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A sweeping anticrime package was implemented in Jamaica in 1974. This program included severe penalties for possession of illegal guns, censorhsip of gun scenes from television and the movies, and greatly broadened police powers. The impact of this anticrime package on crime was assessed using quasiexperimental time-series designs with both months and years as the units of analysis. In a one year period there was a 14% reduction in homicides ( p <.05), a 32% reduction in rapes ( p <.01), a 25% reduction in robberies ( p <.05), and a 37% reduction in nonfatal shootings ( p <.01). Data from the second year following the implementation of the anticrime package were not available. The data from the fist year suggest that strict anticrime measures can reduce crime.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effects of a self-protection curriculum with a group of 10 junior high special education students. The curriculum (Ryerson & Sunden, 1981) was designed to increase the student's ability to identify strangers, recognize unsafe situations, use refusal skill, and understand acceptable and unacceptable touch. The effects of the curriculum were examined using a multiple baseline pre-posttest design across subjects. The results indicated a significant improvement in self-protection skills. Post testing data indicated the self-protection skills ere maintained over time.  相似文献   

Families play an important role in the lives of individuals with mental illness. Coping with the strain of shifting roles and multiple challenges of caregiving can have a huge impact. Limited information exists regarding race-related differences in families’ caregiving experiences, their abilities to cope with the mental illness of a loved one, or their interactions with mental health service systems. This study examined race-related differences in the experiences of adults seeking to participate in the National Alliance on Mental Illness Family-to-Family Education Program due to mental illness of a loved one. Participants were 293 White and 107 African American family members who completed measures of problem- and emotion-focused coping, knowledge about mental illness, subjective illness burden, psychological distress, and family functioning. Multiple regression analyses were used to determine race-related differences. African American caregivers reported higher levels of negative caregiving experiences, less knowledge of mental illness, and higher levels of both problem-solving coping and emotion-focused coping, than White caregivers. Mental health programs serving African American families should consider targeting specific strategies to address caregiving challenges, support their use of existing coping mechanisms and support networks, and increase their knowledge of mental illness.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, the Garrett Lee Smith Youth Suicide Prevention Program has provided funding for community‐based suicide prevention programs to states, tribes, and colleges across the United States. Recent studies provided evidence of the program's effectiveness in reducing suicide mortality and suicide attempts among youth. This study compares the cost of implementing the program with the estimated savings resulting from avoided hospitalization and emergency department visits associated with the averted suicide attempts. The findings suggest that the cost of implementing multifaceted community‐based suicide prevention strategies may be more than outweighed by savings in the health sector.  相似文献   

This study reports on the effectiveness of a helping skills training program for intern psychometrists. A randomized pretest–posttest comparison group design was used to evaluate the training program. Participants (N = 22; 82% = female, and Afrikaans-speaking = 95%) were selected from the psychometrist-in-training program from a tertiary institution. Three helping skills development measuring instruments were administered before and after the training program. Data were quantitatively analysed to examine training effects on empathy, respect and genuineness, as well as the participants’ ability to respond to content and personalise meaning. At the conclusion of the training, participants appeared to have evidently developed a heightened sense of purpose in life.  相似文献   

Although adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience serious life impairment (Molina et al., 2009; Wolraich et al., 2005), very few effective psychosocial interventions exist to treat this population (Pelham & Fabiano, 2008; Smith, Waschbusch, Willoughby, & Evans, 2000). Intensive child-directed interventions are an important component in the treatment of childhood ADHD (Pelham et al., 2005), yet no study exists that fully evaluates an intensive adolescent-directed intervention. The current investigation is a pilot study of 19 adolescents with ADHD (age range: 11-16) who participated in an 8-week intensive Summer Treatment Program–Adolescent (STP-A) during the summer of 2009. The program was developed to address specific difficulties associated with ADHD in adolescence. As such, the program was designed to be ecologically valid, age appropriate, and parent-involved. Results suggest that almost all adolescents who attended the STP-A benefitted from the program according to parent, self, and staff ratings and objective measures. These ratings also indicated that participants showed moderate improvement in each of the 6 domains targeted by treatment (i.e., conduct problems, adult-directed defiance, social functioning, inattention/disorganization, mood/well-being, and academic skills). All parents indicated that both they and their children benefitted from the program and all but 1 parent indicated that the STP-A was more effective than the treatments they had utilized in the past. A case example is presented to illustrate typical improvement patterns during the STP-A. Discussion addresses the role of the STP-A in the treatment of ADHD in adolescence.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that adolescent behavior problems are related to family functioning. In general, findings have demonstrated the family’s critical role in facilitating developmental outcomes. This study evaluated a 6-week holistic program for at-risk teens and their parents entitled Creating a Responsible Thinker at baseline, post-test, and 3-month follow-up. Results demonstrated gender differences in the program’s effects on self-efficacy, specifically increased self-efficacy for females and reduced self-efficacy among males. Follow-up results suggested that teens reported better communication with their parents. These results underscore the appropriateness of a family-based approach to treatment for at-risk teens and their parents.  相似文献   

