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元刻板印象是指个体关于外群体成员对其所属群体(内群体)所持刻板印象的信念。作为一种群际元知觉, 元刻板印象的内容和效价可以在一定程度上反映群际关系。近些年, 越来越多的研究表明元刻板印象是影响群际关系的更加重要的变量。相对于刻板印象, 元刻板印象的激活更加复杂, 激活的元刻板印象会引发一系列的情绪、认知和行为效应。未来研究应关注元刻板印象作用于群际关系的心理机制, 并进一步探讨通过元刻板印象改善群际关系的策略, 开展针对于我国不同群体的本土化研究。  相似文献   

元刻板印象威胁是指消极元刻板印象所导致的群体成员的一种社会心理困境和认知不平衡状态,会诱发压力和害怕体验,进而损害其行为表现。基于群际焦虑模型,本研究拟考查元刻板印象、群际焦虑、自尊等因素对群际关系的影响,具体为贫困大学生消极元刻板印象对群际关系的影响及群际焦虑的中介作用、自尊的调节作用。研究以江苏省徐州市某高校的158名贫困大学生为被试,通过操控指导语的方式将其随机分为威胁组(消极元刻板印象激活组)和无威胁组(元刻板印象未激活组)。结果如下:(1)威胁组被试的群际焦虑水平显著高于无威胁组,群际关系水平显著低于无威胁组;(2)群际焦虑在元刻板印象威胁与群际关系间起中介作用,自尊在前半路径(元刻板印象和群际焦虑间)和后半路径(群际焦虑与群际关系间)均起调节作用。结论:激活贫困大学生消极元刻板印象会对群际关系产生威胁效应。  相似文献   

刻板印象从内容模型到系统模型的发展与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
管健 《心理科学进展》2009,17(4):845-851
21世纪以来,在刻板印象研究中最受瞩目的当属刻板印象内容模型(Stereotype Content Model, SCM)的提出。它通过热情和能力二个维度区分对不同群体的刻板印象。新近的系统模型则将SCM与群际情绪、行为反应相结合,并凸现了道德维度,开创性地提出了群际情绪-刻板印象-行为趋向系统模型(Behaviors from Intergroup Affect and Stereotypes Map, BIAS Map)。这一系统模型是对刻板印象内容模型的有意义延伸,同时二者的有机结合进一步促进了刻板印象内群体与群体间研究的整合性,较之又增添了认知-情绪-行为与刻板印象预测之间的联结。  相似文献   

消极刻板印象和群际焦虑是阻碍群际交往的重要因素。基于群际接触理论和群际焦虑理论模型,测量了少数民族和汉族交往时的群际焦虑水平、彼此持有的刻板印象和外群体态度等变量,考查了这些变量的特征及关系。结果表明:(1)汉族在群际交往过程中的群际焦虑水平显著高于少数民族;(2)女性比男性持有更积极的外群体态度;(3)消极刻板印象是产生群际焦虑和偏见态度的重要原因。减少消极刻板印象、降低群际焦虑是促进群际交往的重要途径。  相似文献   

为了从性别差异视角探讨男性和女性外来务工人员的主观社会阶层、刻板印象威胁以及认同管理策略,通过整群抽样和滚雪球抽样方式选取了275名外来务工人员作为被试,讨论了外来务工群体在性别差异中的典型差异性。结果表明:(1)外来务工群体的主观社会阶层影响认同管理策略的选择,相较于客观社会阶层指标,主观社会阶层与认同管理策略和刻板印象威胁之间具有更高的相关性,其中性别具有一定的调节作用。(2)不同性别外来务工群体主观社会阶层与刻板印象威胁具有典型差异性,群际接触存在性别差异。(3)该群体的群际接触数量、接触质量与刻板印象威胁存在相关。  相似文献   

本研究采用单一复述法考察了我国非冲突性、地位平等的蒙古族和汉族群体,在面对面传递彼此不同效价的民族刻板印象信息时的群体效应。实验1证明了蒙古族和汉族间表现出的并非“外群体贬损”,而是“外群体偏爱”。实验2通过考察人际敏感性和群际态度两个变量验证了蒙汉间外群体偏爱的真实性,但这一效应在群际态度消极的高敏感汉族中表现出了人为增益性;而且发现了蒙汉族际沟通中的不同信息传递模式,蒙古族同时着眼于积极和消极信息,而汉族更偏重于积极信息。由此可知,外群体并不一定引发贬损,群体性质兹事体大。  相似文献   

群际态度是人们对于某一群体的喜欢或不喜欢,包括外显群际态度和内隐群际态度,它是一个群体对另一群体正负连续体的评价。群际信念是人们对某一群体特性的刻板印象。以往研究认为,群际态度和群际信念是耦合关系,相互影响,相倚存在。但群际态度和群际信念也存在分离性证据,即存在矛盾性和非统一性。为何形成耦合或者分离,文化定型论、群际态度补偿机制(低地位群体的创造策略、高地位群体的慷慨策略),以及认知差别等都成为调节性平衡点。探讨群际态度和群际信念的分离性关系和作用机制对于干预和消弭群际边界与群际冲突,缓和群际关系具有深远影响,可以支持其独立路径予以针对性干预方案。  相似文献   

