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Research into the effectiveness of counselling and psychotherapy has great practical significance, as a means of collecting evidence that may potentially enhance the quality of services delivered to users. In recent years, the evidence base for counselling and psychotherapy has increasingly relied on data derived from self‐report questionnaires completed by clients, with relatively little attention being paid to therapists’ evaluations of outcomes. To make full use of therapist estimates of outcome, it is important to develop an understanding of the processes and criteria that therapists employ when making such judgements. However, little is known about the evaluation strategies used by therapists in their everyday practice. The aim of the present study was to explore the implicit and informal construction of outcome evaluation by experienced practitioners. Person‐centred therapists were interviewed about their approach to evaluation. The interview data were analysed using a grounded theory approach. These practitioners reported that they engaged in a process of evaluation based on a range of different sources of evidence, which was then “weighed up”. Evaluation was a continuous activity that was embedded in the counselling process itself rather than arising from discrete measurements carried out at particular times. The findings of this study suggest that practitioners may possess a sensitivity to the complexity of outcome that is missing in much current research. Implications for training, research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This practice analysis reports an evaluation of occupational therapists' utilization of assessments derived from the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) within adult community mental health settings. An audit of all documented assessments recorded details of (1) the number of assessments completed by each of the occupational therapists, and (2) the specific occupational difficulties identified across all assessments. Thirty-eight assessments had been completed, with a total of 35 service users. Results show variation in practice among occupational therapists in their application of MOHO assessments and, further, that the range of occupational difficulties identified for the client cohort is diverse.  相似文献   

Primary objective: This is the first qualitative study that elicited the perceptions of both psychological therapists and their clients in the use of Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation with computer software (CORE‐Net), where instant visual feedback for session tracking was given on a computer screen in the therapy room at each therapy session. The study also examined how therapists viewed its potential value in supervision and provides suggestions for improving training. Research design: The study adopted a convenience sample of four therapists in a primary care counselling setting (PCC – General Practitioner referrals) who were experienced in using CORE‐Net, and five therapists in an NHS employee/occupational support counselling service (OH) who had just begun to use CORE‐Net for session tracking with 10 of their clients. Method: A qualitative methodology was used and interview data were collected from the therapists via focus groups; the clients were interviewed individually face to face. All data was analysed inductively. Findings: The study identified six overarching themes: (i) therapists were initially anxious and resistant; (ii) therapists adapt ‘creatively’; (iii) outcome measures help the client/therapist relationship; (iv) clients perceive visual measures as helpful; (v) CORE scores inform supervision; and (vi) proper and ongoing training/support of therapists is necessary. The main limitations are comparability of data and the generalisabilty of results. Conclusions: The implementation of routine outcome measurement (ROM) is a challenge but can be made easier with proper training and supervision. Clients appear happier than their therapists when routine outcome measurement is used.  相似文献   

This paper draws on a study that asked twenty family users about their first session of family therapy. Analyses of the interviews indicated that families entered therapy with a pre-existent knowledge about therapy, which did not always chime with those of professionals and which positioned speakers in ways which governed their expectations and perceptions of therapy. This paper, therefore, is concerned with the acquisition and deployment of knowledge: specifically, the knowledge involved in being a user of family therapy. Three key discourses were identified through this analysis: medical, counselling and consumerist. We aim to illustrate how these discourses served as a resource for members of the family in constructing therapists, therapy and themselves in relation to their experience. The examination of the rhetorical, ideological and practical effects of the positions chosen and the objects constructed, in terms of how speakers wanted to present themselves, with what enhanced or diminished status as patients, shows users actively engaging with the power of therapeutic institutions. Users’ accounts suggest that while most speakers felt anxious about the prospect of therapy, there were clear differences in overall satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the experience according to the synchrony between speakers’ construction of the therapist, and themselves as client/patients. Those who seemed to take a traditional view of therapy within a medical discourse valued therapists who offered diagnosis and a cure; those who sought and experienced a counselling relationship with the therapist found their experience to be constructive in terms of enhanced self-knowledge. We believe that the research findings discussed in this paper have implications for family therapists in accommodating to parental and child positions to maximise the effectiveness of therapy and so minimise drop-out.  相似文献   

