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This is a rejoinder to the commentaries on our paper on neoliberalism in work and organizational psychology. In this rejoinder, we provide a summarized response to the commentaries, thereby highlighting three main points: (1) when, where and how does neoliberalism manifest in society and our work as Work and Organizational Psychologists, (2) what is our duty as work and organizational psychologists towards society and our own work, and (3) what do we recommend on the basis of the exchange with the commentators on our paper?  相似文献   

In response to Martin Lakin's (1991) IJGP article, "Some Ethical Issues in Feminist-Oriented Therapy Groups for Women," this article examines recent developments in feminist theory and proposes that a feminist perspective is both ethical and can make significant contributions to the practice of group psychotherapy. The overview of feminist theory focuses on (1) the importance of the social context, (2) contributions and challenges to psychoanalytic and developmental theory, (3) attention to power relations, (4) the connection between the personal and political, and (5) recognition and integration of diversity and difference. Clinical examples illustrate ways in which male and female group therapists can take a feminist perspective and become "ethical advocates."  相似文献   

Although less observable than the overt actions of fighting and assault, covert antisocial behaviors such as stealing and property destruction comprise an important subclass of externalizing behavior patterns, displaying considerable predictive power toward delinquency in adolescence. I discuss a laboratory paradigm for objective observation of such behaviors in children that has shown impressive concurrent and predictive validity among samples of boys with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Addressed herein are crucial questions regarding the ethics of tempting children to steal objects and small amounts of money and to deface property as well as the types of informed consent and debriefing procedures utilized in research with this paradigm. Weighing ethical considerations alongside the ability to predict delinquent behavior presents provocative issues for those interested in understanding the development of antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

An assessment technique of having mothers and young adolescents describe in brief written form what they like and dislike about each other was evaluated. Distressed dyads (N=38) produced responses that were rated significantly more negative (Demanding, Personal Attack, Anger and Hostility, Complaining About Unfairness or Disrespect) and less positive (Good Relationship, Appreciation of Other, Complimentary, and Enjoyment) than nondistressed dyads (N=40). Evidence of reliability was reported. Ratings of the written responses correlated significantly with independently obtained codings of taperecorded interactions, thus offering support for validity of the method.The authors wish to thank Diane Follingstad and Peter Kilmann for their comments on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

Summary: Sixty-two subjects completed the California Psjrchological Inventory, the Rotter External-Internal locus of control scale and an audio-taped discussion of their personal problems. The audio-taped problems were rated on a five-point level of personal responsibility scale and were compared wi.th the scores on the California Personality Inventory and the Internal-External locus of control scale in a correlation matrix which was subjected to a factor analysis. The results from these analyses suppovted the hypothesis that the Personal Responsibility Rating System has construct validity as a measure of psychological health. Study I1 assessed the trainability of the Personal Responsibility System. With a four-hour training program it was found that graduate students could be taught to rate personal responsibility in a reliable manner.  相似文献   

In a time of rapid technological and social change, business organizations must help their employees develop a new appreciation of how social and ethical values are being shaped and challenged by evolving information technologies. Many ethical and social conflicts have arisen around the advanced information technology used today. The emerging technologies continue to create situations not previously encountered. There are numerous risks facing corporations involved in the use of computing technology. Leaders of organizations looking ahead to assess the impact of technological changes can try to prepare their employees for the future. This paper addresses the urgent need for individuals in corporations to become more knowledgeable about computing technologies and their impact.  相似文献   

A single-stimulation and two double-stimulation response conditions were compared using explicit payoff matrices to vary speed-accuracy tradeoff. Under accuracy payoff, response latency (RT(1)) to the first stimulus increased as ISI dropped but accuracy remained high and relatively constant. Under speed payoff, RT(1) was only slightly affected by ISI but accuracy dropped as ISI decreased. Transmitted information rates consistently reflected detrimental effects of short ISI. In double stimulation, but not in single stimulation, error response latency exceeded correct response latency. Furthermore, error response latencies were found to be far more variable and more sensitive to changes in speed-accuracy condition than were correct response latencies. Finally, under both speed and accuracy conditions, response latency to the first of two successive stimuli was faster if a response was also required to the second stimulus. Implications of the data for possible models of double-stimulation speed-accuracy tradeoff are considered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide a richer lens on the ethical organizational environment by examining the relationship between ethical leadership and unit-level unethical behavior through ethical organizational climate (EOC), with collective moral identity as a boundary condition. In testing our theoretical model, we first develop and validate a measure of EOC to address concerns with existing measures of ethical climate. Second, we examine the role of collective moral identity as a moderator of the relationship between EOC and unit unethical behavior. We discuss implications regarding the importance of developing a more comprehensive conceptualization of EOC.  相似文献   

