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孙岩  王坚 《道德与文明》2024,(2):145-155
国际援助作为全球减贫计划中的一项重要举措,其规范性和有效性一直以来被人们所信服。然而,迪顿通过强有力的数据对之提出的质疑极大地动摇了人们对国际援助的基本信念,暴露出其规范性和有效性之间的冲突及该冲突的不可调和性。为了厘清二者之间的矛盾根源,特姆金一方面从规范性阐释出发,深刻揭示了人们应该对全球贫困者负有的道德责任;另一方面从有效性困境出发,通过对个人与集体在理性与道德之间普遍冲突的揭示,进一步解释和支撑了迪顿关于“援助悖论”的反直觉结论。然而,特姆金对困境的解释仅是分析了规范性和有效性受到质疑的原因,并未谈及解决该问题的有效思路。事实上,特姆金和迪顿之所以在“援助悖论”的困境中持观望态度,是因为他们对“善”与“好”之间观念和范围的认识含混不清。认识到这一点便能够在有效性和规范性之间实现矛盾的调和,从而进一步驱使我们对国际援助的本质及国际援助项目发展的美好前景进行重新审视。  相似文献   

新生代员工的自杀意念正在引起研究者的关注.本研究立足于职业健康心理学和积极心理学视野,汲取自我决定理论和生命意义理论的思想精髓以构建“动机-生命意义”模型,系统考察社会、组织和个体因素对自杀意念的综合影响,对揭示无精神疾患员工自杀意念产生的影响机制和心理动力机制、促进研究范式从病理取向转向积极取向具有重要的理论价值;此外,还有望开发出一套“社会-组织情境→动机→生命意义”干预方案,引导企业与政府反思其现有管理体系,帮助管理者审视其管理哲学并改善其管理行为,针对尚无自杀意念或意念处于萌芽期的员工,多层次、多途径构建员工自杀的一级防控体系和心理援助机制,促进员工与企业、社会的整体和谐发展.  相似文献   

彭坚  侯楠  庞宇 《心理科学进展》2019,27(7):1297-1306
员工绿色行为决定了组织环保成效, 是促进组织可持续发展的关键。员工绿色行为是指员工实施的一系列旨在减少对环境造成负面影响、有助于环境可持续的行为。首先, 介绍了员工绿色行为的概念、结构; 其次, 基于自我决定理论、情感事件理论、计划行为理论、社会认知理论和社会学习理论解释了员工绿色行为影响因素; 最后, 提出未来研究可以从概念界定、研究层次、研究视角(均衡视角、动态视角)三大方面做进一步拓展。  相似文献   

工作重塑理论强调员工自发主动、自下而上地对自己的工作进行重新塑造,而如何对员工的工作重塑进行干预成为了当前学术界的热点。目前的干预研究中,干预内容主要包括激发员工的重塑动机、帮助员工形成良好的重塑认知与培养员工的重塑行为三个方面。它们彼此紧密联系,研究者可以选择对某一方面进行干预或对全部的三个方面进行干预。工作重塑的干预一般可以采用理论学习、计划制定与独立工作、反馈讨论这一操作流程来加以实施。未来的研究需要继续探讨工作重塑的概念、结构与相应测量工具,为干预研究提供支撑,同时丰富干预研究的种类,完善干预研究的技术,并尝试运用现代科技资源,推动干预研究的现代化。  相似文献   

在汶川地震后的1年半时间里,灾后心理援助服务积极开展,但援助过程中存在的问题为震后灾区民众心理重建形成了阻碍.从人类学的角度,对震后心理援助进行反思,针对心理援助特点、核心理念、援助方式等问题进行深入分析,并提出心理援助应该将心理学和人类学等多学科的方法学融合、以当地文化和习俗为切入点和以学校为中心等对策,以期有效地干预灾区民众震后的心理危机、促进我国突发灾难后心理援助服务的规范化.  相似文献   

初晓 《社会心理科学》2005,20(5):248-249
员工帮助计划(EAP),是由组织为员工提供的免费福利系统,帮助员工解决心理和现实问题,通过关注员工利益来提高组织绩效。本文介绍了EAP的概念及发展情况,并着重从“适不适合、有没有用、值不值得”三个方面论证了我军引入EAP的可行性。  相似文献   

文章提出了抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情心理援助热线服务的相关伦理问题,根据危机心理援助热线的短时、远程、应急、匿名特点,结合心理咨询与心理治疗中常见伦理问题,提出在热线服务中知情同意、专业关系、胜任力三个议题需要注意的方面。  相似文献   

