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十九世纪四十年代是马克思的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义世界观形成的重要时期,也是马克思的无神论宗教观形成的时期。宗教和宗教问题在马克思主义形成的过程中占有重要的位置。在1848年发表的《共产党宣言》中,针对从宗教的、哲学  相似文献   

Wolfgang Palaver 《Dialog》2019,58(1):22-29
Our societies of fear go along with an increase of populist movements in politics. This article explains the basics of populism and shows how easily it joins highly likely political friend‐enemy patterns. Anthropologically, we have to deal with parochial altruism undergirded by a static type of religion. A further step deals with the relationship between politics and fear by referring to terror management theory and its insight into the relationship between mortality and fear. The concluding part addresses ways out of fear and in what way a dynamic type of religion helps to avoid scapegoating and political enmity.  相似文献   

Perceived pointing of ambiguous triangles was investigated in three experiments. The results show that the probability of seeing an equilateral triangle point in a given direction is strongly influenced by (a) the direction of the ambiguous alternatives, (b) the orientational characteristics of the configuration of elements surrounding the triangle, and (c) the shape of the surrounding elements. These findings are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that perceived pointing is determined by perceptual reference frames induced at multiple levels of globality: one for the general visual field, one for the entire configuration, and one for the local elements of the configuration.  相似文献   

约翰·希克是当代著名的宗教哲学家之一,宗教多元主义的积极倡导者.他通过对传统的宗教解释和自然主义的宗教解释的区分,试图做出一种综合性的宗教解释.他把宗教视为一种"家族相似"概念,并从人的认知规律和生活经验出发,对宗教的合理性做出某种辩护.他从神圣者因素和属人因素两方面来描述宗教,提出了他的"实在者"概念和救赎论结构,从而形成他的宗教多元时代里的宗教观.  相似文献   

宗教与社会主义意识形态存在异质性。主要表现在性质、取向和功能三个方面:性质上是有神论与无神论的对立,取向上有以神为本与以人为本的区别,功能上有对社会发展阻滞与推进作用的差异。  相似文献   

Based on theories of category formation (Baird) and genealogy (Foucault and Asad), and writing myself reflexively into the field, I question the consensus view that there is (or ever was) a viable social or religious ‘movement’ called ‘New Age’. Through a brief review of secondary sources, I disaggregate and historicise the field, drawing attention to signs of incompleteness, heterogeneity and cultural diffusion in preference to the dominant argument for a sui generis phenomenon. Within the field, I trace connections between Alice Bailey's discourse and Findhorn colony practice to illustrate one particular ‘New Age’ genealogy. I argue that ‘New Age’ is better represented as an expression of contemporary Anglo-American ‘popular religion’, a (re)conceptualisation that encourages more fruitful comparative historical and ethnographical analyses. Finally, I identify an emergent ‘second wave’ of ‘New Age’ studies, characterised by a concern for localised and contextualised representations.  相似文献   

关于大学生信教的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大学生信教是当代社会的一个突出现象。根据2003年、2005年和2008年三次较大规模调查的结果,信教大学生的总比例约在10%左右,信基督教的约占大学生总人数的不足4%。从绝对量看,来自农民家庭的信教大学生较多,从家庭背景与信教人数之比看,来自个体户家庭和私营企业主家庭的大学生较多。从性别的角度看,女生较多。从年级看,低年级的较多,但硕士研究生和博士研究生呈上升趋势。个案分析,家庭的影响、民族传统的影响不容忽视,学生个人遭遇的问题和宗教组织的积极拉拢是重要诱因。分析大学生信教的成因,国民教育体系的某些缺憾使得学生在形成世界观、价值观的时期没有得到正确的引导,从而导致信仰空白或曰精神荒漠的出现,从而给了宗教以可乘之机。  相似文献   

作为一个彻底的无神论者,弗洛伊德反对神道设教的主张。他认为,道德神圣化虽然能增强道德对一般民众的威慑力,从而对保护人类文明做出贡献,但将道德建立在宗教基础之上,却会使道德因失去现实基础而遭遇风险。另外,他强调宗教道德有着诸多消极的方面。  相似文献   