从沟通频次与刻板印象传递性质的关系入手,以住院患者和尚未成为住院患者的大学生为被试,采用系列再生范式,利用10条4人再生链,探讨了医患沟通频次对医生刻板印象表达的影响。结果显示,与医生沟通频次高的住院患者在再生链的第2个位置传递医生的积极信息高于消极信息,但是经过4人的传递,住院患者对医生刻板印象信息的传递在积极信息与消极信息没有差异。而与医生沟通频次低的大学生在再生链的后期表现出传递医生消极信息的倾向。该结果表明:沟通频次能够调节有关医生的消极刻板印象的传递—与医生沟通频次高的群体在传递医生的刻板印象信息时,在传递的早期具有积极的倾向性;但经过多人传递之后,在效价方面已经没有倾向性;与医生沟通频次低的群体倾向于传递医生刻板印象的消极信息。  相似文献   

元刻板印象是指个体关于外群体成员对其所属群体所持刻板印象的信念或看法,消极元刻板印象的激活会导致群体成员的一种社会心理困境和认知不平衡状态,诱发压力和害怕体验,并损害其行为表现。研究采用工作记忆的N-back范式,对随迁儿童的元刻板印象威胁效应进行探讨。实验通过让被试根据不同指导语写形容词的方式,操纵了"威胁"和"无威胁"的条件,并考察不同条件对群际焦虑和工作记忆的影响。结果如下:(1)威胁组被试的群际焦虑水平显著高于无威胁组;(2)在工作记忆的3个任务难度中,威胁组被试的正确率显著低于无威胁组;随着难度的增加,威胁组和无威胁组被试的正确率都显著下降;(3)在工作记忆的3个任务难度中,威胁组被试的反应时显著长于无威胁组;随着难度的增加,威胁组和无威胁组被试的反应时都显著增长,且组别与任务难度的交互作用显著;(4)群际焦虑在元刻板印象与工作记忆任务的正确率(中等难度任务)间起完全中介作用,在元刻板印象与工作记忆任务的反应时(中等难度任务)间起部分中介作用。结果表明,在激活随迁儿童的消极元刻板印象后,产生了明显的元刻板印象威胁效应。  相似文献   

通过两个实验探讨了刻板印象内容对刻板印象抑制反弹效应的影响。实验1以"罪犯"(低温情,低能力)和"老年人"(高温情,低能力)构成不同类型的刻板印象群体,发现在温情和能力上得分都低的群体与温情高能力低或温情低能力高的群体相比,在刻板印象抑制后更可能出现反弹效应。值得注意的是,反弹效应仅在目标群体(罪犯)的能力维度上出现。在实验2中,"老年人"和"富人"构成作为两种不同的混合型刻板印象群体。结果表明:对于高能力低温情群体的抑制比对高温情低能力群体的抑制更困难。  相似文献   

A large body of research has documented the performance-debilitating effects of stereotype threat for individuals, but there is a paucity of research exploring interpersonal consequences of stereotype threat. Two experiments tested the hypothesis that stereotype threat would change the style in which women communicate. Results indicate that women who experience stereotype threat regarding leadership abilities react against the stereotype by adopting a more masculine communication style. Study 2 provides evidence that self-affirmation eliminates this effect of stereotype threat on women's communication styles. A third study demonstrates an ironic consequence of this effect of stereotype threat on women's communication--when women under stereotype threat adopt a more masculine communication style, they are rated as less warm and likeable, and evaluators indicate less willingness to comply with their requests. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

吕行  钟年 《心理科学》2016,39(1):185-190
为探讨性别刻板印象的传播更符合社会认同理论还是社会支配理论的假设,采用单一复述故事法来研究不同性别的传播者、故事主人公和听众在传播一致性性别刻板印象信息和不一致性别刻板印象信息的过程中所表现出的特点。结果发现:男性更少地传播不利于维持阶层差异的不一致性刻板印象,女性更多地传播打破现有阶层划分的男性不一致刻板印象。这些传播特点都较为支持社会支配理论的假设。。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate what conditions can lead to a bias for communicating stereotype inconsistent (SI) information, relative to stereotype consistent (SC) information. Sixty‐three undergraduate university students (22 males, 41 females; Mage = 21.25) read a story about an Arab man who exhibited characteristics consistent and inconsistent with the stereotype of Arab men. The story was transmitted through 21 three‐person communication chains; each participant rewrote the story from memory for the next person in the chain to read, with only the first participant in each chain reading the original story. As hypothesized, when a surprising category conjunction was formed by pairing the primary stereotype (Arab men) with a secondary stereotype of a contradictory nature (kindergarten teachers), SC information was circulated less than SI information. This was also the case when a causal explanation was provided that accounted for the unexpected SI information. Findings indicate the potential of techniques that elicit cognitive elaboration of SI information to encourage an SI bias in communication, and show promise for exploring ways to reduce the impact of negative stereotypical information in the long term.  相似文献   

