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M.库克  王喆 《现代哲学》2012,(2):23-32,50
哈贝马斯的后形而上学理论为探讨道德问题提供了一个思想框架。这个思想框架也可以扩展、运用到伦理问题领域。哈贝马斯在尊重个体自治和合理性论证的前提下,也为后形而上学的伦理问题指出了方向:批判性地吸收形而上学和宗教的真实内容,为探讨什么是好生活、好社会的问题提供帮助。但如同榜样人物对他人的示范和影响一样,形而上学和宗教的内容的被吸收、翻译或显现,也依赖于主观的、偶然的经验因素。这样,为了坚持后形而上学的伦理学思想,我们可以放弃哈贝马斯的认知建构论的真理观。  相似文献   

陆月宏 《学海》2006,(6):68-72
诠释学的基本现象是,任何的陈述都应该被理解为对某个问题的回答。对话中的理解使人类的各种经验不断地被整合,这就形成了人类共同体。人类的所有经验都是在这样的视域移动和扩展中获得、修正和发展的。在这种过程中,人自身也在被获得的诠释学经验改变着。  相似文献   

当代科学的新形而上学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我超越是人类知识的特殊品格。那些一向是确实的毫无疑问的思想和概念先是受到怀疑,随后就被弃置。它们被一些全新的概念取代,而这些全新的概念又为新的思想认识体系奠定基础。这篇论文旨在说明当代科学的进步正在超越历史上一直作为我们把握客观世界的框架内的某些主要的观念范畴。随着长期占据支配地位而现在正在被超越的那些概念的天幕在消退,当代科学认识的视野正在迅速扩展,我们将跟随这种扩展去探寻新近显露出来的世界的本原,这是当代科学(首先是物理学)理论给我们的启示。  相似文献   

场依存性对边界扩展效应的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用2×2混合设计,考察了场依存性及背景因素对边界扩展效应的影响。结果表明:场依存被试比场独立被试表现出更显著的边界扩展效应。与同类研究的结果不同,本研究发现被试在大背景条件下学习图片后也出现边界扩展效应。  相似文献   

对概念扩展神经机制的探讨日益成为创造性认知"过程式"研究视角下的热点。但以往研究未能排除评估效应对实验的影响,亦未考察过人格因素与任务态下神经活动的关系。实验向被试随机呈现高低扩展两类的报纸用途,要求被试认真思考"合理的操作方式",使报纸能够实现呈现的用途。同时对其进行f NIRS的兴趣区扫描,并在事后要求被试完成大五人格量表。结果发现,与低扩展条件相比,高扩展条件会引起颞叶区域(BA21/22)更大的激活,而额极(BA10)和背外侧前额皮层(BA9)的激活会显著降低;人格元特质可塑性与额极和眶额皮层的活动正相关。提示概念扩展过程中,可能需要颞叶脑区激活与前额脑区去激活的协同作用,且该过程与人格因素存在相关关系。  相似文献   

儿童图形识别取样的时空策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究探讨儿童图形识别取样的时间和空间策略。被试为24名六年级学生和24名三年级学生,刺激材料为20个不规则无意义几何图形。结果发现:六年级学生采取取样空间扩展为主,取样时间调整为辅的策略,三年级学生采用增加取样时间为主,扩展取样空间为辅的取样策略。任务难度加大时,被试采用恒定取样点时间和增加取样点数目的时-空策略。在空间取样策略发展上,学生年龄和任务难度的交互影响显著。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的实施,探究学习受到了很大的重视,探究学习的思想和方法被写入了各学科的课程标准之中。但是,由于我国长期的传统教学方式,要改变教学方式,必须先要转变教育观念,同时探究学习对教师和学生都提出了新的要求,因此,新课程改革背景下如何进行探究学习是一个值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

虽然,工作扩大化和工作丰富化常常被看成两个不可分割或可相互转换的概念,它们仍作为两种不同的管理策略得到最好的应用。工作扩大化要求改变工作的技术方面,而工作丰富化则要求改变组织的行为系统。尽管工作丰富化比工作扩大化对员工具有更大的动机影响,但实现它是极其复杂和耗时的,因为它包括了改变组织及社会成员的态度和价值观方面。行为的改变常常导致来自组织成员的障碍。工作扩大化涉及技术上的改变,这种改变比行为改变更易接受,因此,不太可能产生组织障碍。与赫茨伯格(Herzbezg)观点相反的意见认为:工作扩大化对扩展工作的意义是一种无效的应用。一种最佳地扩大的  相似文献   

改革开放以来,"中国式扶贫"取得了举世瞩目的成就,但长期存在反贫困责任主体错位的问题。随着"精准扶贫"向"精准脱贫"发生战略转型,贫困人口开始回归主体地位。阿马蒂亚·森以自由看待发展,自由对于发展既具有建构性作用,又具有工具性作用,贫困的根源就是人的可行能力被剥夺,这与中共中央"精准脱贫"的减贫方略不谋而合。以此为指导,我国农村的反贫困工作就要改变以往以"扶"为主要手段的旧思路,转而通过扩展农民的工具性自由,来提升其自身的可行能力,最终依靠自身脱贫致富,扩展其实质自由。  相似文献   