在汶川地震后的1年半时间里,灾后心理援助服务积极开展,但援助过程中存在的问题为震后灾区民众心理重建形成了阻碍。从人类学的角度,对震后心理援助进行反思,针对心理援助特点、核心理念、援助方式等问题进行深入分析,并提出心理援助应该将心理学和人类学等多学科的方法学融合、以当地文化和习俗为切入点和以学校为中心等对策,以期有效地干预灾区民众震后的心理危机、促进我国突发灾难后心理援助服务的规范化。  相似文献   

<正>组织与员工心理促进(EAP)专业在职博士进修班员工总有负面情绪?消极怠工成为常态?每天处理员工矛盾就占用你大量的时间和精力?组织与员工心理促进计划(EAP),协助组织和员工及其家庭成员解决所面临的工作生活心理困扰,增强组织凝聚力和员工身心健康,提高工作缋效。全球90%的500强企业均开展了EAP项目。经慎重研究决定,特向社会开放资源补录五个名额,额满即止!  相似文献   

员工帮助计划(EAP)及其在中国的发展之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文叙述了员工帮助计划(EAP)的含义、起源与发展、具体实施及作用效益,分析了EAP在中国文化背景下的应用,探讨了EAP在中国存在的必要性和服务于中国的可能性。EAP的实施,有助于发现员工的心理问题以及与之相关的组织气氛、企业文化和管理等方面的因素,EAP可以提高员工健康度和企业绩效,这对企业的决策、管理、改进和员工开发都意义重大。  相似文献   

In this article the authors describe school-based Student Assistance Programs (SAPs), which are designed to reduce adolescents' substance abuse. SAPs, modeled after Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) in the workplace, are identifying, assessing, referring, and managing the cases of substance-abusing students. Adoption of the SAP model is accelerating in response to the growing need to address substance-impaired youth with resources from both the school and the community.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of how Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are used to identify, refer, and counsel chronically distressed and troubled employees. The developmental issues of Control Data's model EAP are presented. Finally, an argument is forwarded that an effective EAP is based on 11 guiding principles. These principles are reviewed.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, an important new therapeutic delivery system has been emerging to serve the needs of the American workforce. Known as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), these company and community based programs were created to provide mental health services to workers whose job performance is impaired due to substance abuse or other difficulties. Although there are obvious similarities between the mission espoused by EAPs and traditions of the counseling psychology profession, many members of our discipline have only recently become involved in these programs. This paper discusses various reasons why counseling psychologists have not become involved with EAPs. It also presents some ways that counseling psychologists may contribute to these programs and it highlights the similarities in the philosophies and the activities of EAP and counseling psychology practitioners and scientists. Additionally, some suggestions for how to prepare counseling psychologists for entrance into the EAP profession are offered. Finally, a brief research agenda designed to guide counseling psychologists who are interested in the study of EAP related variables is presented.We are appreciative of Karen Novak's and Marilyn Bayer's editorial assistance on this paper.  相似文献   

The proliferation of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) has created new opportunities for persons in the counseling profession to examine specific psychological, sociological, and environmental factors associated with employee occupational mental health, stress-affected work performance, vocational adjustment, and job-related social behavior. In this article, we discuss the contribution that Bayer and Gerstein's (1988a) Bystander-Equity Model of Supervisory Helping Behavior can make to the pursuit of EAP research based on the traditions of the field of counseling. We also offer the field a structure for pursuing empirical and applied activities in EAP settings. Finally, we encourage counseling researchers and practitioners to respond to the challenge of working much more closely with EAPs, so that our profession can further establish its commitment to investigating various aspects of vocational behavior.  相似文献   

Businesses have dealt with substance abuse in different ways. Some organizations have established Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) to address these problems. One large national company chose to fire employees with positive drug screens, offer them EAP services, and then consider them for rehire after treatment. A study of performance records for 12,167 employees with safety incidents revealed that rehired employees had a significantly higher incident rate than the company's general population. Results indicated no difference in pre‐ and post‐EAP incident rates for rehired workers, and the post‐EAP incident rate fluctuated for 2 years. Implications of hiring/rehiring individuals who abuse drugs and alcohol are discussed, and suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   

Recently, professionals of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) have offered consultation services to a diverse clientele, thus necessitating an understanding of the complexity of problems and structures of various organizational systems and subsystems. In this article the authors describe a new Taoist paradigm as an alternative approach to conceptualizing the consultation process and to formulating successful, isomorphic interventions constructed to facilitate four change processes. The paradigm presented stresses the following: the importance of interrelationships between individuals and groups; integrating repulsion and assimilation forces; balancing human and economic factors: cooperation; reinforcing strengths rather than weaknesses; encouraging solutions instead of problems; and respecting the consultee's structure and behavior.  相似文献   

