaluation of previous accounts of memory enhancements based on prediction error or difficulty of processing. Limitations of this study and possible implications for the field are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of involuntary aware memory (phenomenological awareness of the study episode) on a conceptual implicit memory task. Subjects studied words under levels of processing conditions (LOP: nonsemantic vs. semantic) and then received a category exemplar generation priming task. Subjects were either aware or unaware of the study test relationship. Subjects who were study test aware showed more priming for semantic study than subjects who were study test unaware, thus producing an LOP dissociation between them. The findings suggest that involuntary aware memory can enhance performance on conceptual implicit memory tasks, thus having theoretical implications for implicit and explicit memory.  相似文献   

This article reports a meta-analysis comparing the size of repetition priming in full and divided-attention (DA) conditions. The main analysis included 38 effect sizes (ES) extracted from 21 empirical studies, for a total of 2074 (full-attention) and 2148 (divided-attention) participants. The mean weighted ES was 0.357 (95% CI = 0.278–0.435), indicating that divided attention produced a small, but significant, negative effect on implicit memory. Overall, the distinction between identification and production priming provided the best fit to empirical data (with the effect of DA being greater for production tests), whereas there was no significant difference between perceptual and conceptual priming. A series of focused contrasts suggested that word-stem completion might be influenced by lexical–conceptual processes, and that perceptual identification might involve a productive component. Implications for current theories of implicit memory are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated developmental improvements in category exemplar generation priming in children from kindergarten to older elementary school age. The strength of categorical links for atypical exemplars increases in this age range, whereas category knowledge for typical exemplars remains relatively stable. Therefore, in comparison with older children, younger children should show less categorical-relational encoding and, thus, less priming for atypical items but not for typical items. This expectation was confirmed in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, picture versus word format at study dissociated implicit and explicit performance, indicating that the age-related increase in priming for atypical exemplars in Experiment 1 was not an artifact of explicit contamination. The findings suggest that developmental improvements in conceptual priming can be observed when the conceptual knowledge relevant for a given task improves over the age range tested.  相似文献   

The implicit benefit of learning without errors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies examined whether the number of errors made in learning a motor skill, golf putting, differentially influences the adoption of a selective (explicit) or unselective (implicit) learning mode. Errorful learners were expected to adopt an explicit, hypothesis-testing strategy to correct errors during learning, thereby accruing a pool of verbalizable rules and exhibiting performance breakdown under dual-task conditions, characteristic of a selective mode of learning. Reducing errors during learning was predicted to minimize the involvement of explicit hypothesis testing leading to the adoption of an unselective mode of learning, distinguished by few verbalizable rules and robust performance under secondary task loading. Both studies supported these predictions. The golf putting performance of errorless learners in both studies was unaffected by the imposition of a secondary task load, whereas the performance of errorful learners deteriorated. Reducing errors during learning limited the number of error-correcting hypotheses tested by the learner, thereby reducing the contribution of explicit processing to skill acquisition. It was concluded that the reduction of errors during learning encourages the use of implicit, unselective learning processes, which confer insusceptibility to performance breakdown under distraction.  相似文献   

Modality specificity of implicit memory for new associations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In previous research we demonstrated that newly acquired associations between unrelated word pairs influence the magnitude of priming effects on word-completion tests. This phenomenon of implicit memory for new associations is observed only following semantic study elaboration. The present experiments reveal that implicit memory for new associations, though elaboration dependent, is also modality specific: Associative effects on a visual word-completion test were consistently reduced by study-test modality shifts. In contrast, explicit memory for new associations, as indexed by cued-recall performance, was uninfluenced by modality shifts. The modality effect on completion performance was eliminated when subjects were given brief visual preexposures to, or were required to construct visual images of, word pairs presented in auditory study conditions. The results pose a theoretical puzzle insofar as they indicate that within the domain of implicit memory, access to the products of elaborative processing depends on modality-specific, sensory-perceptual processing.  相似文献   

In this paper a new model, the Implicit/Explicit Separation (IES) model, is developed and applied. The model is designed to obtain separate probability measures for explicit memory storage, implicit memory storage, fractional storage, and non-storage. The model is needed because memory research has shown the importance of the distinction between a conscious memory of a target event and a memory residue that is unable to support conscious recall or confident recognition, but it is still able to support guessing at rates above chance. Maximum likelihood and population-parameter mapping estimates for the parameters of the IES model are provided. The accuracy of parameter estimates is studied as a function of sample size. Three experiments are reported to demonstrate how the IES model is used to achieve a more fine grained assessment of the quality of information storage. These experiments also provide strong validation support for the IES model itself. Across the three experiments, each of the four components for representing target information (explicit, implicit, fractional, and non-storage) demonstrates a different pattern. The IES model is discussed in terms of alternative models such as the dual-process model and the process-dissociation model.  相似文献   

Five experiments explore priming effects on auditory identification and completion tasks as a function of semantic and nonsemantic encoding tasks and whether speaker's voice is same or different at study and test. Auditory priming was either unaffected by the study task manipulation (Experiments 2, 4, and 5) or was less affected than was explicit memory (Experiments 1 and 3). Study-to-test changes of speaker's voice had nonsignificant effects on priming when white noise masked target items on the identification test (Experiments 1 and 2) or the stem-completion test (Experiment 5). However, significant voice change effects were observed on priming of completion performance when stems were spoken clearly (Experiments 3 and 4). Results are consistent with the idea that a presemantic auditory perceptual representation system plays an important role in the observed priming. Alternative explanations of the presence or absence of voice change effects under different task conditions are considered.  相似文献   

Viewing a stepped edge is likely to prompt the perceptual assignment of one side of the edge as figure. This study demonstrates that even a single brief glance at a novel edge gives rise to an implicit memory regarding which side was seen as figure; this edge complex enters into the figure assignment process the next time the edge is encountered, both speeding same-different judgments when the figural side is repeated and slowing these judgments when the new figural side is identical to the former ground side (Experiments 1A and 1B). These results were obtained even when the facing direction of the repeated edge was mirror reversed (Experiment 2). This study shows that implicit measures can reveal the effects of past experience on figure assignment, following a single prior exposure to a novel shape, and supports a competitive model of figure assignment in which past experience serves as one of many figural cues.  相似文献   

McKone (1995) reported a short-lived repetition priming effect, superimposed on long-lived priming. This short-term implicit memory survived a few intervening items and several seconds for words but decayed precipitously for nonwords, producing a lag 3 lexicality interaction. Here, mechanisms of decay are studied by disconfounding the time delay and interference components of lag. In Experiment 1, time delay was varied while number of intervening items was held constant, and vice versa. In Experiment 2, priming was plotted as a function of time delay, with and without intervening items. Using a lexical decision task, both experiments found independent contributions of time and interference to the decay of short-term priming. Further, Experiment 2 attributed the lag 3 lexicality interaction to a particular sensitivity of nonword traces to interference. An illustration of how these effects might arise in the word recognition system is provided.  相似文献   

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