袁梦倩 《学海》2015,(4):55-61
大数据使"隐私"的边界与隐私保护的内涵变得更为复杂。近年来欧盟提出的关于信息主体的"被遗忘权"扩展了隐私保护的内涵。"被遗忘权"的出现,意在改变数据主体难以"被遗忘"的格局,赋予信息主体对信息进行自决控制的权利,并且有着更深的调节、修复大数据时代数字化记忆伦理的社会意涵。而围绕它的争议又是在具体的实践中对隐私边界的重新协商,是个人利益、公共利益、商业利益等多元利益的博弈与调和。  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(3):401-413
Despite ample evidence for Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) as an effective treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD), close examination of the trajectory of change in BPD symptoms over the course of DBT is lacking. There also remain questions regarding the directionality of changes in different domains of BPD symptoms, such as improvements in dysfunctional behaviors and thoughts/feelings. In order to provide more fine-grained information about the treatment process in DBT, the current study aimed to (a) examine the trajectories of change of BPD-associated negative thoughts/feelings and behaviors, and positive behaviors, and (b) test the temporal relationship between changes in negative behaviors and thoughts/feelings. The study involved 55 adult clients attending a 6-month outpatient DBT program for BPD who completed assessments of BPD symptoms every four sessions. Growth curve models suggested that clients experienced a faster rate of decrease in negative behaviors during the initial phase of treatment, whereas steady rates of improvement were found for negative thoughts/feelings and positive behaviors, respectively, throughout treatment. Further, a random-intercept cross-lagged panel model found that the within-person fluctuations in negative behaviors preceded the within-person changes in negative thoughts/feelings at a subsequent time point during the later phase of treatment, whereas within-person fluctuations in thoughts/feelings were followed by changes in negative behaviors at the beginning and end of the treatment. These results highlighted the complexity of patterns and processes of change in BPD symptomatology during the course of DBT.  相似文献   

This paper describes a predictable relation between our manic-depressive patients' blood lithium levels and particular changes in their conscious and unconscious mental processes (i.e., their thoughts, wishes, fantasies, inclinations, and feelings). These changes were, in turn, predictively related to specific changes in these patients' overt manic symptomatology. Because each of our patients' manic episodes was heralded by a marked increase in unconscious or conscious phallic sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and because this increase preceded any observed deterioration in ego or superego functioning, we hypothesize that a primary increase in our patients' phallic instinctual drives secondarily overwhelmed the capacity of their egos to defend against these drives, and that this, in turn, resulted in the development of our patients' overt manic symptoms. Psychoanalysis (or psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy) made our patients consciously aware both of their previously unconscious phallic sexual thoughts and impulses, and of their defenses against them. This new awareness enabled our patients to recognize when their, now conscious, phallic sexual impulses and thoughts became inappropriately intensified; and this, in turn, permitted them to avoid overt manic episodes by counteracting these inappropriate inclinations with increased doses of lithium.  相似文献   

Cognitive theories of how people regulate their thoughts have suggested the involvement of two control processes that occur over different time courses. These cognitive accounts parallel recent neural models of executive control, which suggest that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) mediates sustained changes in the allocation of control processes, whereas the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) relays a transient need for additional control. Combining these cognitive and neural models of control, we used recently developed analysis techniques to distinguish transient from sustained changes in brain activation while subjects attempted to suppress an unwanted thought. Results were consistent with both models: Dorsolateral PFC demonstrated sustained increases in activation during attempts at thought suppression, whereas bilateral ACC demonstrated transient increases associated with occurrences of unwanted thoughts. These data support proposals regarding the different contributions made by the PFC and ACC to executive control and provide initial neuroimaging support for dual-process models of how individuals regulate their thoughts.  相似文献   

在孔孟之间的思想变迁过程中,“孔子之学,曾子独得其宗”。曾子一方面继承和发扬了孔子重孝道、重道德修养、理想人格及重修己正人等思想,另一方面又直接启导了后来的子思、孟子思想,起到了承上启下的重要作用,是孔孟思想变迁过程中十分关键的代表性人物。在儒学思想发展史上,曾子对儒家思想发展最大的贡献就在于他的孝道观、道德自律观及修己正人的道德政治观。曾子的伦理政治思想成为孔子思想进一步理论化、系统化的必不可少的重要环节。  相似文献   

