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This is a report of the treatment of two families with a dying member. The focus is on the uses of transference and countertransference in the therapeutic process.  相似文献   

Fraley offers a provocative behavior-analytic perspective on the process of slow death. I argue that the value of his insightful analysis is severely compromised by his insistence on equating behavioral competence with personal worth. Fraley errs by proclaiming that his philosophy is science, that existing social practices are essential human attributes, and that idiosyncratic reinforcing stimuli are universally functional. Further, his philosophical tenet is fundamentally inconsistent with his genuinely humane goal of understanding and promoting protracted dying as a behavioral rather than metaphysical phenomenon.  相似文献   


Dying can be a painful and difficult business. Fears, hopes, losses, questions, and uncertainty result in a form of pain that lies beyond the therapeutic reach of science and pharmacology. Efforts to preserve and prolong life or to make things better can sometimes result in this pain being overlooked or remaining unheard. To search the deepest part of oneself is the journey that beckons us all as we are dying. Within this space resides the source of our own suffering but also the seeds for healing. This exploration has a momentum of its own but requires conditions not often found within the biomedical paradigm. If this model of care remains the only source of hope for those with a life-threatening illness, ‘the pain of dying’ may not be addressed.  相似文献   

The growing concern for improved quality of care for the dying and the bereaved is reviewed. The growth of the hospice movement, home-care teams and self-help groups are referred to, together with the attempts that have been made to evaluate the effectiveness of bereavement counselling. In the light of current work and formal psychological studies, an outline of the grief process is given. Reference is made to possible future developments in this field and to the importance of counselling skills being acquired by a wider range of people than at present.  相似文献   

The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in its preamble, affirms ‘the inherent dignity and … the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family’ as ‘the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world’. However, advocates of assisted dying have proposed that human dignity is not inherent and that individuals should be able to determine their own dignity and quality of life. In response to this, it is suggested that persons who consider that their lives are no longer worth living, or believe that they have lost their ‘dignity’, are discriminating against themselves. Moreover, with assisted dying, as opposed to suicide, another person must also believe that it would be preferable for a person wishing to die not to continue living. In other words, assisted dying is a reflection of the unacceptable belief by a person that human dignity is not inherent and that another person can lose his or her dignity to such an extent that his or her life is no longer worth living and should be ended.  相似文献   

This article is a personal exploration of the symbol of the scorpion, a rather unloved, kept in the shadows aspect that lives in us all. I will discuss my encounter with the scorpion and its impact on a transitional time in my life. The symbol of the scorpion is amplified using dream material, myth, science, and astrology. The article also amplifies and invites readers to explore the tension of the time when the poison becomes the medicine.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test for a relationship between mesomorphy and experiential cognitive style (S. Epstein, 1994) in a sample of university students (30 women and 24 men). Anthropometric somatotypes were obtained using the Heath-Carter procedure (J. E. L. Carter, 2002). Experiential cognitive style was operationalized as scores on the experiential scale of the Rational Experiential Inventory for Adolescents (A. D. Marks, D. W. Hine, R. L. Blore, & W. J. Phillips, 2008). Nonparametric bootstrap correlations were calculated using 80% confidence intervals. There were significant correlations between mesomorphy and experiential cognitive style for men (r(s) = .33) and women (r(s) = .25). For men, experiential cognitive style was also correlated with endomorphy (r(s) = .39) and ectomorphy (rs = -.48).  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to examine young women's and men's orientations toward love in three very different cultures: Japan (N = 223), Russia (N = 401), and the United States (N = 1,043). The love variables examined were: frequency of lore experiences, attachment types, love styles, love as a basis for marriage, romantic attitudes, and predictors of falling in love. Many cultural differences were found in the love variables, but the effect of culture was not always in the expected direction. We also examined how the pattern of gender differences in love variables differed across the three societies. Some of the gender differences and similarities found in previous love research and also in the U.S. sample of this study were not replicated in the Japanese and/or Russian samples. We discuss the importance of studying love and other aspects of close relationships with data collected from more than one culture.  相似文献   

This paper outlines some of the special stresses that must be shouldered by clinicians—physicians, nurses, chaplains, social workers, pastoral staff, and others—whose work focuses on dying and extremely vulnerable patients. The utility of a theory of generative death anxiety as a framework for interpreting the nature of these special stresses is suggested. Three common burnout reactions are examined. The paper concludes that positive acceptance of personal mortality may help clinicians avoid burnout and lead to better therapeutic practice. This framework for interpreting therapeutic practice demonstrates the integral role spirituality plays in work with this particular patient group.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the influence of shame on the way in which Western society, particularly North America, is coping with death and dying. From being a familiar event, death and dying have become a shameful aspect of life. Thus, this paper provides some understanding of this important transformation, and it challenges some of our present attitudes regarding death and dying. These human experiences are not the ultimate manifestation of a failure, either from a personal or a medical perspective, but the only way through which human beings acquire the fullness of life, as Christian faith reveals.  相似文献   

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