Employee Assistance Programs have received more attention in combatting alcoholism than have Employee Counselling Programs. The needs from which these two types of programs arose differ, yet the similarities between the two are greater than their contrasts. The importance in realisation of their similarities is that in so far that the spread of Employee Assistance Programs is restricted in the U.K. relative to other countries. A Comparison of the two types of program suggests there to be a greater potential benefit with the Employee Counselling Program, since it does not only have a curative element, but by its very nature, also a preventative one.Since the major characteristic of Employee Counselling Programs is to advise on coping strategies, problems tend to be brought earlier for counselling, and, indeed, by counselling antecedent problems, drinking problems still to be incurred are being negated.  相似文献   

Privacy protection is an essential part of any credible Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This article describes how invasion of privacy, defamation, and emotional distress claims can occur in EAPs. Practical guidelines are recommended to ensure that company managers and EAP staff protect troubled employees' privacy rights at all times.  相似文献   

Personal and work-related stressors experienced by employees can result in substantial costs to employers in the form of employee absenteeism. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) provide an important vehicle to assist employees with behavioral health issues, personal concerns, and work-related problems that impact employee absenteeism. This study tested the impact of EAPs on reducing employee absenteeism utilizing a well-matched control group and human resource timecard data. The study recruited employees from 20 areas of state government and used a prospective, quasi-experimental design with propensity score matching. EAP (n = 145) users were matched to non-EAP (n = 145) users on baseline demographic, psychosocial, and work-related characteristics that differentiate the groups. Hours of sick time recorded were provided by human resource offices. Differences in sick leave usage were tested using mixed model repeated measures. A steeper decline in sick leave usage for EAP than non-EAP employees was found, with estimates of 4.8 to 6.5% fewer hours lost per month to illness. Further analysis found that EAP services were most effective in helping clients move from moderate to low levels of sick leave rather than in reducing sick leave for those experiencing chronic absenteeism. Research on the effectiveness of EAPs rarely utilizes well-matched control groups and frequently relies on self-reported outcomes. Using an objective measure of work time lost, this study provides empirical evidence that users of EAP services tend to reduce their absenteeism at a faster pace than non-EAP users experiencing similar challenges to maintaining productivity.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1987,40(2):357-436
Book Reviewed in this article: SCANLON, WALTER E. Alcoholism and Drug Abuse in the Workplace: Employee Assistance Programs. SHAIN, MARTIN, SUURVALI, HELEN and BOUTILIER, MARIE. Healthier Workers: Health Promotion and Employee Assistance Programs. SONNENSTUHL, WILLIAM J. Inside an Emotional Health Program: A Field Study of Workplace Assistance for Troubled Employees. SONNENSTUHL, WILLIAM J. and TRICE, HARRISON M. Strategies for Employee Assistance Programs: The Crucial Balance (Key Issues-Number 30). BELLMAN, GEOFFREY M. The Quest for Staff Leadership. CAMP, RICHAURD R., BLANCHARD, P. NICK and HUSZCZO, GREGORY E. Toword a More Organizationally Effective Training Strategy and Practice. LANDY, FRANK J. Psychology of Work Behavior (3rd ed.). SCHNEIDER, BENJAMIN and SCHMITT, NEAL. Staffing Organizations (2nd ed.). RUBIN, BETH, SCHNEIDER, BENJAMIN, SCHMITT, NEAL and SCHNEIDER, LEE A. Instructor's Manual: Staffing Organizations (2nd ed.). STEELE, FRITZ. Making and Managing High Quality Workplaces: An Organizational Ecology. GAVIN, JAMES. Organizational Development in the Mining Industry: Theory and Practice. HAIDER, MANFRED, KOLLER, MARGIT and CERVINKA, RENATE (Eds.). Night and Shiftwork: Longterm Effects and Their Prevention (Studies in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Volume 3). STAHL, MICHAEL J. Managerial and Technical Motivation: Assessing Needs for Achievement, Power, and Affiliation. LANDY, FRANK J. (Ed.). Readings in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. LORSCH, JAY W. (Ed.). Handbook of Organizational Behavior. NADLER, LEONARD and WIGGS, GARLAND D. Managing Human Resource Development: A Practical Guide. LEWIS, CHRISTOPHER. Employee Selection. HALL, DOUGLAS T. and ASSOCIATES. Career Development in Organizations. MORGAN, GARETH. Images of Organization. CRANE, DONALD P. Personnel: The Management of Human Resources (4th ed.). DEEGAN, ARTHUR X, II. Succession Planning: Key to Corporate Excellence. FRESE, MICHAEL and SABINI, JOHN (Eds.). Goal Directed Behavior: The Concept of Action in Psychology. MANESE, WILFREDO R. Fair and Effective Employment Testing: Administrative, Psychometric and Legal Issues for the Human Resources Profession. HALL, RICHARD H. Dimensions of Work.  相似文献   

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