Recent surveys have found that many patients are not receiving empirically supported treatments and that therapists may not update their knowledge of research. Studies have found that therapists prefer to use their clinical experience rather than research findings to improve their practice, although cognitive behavioral (CB) practitioners have been found to use research more frequently than therapists of other theoretical orientations. The organization in which therapists work has been shown to impact attitudes toward working practices, but studies have not examined whether workplace requirements to use research affect therapists’ practice. Studies to date have mainly been conducted in North America. These findings may not be generalizable to the United Kingdom where there is a National Health Service (NHS), which requires the use of empirically supported treatments. The first part of this study aimed to investigate which factors were influential in therapists’ choice of theoretical orientation and to see whether CB practitioners differed from other therapists in the factors that influenced their choice of theoretical orientation. The second part tested whether therapists’ theoretical orientation or their workplace influenced the frequency with which they used research in their clinical decision-making. The final part investigated whether being a CB practitioner or working in the NHS was associated with having a favorable attitude toward research. An online survey was sent to 4,144 psychological therapists in England; 736 therapists responded (18.5%). Therapists reported that research had little influence over their choice of theoretical orientation and clinical decision-making compared to other factors, specifically clinical experience and supervision. CB practitioners and NHS therapists, regardless of their orientation, were significantly more likely to use research than other therapists and were more likely to have a positive attitude toward research.  相似文献   

Forty-seven psychotherapists were studied to determine if they construed their clients more negatively than personal acquaintances. The sample included personal construct therapists, psychoanalytic candidates, and therapists from a community mental health center; they varied in terms of sex, age, years of experience, and clinical discipline. Subjects chose six personal acquaintances and six nonpsychotic individual-therapy clients who were then used as elements in a repertory grid. Constructs were elicited by comparing pairs of elements; all elements were rated on the constructs. Elements were also directly rated on several dimensions, including liking and similarity to self. Results indicated that therapists selectively focused on clients' negative characteristics and acquaintances' positive characteristics. Clients were liked less than acquaintances and were judged to be less like the self. The correlations between valuative variables tended to be higher in the construing of clients than in the construing of acquaintances, whereas expected improvement with therapy was not related to affective evaluation. There were no gender differences in these effects. Although there were no differences in degree of negative construal of clients among the therapist subgroups, the psychoanalytic candidates construed acquaintances less positively than did other therapists. The results suggest that deviancy may be a major dimension distinguishing therapists' construal of clients from their construal of acquaintances. This dimension may result from both therapeutic ideology and the fact that clients selectively present negative aspects of themselves in therapy, producing a bias in the information therapists receive. Possible negative implications for the therapeutic relationship are discussed.  相似文献   


This article reports the results of a qualitative exploration of fat women’s experiences with weight-related microaggressions in psychotherapy. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 women about their weight-related experiences as therapy clients and asked for their advice to therapists who work with fat women. We used a general inductive approach to code the data into themes and found that common microaggressions included therapists who overly focused on weight, therapists who appeared to be less interested in clients because of their weight, and dissatisfaction with waiting room seating options. Participants advised therapists to allow their clients to initiate conversations about weight. Results suggest the need for increased awareness of: (a) how clients’ weight may impact therapists’ attitudes and choice of interventions and (b) how weight might influence fat clients’ in-session presentations.  相似文献   

In this psychotherapy analogue investigation, the effects of client age and therapist age on transference-like projections onto therapists were examined. Young (25-35) and older (60-70) pseudoclients compared paraprofessional therapists to significant figures in their own lives after a dyadic "helping" interview. The results provide empirical support for the phenomenon of reverse transference in therapy with older patients. Older clients were more inclined than young clients to view therapists, particularly younger therapists, as similar to their children. Young clients more willingly attributed parental qualities to older therapists. Both old and young clients may see therapists more as peers or friends than as family members.  相似文献   

The present study used the Masculine and Feminine Self-Disclosure Scale to investigate women's and men's willingness to self-disclose about the instrumental, expressive, masculine, and feminine aspects of themselves to four target persons: female and male therapists and friends. The data revealed that women's and men's willingness to self-disclose to therapists and friends was tempered by the gender of the target person and the particular “masculine” and “feminine” content of the disclosure topic. Men were more willing than women to discuss the global masculine aspects of themselves with a male friend. In contrast, women were more willing than men to discuss (1) their expressive behaviors with both female and male friends and (2) their global feminity with female and male therapists and friends. The discussion emphasizes gender role phenomena as an important dimension of women's and men's willingness to disclose personal information about their masculinity and femininity to therapists and friends.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increase in the research on reflective supervision, including the development of tools designed to measure reflective practice in the context of reflective supervision. The Reflective Supervision Self-Efficacy Scale for Supervisees (RSSESS) is a self-report measure that has been used in previous evaluations and is designed to assess perceived reflective practice self-efficacy for Infant Mental Health-Home Visiting (IMH-HV) therapists. Properties of the RSSESS including factor structure and reliability are explored in a first study that lays the foundation for the use of the RSSESS in an IMH-HV evaluation in the State of Michigan. IMH-HV therapists completed the RSSESS at 4 time points over a 12-month period and also completed a Clinician Profile Form that included questions about their IMH background and their work experience, including job satisfaction and burnout. Results indicated that the RSSESS is a reliable tool to measure change in reflective practice skills. IMH-HV therapists demonstrated growth in their use of reflective practice skills with families and their observational skills over the 12-month period. In addition, results indicated correlations between reflective supervision self-efficacy and job satisfaction as well as burnout.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay and bisexual people are more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to report dissatisfaction after accessing a counselling or psychological service. Greater dissatisfaction may result from therapists who focus on psychopathology without considering cultural context. Research has demonstrated therapists' cultural competence (attitudes, knowledge and skills) may influence effective service provision to LGB people. Counsellors and psychologists (N = 10) were interviewed to determine the sources of information influencing the cultural competence and LGB cultural competence practices used by therapists in their clinical practice. Three themes were developed from semistructured interviews: (1) the importance of multiple sources of cultural competence; (2) applying cultural competence improves the therapeutic process; and (3) ensuring visual cues of affirmation are affirming, not pathologising. Theme 1 highlighted that initial professional training, cultural competence training and lived experience could be triangulated to assist therapists in improving their cultural competence. Theme 2 highlighted that cultural competence improves the therapeutic process by ensuring therapists can demonstrate affirming attitudes, knowledge about LGB people and culturally affirming skills to work effectively with LGB clients. The final theme explored the need for therapists to create an inclusive space for LGB clients. Recommendations for improving clinical practices and tools to enhance cultural competence are discussed.  相似文献   