Communicators tend to share more stereotype-consistent than stereotype-inconsistent information. The authors propose and test a situated functional model of this stereotype consistency bias: stereotype-consistent and inconsistent information differentially serve 2 central functions of communication--sharing information and regulating relationships; depending on the communication context, information seen to serve these different functions better is more likely communicated. Results showed that stereotype-consistent information is perceived as more socially connective but less informative than inconsistent information, and when the stereotype is perceived to be highly shared in the community, more stereotype-consistent than inconsistent information is communicated due to its greater social connectivity function. These results highlight the need to examine communication as a dynamic and situated social activity.  相似文献   

Interpersonal communication plays a significant role in the maintenance of culturally shared stereotypes. This paper reports on two experiments in which two different stories were transmitted conversationally through communication chains. In both experiments, people tended to emphasize more stereotype consistent than stereotype inconsistent (SI) information, thus rendering the stories more confirming, rather than challenging, of the stereotypes. Although SI information sometimes attracted more attention in conversation, this did not translate into a greater likelihood of passing on SI information, thus keeping the story character's impression largely stereotypical even after a second retelling of the story.  相似文献   

管健  程婕婷 《心理科学进展》2010,18(9):1511-1518
系列再生法最早起源于Bartlett(1932)对记忆的研究。在信息传递过程中,该方法旨在寻找被试之间的信息如何传递和变形,其传播变形背后的意义和规律何在。目前应用该方法的最新研究围绕以记忆探测为出发点,寻求记忆链条的传播规律对刻板印象的解释,对该领域的研究起到了积极的推动作用。在评述了系列再生法的基本原理和具体实施方法后,分析了该方法在刻板印象研究中的最新研究证据和未来的应用与展望。  相似文献   

Women are underrepresented at all levels of elected office. It is suspected that gender stereotypes hinder the electoral success of female candidates, but empirical evidence is inconclusive on whether stereotypes have a direct effect on voting decisions. This empirical conflict stems, in part, from the assumption that voters automatically rely on gender stereotypes when evaluating female candidates. This study explicitly tests the assumption of automatic stereotype activation. I suggest that stereotype reliance depends on whether stereotypes have been activated during a campaign, and it is only when stereotypes are activated that they influence evaluations of female candidates. These hypotheses are tested with a survey experiment and observational analysis. The results show that campaign communication activates stereotypes when they otherwise might not be activated, thereby diminishing support for female candidates.  相似文献   

A study investigated how anticipated communication mode affects the use of stereotypes in forming impressions and making task assignments. Participants rated male or female targets with whom they envisioned working on a business project using computer-mediated or face-to-face modes of communication. Results indicated that both men and women were characterized more stereotypically when participants anticipated working with them electronically than when they anticipated working with them face-to-face. Furthermore, task assignments were more often gender stereotype consistent when the communication mode was computer-mediated than when it was face-to-face. These findings suggest that the mere anticipation of computer-mediated communication, without the actual the experience of it, is enough to promote stereotypes and biased decision-making.  相似文献   

Two studies demonstrated that different negatively stereotyped groups are at risk for distinct forms of stereotype threats. The Multi-Threat Framework articulates six distinct stereotype threats and the unique constellations of variables (e.g., group identification, stereotype endorsement) that elicit each stereotype threat. Previous research suggests that different negatively stereotyped groups systematically vary across these stereotype threat elicitors; a pilot study confirms these differences. Across two studies, groups that tend to elicit low stereotype endorsement (religion, race/ethnicity, congenital blindness) were less likely to report experiencing self-as-source stereotype threats (stereotype threats requiring stereotype endorsement) and groups that tend to elicit low group identification (mental illness, obesity, blindness later in life) were less likely to report experiencing group-as-target stereotype threats (stereotype threats requiring group identification). This research suggests that traditional models may overlook the experiences of stereotype threats within some groups and that interventions tailored to address differences between stereotype threats will be most effective.  相似文献   

Much research has examined how stereotype threat leads to the underperformance of stereotyped targets. The underlying cause for this effect, however, remains unclear. Some researchers argue that stereotype threat can be explained from a behavioral-priming perspective, while others claim that it necessarily involves concerns about confirming a negative self-relevant stereotype. The current experiment highlights the critical role of self-relevance in distinguishing between stereotype priming and stereotype threat. Results showed that when participants wrote about a stereotyped target from a first-person perspective, both targets and non-targets performed poorly under stereotype threat conditions, because writing from a first-person perspective made the stereotype self-relevant for non-targets. But when participants wrote about a stereotyped target from a third-person perspective, only targets underperformed since the stereotype was already self-relevant. Moreover, when the stereotype was made self-relevant non-targets experienced the same threat-based concerns that targets experience under stereotype threat conditions.  相似文献   

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