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This paper addresses the use of the weekly written summary with patients in group psychotherapy. In an effort to stimulate group process and effect cotherapist communication, the authors instituted this group recording in an ongoing psychodynamically oriented mixed adult group. While the utilization of this device did, in fact, stimulate the group process and became an important part of the group's life, the therapists additionally saw significant effects upon their working alliance. These included increased focused dialogue upon group dynamics, more purposeful planning for group interventions, and heightened awareness of the significance of interventions in the group.Ms. Bosman-Clark is formerly Clinical Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, Baylor College of Medicine.  相似文献   

Conducting group psychotherapy in a situation of intractable conflict such as Northern Ireland activates turbulent emotional dilemmas within psychotherapists and group members alike. Professional practice and therapeutic zeal must struggle daily to survive the stark encounter with the reality of a regressive and primitive psychology and on occasion may succumb to atavistic tendencies, dragging relationships down to primitive levels and leaving connections broken. In this article, three group therapists describe their countertransference struggles when leading such groups. They meet in a psychosocial setting in which the risk to one's psyche parallels the risk to one's life and limb. The countertransference experienced here is dark, indeed identified by one author as not unlike Dante's Inferno. They describe how understanding their personal countertransference enables them to survive emotionally even though it may not always lead to the survival of their groups. The effect of those struggles also troubled the act of writing itself making cooperation difficult on occasion, a mirror of the external social matrix.  相似文献   

Cotherapy in a training relationship with a senior therapist/supervisor and a trainee/junior leader is presented. A structured training year with planned sessions for the junior leader to lead the group alone, as well as intensive supervision, is described. The training relationship is seen as evolving into an egalitarian, collegial working relationship. An incidental benefit of this cotherapy approach is that additional opportunities are provided for group members to work through attitudes, feelings, and behaviors associated with attachment, interpersonal relationship (autonomy and affiliation), separation, and loss. Potential drawbacks and applications are also noted.The authors express their appreciation to the many group members and cotherapists whose experiences provided the stimulation and clinical material for the present formulation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses an exploratory investigation concerned with the long range questions: How does group psychotherapy help patients? and How can psychiatry residency programs best train residents to treat patients in therapeutic groups? Group psychotherapy has come to be accepted in its own right as a decisive contribution to the study of and relief of emotional disorders. As a component of comprehensive psychiatric services it is indispensable. However, while its clinical value has been demonstrated, its scientific validity has not. A Group Process Inventory has been developed by the author and has been utilized for the past two years by psychiatric residents in recording the process of their therapeutic groups in a teaching hospital mental hygiene clinic. The preliminary use of this recording as a clinical-teaching instrument has proven effective. This inventory is being revised to serve as a research instrument.  相似文献   

Three psychotherapy groups consisting of altogether 37 patients took part in communication training after L. Sch?bisch and M. Sieme in preparation for group-centred dynamic psychotherapy. The results of pretherapy and post-therapy surveys with the MMPI were tested for quantitative changes using Posthoff and H. F. B?ttcher's gnoseologically based test. The findings suggest that this combination of methods has a high standard of efficiency, which is finally discussed.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to up-date our understanding of countertransference in the therapy group setting. After a brief review of some of the psychoanalytic and the group psychotherapy literature dealing with countertransference, the paper points out the vulnerability of the group therapist and presents examples of possible countertransferential situations, such as stereotyped roles, reactions to external aspects of patients, and therapists' insecurities. It concludes by suggesting ways in which group therapists can become more sensitive to their countertransferences.  相似文献   

This article alerts us to consider depression as a relatively frequent cause of impasse in the course of group psychotherapy. The authors recommend the combined use of antidepressant medication along with group psychotherapy when such depression is confirmed independently outside the group. Common obstacles and pitfalls preventing successful combined treatment are reviewed; the depressive logjam is differentiated from common resistance; and profiles of responders versus nonresponders are described. A rationale of the combined treatment, its results, and implications for group therapists are all delineated.  相似文献   

To run a psychodynamic group therapeutically, the leader must understand the meanings and functions of hostility. Fundamental to this task is the leader's awareness of his or her bias toward hostility as a constructive or destructive feeling and willingness to serve as a lightening rod for it. This paper discusses the sources of hostility during different stages of group development. The therapeutic handling of hostility is discussed under the following topics: theoretical considerations, defensive functions, and communicative functions. Case examples illustrate the proper handling of contractual violations, scapegoating, and narcissistic injury. Countertransference reactions to anger and rage in the group are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors view resistance generally as healthy and a sign of a more or less intact ego. A brief review of the psychoanalytic literature and the group therapy literature presents resistance as a mechanism that closes off aspects of the internal and external world seen as potentially dangerous. Patient resistances are identified as coming from cultural values, fear of strangers, fear of regression, and resentment toward the therapist. Clinical vignettes of group patients and group interaction are presented. Finally, resistance of therapists and indications of such resistance are also explored.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe and illuminate the phenomenon of scapegoating in group psychotherapy. Specifically, the role of projective identification - on both individual and group-wide bases - in the evolution of the deviant is delineated. Individual, interpersonal, and whole-group interventions are presented along with the technique of functional subgrouping, a relatively new and particularly potent group intervention. Several case vignettes are detailed for illustration.  相似文献   

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