Feminist therapy has revolutionized clinical practice and offered a model of empowerment for all therapy approaches. However, the long-assumed claim that feminist therapists are more likely to engage in power-sharing behaviors with their clients has not been supported by published quantitative research. In the current study, 42 female therapists who were asked whether or not they self-identified as feminist therapists completed measures assessing their use of feminist therapy behaviors (Feminist Therapy Behavior Checklist) and power-sharing behaviors (Therapy with Women Scale). One of each therapists' current female clients completed measures assessing her perceptions of both treatment collaboration (Working Alliance Inventory) and power-sharing behaviors (Client Therapy with Women Scale). As hypothesized, participants who identified as feminist therapists were more likely to report engaging in power-sharing behaviors when compared to participating therapists who did not. Furthermore, as hypothesized, clients of feminist therapists were more likely to report that their therapists engaged in power-sharing behaviors.  相似文献   

The use of amphetamine type stimulants, particularly MDMA, is a global concern. Little research has been conducted on the association between MDMA use and everyday memory function—prospective memory. Twenty‐five MDMA users, 37 cannabis users, and 43 illicit substance‐naïve controls were assessed on their substance use history and reported prospective memory performance as measured by the Prospective Memory Questionnaire (PMQ) using a web‐based survey. There were significant differences between MDMA users and controls and cannabis users and controls on long‐term episodic subscale of the PMQ. However, given the high prevalence of cannabis co‐use by MDMA users, it was not possible to determine if MDMA use alone is associated with prospective memory performance. The substance use patterns of the sample were evaluated. Alcohol was the most used substance followed by tobacco, cannabis, and MDMA. The incidence of polydrug use was high, with all illicit substance use reporting having used at least two substances in their lifetime. The present study supports previous research into prospective memory deficits associated with substance use, and provides a basis for future research, particularly for elucidation of prospective memory deficits specific to MDMA use and further evaluation of substance use patterns.  相似文献   

The Therapists'Information About Women Scale (TIWS) and Therapists'Attitude Toward Women Scale (TAWS) are presented. Results from a sample of 184 therapists (social workers, psychiatrists, and psychologists) showed no significant differences among professions; however, women therapists were significantly better informed, more liberal, and less stereotyped in their attitudes. Information and attitudes were correlated.57. Though attitudes were more liberal than stereotyped, many therapists showed a lack of pertinent information and attitudes likely to conflict with those of their women patients.  相似文献   

PSYCHLOPS (‘Psychological Outcome Profiles’) is a newly developed client‐generated psychometric instrument which can be used as an outcome measure. Uniquely, it asks clients to state their own problems, in their own words. As part of its validation, we used it alongside an existing measure, CORE‐OM (‘Clinical Outcomes Routine Evaluation – Outcome Measure’). Based on a qualitative methodology, we report here on the first‐hand experiences of four therapists using both instruments. The key themes that emerged from therapists’ responses were feasibility, validity and usefulness. Both questionnaires were perceived as complementing each other, the qualitative information from PSYCHLOPS balancing the quantitative information from CORE‐OM and that both could contribute to the therapist‐client interaction. The key features of PSYCHLOPS are likely to prove attractive to therapists and should increase acceptance and uptake of outcome measures.  相似文献   