We describe changes in adaptive functioning for children enrolled in the Intensive Mental Health Program (IMHP), an innovative model for serving children with the most severe forms of SED. Most children show marked improvements in multiple indicators of role performance and symptomatology. Although a high risk, high need group, most children attended school regularly and lived with a stable caregiver at discharge.  相似文献   

The study examined the success of a group based behavioural intervention with Nigerian youths aimed at reducing the risk of contracting and spreading HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted illness (STI). Participants were 147 youths (males=75, females=72, age range 5 to 24 years). The study explored the influence of motivational factors (self efficacy), attitudinal factors (perceived personal risk), knowledge (instrumental knowledge of AIDS) and behavioural factors (refusal of high-risk behaviour) in predicting condom use amongst youth participating in a group-based HIV prevention intervention. Findings indicated that the intervention program reliably predicted participants' attitudinal dispositions to high risk heterosexual behaviour. Instrumental knowledge of HIV/AIDS, perceived self-efficacy, perceived personal risk of HIV/AIDS and refusal of risk behaviour were significant predictors of condom use.  相似文献   

The article describes how consultants, working with school personnel, can use an action research approach to implement a program of value‐driven needs assessment. The presentation is focused on a collaborative consultation model of program evaluation. A case example illustrates the collaborative development of instruments for assessing the effectiveness of a school guidance and counseling program.  相似文献   

African American men suffer one of the highest attrition rates of any racial or gender group in college. This study evaluated a retention program designed to increase academic self-concept by engaging participants in a 10-week course that taught career planning, cultural awareness, job interviewing and resume writing skills, and academic responsibility. The results of the analysis suggest that the course had no effect on academic self-concept.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This article represents an overview of the various types of evaluation research conducted in the fields of crisis intervention, suicide prevention, and mental health in general. An attempt is made to classify it according to its content and purpose, and to assess the relative merit of each. Emphasis is on goal attainment and outcome type of evaluation.  相似文献   

Evaluating a youth program whose goals are to provide instruction in Cambodian dance, increase awareness and pride in Cambodian culture, promote healthy behaviors, and create linkages within the community has been a challenge. A primary source of conflict was incorporating evaluation methods that were required of all funded programs with our own specifically tailored measures. One of our concerns was that the required tools were not culturally appropriate for our participants. Our experiences reinforce the importance of forming partnerships that embrace principles of respect, equity, and empowerment among all involved before establishing a research agenda. The choices we made and did not make contributed to our struggles and frustration and also to the insight that was gained. Our analysis examines the importance of clear communication, cultural awareness, tailoring evaluation, and meaningful participation. We believe that the lessons we learned will help facilitate the conduct of culturally sensitive community-based research.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, significant advances have been made in our understanding of the basic stages and mechanisms of mammalian brain development. Studies elucidating the neurobiology of brain development span the levels of neural organization from the macroanatomic, to the cellular, to the molecular. Together this large body of work provides a picture of brain development as the product of a complex series of dynamic and adaptive processes operating within a highly constrained, genetically organized but constantly changing context. The view of brain development that has emerged from the developmental neurobiology literature presents both challenges and opportunities to psychologists seeking to understand the fundamental processes that underlie social and cognitive development, and the neural systems that mediate them. This chapter is intended to provide an overview of some very basic principles of brain development, drawn from contemporary developmental neurobiology, that may be of use to investigators from a wide range of disciplines.  相似文献   

This article illustrates one way in which counselors can contribute to victim services on campus besides providing direct remedial services. Specifically, the authors describe a project in which they designed, implemented, and evaluated a rape prevention program. The program was coeducational and interactive and was presented to members of sororities and fraternities. Those who participated in the program endorsed fewer rape-supportive attitudes than did the control group immediately following the program, although the two groups no longer differed at the one month follow-up. Recommendations are provided for counselors interested in developing and evaluating similar programs.  相似文献   

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