This paper explores the experience of horror. The term is usually understood collectively to refer to experiences of terrorism, racism and other conflicts; however, the paper explores the equal horror for the individual of facing deep and painful psychic contents and traumatic experiences. The paper explores the way that both C.G. Jung, through analysis of the psyche, and the author Stephen King, through his horror novels, have accepted and explored the experience of encountering ‘the dark half’ or ‘It’ that is the other within themselves, forming images and symbols capable of linking their personal experience to that of the collective. This encounter is transformed, as far as Jung is concerned by analytical psychology and for King by fiction, through an attitude of active imagination. This led both men to developing an ethical responsibility towards the images of the unconscious, as well as the personal and collective contents of human life. The paper depicts how encountering the ‘dark half’, through Jung and King can provide a Jungian analyst with a special attitude with which to deeply explore and ethically process the experience of horror in different fields, including therapeutic practice, analytical training and in the traumatic and conflictual facing of the other, with which, today as always, the world presents us.  相似文献   


Global warming – reality or fantasy? Certainly, global warming is a dystopia linked to other catastrophes in human history, such as the Flood and Noah's Ark. Noah's belief in God saved his life and the life of his family. In our time, we need to sustain our belief in the human capacity to cooperate and survive. This is a necessary background when thinking of the future and analysing the border between fantasy and reality, between fear and paranoia, and in the process in which a new worldview takes form.  相似文献   

As part of a longitudinal study, a control group of 85 children were tested on the WPPSI at 512 years and the WISC-R at 1612 years. Educational attainment was also assessed in adolescence. Data are presented illustrating the long-term predictive validity of the WPPSI. The Full Scale IQs on the two tests intercorrelated +0.86.  相似文献   

The primary responsibility of the American Psychological Association's (APA) Committee on Standards in Research (CSR) is to advise the APA on issues and standards related to the protection of human participants in psychological research. A related goal is to enhance the use of good ethical practices by APA members. The purpose of this article is to foster the view of research ethics not as an affront to the integrity of sound research, but as opportunities for scientific rewards, including increased understanding of the meaning of data, enhanced recruitment, and the inclusion of more representative samples. Three ethical practices are discussed as examples of this general premise: respect for confidentiality, use of debriefing, and assurance that participants are noncoerced volunteers. The Committee's intent is to promote consideration of these issues, not to promulgate specific guidelines or procedures.  相似文献   

A follow-up study to test the concurrent validity of a stress-vulnerability model of suicidal ideation and behavior was conducted. A total of 202 college students (139 females, 63 males) completed self-report measures of life stress, loneliness, depression, dysfunctional cognitions, reasons for living, hopelessness, current suicide ideation, and predictions of future suicide probability. The results of a multiple-regression analysis indicated that 30% of the variation in suicide ideation scores could be accounted for by the linear combination of negative life stress, depression, loneliness, and few reasons for living. The linear combination of current suicide ideation, hopelessness, dysfunctional cognitions, and few reasons for living explained 56% of the variance in self-predicted future suicide probability. The results are interpreted as being supportive of the proposed model.  相似文献   

In the double-stimulation paradigm subjects respond to two successive stimuli. Previous research (Knight & Kantowitz, 1974) showed that a subject's speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT) strategy interacted with the interval between the two stimuli to determine response performance to the first stimulus. The present experiment examined the influence of SAT strategy on response performance to the second stimulus. Interest focused on effects of SAT strategy upon the psychological refractory period (PRP) effect. If a single mechanism underlies beth first-and second-response performance (e.g., the PRP effect) in double stimulation, effects of SAT upon the second response should be similar to effects upon the first response. Results showed that the PRP effect appeared only when second-response accuracy was stressed. Under speed emphasis double-stimulation second-response latency never exceeded a single-stimulation baseline. This was analogous to first-response latency effects found by Knight and Kantowitz (1974). Response grouping was strongly influenced by SAT strategy and two response-grouping mechanisms were distinguished. Implications of these and interresponse time data for models of double-stimulation performance are discussed.  相似文献   

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