The study presented the initial report of a project regarding the implementation of the Coping Power Program in Italian community hospitals, and the program’s ability to reduce externalizing behavioral problems in children with a Disruptive Behavior Disorder diagnosis. Usually, interventions for children are implemented by a number of therapists with different personal characteristics, which therefore influence the implementation quality of an intervention. That said, the present study aimed to establish whether the insecure attachment styles of therapists predict unfavorable outcomes for children treated with the Coping Power Program. The sample included 80 children with a Disruptive Behavior Disorder diagnosis and 16 therapists. The results showed that the change in children’s aggressive behavioral problems was significantly related to the levels of the therapist’s preoccupation with relationships. Higher levels of change in aggression (where a higher value means that the aggression at the end of the treatment is higher than aggression at the baseline evaluation) are associated with higher levels of therapist’s preoccupied attachment style (anxious attachment style). This study provided some preliminary evidence that therapists need to be sensitive to their own attachment experiences when delivering therapy for children.  相似文献   

In the treatment of chronic diseases, programs that use the internet as a medium are becoming more and more important as a complement to classical intervention techniques. Since 1998, a non-profit information and online consulting service for patients with eating disorders and their friends and relatives (www.ab-server.de) has existed. This was established by members of the Deutsche Forschungsinitiative Essst?rungen e.V. (DFE) [German Research Initiative for Eating Disorders] and members of the Clinic of Psychiatry, University of Leipzig, Germany. For the present study, 2,176 e-mail requests from users of the online consultation service were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively in order to better understand the differences between different types and groups of users. The analysis was related to the social field of the person requesting the consultation, the type of disorder reported, and the content of the e-mail request. Three main user groups could be identified: people who described themselves as having an eating disorder (57.2%), people who were related socially to the affected person (32.4%), and interested persons (9.8%). The consulting service was predominantly used by persons suffering from bulimia nervosa or their families and friends (63.1%). One third (33.3%) of the posted e-mails were related to behavioral patterns in dealing with the illness and the affected person. They were followed by inquiries for information about the disease (18.7%) and by those seeking help in finding specialized clinics/therapists and places in therapies. The increasing use of the online consulting service indicates that there is a substantial need for information and help in persons with eating disorders and in their relatives, who are able to easily contact professionals using this online service. Online consulting has a high potential for complementary care of affected people.  相似文献   

Several studies indicate that mental health and mental health service vary with ethnicity. Ethnically linked social differences affect these results. We examined the multiethnic population in northern Norway where social inequalities between the Sami and the non-Sami population are not prominent. Clients (N=347) and therapists (N=32) in outpatient treatments reported demographics, ethnicity and the therapeutic alliance. Clients also reported pretreatment psychosocial status, service utilization and the type of help requested. Therapist recorded clinical and diagnostic assessments and treatment plans. The Sami and non-Sami client groups were similar in demographics and pretreatment psychosocial characteristics. However, the therapists prescribed more sessions and more socially focused interventions when clients were Sami. Verbal therapy was more often used by the non-Sami therapists. Alliance ratings were positively correlated only between Sami therapists and their clients, and Sami therapists rated the largest initial clinical improvement. Clinics located in the high Sami density areas offered their clients more therapy sessions, than in clinics in the high non-Sami density areas. Ethnic similarity between client and therapist were associated with more frequent use of medication and less frequent use of verbal therapy.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the question of how therapists'attitudes toward sexual assault victims predict their inferences about and treatment of clients. In addition, this study asked the following questions: (a) What percentage of female psychotherapy clients have been victims of sexual assault? (b) What treatment approaches are therapists using with victims and what attitudes toward victims do these therapists hold? (c) On the average, which demographic groups of therapists hold the most positive views of victims and are the most knowledgeable about working with victims? The results of the study indicated that therapists who held negative attitudes toward victims were more likely to endorse victim-blaming themes and therapeutic treatments which blame victims for sexual assault. Of therapists'current female clients, 18.5% ( n = 257) had been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives. On the average, therapists were knowledgeable about working with victims and showed positive attitudes toward victims.  相似文献   

This study investigated how occupational therapists experience utilization of the Tree Theme Method, an intervention based on creative activities and life-story telling and making. The Tree Theme Method is comprised of five sessions in which the therapist asks the client to paint symbolic trees, with specific themes representing their present life situation, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and the future. Nine occupational therapists in mental health care were asked about their experiences when using the Tree Theme Method. The informants formed two focus groups and each group was interviewed twice. Qualitative content analysis was used to identify five categories including: (1) therapeutic frames, (2) therapist requirements, (3) client requirements, (4) the therapeutic relationship, and (5) the Tree Theme Method as a multi-dimensional process. Overall the informants were satisfied with the intervention with some variation as to therapists' perception about the helpfulness of the tool. The Tree Theme Method was experienced as a structured method of starting a therapeutic process and initiating a therapist–client relationship. The therapeutic attitude, self-knowledge, and expert knowledge seemed to be important prerequisites for the therapists when using the Tree Theme Method intervention.  相似文献   

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