Understanding how age-related changes in cognition manifest in the real world is an important goal. One means of capturing these changes involves “experience sampling” participant’s self-reported thoughts. Research has shown age-related changes in ongoing thought: e.g., older adults have fewer thoughts unrelated to the here-and-now. However, it is currently unclear how these changes reflect cognitive aging or lifestyle changes. 78 younger adults and 35 older adults rated their thought contents along 20 dimensions and the difficulty of their current activity in their daily lives. They also performed cognitive tasks in the laboratory. In a set of exploratory analyses, we found that older adults spent more time thinking positive, wanted thoughts, particularly in demanding contexts, and less time mind wandering about their future selves. Past-related thought related to episodic memory differently in older and younger adults. These findings inform the use of experience sampling to understand cognitive aging.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that effective psychological treatment for social phobia changes the person's representation of the self in a more positive direction. In order to test this hypothesis, we analyzed 506 thoughts that were endorsed by 23 social phobic individuals while anticipating socially stressful situations before and after exposure therapy. Treatment efficacy was assessed with the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (SPAI) [Turner, S. M., Beidel, D. C., Dancu, C. V., & Stanley M. A. (1989) An empirically derived inventory to measure social fears and anxiety: the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory. Psychological Assessment, 1, 35-40)]. Subjects endorsed significantly fewer negative self-focused thoughts after treatment (on average 8.7% of the thoughts) than before treatment (26.5%, p < 0.005). These changes were highly correlated with pre-post difference scores in the social phobia subscale of the SPAI (r = 0.74, p < 0.0001). Implications of the results for the cognitive model of social phobia will be discussed.  相似文献   

Brain-mind states: reciprocal variation in thoughts and hallucinations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The exclusion of thinking from recent studies of sleep mentation has hindered a full appreciation of how cognitive activity differs across the states of waking and sleep. To overcome this limitation, this study investigated thoughts and hallucinations using experience sampling, home-based sleep-wake monitoring, and formal analyses of the psychological data. The prevalence of thoughts decreased gradually from waking through sleep onset and non-REM sleep, to reach its nadir in REM sleep, whereas hallucinations increased sharply across these states. Furthermore, multiple occurrences of hallucinations but not of thoughts increased significantly from sleep onset through non-REM sleep, to a peak in REM sleep. This reciprocity in thoughts and hallucinations might reflect a progressive shift from high to low aminergic-to-cholinergic neuromodulatory ratios across wake-sleep states, accompanied by an array of changes in the regional activation patterns of the brain.  相似文献   

Health information tailored to meet individuals' unique needs has been shown to be more effective than generic information in promoting risk-reducing behavior changes. To explore mechanisms underlying tailoring's effectiveness, this study randomly assigned 198 overweight adults to receive weight-loss materials that were (a) tailored to the individual, (b) in an American Heart Association (AHA) brochure, or (c) AHA-content formatted to look like tailored materials. Participants who received tailored materials had more positive thoughts about the materials, positive personal connections to the materials, positive self-assessment thoughts, and positive thoughts indicating behavioral intention than those who received either of the untailored materials. The tailoring of health information can significantly improve the chances the information will be thoughtfully considered and can stimulate prebehavioral changes such as self-assessment and intention.  相似文献   

This article explores the self-reflection and introspection practised by Korean teachers in early childhood institutions from the perspective of Won-Buddhism. With a phenomenological research methodology, it observes the internalised dialogue experienced by teachers while writing a ‘mind diary’ to reflect on the emotions, thoughts, actions, and relationships they encounter in their daily lives. The findings of data collected and analysed from in-depth interviews and from examining the mind diary writing processes of eight teachers were as follows. First, writing the mind diary enabled teachers to identify their state of mind when they encountered problematic situations. Using the ascetic method of stopping to reflect critically upon the situation and to observe it in context, they recovered their psychological stability and experienced changes in their way of thinking. Second, while writing mind diaries, teachers were able to observe each other’s internalised thoughts and changes in behaviour, which had not been possible for them earlier in their professional lives. On this basis, the processes of practice-oriented teacher education were reconsidered in this study to help teachers develop their abilities to reflect upon and practise these processes in their daily lives.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between frequency of intrusive thoughts and susceptibility to reminiscent stimuli and consequent distress in parents of children with cancer and parents with healthy children. Cancer-related words embedded in the Stroop task (e.g., “chemo” printed in green ink), served as the reminiscent stimuli. Results indicated that frequency of intrusive thoughts reported 2 months before the experimental session was positively correlated with evoked thoughts and associated distress among parents with ill children. Intrusive thoughts predicted 11–17% of the variance in evoked thoughts and in elicited distress, whereas other symptoms of chronic stress did not predict evoked thoughts and elicited distress. Cognitive and affective task reactivity by parents of children with cancer were not accompanied by behavioral or physiological reactivity. Future research should examine the extent to which more acute and naturalistic intrusive thoughts elicit reactivity across cognitive, affective, behavioral, and physiological dimensions, and long-term physical and mental health effects associated with chronic intrusive thoughts.  相似文献   

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