In this article the author addresses the issue of the need to lessen the likelihood of a regressive transference neurosis in short-term therapy. He examines the role that active interpretation of the transference can have in shaping the transference so that it remains at the level of the transference that is ubiquitous. He explores the relationship between such an active interpretative approach and the need for the therapist to be empathic and sensitive to the patient and to allow space for a patient's independent discoveries. The author describes the role of the Central Therapeutic Focus, as a constellation of the Triangles of Insight, in guiding the therapist to select those manifestations of the transference to interpret, and in enabling the therapist to retain a stance that is sensitive and empathic. The Central Therapeutic Focus is contrasted with the concept of the Central Issue, and with the latter's more specific attention to the contribution that it makes to the therapist's communication of their empathic understanding of the patient's difficulties. The nature of the relationship between the therapist and the patient in short-term therapy is explored further and the connections between companionable interaction, ego-relatedness and the matrix of the transference are outlined. The author proceeds to consider the nature of the process of working through in short-term therapy and of the need to attend to the patient's external world as the place in which this can occur. The contribution of the Central Therapeutic Focus in shaping the trajectory through which the patient and therapist attend to the external world is examined. This in turn is linked to the identification of a patient's ordinary solution to their problem as a means of resolving their Dilemma. The article concludes with a case example that illustrates these themes.  相似文献   

本文沿着孙中山一生的足迹,探索宗教文化对其思想发展的影响。青少年时代.他受洗入教,成为虔诚的基督教徒。在革命生涯的开创时期.基督教精神成为推动其革命的动力之一。迈向不惑之年的孙中山,自愿礼拜民间宗教偶像,发誓遵守洪门帮规,其主旨在于发展革命势力。民国初创时期,孙中山作为民主共和制度的缔造者.努力谋求各种宗教势力的支持,表现出近代民主政治家的风鉴。在其晚年思想的飞跃中,孙中山的宗教观也日臻成熟达观。其一.科学比宗教优越。其二.政治的主义比宗教的主义切实。其三,宗教之仁在于,以心感化民众,为灵魂谋幸福,健全国民人格,培养国家之基。晚年的孙中山力图将基督教文化与中国传统文化融合。他呼吁:“本基督救世之苦心.行孔子自立立人、自达达人之美意。”  相似文献   

International Journal for Philosophy of Religion -  相似文献   

This article focuses on ways in which helping agents, including family therapists, become part of the problem they are treating. Particular emphasis is placed on triangular patterns that frequently develop when one agency involves another in carrying out its functions and in diffusing conflict with a client and his or her family. We refer to this process as an agency triangle. Case examples of such triangles involving various service systems (e.g., schools, courts, mental health centers) are presented, followed by discussion of how agency triangles can be prevented.  相似文献   

如果把1882年霍尔(Granville Stanley Hall,1844--1924)的第一篇宗教心理学论文《对儿童的道德与宗教训练》作为现代西方宗教心理学的开端,西方的宗教心理学迄今已有120余年的历史。回顾西方宗教心理学走过的道路,可以发现,有神论思潮在西方宗教心理学的发展中始终处于主导或控制地位,而具有无神论倾向的宗教心理学家的声音十分微弱.这种状况至今仍在延续。本文拟就百年以来西方宗教心理学中无神论与有神论话语权的争夺状况作一简要梳理.并就与此相关的学术文化对策问题略抒己见。  相似文献   

Volunteers from fundamentalist churches and a Psychology of Religion class (N = 77) completed Altemeyer and Hunsberger's 1992 Fundamentalism Scale, Altemeyer's 1988 Right-wing Authoritarianism Scale, and answered questions about science, religion, and their relationship. Scores on the scales were highly positively correlated. Neither orientation correlated with seeing science as improving life, and both correlated with being troubled by newer developments in science such as organ transplants or genetic engineering. Partial correlations showed that both orientations favored religious beliefs over scientific data when there was a perceived conflict. Three subscales of right-wing authoritarianism clarified how authoritarianism correlated with other measures, thereby supporting a multidimensional conceptualization of right-wing authoritarianism.  相似文献   


The introduction to this special issue describes the emergence of the lived religion approach in relation to other approaches within the study of religion and sociology of religion as a way of going beyond the emphasis on texts and institutions, on the one hand, and the focus on the fate of religion in modern times, on the other hand. It also introduces the aim of this special issue, namely ‘theorizing’ lived religion. To do this, the authors summarize how the founders of this approach have conceptualized the topic of ‘lived religion’, adjacent approaches, and the theoretical underpinnings of their work. The authors propose three directions to develop the contribution a lived religion approach might make to theorizing: 1) explicating what is meant by ‘religion’ by drawing on work that studies religion as a category; 2) explicating how concepts and theories are developed based on lived religion research, with particular emphasis on the way tensions between modernist, disenchanting epistemologies and the enchanted, supernatural worlds of practitioners may inform theory and methodological reflection; 3) anchoring the doing of research, emphasizing the full research cycle in religious studies programs so that students have a solid basis for learning how to move back and forth between carrying out original research and conceptual/theoretical work.  相似文献   

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